	"PRODUCT":"Linux Panel",
	"PAGE_ERR_TITLE":"Access Denied",
	"PAGE_ERR_DOMAIN_H1":"Sorry, You do NOT Have Permission to Access.",
	"PAGE_ERR_DOMAIN_P1":"Please check the domain!",
	"PAGE_ERR_DOMAIN_P2":"View domain bound: cat /www/server/panel/data/domain.conf",
	"PAGE_ERR_DOMAIN_P3":"Turn off access limit: rm -f /www/server/panel/data/domain.conf",
	"PAGE_ERR_IP_H1":"Sorry, Your IP is NOT Authorized",
	"PAGE_ERR_IP_P1":"Your current IP is[{1}],please use correct IP to access!",
	"PAGE_ERR_IP_P2":"View IP authorized: cat /www/server/panel/data/limitip.conf",
	"PAGE_ERR_IP_P3":"Turn off access limit: rm -f /www/server/panel/data/limitip.conf",
	"PAGE_ERR_404_TITLE":"404 Not Found",
	"PAGE_ERR_404_H1":"Sorry, Page does NOT Exist",
	"PAGE_ERR_404_P1":"The page you requested does not exist, please check the URL!",
	"PAGE_ERR_500_TITLE":"500 Internal Server Error",
	"PAGE_ERR_500_H1":"Sorry, Program Error",
	"PAGE_ERR_500_P1":"The page you requested was interrupted by an exception!",
	"PAGE_ERR_HELP":"Get help",
	"ARGS_ERR":"Specific parameters are invalid!",
	"INIT_FUN_NOT_EXISTS": "Function does NOT exist",
	"INIT_WEBHOOK_ERR": "Pls install WebHook plugin first!",
	"INIT_WEBSSH_LOGOUT": "Session is lost, please login panel again!\r\n",
	"INIT_WEBSSH_CONN_ERR": "Failed to connect to SSH service!\r\n",
	"INIT_WEBSOCKET_ERR": "The specified module does not exist!",
	"INIT_ARGS_ERR": "Parameter ERROR!",
	"INIT_PLUGIN_NOT_EXISTS": "The specified plugin does not exist!",
	"INIT_PLUGIN_NOT_DOWN_FUN": "Specified plugin has no file download function!",
	"INIT_TOKEN_ERR": "Invalid Token!",
	"INIT_PLU_ACC_ERR": "You do NOT have permission to access the current plugin!",
	"USER_INODE_ERR": "Disk inode has been exhausted, the panel has attempted to release the inode. Please try again ...",
	"AJAX_CONN_ERR": "Fail to connect to the server!",
	"AJAX_USER_BINDING_ERR": "Please bind your BT account first!",
	"AJAX_USER_BE_OVERDUE": "BT account binding has expired, please re-bind on the [Settings] page!",
	"AJAX_USER_IS_VALID": "Binding is valid!",
	"AJAX_PHPMYADMIN_PORT_ERR": "Please do NOT use the usual port as the phpMyAdmin port!",
	"AJAX_WARNING_ERR": "Warning list does NOT exist!",
	"AJAX_LOG_FILR_NOT_EXISTS": "Log file does NOT exist!",	
	"CODE_BOOM":"Please don't refresh verification code too frequently!",
	"LOGIN_USER_EMPTY":"User name or password cannot be empty!",
	"LOGIN_ERR_LIMIT":"You cannot login now because login failed too many times!",
	"LOGIN_SUCCESS":"Login succeeded, loading...",
	"LOGIN_USER_ERR":"Invalid username or password. You have [{1}] times left to try!",
	"ERROR":"Operation failed",
	"SUCCESS":"Operation succeeded",
	"OFF":"Turn off",
	"ON":"Turn on",
	"ADD_SUCCESS":"Successfully added",
	"ADD_ERROR":"Failed to add",
	"DEL_SUCCESS":"Successfully deleted",
	"DEL_ERROR":"Failed to delete",
	"SET_SUCCESS":"Successfully set",
	"SET_ERROR":"Failed to set",
	"EDIT_SUCCESS":"Successfully modified",
	"EDIT_ERROR":"Failed to modify",
	"CONF_ERROR":"Configuration file ERROR",
	"PHP_GET_ERR":"Failed to get PHP version!",
	"PHP_NOT_EXISTS":"Requested PHP version does NOT exist!",
	"DIR_EMPTY":"Directory cannot be empty!",
	"FILE_NOT_EXISTS":"Requested file does NOT exist!",
	"SPECIFY_METHOD":"The specified method does NOT exist",
	"SPECIFY_PLUG_ERR":"The specified plugin does NOT support public access!",
	"SPECIFY_TEMPLATE":"The specified template does NOT exist",	
	"PATH_ERROR":"System critical directory cannot be used as site directory",
	"BACKUP_SUCCESS":"Backup Succeeded!",
	"UPDATE_SUCCESS":"Update Succeeded!",
	"PANEL_UPDATE":"Successful to update to{1}",
	"PANEL_UPDATE_ERR_DOWN":"File download failed, please try again or update manually!",
	"PANEL_UPDATE_ERR_NEW":"Current version is up-to-date!",
	"PANEL_UPDATE_MSG":"Current version is stable version and already latest. Update cycle of stable version is generally 2 months,while developer version will update every Wednesday!",
	"PANEL_UPDATE_MSG_TEST":"Current version is developer version and already latest. Update cycle of stable version is generally 2 months,while developer version will update every Wednesday!",
	"EXEC_ERR_TASK":"Please run the program when all install tasks finished!",
	"CONNECT_ERR":"Failed to connect server!",
	"INPUT_PS":"Edit notes",
	"SET_PORT_SUCCESS":"Successfully changed port!",
	"SITE_ADD_SUCCESS":"Successfully created site!",
	"SITE_ADD_ERR_EXISTS":"The site you tried to add already exists!",
	"SITE_ADD_ERR_PORT":"Port range is illegal",
	"SITE_ADD_ERR_PHPEMPTY":"PHP version cannot be empty",
	"SITE_ADD_ERR_DOMAIN":"Format of primary domain is incorrect",
	"SITE_ADD_ERR_DOMAIN_TOW":"Primary domain cannot be wildcard DNS record",
	"SITE_ADD_ERR_DOMAIN_EXISTS":"The domain you tried to add already exists!",
	"SITE_ADD_ERR_WRITE":"Failed to add, write configuraton ERROR!",
	"SITE_DEL_SUCCESS":"Successfully deleted site!",
	"SITE_ADD_DOMAIN":"Successfully added site!",
	"SITE_ADD_DOMAIN_ERR_EXISTS":"Specific domain already bound!",
	"SITE_ADD_DOMAIN_ERR_POER":"Port range is illegal!",
	"SITE_ADD_DOMAIN_ERR_FORMAT":"Format of domain is invalid!",
	"SITE_ADD_DOMAIN_ERR_EMPTY":"Domain cannot be empty!",
	"SITE_DEL_DOMAIN_ERR_ONLY":"Last domain cannot be deleted!",
	"SITE_SSL_ERR_PRIVATE":"Private Key ERROR, please check!",
	"SITE_SSL_ERR_CERT":"Certificate ERROR, please check!",
	"SSL_ERR_CERT": "Certificate ERROR",
	"SITE_SSL_SUCCESS":"Certificate saved!",
	"SITE_SSL_UPDATE_SUCCESS":"Certificate updated!",
	"SITE_SSL_OPEN_SUCCESS":"SSL turned on!",
	"SITE_SSL_CLOSE_SUCCESS":"SSL turned off!",
	"SITE_SSL_ERR_301":"Your site has 301 Redirect on,Please turn it off first!",
	"SITE_SSL_ERR_DNS":"DNS ERROR or NOT effective:{1}",
	"SITE_SSL_ERR_EMPTY":"Please Select Domain (NOT including IP address or Wildcard domain)",
	"SITE_SSL_ERR_RE":"Certificate of current domains is not expired,and a duplicate request is not allowed,Pls try to combine with other domains!",
