var lan = {
		var msgs = {
			"diskinfo_span_1":"Available space on disk partition [{1}] is less than 1GB, it may make MySQL service automatically stop, or Panel not accessible, please clean it!",
			"process_kill_confirm":"Ending Task progress name [{1}],PID [{2}] may affact server service, continue?",
			"del":"Delete [{1}]",
			"del_all_task":"Totally selected [{1}] task, it is unable to recover after deleted, continue?",
			"del_all_task_ok":"Successfully deleted [{1}] task!",
			"del_all_task_the":"Deleting [{1}], please wait...",
			"add_all_task_ok":"Successfully added [{1}] task!",
			"add":"Adding [{1}], please wait...",
			"confirm_del":"Are your sure to delete [{1}]?",
			"update_num":"Only be able to upload {1} file by once,residue cannot be processed!",
			"service_confirm":"Are you need {1} {2} service?",
			"service_the":"{1} {2} Service now, please wait...",
			"service_ok":"{1} service already {2}",
			"service_err":"{1} service {2} failed!",
			"recycle_bin_confirm":"Are you sure to put this file [{1}] to trash?",
			"recycle_bin_confirm_dir":"Are you sure to put this directory [{1}] to trash?",
			"del_all_ftp":"Totally selected [{1}] FTP, and it is unable to recover after deleted, continue?",
			"del_all_ftp_ok":"Successfully deleted {1} FTP account",
			"del_all_database":"Totally selected [{1}] database(s), and it is unable to recover after deleted, continue?",
			"del_all_database_ok":"Successfully deleted [{1}] database!",
			"config_edit_ps":"This is {1} primary configuration file, if you do not understand it, do NOT modify it.",
			"install_confirm":"Are you sure to install {1}-{2}?",
			"del_all_site":"Totally selected [{1}] site,it is unable to recover after delete, continue?",
			"del_all_site_ok":"Successfully deleted [{1}] site!",
			"ssl_enable":"You have enabled [{1}] certificate,if need close,please click\"CloseSSL\"button",
			"lack_param":"Missing required parameters[{1}]",
			"del_ftp":'Are you sure to delete [{1}] the FTP account?',

		if(!msgs[key]) return '';
		msg = msgs[key];
		for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){
			msg = msg.replace('{'+(i+1)+'}',args[i]+'');

		return msg;
	"index": {
		"memre": "Release memory",
		"memre_ok": "Finished Releasing",
		"memre_ok_0": "Releasing",
		"memre_ok_1": "Released",
		"memre_ok_2": "Already the best",
		"mem_warning": "Memory is less than 64M, It may make MySQL automatically shut down, or 502 Error, Please Release Memory!",
		"user_warning": "Current user is admin, this could pose a security risk to the Panel!",
		"cpu_core": "Core",
		"interfacespeed": "Interface Speed",
		"package_num": "Package Number",
		"interface_net": "Interface traffic in real time",
		"net_up": "Upstream",
		"net_down": "Downstream",
		"unit": "Unit",
		"net_font": "宋体",
		"update_go": "Update",
		"update_get": "Obtaining version information...",
		"update_check": "Check Update",
		"update_to": "Update to",
		"update_the": "Panel is Updating..",
		"update_ok": "Updated!",
		"update_log": "Version Update",
		"reboot_title": "Safely Reboot Server",
		"reboot_warning": "Warning,If this Server is a container,Please Cancel",
		"reboot_ps": "Safe reboot helps protect files, and runs the following steps:",
		"reboot_ps_1": "1. Stop Web service",
		"reboot_ps_2": "2. Stop MySQL service",
		"reboot_ps_3": "3. Start to reboot server",
		"reboot_ps_4": "4.Waiting server to launch",
		"reboot_msg_1": "Stopping Web service",
		"reboot_msg_2": "Stopping MySQL service",
		"reboot_msg_3": "Start to reboot server",
		"reboot_msg_4": "Waiting Server to launch",
		"reboot_msg_5": "Server rebooted successfully!",
		"panel_reboot_title": "Restart Panel Service",
		"panel_reboot_msg": "Panel service will restart, continue?",
		"panel_reboot_to": "Restarting panel, please wait...",
		"panel_reboot_ok": "Panel service restarted suceessfully!",
