<?php namespace App; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session; class Vms { var $password; var $port; var $host; var $fp = null ; var $iRetryCurrentNumber = 0 ; var $iRetryMaxNumber = 100 ; function __construct() { $this->host = config('vms.host'); // ""; $this->port = config('vms.port'); // "8021"; $this->password = config('vms.password');// "mteam"; return $this ; } private function event_socket_create() { try { $this->fp = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errdesc); } catch (Exception $e) { } if (!$this->fp) { if( $this->iRetryCurrentNumber < $this->iRetryMaxNumber ){ $this->iRetryCurrentNumber++ ; sleep(1); return $this->event_socket_create() ; }else{ die("Connection to $this->host failed"); } } $this->iRetryCurrentNumber = 0 ; socket_set_blocking($this->fp,false); if ($this->fp) { while (!feof($this->fp)) { $buffer = fgets($this->fp, 1024); usleep(100); //allow time for reponse if (trim($buffer) == "Content-Type: auth/request") { fputs($this->fp, "auth $this->password\n\n"); break; } } return $this->fp; }else { return false; } } public function event_socket_close() { $this->fp->close(); } public function eRequest( $cmd ) { if( is_null( $this->fp ) ){ $this->event_socket_create(); } if ($this->fp) { //var_dump($cmd); fputs($this->fp, $cmd."\n\n"); usleep(100); //allow time for response $response = ''; $length = 0; $x = 0; while (!feof($this->fp) ) { $x++; usleep(10); $theNewData = stream_get_line($this->fp, 4096, "\n"); if ($length > 0) { $response .= $theNewData . "\n"; } if ($length == 0 && strpos($theNewData, 'Content-Length:') !== false) { $length = (int)str_replace('Content-Length: ', '', $theNewData); } if ($length > 0 && strlen($response) >= $length) { break; } if ($x > 10000) break; } $this->fp = null; // If a JSON response, process the event, otherwise return the raw result if ((strpos($response, '{') === 0) || (substr($response, 0,2) == '[{')) { $response = $this->getJsonReponseClean( $response ) ; if( is_array( $response )){ $myFSEvent = new FreeSwitchEvent(); $myFSEvent = $myFSEvent->loadFromArray( $response ) ; $this->SendFreeSwitchEvent( $myFSEvent ); } }else{ return $response; } }else { echo "no handle"; } } /* * Send FreeSwitchEvent to ... */ private function SendFreeSwitchEvent( $_FreeSwitchEvent ){ if( !is_null( $_FreeSwitchEvent ) ){ var_dump( $_FreeSwitchEvent ) ; } return true ; } public function isConfStreaming($r){ $arConf = $this->getConferenceArray($r); $stream = false; if( empty($arConf["members"]) ){ return false; } foreach( $arConf["members"] as $mbr ){ if(!empty($mbr["type"])){ if( $mbr["type"] == 'recording_node' ){ if( substr($mbr["record_path"],0,4) == 'rtmp' ){ $stream = true; } } } } return $stream; } public function getConferenceArray($r){ $response = $this->eRequest( "api conference ".$r." json_list" ); if( substr($response,0,4) == "-ERR" ) { return "Server error"; } if( empty($response)) { return "Server response is empty";} $arRespArRooms = json_decode($response."}]",true); return $arRespArRooms[0]; } public function getConfNumberInfos($i){ if( empty($i["room"]) ){ return array("result"=>"error", "msg"=>"No room"); } $arRespArRooms = $this->getConferenceArray($i["room"]); $mmbrs = 0; if( empty($arRespArRooms["members"]) ){ return array("result"=>"error", "msg"=>"No room"); } foreach( $arRespArRooms["members"] as $mbr ){ if(!empty($mbr["caller_id_name"])){ if( $mbr["caller_id_name"] != "Admin"){ $mmbrs++; } } //"conference_name" } return array( "conference" => $arRespArRooms["conference_name"], "mcount" => $mmbrs, "conference_uuid" => $arRespArRooms["conference_uuid"], "msgs" => 10, ); } public function getAllWssUsers(){ $usResponse = $this->eRequest( "api verto status" ); $arUsLines = explode("\n",$usResponse); $arUsers = array(); $uCols = array(); foreach( $arUsLines as $users ){ $arVals = preg_match("/::(\d{3,})\@\d{1,2}.*?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}):\d{3,5}/",$users,$matches); //var_dump( $matches ); if( !empty($matches) ){ $arUsers[$matches[1]] = $matches; } //$arLine = explode(" ",$users); //if($arLine[""]) } return $arUsers; } public function getChannelsInfo($room=false){ $usResponse = $this->eRequest( "api show channels" ); $arUsLines = explode("\n",$usResponse); $arChannels = array(); $uCols = array(); foreach( $arUsLines as $chans ){ $arLine = explode(",",$chans); if( count($arLine) > 1 ){ if( $arLine[0] == "uuid"){ foreach( $arLine as $cl ){ $uCols[] = $cl; } } else { $nChan = array(); foreach( $arLine as $uKey=>$uLine ){ $nChan[$uCols[$uKey]] = $uLine; } if( (!empty($room)) && ($nChan["dest"] != $room) && ( $nChan["application_data"] != $room) ) { continue; } $arChannels[$nChan["uuid"]] = $nChan; } } } return $arChannels; } public function getOnlineUsers(){ $usResponse = $this->eRequest( "api show registrations" ); $arUsLines = explode("\n",$usResponse); $arOnlines = array(); $uCols = array(); foreach( $arUsLines as $users ){ if( strlen($users) < 20 ){ continue; } $arLine = explode(",",$users); if( $arLine[0] == "reg_user"){ foreach( $arLine as $cl ){ $uCols[] = $cl; } } else { $nUser = array(); foreach( $arLine as $uKey=>$uLine ){ $nUser[$uCols[$uKey]] = $uLine; } $arOnlines[$nUser["reg_user"]] = $nUser; } } return $arOnlines; } public function getAllUsersByRooms(){ $usResponse = $this->getAllUsers(); $rUsrs = array(); foreach($usResponse as $usr) { $rUsrs[$usr["callgroup"]][] = $usr; } return $rUsrs; } public function getOneUserInfo($num){ if(empty($num)){ return false; } $arsUser = DB::table('clients')->where('number', $num)->get(); if(empty($arsUser)){ return false; } $arUser = json_decode(json_encode($arsUser[0]),true); $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); if( !file_exists( $users_path ."vmj_".$num.".xml") ){ return false; } $arXmlFileUser = $this->XML2JSON( $users_path."vmj_".$num.".xml" ); if(empty($arXmlFileUser)){ return false; } $arUser["peer"] = self::getUserDataFromXML($arXmlFileUser); return $arUser; } public function getAllUsers($room=false){ //$arWssUsers = $this->getAllWssUsers(); $dbUsers = DB::select('select * from clients'); $ardbUsers = array(); $ardbLoginUsers = array(); foreach($dbUsers as $dbusr){ $ardbUsers[] = $dbusr->number; $ardbLoginUsers[$dbusr->number] = $dbusr; } //->login $usResponse = $this->eRequest( "api list_users" ); $arUsLines = explode("\n",$usResponse); $arUsers = array(); $uCols = array(); foreach( $arUsLines as $users ){ $arLine = explode("|",$users); if( count($arLine) > 1 ){ if( $arLine[0] == "userid"){ foreach( $arLine as $cl ){ $uCols[] = $cl; } } else { $nUser = array(); foreach( $arLine as $uKey=>$uLine ){ /*if( !empty($arWssUsers[1]) ){ if($arWssUsers[1] == $uLine["userid"]){ $uLine["contact"] = "wss://".