Commit 5dab1b07 authored by Kulya's avatar Kulya 😊


parent 30b61040
Pipeline #176 canceled with stages
......@@ -9343,7 +9343,7 @@ SIPml.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(_, e) {
}, SIPml.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function(_) {
tsk_string_is_string(_) && !tsk_string_is_null_or_empty(_) && (this.ao_listeners[_] = void 0)
}, SIPml.EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(_) {
console.log("-= DISPATCh Event: ", _)
console.log("-= DISPATCh Event: ", _);
var e = this.ao_listeners[_.s_type] || this.ao_listeners["*"];
e &&, _.o_value)
}, SIPml.Event = function(_, e) {
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