	"SITE_SSL_ERR_AU":"Authorization Error: Your server submitted too many invalid requests!",
	"SITE_SSL_ERR_ACCESS":"Failed to obtain Let's Encrypt Certificate. Authentication Server cannot access your site!",
	"SITE_START_SUCCESS":"Site started",
	"SITE_STOP_SUCCESS":"Site stopped",
	"SITE_NETLIMIT_ERR":"Site Traffic Control only supports Nginx Web Server!",
	"SITE_NETLIMIT_CLOSE_SUCCESS":"Site Traffic Control has been turned off!",
	"SITE_ADD_BINDING":"Domain and Name of Subdirectory cannot be empty!",
	"SITE_INDEX_ERR_FORMAT":"Default Document Format is invalid, e.g., index.html",
	"SITE_INDEX_ERR_EMPTY":"Default Document cannot be empty!",
	"SITE_PATH_ERR_RE":"Same as original directory, no need to change!",
	"SITE_PHPVERSION_ERR_A22":"Apache2.2 does NOT support MultiPHP!",
	"SITE_PHPVERSION_SUCCESS":"Successfully changed PHP Version of site [{1}] to PHP-{2}",
	"SITE_BASEDIR_OPEN_SUCCESS":"Base directory turned on!",
	"SITE_BASEDIR_CLOSE_SUCCESS":"Base directory turned off!",
	"SITE_PROXY_ERR_URL":"URL address is invalid!",
	"SITE_PROXY_ERR_HOST":"Domain format is invalid!",
	"SITE_REWRITE_SAVE":"New URL rewrite rule has been saved!",
	"SITE_TOMCAT_OPEN":"Succeeded, please test JSP program!",
	"SITE_TOMCAT_CLOSE":"Tomcat mapping closed!",
	"SITE_SCAN_ADD":"Scan Task has in the queue!",
	"SITE_EXPIRE_SUCCESS":"Successfully set, the site will stop automatically when expires!",
	"SOFT_PHPVERSION_SET":"PHP version has been changed!",
	"SOFT_PHPVERSION_PS":"New phpMyAdmin Port",
	"SOFT_PHPVERSION_ERR_PORT":"Current port exists!",
	"SOFT_PHPVERSION_ERR_PORT_RE":"Cannot use same port as Panel!",
	"LOG_CLOSE":"Panel Logs emptied!",
	"KILL_PROCESS":"Ended processes[{1}][{2}] Successfully!",
	"KILL_PROCESS_ERR":"Error, cannot end task processes!",
	"USER_PASSWORD_CHECK":"The password entered twice are inconsistent, please try again!",
	"USER_USERNAME_CHECK":"The username entered twice are inconsistent, plesea try again!",
	"USER_PASSWORD_LEN":"Password cannot be less than 5 characters!",
	"USER_PASSWORD_SUCCESS":"Password changed!",
	"USER_USERNAME_SUCCESS":"Username changed!",
	"PORT_CHECK_EXISTS":"Port [{1}] is in use!",
	"PORT_CHECK_RANGE":"Port range is incorrect!",
	"PORT_CHECK_PS":"New panel port",
	"PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_ERR":"Limit of upload size cannot be less than 2 MB",
	"PHP_TIMEOUT_ERR":"Please fill in the value between 30 and 86400!",
	"DATE_SUCCESS":"Successfully synced server time!",
	"CONTROL_CLOSE":"Monitor service turned off!",
	"CONTROL_ERR":"Number of saving days is illegal!",
	"PANEL_CLOSE":"Panel turned off!",
	"PANEL_SSL_CLOSE":"SSL turned off,Please use http protocol to access the panel!",
	"PANEL_SSL_ERR":"Error, unable to auto install pyOpenSSL!<p>Plesea try to manually install: pip install pyOpenSSL</p>",
	"PANEL_SSL_OPEN":"SSL is turned on, plesea use https protocol to access the panel!",
	"PANEL_SSL_ADD_EXISTS":"Notes or panel address duplicate!",
	"PANEL_SSL_ADD_NOT_EXISTS":"Requested panel info does NOT exist!",
	"CRONTAB_TODAY_CYCLE":"Per Day, run at {1} Hour {2} Min",
	"CRONTAB_N_TODAY":"Every {1} Days",
	"CRONTAB_N_TODAY_CYCLE":"Every {1} Days, run at {2} Hour {3} Min",
	"CRONTAB_HOUR":"Per Hour",
	"CRONTAB_HOUR_CYCLE":"Per Hour, run at {1} Min",
	"CRONTAB_N_HOUR":"Every {1} Hours",
	"CRONTAB_N_HOUR_CYCLE":"Every {1} Hours, run at {2} Min",
	"CRONTAB_N_MINUTE":"Every {1} Minutes",
	"CRONTAB_N_MINUTE_CYCLE":"Run Every {1} Minutes",
	"CRONTAB_WEEK_CYCLE":"Every {1}, run at {2} Hour {3} Min",
	"CRONTAB_MONTH_CYCLE":"Monthly, run on {1}Day {2} Hour {3}Min",
	"CRONTAB_TASKNAME_EMPTY":"Name of task cannot be empty!",
	"CRONTAB_TASKLOG_EMPTY":"Task logs are empty!",
	"CRONTAB_TASKLOG_CLOSE":"Task logs emptied!",
	"CRONTAB_TASKLOG_CLOSE_ERR":"Failed to empty task logs!",
	"FILE_WRITE_ERR":"Failed to write in file!",
	"CRONTAB_TASK_EXEC":"Task has been executed!",
	"DATABASE_NAME_ERR":"Database name is illegal!",
	"DATABASE_NAME_ERR_T":"Database name cannot contain special characters!",
	"DATABASE_NAME_EXISTS":"Database exists!",
	"DATABASE_NAME_LEN":"Database name cannot be more than 16 characters!",
	"DATABASE_ERR_CONNECT":"ERROR to connect database, pls check database status!",
	"DATABASE_ERR_PASS":"Database password is incorrect!",
	"DATABASE_ERR_NOT_EXISTS":"Database user does NOT exist!",
	"DATABASE_USER_NAME_ERR": "Database username is illegal!",
	"DATABASE_ERR_MYSQLDB":"MySQLdb component is missing! <br>Please enter SSH and run the command: pip install mysql-python",
	"DATABASE_ROOT_SUCCESS":"Successfully modified root password!",
	"DATABASE_PASS_ERR_NOT_EXISTS":"Failed to modify, database user does not exist!",
	"DATABASE_PASS_SUCCESS":"Successfully modifyied password for database [{1}]!",
	"DATABASE_PASS_ERROR":"Failed to modify password for database [{1}]!",
	"DATABASE_INPUT_ERR_FORMAT":"Select sql、gz、zip file!",
	"DATABASE_INPUT_ERR":"Failed to import database!",
	"DATABASE_INPUT_SUCCESS":"Successfully imported database!",
	"DATABASE_SYNC_SUCCESS":"Sync {1} database(s) from server!",
	"DATABASE_GET_SUCCESS":"Obtain {1} database(s) from server!",
	"DATABASE_DEL_RECYCLE_BIN": "Database [{1}] already at the recycle bin, please recover from the recycle bin!",
	"DATABASE_TEST":"Test Database",
	"DATABASE_MOVE_RE":"The same as the current storage directory, file cannot be moved!",
	"DATABASE_MOVE_ERR":"Failed to move file!",
	"DATABASE_MOVE_SUCCESS":"Database moved!",
	"LOG_CLOSE":"Logs emptied",
	"FILE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS":"Successfully uploaded!",
	"FILE_EXISTS":"Requested file exists!",
	"DIR_EXISTS":"Requested directory exists!",
	"DIR_NOT_EXISTS":"Requested directory does not exist",
	"DIR_ERR_NOT_EMPTY":"Cannot delete non-empty directory!",
	"FILE_DANGER":"Never trouble troubles till troubles trouble you!",
	"FILE_CREATE_SUCCESS":"Successfully created file!",