$arWssUsers[2]; } }*/ $nUser[$uCols[$uKey]] = $uLine; } if(!empty($room)) { if( $nUser["callgroup"] != $room) { continue; }} if($nUser["userid"]=="default") { continue; } if( in_array($nUser["userid"],$ardbUsers) ){ $nUser["peertype"]='webrtc'; } else { $nUser["peertype"]='sip'; } if( !empty($ardbLoginUsers[$nUser["userid"]]) ){ $nUser["login"]=$ardbLoginUsers[$nUser["userid"]]->login; $nUser["name"]=$ardbLoginUsers[$nUser["userid"]]->name; $nUser["bandwidth_in"]=$ardbLoginUsers[$nUser["userid"]]->bandwidth_in; $nUser["bandwidth_out"]=$ardbLoginUsers[$nUser["userid"]]->bandwidth_out; } else { $nUser["name"]= (!empty($nUser["effective_caller_id_name"])) ? $nUser["effective_caller_id_name"] : "SomeOne"; } $arUsers[$nUser["userid"]] = $nUser; } } } return $arUsers; } public function getOneRoom($r){ $rPath = config('vms.rooms_path'); $room_file = $rPath . "vmj_" . $r . ".xml"; $arRoom = $this->XML2JSON( $room_file ); if(!$arRoom){ return false;} return $this->getRoomData($arRoom); } public function getActiveItemData($d){ if( (empty($d['room']) )){ return "No Room";} if( $d['lid']>-1 ){ $lid = $d['lid']; } else { return "No Layer id"; } $response = $this->eRequest( "api conference " . $d["room"] . " json_list"); if( substr($response,0,4) == "-ERR" ) { return "Server error"; } if( empty($response)) { return "Server response is empty";} $arRespArRooms = json_decode($response."}]",true); $arRespArRoom = $arRespArRooms[0]; foreach( $arRespArRoom["members"] as $mbr ){ if( isset($mbr["video_layer_id"]) ){ if( $mbr["video_layer_id"] == $lid ){ return $mbr; } } } return "No found Layer id - ".$lid; } public function getActiveRoomData($room){ if( empty( $room )) { return []; } $response = $this->eRequest( "api conference ".$room." json_list" ); if( substr($response,0,4) == "-ERR" ) { return []; } if( empty($response)) { return [];} $arRespArRooms = json_decode($response."}]",true); $arRespArRoom = $arRespArRooms[0]; $arChans = $this->getChannelsInfo($room); $arOnlineSips = $this->getOnlineUsers(); $arRoomUsers = $this->getAllUsers($room); $arRoomAllUsers = []; $arRoomOFFUsers = []; $arRoomVideoUsers = []; $arRoomVoiceUsers = []; $arRespArRoom["members_old"] = $arRespArRoom["members"]; if(!empty($arRespArRoom["members"])){ foreach( $arRespArRoom["members"] as $mKey => $mmbrs ){ if( $mmbrs["type"] == "recording_node"){ if( substr($mmbrs["record_path"],-6) == "stream" ){ $arRespArRoom["streaming"] = $mmbrs; } else { $arRespArRoom["recordings"] = $mmbrs; } unset($arRespArRoom["members"][$mKey]); continue; } if(empty($mmbrs["uuid"])){ unset($arRespArRoom["members"][$mKey]); continue; } if(($mmbrs["caller_id_name"] == "Admin")){ unset($arRespArRoom["members"][$mKey]); continue; } /*if( isset($mmbrs["video_layer_id"]) ){ if(($mmbrs["video_layer_id"] == "-1") && $mmbrs["flags"]["hold"] == false){ unset($arRespArRoom["members"][$mKey]); continue; } }*/ if( (!empty($arChans[$mmbrs["uuid"]])) ){ /*if( $mmbrs["caller_id_name"] == "Outbound Call" ){ $mmbrs["caller_id_name"] = $arRoomUsers[$mmbrs["caller_id_number"]]["effective_caller_id_name"]; } $arRespArRoom["members"][$mKey]["fullname"] = $mmbrs["caller_id_name"]; $arRespArRoom["members"][$mKey]["more"] = $arChans[$mmbrs["uuid"]]; $mmbrs["fullname"] = $mmbrs["caller_id_name"]; $mmbrs["more"] = $arChans[$mmbrs["uuid"]]; */ unset($arRoomUsers[$mmbrs["caller_id_number"]]); } if( ($mmbrs["video_layer_id"] == "-1") && ($mmbrs["flags"]["hold"] == false) ){ if( $mmbrs["caller_id_name"] == "Outbound Call" ){ $mmbrs["caller_id_name"] = $arRoomUsers[$mmbrs["caller_id_number"]]["effective_caller_id_name"]; } $mmbrs["caller_id_name"] = '<i class="fa fa-microphone"></i> '.$mmbrs["caller_id_name"]; $mmbrs["calltype"] = 'audio'; $mmbrs["fullname"] = $mmbrs["caller_id_name"]; if( !empty($arChans[$mmbrs["uuid"]]) ){ $mmbrs["more"] = $arChans[$mmbrs["uuid"]]; } $arRoomVoiceUsers[] = $mmbrs; unset($arRespArRoom["members"][$mKey]); continue; } else { if( $mmbrs["caller_id_name"] == "Outbound Call" ){ if(!empty($arRoomUsers[$mmbrs["caller_id_number"]])){ $mmbrs["caller_id_name"] = $arRoomUsers[$mmbrs["caller_id_number"]]["effective_caller_id_name"]; } } $mmbrs["caller_id_name"] = '<i class="fa fa-video-camera"></i> '.$mmbrs["caller_id_name"]; $mmbrs["calltype"] = 'video'; $mmbrs["fullname"] = $mmbrs["caller_id_name"]; $mmbrs["more"] = ( !empty($arChans[$mmbrs["uuid"]]) ) ? $arChans[$mmbrs["uuid"]] : []; $arRoomVideoUsers[] = $mmbrs; unset($arRespArRoom["members"][$mKey]); continue; } } } else { $arRespArRoom["conference"] = 'offline'; } foreach( $arRoomUsers as $uKey=>$usr ){ if( !empty($arOnlineSips[$usr["userid"]]) ){ $usr["network_ip"] = $arOnlineSips[$usr["userid"]]["network_ip"]; $usr["network_port"] = $arOnlineSips[$usr["userid"]]["network_port"]; $arRoomAllUsers[] = $usr; } else { $arRoomOFFUsers[] = $usr; } /**if( substr($usr["contact"],0,5) == "error" ){ $arRoomOFFUsers[] = $usr; } else { // $arRoomUsers unset($arRoomUsers[$uKey]); } */ } $arRoomAllUsers = array_merge_recursive($arRoomAllUsers,$arRoomOFFUsers); $arRespArRoom["members"] = array_merge_recursive($arRoomVideoUsers,$arRoomVoiceUsers); $roomData = $this->getOneRoom($room); $roomProfile = $this->getOneProfile( $roomData["profile"] ); //$room_currlayout_name = (!empty($arRespArRoom["current_video_layout_name"])) ? $arRespArRoom["current_video_layout_name"] : ""; $room_currlayout_name = (!empty($arRespArRoom["canvases"][0]["vlayout_name"])) ? $arRespArRoom["canvases"][0]["vlayout_name"] : ""; $room_layout_name = ((empty($room_currlayout_name))&&(!empty($roomProfile["video-layout-name"]))) ? $roomProfile["video-layout-name"] : $room_currlayout_name; $roomLayout = $this->get_one_layout( $room_layout_name ); //$roomLayout = $this->get_one_layout( $roomProfile["video-layout-name"] ); $arRespArRoom["data"] = $roomData; $arRespArRoom["profile"] = $roomProfile; $arRespArRoom["video-layout"] = $roomLayout; $arRespArRoom["channels"] = $arChans; //$arRoomUsers; $arRespArRoom["offline_members"] = $arRoomAllUsers; //$arRoomUsers; //$recs_path = $rPath = config('vms.records_path'); return $arRespArRoom; } public function list_recordings($i){ if( empty($i["room"]) ){ return ""; } $room = $i["room"]; $recs_path = $rPath = config('vms.records_path'); $files = array_diff(scandir($recs_path), array('.', '..')); if( empty($files) ) {return "";} $elems = array(); foreach( $files as $recf ){ $rl = strlen($room); if( substr($recf,0,$rl) == $room ){ $elems[] = array("filename"=>$recf, "size"=>filesize($recs_path.$recf)); } } return $elems; } public function getUserPass($i){ if( empty($i["number"]) ) { return false; } $num = $i["number"]; $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); if( file_exists($users_path."vmj_".$num.".xml") ){ $arUser = $this->XML2JSON( $users_path."vmj_".