		"net_dorp_ip": "Block this IP",
		"net_doup_ip_msg": "This IP cannot visit server after block, you can unblock this IP in Security feature, continue?",
		"net_doup_ip_ps": "Manual Block",
		"net_doup_ip_to": "Manual Block",
		"net_status_title": "Network Status",
		"net_protocol": "Protocol",
		"net_address_dst": "Local address",
		"net_address_src": "Remote address",
		"net_address_status": "Status",
		"net_process": "processes",
		"net_process_pid": "PID",
		"process_check": "Analying...",
		"process_kill": "End",
		"process_kill_title": "End this process",
		"process_title": "Task Manager",
		"process_pid": "PID",
		"process_name": "Name",
		"process_cpu": "CPU",
		"process_mem": "Memory",
		"process_disk": "Read/Write",
		"process_status": "Status",
		"process_thread": "Thread",
		"process_user": "User",
		"process_act": "Action",
		"kill_msg": "Ending this process...",
		"rep_panel_msg": "Will try to verify and repair the panel program, continue?",
		"rep_panel_title": "Repair panel",
		"rep_panel_the": "Verifying module...",
		"rep_panel_ok": "Repair completed, press Ctrl+F5 to refresh the cache!",
		"bind_bt_account_first": "请先绑定宝塔账号!",
		"avg_load_atlast_onemin": "Average load in the last 1 minute:",
		"avg_load_atlast_fivemin": "Average load in the last 5 minute:",
		"avg_load_atlast_fifteenmin": "Average load in the last 15 minute:",
		"mem_release_sure": "Really want to free the memory?",
		"mem_release_warn": "If your site is in a state of heavy access, freeing up memory can have unpredictable consequences. Are you sure you want to free memory now?",
		"update": "Update",
		"find_bug_reward": "找Bug奖宝塔币",
		"run_block": "Running blocking",
		"run_slow": "Running slowly",
		"run_normal": "Operating normally",
		"run_fluent": "Smooth operation",
		"safe_problem_cant_ignore": "This security issue cannot be ignored, please handle it as soon as possible.",
		"cant_ignore": "Not negligible",
		"edit_now": "Modify now\n",
		"inode_info": "Inode info",
		"total": "total",
		"already_use": "Used",
		"available": "Available",
		"inode_percent": "Inode usage",
		"test_version": "Beta",
		"final_version": "formal edition",
		"update_version": "updated version",
		"last_version_now": "Congratulations, it is currently the latest version.",
		"this_version": "current version: ",
		"check_this_version_log": "View current version log",
		"bt_linux": "BT Linux",
		"release_time": "release time: ",
		"last_version_is": "The latest version is ",
		"update_time": "Update time",
		"update_verison_click": "If you need to update the beta version, please click",
		"check_detail": "see details",
		"change_final_click": "If you need to switch back to the official version, please click",
		"change_final": "Switch to the official version",
		"have_new_version": "Is there a new panel version update, is it updated?",
		"last_version": "The latest version of: ",
		"check_version_log": "View version update log",
		"update_date": "Updated: ",
		"change_test_to_final": "Whether to switch from the beta to the official version? ",
		"apply_linux_test_version": "Apply for Linux Beta",
		"apply_most_know": "Application for internal testing",
		"linux_test_version_update_log": "Linux beta update log",
		"already_read": "I have viewed",
		"apply_most_know1": "“<b>《Application for internal testing》</b>”",
		"second_left_of_click": "There are still {1} seconds left to click.",
		"update_test_version": "Upgrade Linux internal beta",
		"check_test_version_detail": "Please read the instructions for the internal test upgrade, whether to upgrade the Linux beta?",
		"restart_serverorpanel": "Restart the server or panel",
		"restart_server": "Restart server",
		"restart_panel": "Restart panel",
		"get_soft_list_success": "Successfully obtained software list from the cloud",