	"FILE_CREATE_ERR":"Failed to create file!",
	"DIR_CREATE_SUCCESS":"Successfully created directory!",
	"DIR_CREATE_ERR":"Failed to create directory!",
	"CREATE_FAIL":"Failed to create",
	"DIR_MOVE_RECYCLE_BIN":"Directory moved to recycle bin!",
	"FILE_MOVE_RECYCLE_BIN":"File moved to recycle bin!",
	"DIR_DEL_SUCCESS":" Successfully deleted directory!",
	"DIR_DEL_ERR":"Failed to delete directory!",
	"FILE_DEL_SUCCESS":"Successfully deleted file!",
	"FILE_DEL_ERR":"Failed to delete file!",
	"FILE_RE_RECYCLE_BIN_ERR":"Recovery failed!",
	"FILE_RE_RECYCLE_BIN":"Recovery succeeded!",
	"FILE_DEL_RECYCLE_BIN":"Parmanently deleted {1} from recycle bin!",
	"FILE_CLOSE_RECYCLE_BIN":"Recycle bin emptied!",
	"FILE_OFF_RECYCLE_BIN":"Recycle bin feature turned off!",
	"FILE_ON_RECYCLE_BIN":"Recycle bin feature turned on!",
	"FILE_COPY_SUCCESS":"Successfully copied file!",
	"FILE_COPY_ERR":"Failed to copy file!",
	"DIR_COPY_SUCCESS":"Successfully copied directory!",
	"DIR_COPY_ERR":"Failed to copy directory!",
	"MOVE_SUCCESS":"Successfully moved file or directory!",
	"MOVE_ERR":"Failed to move file or directory!",
	"FILE_GET_ERR":"Failed to obtain file content, format is not supported!",
	"ZIP_SUCCESS":"Compression succeeded!",
	"ZIP_ERR":"Compression failed!",
	"UNZIP_SUCCESS":"Uncompression succeeded!",
	"UNZIP_ERR":"Uncompression failed!",
	"FILE_ALL_TIPS":"Successfully marked, please click Paste All button in the target directory!",
	"FILE_ALL_ACCESS":"Batch setting permission successful!",
	"FILE_ALL_DEL":"Batch deleting successful!",
	"FILE_ALL":"Batch operating succeeded [{1}], failed [{2}]",
	"FILE_DOANLOAD":"Download task added into the queue!",
	"PLUGIN_ADD":"Download task added to queue!",
	"PLUGIN_DEL":"Task deleted",
	"PLUGIN_ACTION":"Task queue activated",
	"PLUGIN_UNINSTALL":"Uninstallaton succeeded",
	"PLUGIN_INSTALL_ADD":"Installation task added to queue",
	"PLUGIN_INSTALL_SUCCESS":"Installation succeeded!",
	"PLUGIN_INSTALL_ERR":"Installation failed!",
	"PLUGIN_SORT":"Sort saved",
	"PLUGIN_GET_HTML":"This plugin does NOT have template!",
	"PLUGIN_GET_LAN_ERR":"This plugin does NOT have template",
	"PLUGIN_UPDATE_ERR":"You plugin list is up-to-date",
	"PLUGIN_UPDATE":"Obtain [{1}] plugin, [{2}] plugin update from cloud!",
	"PLUGIN_INPUT_A":"Input name of plugin!",
	"PLUGIN_INPUT_B":"This plugin does NOT have extend function!",
	"PLUGIN_INPUT_C":"Requested method [{1}] does not exist!",
	"FILE_SHELL_ERR":"Sorry, [{1}] command is NOT supported!",
	"FILE_SHELL_EXEC":"Command sent",
	"FILE_SHELL_EMPTY":"No script need to execute!",
	"FIREWALL_IP_FORMAT":"IP address you've input is illegal!",
	"FIREWALL_IP_EXISTS":"The IP exists in block list, no need to repeat processing!",
	"FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS":"The port exists, no need to repeat the release!",
	"FIREWALL_PORT_PANEL":"Failed,cannot delete current port of the panel!",
	"FIREWALL_SSH_STOP":"SSH service turned off",
	"FIREWALL_SSH_START":"SSH service turned on",
	"FIREWALL_SSH_PORT_ERR":"Port range must be between 22 and 65535!",
	"FIREWALL_SSH_PORT_EXISTS":"Requested port is common port, pls use another one!",
	"FTP_USERNAME_ERR_T":"Username is illegal, special characters are NOT allowed!",
	"FTP_USERNAME_ERR_LEN":"Username is illegal, cannot be less than 3 characters!",
	"FTP_USERNAME_ERR_DIR":"System critical directory cannot be used as FTP directory!",
	"FTP_USERNAME_ERR_EXISTS":"User [{1}] exists!",
	"FTP_STATUS_ERR":"{1} FTP user failed!",
	"FTP_PORT_PS":"FTP port",
	"SSL_CHECK_WRITE_ERR":"Verification error!",
	"SSL_CHECK_DNS_ERR":"DNS error,or NOT yet in effect!<li style='color:red;'>{1}</li>",
	"SSL_GET_SUCCESS":"Got successfully!",
	"SSL_NOT_BTUSER":"Please bind your BT account!",
	"WAF_NOT_NGINX":"Currently only support Nginx",
	"WAF_NOT_NGINX_VERSION":"Current version of Nginx does NOT support WAF, please reinstall Nginx!",
	"WAF_UPDATE":"Updated successfully!",
	"WAF_CONF_NOT_EXISTS":"ERROR, the specified configuration value does NOT exist!",
	"WAF_CONF_EXISTS":"ERROR, the specified configuration value already exists!",
	"WAF_CONF_ERR":"ERROR, the value set is illegal!",
	"CODE_ERR":"Verification code is incorrect, please try again!",
	"CODE_TIMEOUT":"Verification code is expired, click to refresh!",
	"CODE_NOT_EXISTS":"Verification code does NOT exist!",
	"REQUEST_ERR":"Request error!",
	"SYS_BOOT_TIME":"{1} d {2} hrs {3} min",
	"SYS_NOT_INSTALL_APACHE":"Execution failed, check if Apache installed",
	"SYS_CONF_APACHE_ERR":"Apache rule configuration error: <br><a style='color:red;'>{1}</a>",
	"SYS_CONF_NGINX_REP":"Configuration file mismatch caused by reinstalling Nginx fixed",
	"SYS_CONF_NGINX_ERR":"Nginx rule configuration error: <br><a style='color:red;'>{1}</a>",
	"SYS_EXEC_SUCCESS":"Executed successfully!",
	"SYS_REBOOT":"Command sent successfully!",
	"TOMCAT_IP":"ERROR, primary domain cannot be IP address!",
	"RECYCLE_BIN_DB":"Database moved to recycle bin!",
	"RECYCLEDB":"Database recovered!",
	"UNZIP_ERR_DIR":"it is not allowed to uncompress file in critical directory, which will cause the permission to be replaced.",
	"PHP_CONF_1":"Short tag support",
	"PHP_CONF_2":"ASP tag support",
	"PHP_CONF_3":"Safe mode",
	"PHP_CONF_4":"Max time of running script",
	"PHP_CONF_5":"Max time of input",
	"PHP_CONF_6":"Limit of script memory",
	"PHP_CONF_7":"Max size of POST data",
	"PHP_CONF_8":"Whether to allow upload file",
	"PHP_CONF_9":"Max size of upload file",
	"PHP_CONF_10":"Max value of simultaneously upload file",
	"PHP_CONF_11":"Socket over time",
	"PHP_CONF_12":"Level of error",
	"PHP_CONF_13":"Whether to output detailed error info",
	"PHP_CONF_14":"Whether to turn on pathinfo",
	"NGINX_CONF_MSG1":"SSL related configuration, do NOT delete or modify the next line of commented-out 404 rules",
	"NGINX_CONF_MSG2":"Error page configuration, allowed to be commented, deleted or modified",