$num.".xml" ); if(empty($arUser)){ return false; } $elR = self::getUserDataFromXML($arUser); if( !empty($elR["password"]) ){ return $elR["password"]; } } else { return false; } } public function removeUser($num){ $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); if( file_exists($users_path."vmj_".$num.".xml") ){ unlink( $users_path."vmj_".$num.".xml" ); $response = $this->eRequest( "api reloadxml" ); DB::table('clients')->where('number',$num)->delete(); return "ok"; } return $num." - file is not found. (".$users_path."vmj_".$num.".xml)"; } public function changeProfileLayout($i){ if( (empty($i["room"])) || (empty($i["layout"]))){ return array("result"=>"error","msg"=>"Layout or Room is empty");} $arRoom = $this->getOneRoom($i["room"]); return array("result"=>"ok","msg"=>$arRoom); if( !empty($arRoom["conference"])){ //$arProf = getOneProfile($pr) //$prof_path = config('vms.profiles_path'); } } public function getOneProfile($pr){ $prof_path = config('vms.profiles_path'); if( file_exists($prof_path."vmj_".$pr.".xml") ){ $arProfile = $this->XML2JSON( $prof_path."vmj_".$pr.".xml" ); if(empty($arProfile)){ return false; } return $this->getProfileData($arProfile); } else { return false; } } public function getAllProfiles(){ $prof_path = config('vms.profiles_path'); $files = array_diff(scandir($prof_path), array('.', '..')); if( empty($files) ) {return "";} $elems = array(); foreach( $files as $xmlf ){ $arProfile = $this->XML2JSON( $prof_path.$xmlf ); //var_dump($arProfile); if(!$arProfile){ continue; } $elR = $this->getProfileData($arProfile); $elems[$elR["name"]] = $elR; } return $elems; } public function getNewRoomNumberByMinMax($min,$max){ $rPath = config('vms.rooms_path'); $files = array_diff(scandir($rPath), array('.', '..')); if( empty($files) ) {return "";} $elems = array(); foreach( $files as $xmlf ){ $arRoom = $this->XML2JSON( $rPath.$xmlf ); if(!$arRoom){ continue; } $elR = $this->getRoomData($arRoom); if( ($elR["number"]>=$min) && ($elR["number"]<=$max) ){ $elems[$elR["number"]] = $elR["number"]; } } $lastNum = max(array_keys($elems)); return $lastNum + 1; } public function getAllRoomsArray(){ $rPath = config('vms.rooms_path'); $files = array_diff(scandir($rPath), array('.', '..')); if( empty($files) ) {return "";} $elems = array(); foreach( $files as $xmlf ){ $arRoom = $this->XML2JSON( $rPath.$xmlf ); if(!$arRoom){ continue; } $elR = $this->getRoomData($arRoom); $elems[$elR["number"]] = $elR["number"]; } return $elems; } public function getAllRooms(){ $rPath = config('vms.rooms_path'); $arDbRooms = collect(DB::table('rooms')->get())->keyBy('number'); // TODO TO DO DOING //$arUsrs = $this->getAllUsersByRooms(); $arUsrs = $this->getAllUsers(); $files = array_diff(scandir($rPath), array('.', '..')); if( empty($files) ) {return "";} $elems = array(); foreach( $files as $xmlf ){ $arRoom = $this->XML2JSON( $rPath.$xmlf ); if(!$arRoom){ continue; } $elR = $this->getRoomData($arRoom); $arRoomUserNums = (!empty($arDbRooms[$elR["number"]]->users) ) ? json_decode($arDbRooms[$elR["number"]]->users) : []; $roomUsers = []; $roomUserNames = []; foreach($arRoomUserNums as $rnm ){ if( !empty($arUsrs[$rnm]) ){ $roomUsers[] = $arUsrs[$rnm]; $roomUserNames[$rnm] = $arUsrs[$rnm]["name"]; } } $elR["userscount"] = (!empty($arRoomUserNums)) ? count($arRoomUserNums) : 0; $elR["users"] = (!empty($arDbRooms[$elR["number"]])) ? implode(",",$arRoomUserNums) : 0; $elR["usernames"] = $roomUserNames; $elR["arusers"] = $roomUsers ; $elems[$elR["number"]] = $elR; } return $elems; } public function getAllActiveRooms(){ // Get Rooms Statuses in System $response = $this->eRequest( "api conference json_list" ); if( empty($response)) { return "";} $arRespRooms = json_decode($response."}]",true); $arActiveRooms = array(); foreach( $arRespRooms as $aRoom ){ $arActiveRooms[$aRoom["conference_name"]] = $aRoom; } return $arActiveRooms; } public static function getUserDataFromXML($arUser){ $r = array(); $r["number"] = $arUser["user"]["id"]; foreach( $arUser["user"]["params"]["param"] as $prs ){ if( $prs["name"] == "password" ){ $r["password"] = $prs["value"]; } } foreach( $arUser["user"]["variables"]["variable"] as $vars ){ if( $vars["name"] == "callgroup" ){ $r["room"] = $vars["value"]; } if( $vars["name"] == "effective_caller_id_name" ){ $r["name"] = $vars["value"]; } } return $r; } public function getProfileData($arProf){ $p = array(); $p["name"] = $arProf["name"]; foreach ( $arProf["param"] as $prm ){ if( !empty($prm["name"]) ){ $p[$prm["name"]] = $prm["value"]; } } return $p; } public static function getRoomData($arRoom){ $r = array(); $r["name"] = $arRoom["extension"]["name"]; $numPregs = preg_match("/[0-9]{1,}/",$arRoom["extension"]["condition"]["expression"],$nummatch); $r["number"] = $nummatch[0]; //substr($arRoom["extension"]["condition"]["expression"],1,-1); foreach ( $arRoom["extension"]["condition"]["action"] as $a ){ //var_dump($a); if( !empty($a["data"]) ){ if( substr($a["data"],0,17) == "video_banner_text" ){ $tSts = substr($a["data"],18); $arBr = explode("}",$tSts); $arBanner = explode(",",substr($arBr[0],1)); $r["subtitle_text"] = $arBr[1]; $r["subtitle"] = array(); foreach( $arBanner as $bv ){ $arb = explode("=",$bv); $r["subtitle"][$arb[0]] = $arb[1]; } } if( $a["application"] == "conference" ){ $r["profile"] = substr($a["data"],7); } if( substr($a["data"],0,23) == "conference_member_flags" ){ $r["member_flags"] = substr($a["data"],24); } } } return $r; } private static function getActiveRooms(){ //conference json_list } /* Metod: Save or create USER Usage: saveUser([num,password,name,<room>]) */ public function saveUser($arPeer){ /* num password name room */ if( empty($arPeer["num"]) || empty($arPeer["password"]) || empty($arPeer["name"])){ return false; } if( $arPeer["nopass"] ){ $uPass = $arPeer["password"]; } elseif( !empty($arPeer["typeuser"]) ) { if($arPeer["typeuser"]=="webrtc") { $webrtc = true; $uPass = md5($arPeer["password"]); } else { $uPass = $arPeer["password"]; } } else { $uPass = $arPeer["password"]; } if( empty($arPeer["room"]) ) { $pRoom = '7777';} else { $pRoom = $arPeer["room"]; } $db_bandwidth_in = ''; $db_bandwidth_out = ''; if( !empty($arPeer["ptzurl"]) ) { $ptzurl = $arPeer["ptzurl"];} else { $ptzurl = ""; } if( !empty($arPeer["bandwidth_in"]) ) { $db_bandwidth_in = $arPeer["bandwidth_in"]; $bandwidth_in = '<variable name="rtp_video_max_bandwidth_in" value="'.$arPeer["bandwidth_in"].'kb"/>';} else { $bandwidth_in = ""; } if( !empty($arPeer["bandwidth_out"]) ) { $db_bandwidth_out = $arPeer["bandwidth_out"]; $bandwidth_out = '<variable name="rtp_video_max_bandwidth_out" value="'.$arPeer["bandwidth_out"].'kb"/>';} else { $bandwidth_out = ""; } /* <variable name="rtp_video_max_bandwidth_in" value="20kb"/> <variable name="rtp_video_max_bandwidth_out" value="20kb"/> */ $peer_temp = '<include> <user id="'.