Commit 13e4c2f5 authored by Dan Pascu's avatar Dan Pascu

Fixed unwanted selection switching when sessions were ended

parent 6eabdf0d
......@@ -2991,6 +2991,26 @@ class ChatSessionListView(QListView):
notification_data = NotificationData(selected_session=selected_blink_session, deselected_session=deselected_blink_session)
notification_center.post_notification('BlinkSessionListSelectionChanged', sender=self, data=notification_data)
def selectionCommand(self, index, event=None):
# in case we implement DnD later, we might consider selecting the item on mouse press if there is nothing else selected (except maybe if mouse press was on the buttons area?)
# this would allow the dragged item to be selected before DnD starts, in case it is needed for the session to be active when dragged -Dan
selection_model = self.selectionModel()
if self.selectionMode() == self.NoSelection:
return selection_model.NoUpdate
elif not index.isValid() or event is None:
return selection_model.NoUpdate
elif event.type() in (QEvent.MouseButtonPress, QEvent.MouseMove):
return selection_model.NoUpdate
elif event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
index_rect = self.visualRect(index)
cross_rect = index_rect.adjusted(index_rect.width()-14, 0, 0, -index_rect.height()/2) # the top half of the rightmost 14 pixels
if cross_rect.contains(event.pos()):
return selection_model.NoUpdate
return selection_model.ClearAndSelect
return super(ChatSessionListView, self).selectionCommand(index, event)
def eventFilter(self, watched, event):
if event.type() == QEvent.Resize:
new_size = event.size()
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