	"NGINX_CONF_MSG3":"PHP reference configuration, allowed to be commented, deleted or modified",
	"NGINX_CONF_MSG4":"URL rewrite rule reference, any modification will invalidate the rewrite rules set by the panel",
	"ALREADY_INSTALLED": "Already installed",
	"NOT_INSTALL": "Not installed",
	"GET_QINIU_FILE_LIST": "Failed to get the list, please check if the [AK/SK/Storage] setting is correct!",
	"SECOND": "Second",
	"REQUEST_TIMEOUT_TIME": "Request timeout",
	"CONNECT_TIMEOUT_TIME": "Connection timeout",
	"MAX_KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS": "Max keep-alive requests per connection",
	"WORKER_PROCESSES": "Worker processes",
	"WORKER_PROCESSES_AUTO": "Auto means automatic",
	"KEEP_ALIVE": "Keep alive",
	"DEFUALT_PROCESSES": "Default processes",
	"MAX_PROCESSES": "Max processes",
	"MAX_CONNECTIONS": "Max connections",
	"NOT_LIMITED_BY_0": "0 means not limited",
	"MAX_SPARE_SERVERS": "Max spare servers",
	"CONFIG_ERROR": "Configuration ERROR",
	"SECRET_KEY_CHECK_FALSE": "Secret key verification failed",
	"CHECK_IP_FALSE": "IP verification failed, your access IP is",
	"NOT_LESS_THAN_TIMEOUT": "Timeout cannot be less than 300 seconds",
	"SECURITY_ENTRANCE_ADDRESS_NOT_LESS_THAN": "Security Entrance cannot be less than 6 characters!",
	"SECURITY_ENTRANCE_ADDRESS_EXIST": "This entrance has been used by the panel, please set another entrances!",
	"SECURITY_ENTRANCE_ADDRESS_INCORRECT": "Entrance address format is incorrect, e.g. /my_panel",
	"SECURITY_ENTRANCE_ADDRESS_TRUEN_OFF_WARN": "Warning, turning off the security entrance will directly expose your back-end to the public network, which is very dangerous. At least one of the following security measures must be turned on to turn off the security entrance:<a style='color:red;'><br>1. Binding access domain<br>2. Binding authorized IP</a>",
	"OPEN_SUCCESSFUL": "Open successful!",
	"SPECIAL_CHARACTRES": "Please do NOT enter the following special characters {1}",
	"INSTALL_EXTEND_FIRST": "Please install the {1} extension first.",
	"CANT_SET_API_WITH_API": "Cannot configure API through API",
	"REGENERATE_API_TOKEN ": "Regenerate API-Token",
	"TURN_ON": "Turn on",
	"CHANGE_IP_LIMIT": "Change IP limit to [{1}]",
	"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Successfully saved!",
	"SAVE_SUCCESS1":"Successfully saved",
	"P_STOP_IPV6": "Disable IPv6 compatibility of the panel!",
	"P_START_IPV6": "Enable IPv6 compatibility of the panel!",
	"SYSSAFE_CANT_WRITE_FILE": "Unable to write to file, please check if system hardening is enabled!",
	"AK_SK_CONNECT_ERROR": "ERROR: Unable to connect to the {1} server, please check if the [AK/SK/Storage] setting is correct!",
	"MYSQL_FIX_WITH_AUTO_ERR": "Execution failed, attempted auto repair, please try again later!",
	"MYSQL_TURNOFF_BIN_CHECK": "Please uninstall the MySQL master-slave plugin before closing the binary log!",
	"MYSQL_PASS_ERR": "MySQL password ERROR!",
	"GET_DB_ERR": "Failed to get databases",
	"REPAIR_SUCCESS": "Successfully repaired!",
	"REPAIR_FAILURE": "Failed to repair!",
	"OPTIMIZED_SUCCESS": "Successfully optimized!",
	"OPTIMIZED_FAIL_OR_ALREADY_OPTIMIZED": "Failed to optimize or already optimized",
	"CHANGE_SUCCESS": "Successfully changed",
	"CHANVE_FAIL": "Failed to change",
	"DB_NOT_EXIST": "Database does NOT exist!",
	"DOWNLOAD_FILE": "Download file",
	"FILE_NAME_SPECIAL_CHARACTRES": "File names can NOT contain special characters!",
	"DIR_NAME_SPECIAL_CHARACTRES": "Directory names cannot contain special characters!",
	"RENAME_SUCCESS": "Successfully renamed!",
	"CANT_EDIT_ONLINE_FILE": "Cannot edit files larger than 2MB online!",
	"INCOMPATIBLE_FILECODE": "The file cannot be read correctly due to incompatible file encoding!'{1}",
	"DECOMPRESSION_FILE": "Decompress the file",
	"COMPRESSION_FILE": "Compress the file",
	"ADD_COMPRESSION_TO_LINEUP": "Compression task added to the message queue!",
	"ADD_DECOMPRESSION_TO_LINEUP": "Decompression task added to the message queue!",
	"NO_TASK_AT_LINEUP": "There are currently no tasks executing in the queue{1}!",
	"HAVE_BEEN_SAVE": "Saved",
	"HAVE_NOT_DRAFT": "No drafts available!",
	"SSH_SERVER": "SSH Server",
	"DESIGNATED_POROTOCOL_NOT_EXIST": "Specified protocol does NOT exist!",
	"DONT_USE_PORT": "Do NOT use common default port!",
	"ALREADY_RUN": "Running",
	"WORKER_CONNECTIONS": "Worker connections",
	"NGINX_ZIP": "Whether to enable compressed transmission",
	"NGINX_ZIP_MIN": "Minimum file to compress",
	"ZIP_COMP_LEVEL": "Compression level",
	"UPLOAD_MAX_FILE": "Max file to upload",
	"SERVER_NAME_HASH": "Hash table size of server name",
	"CLIENT_HEADER_BUFF": "Client header buffer size",
	"CLIENT_BODY_BUFF": "Client body buffer",
	"NOT_TURNON_API": "ERROR: API service is NOT enabled!",
	"INIT_API":"Successfully initialize the API!",
	"LOGIN_FIRST": "Please login with BT account first",
	"FLUSH_STATUS_SUCCESS": "Flush status success",
	"CANT_WRITE_SYS_DIR": "<a style='color:red;'>ERROR: System critical directory is not writable!</a><br>1. If [BT System Hardening] is installed, please turn it off<br><br>2. If Yunsuo is installed, please turn off [System Hardening] feature<br>3. If Safedog is installed, please turn off [System Protection] feature<br>4. If other security software is used, please uninstall it<br>",
	"UNINSTALL_FIRST": "Please uninstall [{1}] first",
	"DEP_PAGE": "Depends on the following software, please install [{1}] first",
	"MINIMUM_CPU_REQUIRED": "At least [{1}] CPU cores are required to install",
	"MINIMUM_MEM_REQUIRED": "At least [{1}MB] memory is required to install",
	"ALL": "All",
	"ONLY_SUP_SYS": "Only the [{1}] system is supported",
	"CHECK_FILE_HASH": "File hash verification failed, stop installation!",
	"INSTALL_FAIL": "Installation failed",
	"INSTALL": "Install",
	"UNINSTALL": "Uninstall",
	"NOT_SUP_NG1.8": "Nginx 1.8.1 is too old, no longer available, please choose another version!",