		"change_free": "Switch back to the free version can be achieved by unbinding the account",
		"ubind": "Unbind account",
		"confirm_cancel": "Whether to cancel the authorization"
	"config": {
		"close_panel_msg": "Closing Panel will make Panel not accessible, do you still want to close Panel service? ",
		"close_panel_title": "Close Panel",
		"config_save": "Saving Configuration...",
		"config_sync": "Syncing Time...",
		"config_user_binding": "Binding BT-Panel Account",
		"config_user_edit": "Change BT-Panel Account",
		"binding": "Bind",
		"token_get": "Obtaining Private key...",
		"user_bt": "BT-Panel User Name",
		"pass_bt": "BT-Panel Password",
		"binding_un_msg": "Are you sure to unbind BT-Panel Account?",
		"binding_un_title": "unbind",
		"binding_un": "Bind",
		"ssl_close_msg": "Have to use http protocol to visit Panel after turning off SSL, continue?",
		"ssl_open_ps": "Warning!This feature needs Advanced Knowledge!",
		"ssl_open_ps_1": "You have to understand what it is and you have to use it, thus turn on this feature!",
		"ssl_open_ps_2": "Panel SSL is a Self Signed SSL,browsers will diplay error or risk, this is Normal",
		"ssl_open_ps_3": "If Panel is not accessible, You can use the method below to fix it",
		"ssl_open_ps_4": "I understand the detail and I still want to use, I will take the risk",
		"ssl_open_ps_5": "Detail",
		"ssl_title": "Set Panel SSL",
		"ssl_ps": "Please Read Risk Docunment first!",
		"ssl_msg": "Installing and Setting SSL plugin, wait for a while...",
		"qrcode_no_list": "The current binding list is empty. Please bind and try again.",
		"confirm": "confirm",
		"change_safe_entry": "Modify security entry",
		"entry_addr": "Entry address",
		"turn_off": "close",
		"submit": "OK",
		"get_cert": "Getting certificate information...",
		"key": "KEY",
		"pem_cert": "Certificate (PEM format)",
		"save": "save",
		"ps": "Paste your *.key and *.pem content and save",
		"help": "help",
		"ps1": "If the browser prompts that the certificate chain is incomplete, please check if the PEM certificate is correctly spliced correctly.",
		"ps2": "PEM format certificate = domain name certificate .crt + root certificate (root_bundle).crt",
		"custom_panel_cert": "Custom panel certificate",
		"get_qr_core": "Getting QR code, please wait...",
		"get_qr_core_fail": "Unable to get QR code, please try again later",
		"user_img": "profile picture",
		"nikename": "nickname",
		"unbind_wechat": "Cancel the binding of the current WeChat applet",
		"unbind": "Unbind",
		"add_bind_account": "Add a binding account",
		"confirm_unbind": "Are you sure you want to cancel the current binding?",
		"cancel": "cancel",
		"bind_success": "Binding success",
		"open_small_app": "Open the pagoda panel applet",
		"qrcore_of_small_app": "Small program QR code",
		"scan_qrcore_with_small_app": "Use the Pagoda applet to scan the current QR code and bind the panel",
		"return_bind_list": "Return panel binding list",
		"read_bind_list": "View binding list",
		"bind_wechat": "Bind WeChat",
		"no_bind_bt_account": "Unbound pagoda account",
		"get_api": "Getting API interface information...",
		"set_api": "Configuration panel API",
		"api": "API interface",
		"int_sk": "Interface key",
		"reset": "Reset",
		"ip_white_list": "IP whitelist",
		"one_per_line": "1 per line",
		"help1": "After the API is enabled, the IP in the IP whitelist must be accessible to access the panel API interface.",
		"help2": "The interface key is displayed once as long as it is reset, and is not displayed afterwards. Please keep your key.",
		"help3": "API interface documentation is here",
		"is_submitting": "is submitting...",
		"create_int_key_success": "The interface key has been generated. Please keep your new key. This key is only displayed once!",
		"open_successfully": "Open successfully!",
		"setting_up": "Configuring, please wait..."
