# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/)
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).

## Unreleased

### Added

  <summary>Add # icons</summary>

  - `arrow-down-left`
  - `arrow-down-right`
  - `arrow-up-left`
  - `arrow-up-right`
  - `battery-charging`
  - `cast`
  - `chevrons-down`
  - `chevrons-left`
  - `chevrons-right`
  - `chevrons-up`
  - `cloud-drizzle`
  - `cloud-lightning`
  - `cloud-rain`
  - `cloud-snow`
  - `codepen`
  - `compass`
  - `edit-2`
  - `edit-3`
  - `list`
  - `navigation-2`
  - `package`
  - `repeat`
  - `share`
  - `slack`
  - `trend-down`
  - `trend-up`
  - `type`
  - `user-check`
  - `user-x`
  - `voicemail`

### Changed

  <summary>Change # icons</summary>

  - `bar-chart`
  - `bar-chart-2`
  - `droplet`
  - `twitter`
  - `user-minus`
  - `user-plus`
  - `user`

## v2.0.0 (2017-05-23)

### Added
 <summary>Add 63 icons</summary>

  - `activity`
  - `alert-circle`
  - `alert-octagon`
  - `alert-triangle`
  - `aperture`
  - `at-sign`
  - `award`
  - `bell-off`
  - `bluetooth`
  - `calendar`
  - `camera-off`
  - `chevron-down`
  - `chevron-left`
  - `chevron-right`
  - `chevron-up`
  - `chrome`
  - `circle`
  - `cloud-off`
  - `comment-circle`
  - `cpu`
  - `edit`
  - `eye-off`
  - `facebook`
  - `feather`
  - `female`
  - `filter`
  - `hash`
  - `headphones`
  - `home`
  - `info`
  - `instagram`
  - `male`
  - `map-pin`
  - `mic-off`
  - `more-vertical`
  - `music`
  - `octagon`
  - `phone`
  - `phone-call`
  - `phone-forwarded`
  - `phone-incoming`
  - `phone-missed`
  - `phone-off`
  - `phone-outgoing`
  - `pocket`
  - `radio`
  - `refresh-ccw`
  - `rotate-ccw`
  - `scissors`
  - `square`
  - `sunrise`
  - `sunset`
  - `thumbs-down`
  - `thumbs-up`
  - `toggle-right`
  - `trash-2`
  - `triangle`
  - `twitter`
  - `user-minus`
  - `user-plus`
  - `video-off`
  - `wind`
  - `zap`

### Changed

- Redesign project website
- Use SVG `stroke` instead of `fill`. Read more about the benefits of SVG `stroke`:
  - [SVG Stroke FTW!](http://danklammer.com/articles/svg-stroke-ftw/)

  <summary>Change 66 icons</summary>

  - `align-center`
  - `anchor`
  - `arrow-down`
  - `arrow-left`
  - `arrow-right`
  - `arrow-up`
  - `bar-chart`
  - `bar-chart-2`
  - `battery`
  - `bell`
  - `book`
  - `bookmark`
  - `box`
  - `briefcase`
  - `camera`
  - `check`
  - `check-circle`
  - `check-square`
  - `clipboard`
  - `cloud`
  - `comment-square`
  - `download`
  - `download-cloud`
  - `droplet`
  - `external-link`
  - `fast-forward`
  - `file`
  - `flag`
  - `folder`
  - `heart`
  - `image`
  - `inbox`
  - `layers`
  - `layout`
  - `lock`
  - `mail`
  - `maximize`
  - `maximize-2`
  - `minimize`
  - `minimize-2`
  - `minus`
  - `moon`
  - `move`
  - `pause`
  - `play`
  - `plus`
  - `printer`
  - `search`
  - `settings`
  - `share`
  - `shuffle`
  - `skip-back`
  - `skip-forward`
  - `star`
  - `rewind`
  - `tag`
  - `unlock`
  - `upload`
  - `upload-cloud`
  - `user`
  - `video`
  - `watch`
  - `wifi`
  - `x`
  - `zoom-in`
  - `zoom-out`

### Removed
- Remove PSD, CSH and Webfont formats in favor of SVG. Read more about the benefits of SVG for icons:
  - [Inline SVG vs Icon Fonts [CAGEMATCH]](https://css-tricks.com/icon-fonts-vs-svg/)
  - [Seriously, Don’t Use Icon Fonts](https://cloudfour.com/thinks/seriously-dont-use-icon-fonts/)
  - [Ten reasons we switched from icon font to SVG](http://ianfeather.co.uk/ten-reasons-we-switched-from-an-icon-font-to-svg/)

## v1.1.0 (2014-04-27)

### Added
- Add 30 new icons
- Add CSH, SVG and Webfont formats

### Changed
- Change all PSD icon layers to vector shapes

## v1.0.0 (2013-11-27)
- Initial release