	"RM_DB_WARN": "The database list is not empty. For your data security, please backup and delete the existing database.<br>Forced uninstall command: rm -rf /www/server/mysql",
	"GET_SOFTLIST_FAIL": "Failed to get software list ({1})",
	"DONT_ADD_AGAIN": "Please do NOT repeat adding",
	"HP_DIS_MOST": "Dashboard only display up to 12 software!",
	"BAR_DIS_MOST": "Shortcut Bar only display up to 5 software!",
	"NOT_OPENED": "NOT opened",
	"WAITING_FOR_PAY": "To be paid",
	"EXPIRED": "Expired",
	"PLUGIN_UPDATE_ERR1": "Your plugin list is already the latest version {1}!",
	"SOFTLIST_UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Software list updated!",
	"HAVE_ERR": "Sorry, something went wrong",
	"DOWNLOAD_FILE_FAIL": "File download failed!",
	"UNKNOW": "Unknown",
	"CANT_FIND_PLU_IN_PACKAGE": "No plugin info found in the archive, please check the plugin package!",
	"TEM_FILE_NOT_EXIST": "Temporary file does NOT exist, please re-upload!",
	"PLUG_EXPORT_FAIL": "Export failed, please check permissions!",
	"CANT_GET_URL": "Can NOT get target URL",
	"NGINX_REDIRECT_REP": "#referenced redirect rule, if commented, the configured redirect rule will be invalid",
	"NGINX_REDIRECT_REP1": "#referenced redirect rule",
	"GET_ERR_IN_CONFILE": "An error was detected in the configuration file. Please solve it before proceeding",
	"NAME_LEN": "Name must contain more than 3 and less than 15 characters",
	"REDIRECT_EXIST": "Specified redirect name already exists",
	"SELECT_RED_DOMAIN": "Please select redirected domain",
	"INPUT_RED_DOMAIN": "Please enter redirected path",
	"PATH_ERR": "Path format is incorrect, the format is /xxx",
	"RED_DOMAIN_EXIST": "Redirected domain already exists {1}",
	"URL_FORMAT_ERR": "The target URL format is incorrect {1}",
	"DOMAIN_SAMEAS_URL": "Domain name {1} is the same as the target domain name, please deselect it",
	"URL_SAMEAS_REDPATH": "{1}, the target URL is the same as the redirected path",
	"CREATE_SUCCESS": "Successfully created",
	"OLD_CONF": "Old configuration",
	"CLEAR_OLD_RED": "Old redirection cleaned",
	"RED_ALREADY_STOP": "Redirection suspended",
	"DANGER": "Danger",
	"HIGH_RISK":"High risk",
	"GET_POST_EXPLOITABLE_VULNERABILITIES": "GET/POST exploitable vulnerabilities",
	"ONE_WORD_TROJAN_HORSE":"One word Trojan",
	"WEBSHELL": "WebShell behavior",
	"EXPLOITABLE_VULNERABILITIES": "Exploitable vulnerabilities",
	"HAZARDOUS_FILE_OPERATION_VULNERABILITIES": "Hazardous file operation vulnerabilities",
	"DANGEROUS_UPLOAD_VULNERABILITIES":"Dangerous upload vulnerabilities",
	"DANGEROUS_CITATION": "Dangerous reference",
	"NGINX_CONF_BAN_FILE_DIR": "# Forbidden files or directories",
	"NGINX_CONF_ONECLICK_SET_SSL_DIR": "# Directory verification related settings for one-click application for SSL certificate",
	"SITE_NOT_EXIST": "Specified site does NOT exist",
	"AUTO_INSTALL_ACME_FAIL": "Trying to automatically install ACME failed, please try to install manually by the following command<p>Installation command",
	"SET_API_FIRST": "Please set this API first",
	"INSTALL_CLOUDDNS_FIRST": "Please install the [CloudDNS] plugin first.",
	"CHOOSE_DOMAIN": "Please choose domain",
	"CHECK_SSL_ERR": "Wildcard domain cannot use the method of [file verification] to apply for a certificate!",
	"RESOLVE_DOMAIN_BYF": "Successfully got, please manually resolve the domain name",
	"GET_FAIL": "Failed to get!",
	"ISSUANCE_FAIL": "'Issue failed, we can not verify your domain: <p>1. check if the domain name is bound to the corresponding site</p><p>2. check if the domain name is correctly resolved to the server, or the resolution has NOT fully taken effect</p><p>3. If your site has a reverse proxy set up, or if you are using a CDN, please turn it off first</p><p>4. If your site has a 301 redirect, please turn it off first</p><p>5. If the above checks confirm that there is no problem, please try to change the DNS service provider</p>'",
	"NOT_OPEN_SSL": "SSL is NOT currently enabled",
	"OLD_PROXY": "Old proxy",
	"PROXY_NAME_OR_DIR_EXIST": "Specified reverse proxy name or proxy folder already exists",
	"CANT_SET_DIRANDGLOBA": "Cannot set both directory and global proxies",
	"INPUT_NUM": "Please input number",
	"PROXY_DIR_ERR": "Proxy directory cannot have the following special characters {1}",
	"PROXY_URL_ERR": "Target URL cannot have the following special characters {1}",
	"SENT_DOMAIN_FORMAT":"Sent domain format ERROR {1}",
	"DOMAIN_FORMAT": "Domain format ERROR {1}",
	"INPUT_REPLACE_CONTENT": "Please enter the content to be replaced",
	"REP_CON_CANT_SAMEAS_BEREP_CON": "The content to replace cannot be the same as the content to be replaced",
	"CLEAR_CACHE":"#Clear cache",
	"NGINX_PROXY_REP": "Referenced reverse proxy rule, if commented, the configured reverse proxy will be invalid",
	"NGINX_PROXY_EXIST_ERR": "A global reverse proxy already exists in the rewrite/nginx master configuration/vhost file",
	"PROXY_WAS_STOP": "Proxy suspended",
	"NGINX_PERSISTENCE": "#Persistent connection related configuration",
	"INPUT_DB_PS": "Please enter a note",
	"SCAN_DIR": "Scan directory",
	"URL_SUFFIX_NOT_EMPTY":"URL suffix cannot be empty",
	"SECURITY_START": "#SECURITY-START Hotlink protection configration",
	"LOG_EMPTY": "Log is empty",
	"DEFAULT_SORT": "Default category",
	"SORT_NAME_ERR": "Category name cannot be empty",
	"SORT_NAME_LEN_ERR": "Category name cannot exceed 6 Chinese characters or 18 letters",
	"SORT_MOST": "Add up to 10 categories!",
	"SORT_NAME_EXIST":"Specified category name already exists!",
	"SORT_NOT_EXIST": "Specified category does NOT exist!",
	"SORT_DEL": "Category deleted!",
	"CANT_CREATE": "Cannot create [{1}]",
	"CHECKING": "Checking...",
	"CRET_NOT_EXIST": "Certificate does NOT exist!",
	"CRET_DEL": "Certificate deleted!",
	"CRET_DEL_FAIL": "Failed to delete!",
	"CRET_RESOLVE_FAIL":"Certificate parsing failed",
 	"CRET_SAVE_SUSSESS": "Successfully saved certificate!",
 	"CRET_SAVE_FAIL": "Failed to save certificate!",