$arPeer["num"].'"> <params> <param name="password" value="'.$uPass.'"/> <param name="vm-password" value="'.$uPass.'"/> </params> <variables> '.$bandwidth_in .' '.$bandwidth_out .' <variable name="toll_allow" value="domestic,international,local"/> <variable name="accountcode" value="'.$arPeer["num"].'"/> <variable name="user_context" value="default"/> <variable name="effective_caller_id_name" value="'.$arPeer["name"].'"/> <variable name="effective_caller_id_number" value="'.$arPeer["num"].'"/> <variable name="outbound_caller_id_name" value="'.$arPeer["name"].'"/> <variable name="outbound_caller_id_number" value="'.$arPeer["num"].'"/> <variable name="callgroup" value="'.$pRoom.'"/> <variable name="ptzurl" value="'.$ptzurl.'"/> </variables> </user> </include>'; if( $this->save_user_file($arPeer["num"], $peer_temp) ){ $response = $this->eRequest( "api reloadxml" ); if($arPeer["typeuser"]=="webrtc"){ $jsonRoomUsers = DB::table('rooms')->where('number', $pRoom)->value('users'); if(!empty($jsonRoomUsers)){ $arRoomUsers = json_decode($jsonRoomUsers); if(empty($arRoomUsers[$arPeer["num"]])){ $arRoomUsers[] = $arPeer["num"]; $rusrEditData['users'] = json_encode( $arRoomUsers ); DB::table('rooms')->where('number', $pRoom)->update($rusrEditData); } } $params_Save_User = [ 'number' => $arPeer["num"], 'login' => $arPeer["login"], 'password' => $uPass, 'name' => $arPeer["name"], 'bandwidth_in' => $db_bandwidth_in, 'bandwidth_out' => $db_bandwidth_out, 'typeuser' => $arPeer["typeuser"], //'room' =>$pRoom ]; $myuid = DB::table('clients')->where('number', $arPeer["num"])->value('id'); if(!empty($myuid)){ $updans = DB::table('clients')->where('id', $myuid)->update($params_Save_User); $anstype = 'upd'; } else { $uid = DB::table('clients')->insertGetId($params_Save_User); $anstype = 'ins'; } } $arPeer["prms"] = $params_Save_User; $arPeer["type"] = $anstype; return $arPeer; } } public function saveRoom( $r ){ /* saveRoom( number | 7777 name | vMajlis member_flags | join-vid-floor conf_profile | 'video-mcu-stereo' ) */ if( empty($r["number"]) || empty($r["name"]) ) { return "Room name is empty"; } if( empty($r["name"])) { $r["name"] = 'vMajlis-'.random_int(1234, 8899); } if( empty($r["conf_profile"]) ){ $r["conf_profile"] = 'vmj_default_profile'; } //video-mcu-stereo $room_xml = $this->createRoomXml( $r ); if( $this->save_room_file($r["number"], $room_xml) ){ if( !empty($r["roomusers"])) { //rooms /* id int(10) unsigned Автоматическое приращение name varchar(255) number varchar(10) profile varchar(100) users text desc text pin varchar(255) layout varchar(255) created_at timestamp [0000-00-00 00:00:00] updated_at timestamp [0000-00-00 00:00:00] */ $roomData = [ 'name' => $r["name"], 'number' => $r["number"], 'users' => (!empty($r["roomusers"])) ? json_encode($r["roomusers"]) : "", 'profile' => (!empty($r["conf_profile"])) ? $r["conf_profile"] : "", 'desc' => (!empty($r["desc"])) ? $r["desc"] : "", 'pin' => (!empty($r["pin"])) ? $r["pin"] : "", 'layout' => (!empty($r["layout"])) ? $r["layout"] : "", ]; $rid = DB::table('rooms')->where('number', $r['number'])->value('id'); if( !empty($rid) ){ DB::table('rooms')->where('id', $rid)->update($roomData); $retAns = $rid."_Upd"; } else { $rid = DB::table('rooms')->insertGetId($roomData); $retAns = $rid."_Ins"; } } return "ok"; } else { return "File not saved"; } } public function generateRandomString($length = 10) { $characters = '_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } private static function createRoomXml( $r ){ /* //profile | cdquality_stereo_conferences number | 7777 name | vMajlis member_flags | join-vid-floor */ if( empty($r["number"]) || empty($r["name"]) ) { return false; } if( !empty($r["member_flags"])) { $member_flags = "\t\t\t".'<action application="set" data="conference_member_flags='.$r["member_flags"].'"/>'."\n"; } else { $member_flags = ''; } if( !empty($r["conf_profile"])) { $conf_profile = $r["conf_profile"]; } else { $conf_profile = 'vmj_default_profile'; } //video-mcu-stereo if( !empty($r["conference_controls"])) { $conference_controls = "\t\t\t".$r["conference_controls"]."\n"; } else { $conference_controls = ''; } return '<include>'."\n". "\t".'<extension name="'.$r["name"].'">'."\n". "\t\t".'<condition field="destination_number" expression="^('.$r["number"].')(\d)$">'."\n". "\t\t\t".'<action application="jitterbuffer" data="50"/>'."\n". "\t\t\t".'<action application="export" data="nolocal:jitterbuffer_msec=50"/>'."\n". "\t\t\t".'<action application="set" data="rtp_jitter_buffer_plc=true"/>'."\n". "\t\t\t".'<action application="answer"/>'."\n". "\t\t\t".'<action application="send_display" data="'.$r["name"].'|$1"/>'."\n". "\t\t\t".'<action application="set" data="video_mute_png=/usr/local/freeswitch/vmajlis_images/video-mute.png"/>'."\n". "\t\t\t".'<action application="system" data="php /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/scripts/make_png_text.php \'${caller_id_name}\' \'/tmp/${caller_id_name}.png\' \'1920\' \'1080\'"/>'."\n". "\t\t\t".'<action application="set" data="video_logo_path={position=center-bot}/tmp/${caller_id_name}.png"/>'."\n". $member_flags. $conference_controls. "\t\t\t".'<action application="conference" data="$1@'.$conf_profile.'+flags{moderator}"/>'."\n". "\t\t".'</condition>'."\n". "\t".'</extension>'."\n". '</include>'; /* <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(7777)(\d)?$"> <action application="log" data="$1-$2"/> <action application="jitterbuffer" data="50"/> <action application="export" data="nolocal:jitterbuffer_msec=50"/> <action application="set" data="rtp_jitter_buffer_plc=true"/> <action application="answer"/> <action application="send_display" data="Technounit-GROUP|$1"/> <!--action application="set" data="rtp_video_max_bandwidth_in=512kb"/--> <!--action application="set" data="rtp_video_max_bandwidth_out=512kb"/--> <action application="set" data="video_mute_png=/usr/local/freeswitch/vmajlis_images/video-mute.png"/> <action application="system" data="php /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/scripts/make_png_text.php '${caller_id_name}' '/tmp/${caller_id_name}.png' '1920' '1080'"/> <action application="set" data="video_logo_path={position=center-bot}/tmp/${caller_id_name}.png"/> <action application="conference" data="$1@vmj_default_profile+flags{moderator}"/> </condition> */ } /* Metod: Save or create PROFILE Usage: saveUser([num,password,name,<room>]) */ public function saveLayout($arLayout){ if( (empty($arLayout["name"])) || (empty($arLayout["blocks"])) ){ return false; } if( !is_array($arLayout["blocks"]) ) { return false; } $lName = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $arLayout["name"]); if( empty($lName) ) { return false; } $auto_3d_position = ( !empty($arProf["auto-3d-position"]) ) ? $arProf["auto-3d-position"] : "false"; $layout_temp = '<layout name="$lName" auto-3d-position="'.