	"TASK_CANCEL": "Task cancelled!",
	"NOT_SUP_COMP_FORMAT": "Specified compression format is not supported!",
	"SITE_DOMAIN_FORMAT_ERR": "Domain [{1}] format ERROR!",
	"SITE_DOMAIN_EXIST": "Domain [{1}] already exists!",
	"PANEL_WAS_RESTART": "Panel restarted",
	"USER_NAME": "Username",
	"NEW_PASS": "New password",
	"CLEARING_LOG": "Clearing log info",
	"CLEARING_TASK_HISTORY":"Clearing task history",
	"CLEARING_NET_MO": "Clearing network monitoring records",
	"CLEARING_CPU_MO": "Clearing CPU monitoring records",
	"CLEARING_DISK_MO": "Clearing disk monitoring records",
	"CLEARING_IP": "Clearing IP info",
	"CLEARING_SYS_HISTORY":"Clearing system history",
	"PANEL_TIPS":"The panel is packaged successfully. Please do NOT log in to the panel to do any other operations!",
	"PANEL_INIT_ADD": "Panel initialization address",
	"CLEAR_TASK": "Successfully cleared {1} tasks!",
	"CLEAR_RUBBISH": "System rubbish cleared, totally deleted [{1}] files, freed disk space [{2}]",
	"CLEAR_RUBBISH1": "|-Cleared [{1}], deleted [{2}] files, freed disk space [{3}]",
	"CLEAR_RUBBISH2": "|-Spool cleared, deleted [{1}] files, freed disk space [{2}]",
	"CLEAR_PHP_SESSION": "|-Clearing PHP Session ...",
	"CLEAR_PHP_SESSION1": "|-PHP session cleared, deleted [{1}] files, freed disk space [{2}]",
	"CLEAR_RUBBISH3": "|-Clearing up temporary files and site logs...",
	"CLEAR_RUBBISH4": "|-Temporary files and site logs cleared, deleted [{1}] files, freed disk space [{2}]",
	"USER_NAME_LEN_ERR": "|-ERROR, username cannot be less than 5 characters",
	"EASY_NAME": "|-ERROR, cannot use too simple username",
	"NEW_NAME": "|-New username: {1}",
	"WITH_BT_CUSTOM_EDITION": "Customized edition with BT",
	"PANEL": "Panel",
	"PLUG_UPDATEING": "Updating plugin...",
	"PLUG_UPDATE_TO_6": "All plugins successfully updated to 6.0 compatible!",
	"RESTART_PANEL": "Restart panel",
	"CHANGE_PANEL_PORT": "Change panel port",
	"STOP_PANEL": "Stop panel",
	"CLEAR_PANEL_CACHE": "Clear panel cache",
	"START_PANEL": "Start panel",
	"CLEAR_PANEL_LIMIT": "Clear login limit",
	"RELOAD_PANEL": "Reload panel",
	"CANCEL_ENTRY": "Cancel entrance limit",
	"CHANGE_PANEL_PASS": "Change panel password",
	"CANCEL_DOMAIN_BIND": "Cancel domain binding limit",
	"CHANGE_PANEL_USER": "Change panel username",
	"CANCEL_IP_LIMIT": "Cacel IP access limit",
	"CHANGE_MYSQL_PASS_FORCE": "Forcibly change MySQL root password",
	"GET_PANEL_DEFAULT_MSG": "View panel default info",
	"CANCEL": "Cacel",
	"CLEAR_SYS_RUBBISH": "Clear system rubbish",
	"CANCELLED": "Cacelled!",
	"EXECUTING": "Executing ({1})...",
	"INPUT_CMD_NUM": "Pls input command number:",
	"INPUT_NEW_PASS": "Pls input new password: ",
	"INPUT_NEW_USER": "Pls input new username(>5 characters): ",
	"INPUT_NEW_MYSQL_PASS": "Pls input new MySQL root password:",
	"PASS_NOT_EMPTY": "|-ERROR, password cannot be empty",
	"PASS_LEN_ERR": "|-ERROR, password cannot be less than 8 characters",
	"PASS_SPECIAL_CHARACTRES_ERR": "|-ERROR, password cannot contain special characters",
	"INPUT_NEW_PANEL_PORT": "Pls input new panel port: ",
	"INPUT_PANEL_PORT_ERR": "|-ERROR, no valid port input",
	"CANT_USE_USUALLY_PORT_ERR": "|-ERROR, pls do NOT use the common port as panel port",
	"NEW_PORT_SAMEAS_OLD": "|-ERROR, new port is the same as current panel port, no need to change",
	"PORT_ALREADY_IN_USE": "|-ERROR, specified port is already in use",
	"CHANGE_PORT_SUCCESS": "|-Panel port changed to:{1}",
	"CLOUD_RELEASE_PORT": "|-If your server provider is [Alibaba Cloud] [Tencent Cloud] [Huawei Cloud] or other servers with [Security Group] enabled, please go to the security group release [{1}] port to access the panel",
	"CHANGE_LIMITED_CANCEL": "|-Entrance limit cancelled",
	"CHANGE_DOMAIN_CANCEL": "|-Domain limit cancelled",
	"CHANGE_IP_CANCEL": "|-IP access limit cancelled",
	"SCAN_QRCORE_SUCCESS_LOGGING_IN": "Scan QR code successful, logging in",
	"WECHAT_SCAN_QRCORE": "WeChat scan QR code login",
	"LOGIN_SUCCESS1": "Login success",
	"LOGIN_FAIL": "Login failed",
	"PANEL_TOO_LOW": "The panel version is too low, please update to the latest version",
	"NOT_BIND_WECHAT": "Currently not bound WeChat account",
	"QRCORE_EXPIRE": "QR code expired {1}",
	"SK_NOT_INCORRECT": "Secret Key is incorrect",
	"UNAUTHORIZED": "Unauthorized",
	"BIND_SUCCESS": "Binding success",
	"TOP_TIPS":"The current IE browser version is too low to display some features, please use another browser. Or if you use a browser developed by a Chinese company, please switch to Extreme Mode!",
	"BT_HELP":"For Support|Suggestions, please visit the BT-Panel Forum",
	"MANUAL":"User Manual",
	"TOMCAT_PS":"Tomcat external port",
	"TOMCAT_PS1":"Mapping site for Tomcat [{1}]",
	"START_SUCCESS":"Successfully started",
	"STOP_SUCCESS":"Successfully stopped",
	"RELOAD_SUCCESS":"Successfully reloaded",
	"TOMCAT_ENV_ERR":"There is a problem with Tomcat {1} environment, please check if it is normal",
	"JDK_NOT_INSTALL":"This JDK is NOT installed",
	"DOMAIN_FORMAT_ERR":"Please enter the correct domain",
	"CONF_ERR_OR_SERVER_NOT_INSTALL":"Configuration ERROR or service NOT installed",
	"ALREADY_EXIST":"Already exist",
	"CONF_ERR":"Configuration ERROR, please check the configuration file",
	"NOT_EXIST":"NOT exist",
	"CHANGE_FAIL_DIR_NOT_EXIST":"The change failed, directory does NOT exist",
	"TOMCAT_DOAMIN_ERR":"This domain name does NOT exist in Tomcat",
	"TOMCAT_PROXY_SUCCESS":"Successfully added mapping [{1}]",
	"TOMCAT_PROXY_FAIL":"Failed to add mapping [{1}]",
	"PROXY_DOMAIN_EXIT":"Domain mapped or already exists. Please delete it before replacing it.",
	"GET_DOMAIN_LIST_ERR":"Failed to get domain list!",
	"PORT_ALREADY_EXIST":"Port already exists!",
	"RETURN_TYPE_ERR":"Return type ERROR",
	"PEM_FORMAT_ERR":"Certificate ERROR, please paste the correct certificate in pem format!",
	"ACCEPT_SSL_ERR":"Wildcard domain and subdomain cannot apply for a certificate together",