$auto_3d_position.'"> <image x="0" y="0" scale="144" floor="true"/> <image x="144" y="0" scale="144"/> <image x="288" y="0" scale="72"/> <image x="288" y="72" scale="72"/> <image x="288" y="144" scale="72"/> <image x="0" y="216" scale="72"/> <image x="72" y="216" scale="72"/> <image x="144" y="216" scale="72"/> <image x="216" y="216" scale="72"/> <image x="288" y="216" scale="72"/> <image x="0" y="288" scale="72"/> <image x="72" y="288" scale="72"/> <image x="144" y="288" scale="72"/> <image x="216" y="288" scale="72"/> <image x="288" y="288" scale="72"/> </layout>'; if( $this->save_layout_file($lName, $peer_temp) ){ $response = $this->eRequest( "api reloadxml" ); return "ok"; } } /* Metod: Save or create PROFILE Usage: saveUser([num,password,name,<room>]) */ public function saveProfile($arProf){ /* name video-layout-name (2top+15) video-canvas-size (1920x1080) video-canvas-bgcolor (#333333) video-layout-bgcolor (#000000) video-codec-bandwidth (2mb) video-fps (30) <!-- <param name="tts-engine" value="flite"/> --> <!-- <param name="tts-voice" value="kal16"/> --> */ if( empty($arProf["name"]) ){ return "Name is empty"; } $pName = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $arProf["name"]); if( empty($pName) ) { return "Name is empty"; } $video_layout_name = ( !empty($arProf["video-layout-name"]) ) ? $arProf["video-layout-name"] : "2top+15"; $video_canvas_size = ( !empty($arProf["video-canvas-size"]) ) ? $arProf["video-canvas-size"] : "1280x720"; $video_canvas_bgcolor = ( !empty($arProf["video-canvas-bgcolor"]) ) ? $arProf["video-canvas-bgcolor"] : "#333333"; $video_layout_bgcolor = ( !empty($arProf["video-layout-bgcolor"]) ) ? $arProf["video-layout-bgcolor"] : "#000000"; $video_codec_bandwidth = ( !empty($arProf["video-codec-bandwidth"]) ) ? $arProf["video-codec-bandwidth"] : "2mb"; $video_fps = ( !empty($arProf["video-fps"]) ) ? $arProf["video-fps"] : "30"; $peer_temp = '<profile name="'.$pName.'"> <param name="domain" value="$${domain}"/> <param name="rate" value="48000"/> <param name="channels" value="2"/> <param name="interval" value="20"/> <param name="energy-level" value="200"/> <param name="muted-sound" value="conference/conf-muted.wav"/> <param name="unmuted-sound" value="conference/conf-unmuted.wav"/> <param name="alone-sound" value="conference/conf-alone.wav"/> <param name="moh-sound" value="$${hold_music}"/> <param name="enter-sound" value="tone_stream://%(200,0,500,600,700)"/> <param name="exit-sound" value="tone_stream://%(500,0,300,200,100,50,25)"/> <param name="kicked-sound" value="conference/conf-kicked.wav"/> <param name="locked-sound" value="conference/conf-locked.wav"/> <param name="is-locked-sound" value="conference/conf-is-locked.wav"/> <param name="is-unlocked-sound" value="conference/conf-is-unlocked.wav"/> <param name="pin-sound" value="conference/conf-pin.wav"/> <param name="bad-pin-sound" value="conference/conf-bad-pin.wav"/> <param name="caller-id-name" value="$${outbound_caller_name}"/> <param name="caller-id-number" value="$${outbound_caller_id}"/> <param name="comfort-noise" value="false"/> <param name="conference-flags" value="video-floor-only|rfc-4579|livearray-sync|minimize-video-encoding"/> <param name="video-mode" value="mux"/> <param name="video-layout-name" value="'.$video_layout_name.'"/> <param name="video-canvas-size" value="'.$video_canvas_size.'"/> <param name="video-canvas-bgcolor" value="'.$video_canvas_bgcolor.'"/> <param name="video-layout-bgcolor" value="'.$video_layout_bgcolor.'"/> <param name="video-codec-bandwidth" value="'.$video_codec_bandwidth.'"/> <param name="video-fps" value="'.$video_fps.'"/> </profile>'; if( $this->save_profile_file($pName, $peer_temp) ){ $response = $this->eRequest( "api reloadxml" ); return "ok"; } } private function normalizeSimpleXML($obj, &$result) { $data = $obj; if (is_object($data)) { $data = get_object_vars($data); } if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $res = null; $this->normalizeSimpleXML($value, $res); if (($key == '@attributes') && ($key)) { $result = $res; } else { $result[$key] = $res; } } } else { $result = $data; } } public function XML2JSON($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } $xml = file_get_contents($file); $this->normalizeSimpleXML(simplexml_load_string($xml), $result); $json_ret = json_encode($result); return json_decode($json_ret,TRUE); } private function getJsonReponseClean( $response ){ $pattern = '/(.*){(.*)}(.*)/m'; $replacement = '{$2}'; $response = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $response ); try { $response = json_decode($response, true ) ; } catch (Exception $e) { return false ; } if( is_array( $response ) ){ return $response ; } return false ; } public function is_number_isset($num){ $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); return file_exists($users_path."vmj_".$num.".xml"); } public function checkWrtcMdpUidEnter($i){ if( (empty($i["uid"])) || (empty($i["mdp"])) ){ return false; } $user = DB::table('clients')->where('id', $i['uid'])->where('password', $i["mdp"])->get(); $u = $user[0]; $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); if( !file_exists( $users_path ."vmj_".$u->number.".xml") ){ return false; } \Session::forget('ulogin'); \Session::forget('uname'); \Session::forget('unumber'); \Session::forget('upass'); \Session::forget('utocall'); \Session::set('ulogin',$u->login); \Session::set('uname',$u->name); \Session::set('unumber',$u->number); \Session::set('upass',$u->password); \Session::set('utocall',$u->room); return $u; } public function addLiveStreamWatcher($i){ return DB::table('streamviewers')->insertGetId( [ 'datetime' => date("d.m.Y H:i:s"), 'timestamp' => time(), 'name' => $i["name"], 'login' => $i["login"], 'ip' => $i["ip"], 'brw' => $i["brw"], 'desc' => $i["desc"] ] ); } public function checkWrtcPassAndEnter($i){ if( empty($i["uid"]) ){ return "No User ID"; } if( (empty($i["password"])) && (empty($i["mdpassword"])) ){ return "No Password"; } /*if( (empty($i["uid"])) || (empty($i["password"]) && empty($i["mdpassword"])) ){ return false; }*/ $hPass = (!empty($i["mdpassword"])) ? $i["mdpassword"] : md5($i['password']); $user = DB::table('clients')->where('id', $i['uid'])->where('password', $hPass)->get(); if( !empty($user[0]) ){ return $this->enterToSystemIfGoodLogin($user[0]); } else { return "Bad Password (".$hPass .")"; } } public function enterToSystemIfGoodLogin($u){ if( $u->typeuser == "live" ){ \Session::forget('ulogin'); \Session::forget('uname'); \Session::forget('unumber'); \Session::forget('upass'); \Session::forget('uroom'); \Session::forget('utype'); \Session::set('ulogin',$u->login); \Session::set('uname',$u->name); \Session::set('unumber',$u->number); \Session::set('upass',$u->password); \Session::set('uroom',$u->room); \Session::set('utype',$u->typeuser); return json_decode(json_encode($u),true); } $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); if( !file_exists( $users_path ."vmj_".$u->number.".xml") ){ return false; } if( !empty($u->sharenum) ){ $s_sh = DB::table('clients')->where('login', $u->sharenum)->get(); $s = $s_sh[0]; \Session::forget('sharename'); \Session::forget('sharenum'); \Session::forget('shareroom'); \Session::forget('sharepass'); \Session::set('sharename',$s->name); \Session::set('sharenum',$s->number); \Session::set('sharepass',$s->password); \Session::set('shareroom',$s->room); } $arDbRooms = DB::table('rooms')->get(); $uRooms = []; foreach($arDbRooms as $aRm ){ if( !empty($aRm->users) ){ $rUsrs = json_decode($aRm->users); if(in_array($u->number,$rUsrs)){ $uRooms[] = $aRm->number; } } } \Session::forget('ulogin'); \Session::forget('uname'); \Session::forget('unumber'); \Session::forget('upass'); \Session::forget('utocall'); \Session::forget('utype'); \Session::set('ulogin',$u->login); \Session::set('uname',$u->name); \Session::set('unumber',$u->number); \Session::set('upass',$u->password); \Session::set('utocall',$u->room); \Session::set('utype',$u->typeuser); return json_decode(json_encode($u),true); } public function checkWrtcLogin($i){ if( (empty($i["login"])) && (empty($i["number"])) ){ return false; } $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); if (is_numeric( $i["login"] ) ){ $uid = DB::table('clients')->where('number', $i['number'])->where('typeuser', "webrtc")->value('id'); if( !file_exists( $users_path ."vmj_".$i['number'].".xml") ){ return false; } //$user = DB::select('select * from client where number = ?', [$input['number']]); } else { $uid = DB::table('clients')->where('login', $i['login'])->where('typeuser', "webrtc")->value('id'); //$user = DB::select('select * from client where login = ?', [$input['login']]); } if( empty($uid) ){ return false; } else { return $uid; } } /*EMILIO CHECK LOGIN DURING REGISTER*/ public function checkLoginForRegister($i){ if( empty($i["login"]) ){ return false; } $uid = DB::table('clients')->where('login', $i['login'])->where('typeuser', "webinar")->value('id'); if( empty($uid) ){ return false; } else { return $uid; } } public function checkWebinarPassAndEnter($i){ if( empty($i["uid"]) ){ return "Login пустой"; } if ( empty($i["password"]) ){ return "Password пустой"; } $user = DB::table('clients')->where('id', $i['uid'])->where('password', md5($i['password']))->get(); if ( empty($user) ){ return "Пользователь не найден!"; } $u = $user[0]; //$arRooms = DB::table('webinars')->where('client', $i['uid'])->value("room"); /* UPDATE scores SET scores.name = p.name FROM scores s INNER JOIN people p ON s.personId = p.id */ $updQuery = "UPDATE visits" ." INNER JOIN webinars ON visits.room = webinars.room" ." SET visits.active = 'N'" ." WHERE webinars.client = ".$i['uid'].""; $ansVsts = DB::update($updQuery); //var_dump($ansVsts); \Session::put('uid', $u->id); \Session::put('typeuser', $u->typeuser); \Session::put('name', $u->name); \Session::put('number', $u->number); \Session::put('password', $u->password); \Session::put('avatar', $u->avatar); return true; } public function checkLoginAndRegister($i){ if( empty($i["login"]) ){ return "Login пустой"; } if ( empty($i["password"]) ){ return "Password пустой"; } $uid = DB::table('clients')->where('login', $i['login'])->value('id'); if ( !empty($uid) ){ return "Логин занят"; } $arfNums = $this->get_all_xml_users(); $arWebinarNums = array_slice($arfNums,4100,4999); $maxNum = $this->array_key_last($arWebinarNums); $spr_number = (empty($maxNum)) ? 4100 : $maxNum+1; /*$data = array( $spr_number, $i["login"], md5($i["password"]), "Speaker_".$i["login"], "webinar" );*/ $wid = DB::table('clients')->insertGetId( [ 'number' => $spr_number, 'login' => $i["login"], 'password' => md5($i["password"]), 'name' => "Speaker_".$i["login"], 'typeuser' => "webinar" ] ); // = DB::insert('insert into clients (`number`, `login`, `password`, `name`, `typeuser`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',$data) if( $wid ){ \Session::put('uid', $wid); \Session::put('usertype', "webinar"); \Session::put('name', "Speaker_".$i["login"]); //\Auth::loginUsingId($wid, true); return $wid; } else { return "Error while saving user..."; } } /*TODO END*/ public function array_key_last($array) { if (!is_array($array) || empty($array)) { return NULL; } return array_keys($array)[count($array)-1]; } private function get_all_xml_users(){ $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); $files = array_diff(scandir($users_path), array('.', '..')); if( empty($files) ) {return "";} $elems = array(); foreach( $files as $xmlf ){ $arUser = $this->XML2JSON( $users_path.$xmlf ); if(empty($arUser)){ continue; } $elR = self::getUserDataFromXML($arUser); if( !empty($elR["number"]) ){ $elems[$elR["number"]] = $elR; } } return $elems; } public function get_one_layout($name){ if( empty($name) ){ return "";} $lyt_path = config('vms.layouts_path'); if( file_exists( $lyt_path ."vmj_".$name.".xml") ) { return $this->XML2JSON( $lyt_path ."vmj_".$name.".xml" ); } else { return $lyt_path ."vmj_".$name.".xml"; //false; } } public function get_all_layouts(){ $lyt_path = config('vms.layouts_path'); $files = array_diff(scandir($lyt_path), array('.', '..')); if( empty($files) ) {return "Not files found";} $elems = array(); foreach( $files as $xmlf ){ //$arLayout = $this->XML2JSON( $lyt_path.$xmlf ); if(empty($xmlf)){ continue; } //$elR = self::getUserDataFromXML($arUser); //$elems[$elR["number"]] = $elR; $elems[] = substr($xmlf,4,-4); } return $elems; } public function isset_layout($name){ $layout_path = config('vms.layouts_path'); return file_exists($layout_path."vmj_".$name.".xml"); } private function save_layout_file($name, $data){ $layout_path = config('vms.layouts_path'); if( $myfile = fopen($layout_path."vmj_".$name.".xml", "w")) { fwrite($myfile, $data); fclose($myfile); return true; } else { return false; } } private static function save_profile_file($name, $data){ $prof_path = config('vms.profiles_path'); if( $myfile = fopen($prof_path."vmj_".$name.".xml", "w")) { fwrite($myfile, $data); fclose($myfile); return true; } else { return false; } } private static function save_user_file($name, $data){ $users_path = config('vms.users_path'); if( $myfile = fopen($users_path."vmj_".$name.".xml", "w")) { fwrite($myfile, $data); fclose($myfile); return true; } else { return false; } } public function conf_record_stop($i){ if( empty($i["room"]) ){ return "No room";} if( empty($i["path"]) ){ return "No path";} $rec_line = 'conference '.