	"CHECK_TXT_ERR1":"<h2>TXT record verification failed, no TXT record added, or added incorrectly!</h2>",
	"CHECK_TXT_ERR2":"TXT record verification ERROR, the current TXT record invalid or expired",
	"CHECK_TXT_ERR3":"<h2>Current TXT record expired, please re-acquire!</h2>",
	"CHECK_TXT_ERR4":"TXT record has expired, please re-acquire",
	"CHECK_TXT_ERR5":"TXT record verification failed",
	"CHECK_TXT_ERR6":"Current txt record expired, please re-acquire",
	"ACCEPT_SSL_ERR1":"<h2>Issue failed, and the number of failed attempts to apply for a certificate has reached the limit!</h2>",
	"ACCEPT_SSL_ERR2":"<h2>Issue failed, ::wildcard domain and subdomain cannot apply for a certificate together!</h2>",
	"ACCEPT_SSL_ERR3":"<h2>Issue failed, TXT record verification failed, domain resolution ERROR, or NOT valid!</h2>",
	"ACCEPT_SSL_ERR4":"<h2>Issue failed, current txt record expired, please re-acquire!</h2>",
	"ACCEPT_SSL_ERR5":"<h2>Issue failed, domain resolution ERROR, or NOT valid, or the domain name is NOT filed by MIIT!</h2>",
	"ACCEPT_SSL_ERR6":"ERROR, cannot find file openssl.cnf, please install openssl",
	"ACCEPT_SSL_ERR7":"<h2>Issue failed, 请安装openssl!</h2>",
	"ACME_ERR1":"Unable to initialize ACME client",
	"ACME_ERR2":"Unable to initialize client",
	"ACME_ERR3":"Network request timeout with Let's Encrypt",
	"ACME_ERR4":"Error getting ACME endpoint",
	"CREATE_ACCOUNT_KEY":"Create Account Key",
	"SSL_REGISTER_ERR":"ERROR registering",
	"SSL_ACCEPT_ERR":"ERROR requesting a certificate",
	"SSL_ACCEPT_ERR1":"ERROR getting identifier authorization",
	"SSL_CHECK_TIPS":"Check completed = {1}. Max check allowed = {2}. Interval between checks = {3} seconds.",
	"SSL_SEND_CSR_ERR":"Error sending CSR",
	"SSL_GET_CERT_ERR":"Error getting certificate",
	"DNSPORD_ERR":"This domain does NOT exist in this DNSPod account, failed to add resolution",
	"DNSPORD_ERR1":"DNSPod API key ERROR, failed to add resolution",
	"ALICLOUD_ERR":"This domain does NOT exist in this Aliyun account, failed to add resolution",
	"CLOUDXNS_ERR":"This domain does NOT exist in this CloudXNS account, failed to add resolution",
	"API_SK_ERR":"API key ERROR, failed to add resolution",
	"CANT_FIND_RECORDID":"Record_ID of the domain NOT found: ",
	"DEL_RES_FAIL":"Failed to delete DNS record",
	"SK_ERR":"Secret Key ERROR, failed to add resolution",
	"BT_DNSRES_ERR":"This domain does NOT exist in the currently bound BT Cloud DNS account, failed to add resolution!",
	"ADD_ARGS_TO_SHELL_ERR":"The format of the parameter passed to the script is incorrect",
	"PANEL_THREAD_RANGE_ERR":"The number of panel threads should be between 1-1024",
	"NOT_RENEW_CERT":"Currently no certificates to renew",
	"EXIST_RENEW_TASK":"Currently renewal tasks in progress!",
	"ADD_RENEW_TO_TASK":"The renewal task added to the queue!",
	"GET_FAIL_NOT_RESULT":"Get failed, there is currently no result!",
	"WAIT_RENEW":"Waiting for renewal",
	"RENEW_SUCCESS":"Renewal success",
	"RENEW_FAIL":"Renewal failed. Please try to turn off SSL and re-apply for this domain certificate using File Authentication or DNS Authentication!",
	"RENEW_FAIL1":"Renewal failed. Domain resolution ERROR, or NOT valid!",
	"RENEW_FAIL2":"Renewal failed. The number of failed attempts to apply for a certificate has reached the limit!",
	"CLOSE_BETA":"Beta tester profile",
	"PORT_RANGE_ERR":"Please enter the correct port range 1 < port < 65535",
	"PORT_TYPE_ERR":"Please enter an integer for the port",
	"PROJECT_EXIST":"Project already exists",
	"DEPENDENT_FILE":"The dependency file requirements.txt was NOT found in the working directory, please add it before creating",
	"SANIC_ERR":"Sanic framework project please use Gunicorn or Python to start",
	"PYTHON_EDIT_CONF_ERR":"Python startup mode has no configuration file to modify",
	"CONF_MODIFY_SUCCESS":"Configuration is successfully modified, please restart the project manually",
	"SAVE_FAIL":"Failed to save",
	"PIP_CANT_UNINSTALL":"PIP cannot be uninstalled",
	"UNINSTALL_FAIL":"Failed to uninstall",
	"PROJECT_START_FAIL":"Project failed to start, please check the project log",
	"ENV_ERR":"No virtual environment created, please recreate the project",
	"PROJECT_ALREADY_START":"Project already started",
	"PROJECT_STOP":"Project already stopped",
	"STOP_SUCCESS1":"Successfully stopped",
	"STOP_FAIL":"Failed to stop",
	"PROJECT_MAPPING_FAIL":"Project has no ports and cannot be mapped. The uwsgi mode does NOT support sock file mode mapping at this stage.",
	"PYTHON_PROJECT_MAPPING":"Mapping site for Python project [{1}]",
	"CANCEL_SUCCESS":"Successfully cancelled",
	"DEL_PROJECT_MUST_STOP_FIRST":"Please stop the project before deleting",
	"THIS_PYTHON_ALREADY_INSTALL":"This version of Python already installed {1}",
	"SYS_PY_CANT_UNINSTALL":"This version of Python is the system default and cannot be uninstalled.",
	"UNINSTALL_PY_MUST_DEL_PROJECT_FIRST":"This version is used by a project, please delete the project before uninstalling",
	"NO_INSTALL_THIS_PY":"This version of Python is NOT installed",
	"UNINSTALL_PY_FAIL":"Failed to uninstall Python, please try again",
	"UNINSTALL_PY_SUCCESS":"Successfully uninstall Python",
	"PROJECT_NO_LOG":"The project has no logs",
	"PGSQL_TEST_DATA":"Test data returned by the backend",
	"PGSQL_ADD_ERR":"The permissions you entered are invalid and the addition failed!",
	"DB_EXIST":"Database already exists",
	"USER_EXIST":"User already exists",
	"CREATE_DB_SUCCESS":"Successfully created database",
	"PGSQL_DIR_MOVE_ERR":"The directory you submitted is invalid and the migration failed",
	"PGSQL_MOVE_SUCCESS":"Migration successful",