$i["room"].' recording stop '.$i["path"]; $response = $this->eRequest( "api ".$rec_line ); return "ok"; } public function conf_record_start($i){ //conference 7777 recording start /recordings/777_19_nov_12_56_25.mp4 if( empty($i["room"]) ){ return "No room";} $recs_path = $rPath = config('vms.records_path'); $rec_line = 'conference '.$i["room"].' recording start '.$recs_path.''.$i["room"].'_'.date("d").'_'.date("M").'_'.date("H").'_'.date("i").'_'.date("s").'.mp4'; $response = $this->eRequest( "api ".$rec_line ); return "ok"; } public function remove_room_file($name){ $rooms_path = $rPath = config('vms.rooms_path'); if( file_exists($rooms_path."vmj_".$name.".xml") ){ unlink( $rooms_path."vmj_".$name.".xml" ); $response = $this->eRequest( "api reloadxml" ); return "ok"; } return $name." - file is not found. (".$rooms_path."vmj_".$name.".xml)"; } private function save_room_file($name, $data){ $rooms_path = $rPath = config('vms.rooms_path'); if( $myfile = fopen($rooms_path."vmj_".$name.".xml", "w")) { fwrite($myfile, $data); fclose($myfile); return true; } else { return false; } } //SYSTEM INFOS private function shapeSpace_system_load($interval = 1) { $coreCount = $this->shapeSpace_system_cores(); $rs = sys_getloadavg(); $interval = $interval >= 1 && 3 <= $interval ? $interval : 1; $load = $rs[$interval]; return round(($load * 100) / $coreCount,2); } private function shapeSpace_system_cores() { $cmd = "uname"; $OS = strtolower(trim(shell_exec($cmd))); switch($OS) { case('linux'): $cmd = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l"; break; case('freebsd'): $cmd = "sysctl -a | grep 'hw.ncpu' | cut -d ':' -f2"; break; default: unset($cmd); } if ($cmd != '') { $cpuCoreNo = intval(trim(shell_exec($cmd))); } return empty($cpuCoreNo) ? 1 : $cpuCoreNo; } private function shapeSpace_server_memory_usage() { $free = shell_exec('free'); $free = (string)trim($free); $free_arr = explode("\n", $free); $mem = explode(" ", $free_arr[1]); $mem = array_filter($mem); $mem = array_merge($mem); $memory_usage = $mem[2] / $mem[1] * 100; return $memory_usage; } function shapeSpace_disk_usage() { $disktotal = disk_total_space ('/'); $diskfree = disk_free_space ('/'); $diskuse = round (100 - (($diskfree / $disktotal) * 100)); return $diskuse; } public function is_port_open($host, $port){ //$host = ''; //$port = 80; $waitTimeoutInSeconds = 1; if ($fp = fsockopen($host,$port,$errCode,$errStr,$waitTimeoutInSeconds)) { $ret = true; } else { $ret = false; } fclose($fp); return $ret; } public function apiCommand($cmd){ $response = $this->eRequest( "api ".$cmd ); return $response; } public function allCalls(){ $response = $this->eRequest( "api show calls" ); if( empty($response)) { return 0;} else { $arR = explode("\n",$response); $cls = array(); $ch = array(); $ch = array(); foreach ( $arR as $a ){ if( strlen($a) < 15 ){ continue; } $arLine = explode(",",$a); if( $arLine[0] == "uuid" ){ foreach( $arLine as $ah ){ $ch[] = $ah; } } else { $onCall = array(); foreach( $arLine as $ak=>$ah ){ if(!empty($ch[$ak])){ $onCall[$ch[$ak]] = $ah; } } $cls[] = $onCall; } } } //var_dump($cls); return count($cls); } public function sysFullInfo(){ $cpu_stat = $this->shapeSpace_system_load(1); $memory_stat = $this->shapeSpace_server_memory_usage(); $disk_stat = intval($this->shapeSpace_disk_usage()); $all_calls = $this->allCalls(); //TODO: SOMEWHAT NOT WORKING... return array( "cpu"=>$cpu_stat, "memory"=>$memory_stat, "disk"=>$disk_stat, "calls"=>$all_calls ); } /* WebINARS*/ /* webinars поле Тип Комментарий id int(30) Автоматическое приращение client int(20) title varchar(250) desc text room int(10) unsigned params text files text created tinytext begin tinytext */ // public function exitFromWebinar($i){ \Session::forget('webinar'); return true; } public function enterToMyLastWebinar($i){ /*$uid = \Session::get('uid'); $arWbnrs = DB::table('webinars')->where('client', $uid)->get(); $arWbnr = json_decode(json_encode($arWbnrs[0]),true); $arWbnr['params'] = json_decode($arWbnr['params'],true); \Session::set('webinar',$arWbnr); */ return true; } /*public function uploadFiles($data){ $input = $_POST['files']; echo (json_encode($input)); }*/ public function enterToWebinarById($i){ if( !empty($i["wid"]) ) { $arWebinars = DB::table('webinars')->where('id', $i["wid"])->get(); /*$arWbnr = json_decode(json_encode($arWbnrs[0]),true); $arWbnr['params'] = json_decode($arWbnr['params']); \Session::set('webinar',$arWbnr);*/ $webinar = json_decode(json_encode($arWebinars[0]),true); $webinar['params'] = json_decode($webinar['params'],true); \Session::put('webinar',$webinar); return true; } } public function removeMyWebinar($i){ if( empty($i["wid"]) ){ return "No Webinar ID"; } else { $wroom = DB::table('webinars')->where('id', $i["wid"])->value('room'); $remans = $this->remove_room_file($wroom); if( $remans == "ok" ){ DB::table('webinars')->where('id',$i["wid"])->delete(); return 0; } } } public function addNewWebinar($i){ $uid = \Session::get('uid'); if ( (!empty($i["begin_date"])) || (!empty($i["begin_time"])) ) { $d = explode("/",$i["begin_date"]); $t = explode(":",$i["begin_time"]); $bDateTime = mktime($d[0],$d[1],0, $d[0],$d[1],$d[2]) ; } else { $bDateTime = time(); } //vmj_webinar_profile $cNums = config('vms.webinar_numbers'); $newNum = $this->getNewRoomNumberByMinMax($cNums[0],$cNums[1]); $spr_number = (empty($newNum)) ? $cNums[0] : $newNum; $title = ( !empty($i["title"]) ) ? strip_tags($i["title"]) : "Вебинар_".date("YmdHis"); $desc = ( !empty($i["descrition"]) ) ? strip_tags($i["descrition"]) : "_"; $arParams = array( "resolution"=>( !empty($i["resolution"]) ) ? $i["resolution"] : "1920x1080", "files"=>true, "chat"=>true ); $wCreate = time(); $wLink = $this->generateRandomString(); $wid = DB::table('webinars')->insertGetId( [ 'client' => (int)$uid, 'title' => $title, 'desc' => $desc, 'room' => (int)$spr_number, 'params' => json_encode( $arParams ), 'created' => $wCreate, 'begin' => $bDateTime, 'link' => $wLink ] ); if( is_numeric($wid) ){ $sret = $this->saveRoom( array( "number"=> $spr_number, "name" => "vMajlis_Webinar_".$wid, // "member_flags" => '<action application="set" data="conference_member_flags=moderator"/>', "conference_controls" => '<action application="set" data="conference_controls=moderator"/>', "conf_profile" => 'vmj_webinar_profile' ) ); if( $sret == "ok"){ return $wid; }else { DB::table('webinars')->where('id',$wid)->delete(); return 'Can`t create webinar room!'; } } else { return 'Can`t create webinar to Database'; } } public function editMyWebinar($i){ if( empty($i["wid"]) ){ return "No Webinar ID"; } else { $jParams = DB::table('webinars')->where('id', $i["wid"])->value('params'); } $arParams = json_decode($jParams); $editData = array(); if ( (!empty($i["begin_date"])) || (!empty($i["begin_time"])) ) { $d = explode("/",$i["begin_date"]); $t = explode(":",$i["begin_time"]); $editData['begin'] = mktime($d[0],$d[1],0, $d[0],$d[1],$d[2]) ; } if ( !empty($i["title"]) ) { $editData['title'] = strip_tags($i["title"]); } if ( !empty($i["descrition"]) ) { $editData['descrition'] = strip_tags($i["descrition"]); } if( !empty($i["resolution"]) ){ $arParams["resolution"] = $i["resolution"]; } if( isset($i["files"]) ){ $arParams["files"] = $i["files"]; } if( isset($i["chat"]) ){ $arParams["chat"] = $i["chat"]; } $editData['params'] = json_encode( $arParams ); DB::table('webinars')->where('id', $i["wid"])->update($editData); return $editData; } public function create_png_from_text($args){ $font = "/usr/local/freeswitch/fonts/montserrat/Montserrat-Italic.otf"; if( empty($args) ){ $args = "Default";} if( !is_array($args) ){ $args = array( 'text' => $args ); } $width = ( !empty($args["width"]) ) ? (int)$args["width"] : 1280; //640; //1920; //640; $height = ( !empty($args["height"]) ) ? (int)$args["height"] : 720; //480; //1080; //480; $text = $args["text"]; if( strlen($text) > 150 ){ $text = substr($text,0,150); $text = $text."..."; } $file = ( !empty($args["file"]) ) ? $args["file"] : false; if( $width > 1000 ){ $fontsize = 20; } else { $fontsize = 16; } $imgTxtBlock = imagecreate($width, 50); $imgTxtBack = imagecreate($width, 50); $img = imagecreate($width, $height); $bTxtBlocks = imagecolorallocate($imgTxtBlock, 0, 0, 0); imagecolorallocate($imgTxtBack, 255, 255, 255); //255, 255, 255 $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 0,0,0); //3, 169, 244 imagecolortransparent($img, $black); //imagecolortransparent($imgTxtBlock, $bTxtBlocks); $txtInTransparent = imagecolorallocate($imgTxtBlock, 255, 255, 255); //$txtInTransparent = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $image_width = imagesx($img); $image_height = imagesy($img); $text_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize, 0, $font, $text); $text_width = $text_box[0] - $text_box[2]; $text_height = $text_box[1] - $text_box[7]; $x = 30; //$image_width - ($text_width / 2); $y = $image_height - ($text_height + 65); imagettftext($imgTxtBlock, $fontsize, 0, 20, 30, $txtInTransparent, $font, $text); imagecopymerge( $imgTxtBack, $imgTxtBlock, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_width, 40, 60); imagecopymerge( $img, $imgTxtBack, 0, $y, 0, 0, $image_width, 40, 100); //imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y, $txtInTransparent, $font, $text); //imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y, $txtInTransparent, $font, $text.'-['.$image_height.']-['.$text_height.']-['.$y.']' ); //For tests if( !empty($file) ){ imagepng($img, $file); imagedestroy($img); imagedestroy($imgTxtBlock); imagedestroy($imgTxtBack); return "ok"; } else { header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); imagedestroy($imgTxtBlock); imagedestroy($imgTxtBack); } } //getUserOS getUserIP getUserBrowser public static function getUserIP(){ if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARD_FOR'])) { return $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARD_FOR']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { return $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['X-Real-IP'])) { return $_SERVER['X-Real-IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { return $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif(!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } public static function getUserOS() { $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $os_platform = "Unknown OS Platform"; $os_array = array( '/windows nt 10/i' => 'Windows 10', '/windows nt 6.3/i' => 'Windows 8.1', '/windows nt 6.2/i' => 'Windows 8', '/windows nt 6.1/i' => 'Windows 7', '/windows nt 6.0/i' => 'Windows Vista', '/windows nt 5.2/i' => 'Windows Server 2003/XP x64', '/windows nt 5.1/i' => 'Windows XP', '/windows xp/i' => 'Windows XP', '/windows nt 5.0/i' => 'Windows 2000', '/windows me/i' => 'Windows ME', '/win98/i' => 'Windows 98', '/win95/i' => 'Windows 95', '/win16/i' => 'Windows 3.11', '/macintosh|mac os x/i' => 'Mac OS X', '/mac_powerpc/i' => 'Mac OS 9', '/linux/i' => 'Linux', '/ubuntu/i' => 'Ubuntu', '/iphone/i' => 'iPhone', '/ipod/i' => 'iPod', '/ipad/i' => 'iPad', '/android/i' => 'Android', '/blackberry/i' => 'BlackBerry', '/webos/i' => 'Mobile' ); foreach ($os_array as $regex => $value) if (preg_match($regex, $user_agent)) $os_platform = $value; return $os_platform; } public static function getUserBrowser() { $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $browser = "Unknown Browser"; $browser_array = array( '/msie/i' => 'Internet Explorer', '/firefox/i' => 'Firefox', '/safari/i' => 'Safari', '/chrome/i' => 'Chrome', '/edge/i' => 'Edge', '/opera/i' => 'Opera', '/netscape/i' => 'Netscape', '/maxthon/i' => 'Maxthon', '/konqueror/i' => 'Konqueror', '/mobile/i' => 'Mobile Browser' ); foreach ($browser_array as $regex => $value) if (preg_match($regex, $user_agent)) $browser = $value; return $browser; } public function create_png_from_text_ORIG($args){ $font = "/usr/local/freeswitch/fonts/montserrat/Montserrat-Italic.otf"; if( empty($args) ){ $args = "Default";} if( !is_array($args) ){ $args = array( 'text' => $args ); } $width = ( !empty($args["width"]) ) ? (int)$args["width"] : 1280; //640; //1920; //640; $height = ( !empty($args["height"]) ) ? (int)$args["height"] : 720; //480; //1080; //480; $text = $args["text"]; if( strlen($text) > 150 ){ $text = substr($text,0,150); $text = $text."..."; } $file = ( !empty($args["file"]) ) ? $args["file"] : false; if( $width > 1000 ){ $fontsize = 20; } else { $fontsize = 16; } $img = imagecreate($width, $height); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0); imagecolortransparent($img, $black); $txtInTransparent = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $image_width = imagesx($img); $image_height = imagesy($img); $text_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize, 0, $font, $text); $text_width = $text_box[0] - $text_box[2]; $text_height = $text_box[1] - $text_box[7]; $x = 30; //$image_width - ($text_width / 2); $y = $image_height - ($text_height + 40); imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y, $txtInTransparent, $font, $text); //imagettftext($img, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y, $txtInTransparent, $font, $text.'-['.$image_height.']-['.$text_height.']-['.$y.']' ); //For tests if( !empty($file) ){ imagepng($img, $file); imagedestroy($img); return "ok"; } else { header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); } } }