	"CANT_USE_PORT":"This port number cannot be used and the modification failed",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS1":"Current PostgreSQL related processes",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS2":"Total connections",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS3":"Database space",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS4":"Start time",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS6":"Database memory",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS7":"Size of physical memory that the table process has locked",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS8":"Max allocated physical memory to database",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS9":"Size of process data segment",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS10":"Size of process stack segment",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS11":"Size of process code",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS12":"Size of library used by process",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS13":"Size of swap used by process",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS14":"Size of used page table",
	"PGSQL_CURR_STATUS15":"Number of current pending signals",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS1":"PostgreSQL interacts with the kernel and disk through shared_buffers, usually set to 10% of real memory.",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS2":"Increasing work_mem helps increase the speed of sorting, usually set to 2% -4% of real RAM.",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS3":"Max cache that PostgreSQL can use, for example, if there is 4GB of memory, it can be set to 3GB.",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS4":"Set the max number of temporary buffers used by each database session. Default value is 8MB",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS5":"Set the max number of transactions that can be in the prepared state at the same time",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS6":"Specify max security depth of the server's execution stack. Default value is 2MB",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS7":"How many dirty pages are written in one cycle",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS8":"If you want to use the worker process, how many worker processes allowed to fork at most",
	"PGSQL_SET_TIPS9":"PostgreSQL listening address",
	"BACK_SUCCESS":"Backup succeeded",
	"DEL_BACKFILE_SUCCESS":"Successfully deleted backup files",
	"DEL_DB_SUCCESS":"Successfully deleted database",
	"RES_DB_SUCCESS":"Successfully restored database",
	"FILE_FORMAT_ERR":"File format is incorrect",
	"RES_DB_SUCCESS1":"Successfully restored database {1}!",
	"CHANGE_PASSWD_SUCCESS":"Successfully changed password",
	"PGSQL_INPUT_ERR":"Your input is illegal and the modification failed",
	"PGSQL_CHANGE_AUTHORITY_SUCCESS":"Successfully changed PostgreSQL user access authority",
	"ALREADY_INSTALL":"Already installed",
	"PGSQL_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS":"Successfully uninstalled PostgreSQL",
	"PGSQL_ALREADY_INSTALL":"PostgreSQL already installed",
	"PGSQL_INSTALL_NOW":"{1} installing, please wait...",
	"SITE_NOT_EXIST1":"Site [{1}] does NOT exist!",
	"SITE_BACK_FILE":"Site [{1}] backup failed!",
	"SITE_BACKFTP_SUCCESS":"Site [{1}] backup to FTP succeed, in [{2}] seconds",
	"KEEP_PART":"|---Keep the latest [{1}] backups",
	"FTP_FILE_NAME":"|---File name:",
	"FTP_CLEAN_BACK_FILE":"|---Expired backup file cleaned up:",
	"FTP_DB_NOT_EXIST":"Database [{1}] does NOT exist!",
	"FTP_DB_BACK":"Database [{1}] backup failed!",
	"FTP_DB_BACK_SUCCESS":"Database [{1}] backup succeed, in [{2}] seconds",
	"FTP_DIR_BACK_FAIL":"Derectory [{1}] backup failed",
	"FTP_DIR_BACK_SUCCESS":"Derectory [{1}] backup succeed, in [{2}] seconds",
	"TITLE_HOOK_CANT_EMPTY":"Title and hook scripts cannot be empty",
	"RUN_SUCCESS":"Successfully run",
	"HOOK_NOT_EXIST":"Specified hook does NOT exist",
	"IPADDR_ERR":"IP address is invalid",
	"NETMASK_ERR":"Subnet mask is invalid",
	"GATEWAY_ERR":"Gateway address is invalid",
	"CANT_GET_DEVNAME":"Cannot get the correct device name",
	"SPECIFY_IP_EXIST":"Specified IP address already exists",
	"THIS_IP_CANT_DEL":"This IP cannot be deleted",
	"INIT_NETCARD_SUCCESS":"Successfully initialized NIC",
	"NETWORK_RESTART":"Network restarted",
	"NO_INIT_NETCARD":"NIC NOT initialized",
	"DNS_CAN_USE":"Current DNS is available",
	"DNS_CANT_USE":"Current DNS is NOT available",
	"DISK_SPACE_NOT_ENOUGH":"Failed, disk space is not enough, currently available space:",
	"USERNAME_CANT_EMPTY":"Username cannot be empty",
	"MEM_DISK_SET_ERR":"Max capacity of the memory disk cannot exceed 50% of physical memory!",
	"INPUT_ABSOLUTE_PATH":"Please input an absolute path",
	"DIR_EXIST_ERR":"Directory already has files, please change another directory",
	"INPUT_ARGS_ERR":"Please input correct parameters",
	"UMOUNT_TIPS":"Successfully unmounted, some directories may need to restart the server to take effect!",
	"UMOUNT_ERR":"Failed to unmount",
	"MOUNT_ERR":"It is not allowed to mount to a mounted subdirectory",
	"MOUNT_SUCCESS":"Successfully mounted",
	"REDIS_PASSWD_ERR":" 'Please do not enter the following special characters [ ~ ` / = ' ]",
	"IP_FORMAT_ERR": "Please enter the correct IP address",
	"PORT_FORMAT_ERR": "Please enter the correct port number",
	"MAX_MEM_ERR": "Please enter an integer for the max memory number",
	"SET_FORMAT_ERR": "Set {1} Please enter an integer",
	"REDIS_CONF_TIPS1": "Binding IP (modification of bound IP may be a security risk)",
	"REDIS_CONF_TIPS2": "Bind port",
	"REDIS_CONF_TIPS3": "Idle connection timeout, 0 means not disconnected",
	"REDIS_CONF_TIPS4": "Max num of connections",
	"REDIS_CONF_TIPS5": "Number of databases",
	"REDIS_CONF_TIPS6": "redis password, leaving blank means no password is set",
	"REDIS_CONF_TIPS7": "MB, max memory usage, 0 means no limit",
	"RDB_ERR": "Please enter an integer for the RDB parameter",
	"SYS_DB_CANT_DEL": "System database, cannot be deleted",
	"SAVE_CONF": "Configuration has been saved",
	"OPERATE_SUCCESS": "Operation succeeded"