	"control": {
		"save_day_err": "Number of saving day is illegal!",
		"close_log": "Clean Logs",
		"close_log_msg": "Are you sure clean all of logs of Monitory?",
		"disk_read_num": "Number of Read",
		"disk_write_num": "Number of Write",
		"disk_read_bytes": "byte of Read",
		"disk_write_bytes": "byte of write",
		"time": "time",
		"sys_resource_usage": "System resource usage",
		"m1": "1 minute",
		"m5": "5 minute",
		"m15": "15 minute",
		"resource_usage": "Resource usage%",
		"load_detail": "Load details"
	"crontab": {
		"task_log_title": "Logs of Task",
		"task_empty": "No Task plan in current time",
		"del_task": "Are you sure delete this task?",
		"del_task_all_title": "Batch delete tasks",
		"del_task_err": "Failed to delete the following tasks:",
		"add_task_empty": "Name of task cannot be empty!",
		"input_hour_err": "value of hour is illegal!",
		"input_minute_err": "value of minute is illegal!",
		"input_number_err": "Negative number is not allowed!",
		"input_file_err": "Please select script!",
		"input_script_err": "Shell Script cannot be empty!",
		"input_url_err": "URL address is incorrect!",
		"input_empty_err": "Object List is empty, unable to continue!",
		"backup_site": "Backup Site",
		"backup_database": "Backup Database",
		"backup_log": "Backup Logs",
		"backup_all_err": "Failed to add tasks for the following objects:",
		"day": "Day",
		"hour": "Hour",
		"minute": "Minute",
		"sun": "Day",
		"sbody": "Script Content",
		"log_site": "Cut Site Log",
		"url_address": "URL address",
		"backup_to": "Backup to",
		"disk": "Disk of Server",
		"save_new": "Keep lastest",
		"save_num": "份",
		"TZZ1": "Monday",
		"TZZ2": "Tuesday",
		"TZZ3": "Wednesday",
		"TZZ4": "Thursday",
		"TZZ5": "Friday",
		"TZZ6": "Saturday",
		"TZZ7": "Sunday",
		"mem_ps": "Release Memory of PHP、MYSQL、PURE-FTPD、APACHE、NGINX, suggestion: Execute this task at midnight every day!",
		"mem": "Release Memory",
		"log_empty": "Current log is empty",
		"microsoft_yahei": "微软雅黑",
		"crontab_stop": "Deactivate the scheduled task",
		"normal": "normal",
		"crontab_start": "Enable the scheduled task",
		"disable": "Disable",
		"local_disk": "Local Disk",
		"shell": "Shell script",
		"site_bak": "Backup website",
		"db_bak": "Backup database",
		"log_split": "Log cutting",
		"dir_bak": "Backup directory",
		"mem_release": "Free memory",
		"get_url": "Access URL",
		"hourly": "per hour",
		"daily": "every day",
		"weekly": "weekly",
		"monthly": "monthly",
		"n_day": "N days",
		"n_hour": "N hours",
		"n_min": "N minutes",
		"all": "all",
		"server_disk": "Server disk",
		"crontab_edit": "Editing a scheduled task",
		"task_type": "Task type",
		"task_name": "Task name",
		"exec_cycle": "Execution cycle",
		"hour1": "Hour",
		"minute1": "Minute",
		"bakup_to": "Backup to",
		"keep_update": "Keep up to date",
		"copies": "Share",
		"shell_content": "Script content",
		"tips": "prompt",
		"tips_content": "Free memory usage of PHP, MYSQL, PURE-FTPD, APACHE, NGINX, it is recommended to execute in the middle of the night!",
		"edit_save": "Save edit",
		"saving": "Editing content is being saved, please wait",
		"crontab_stop_will": "After the scheduled task is suspended, it will not be able to continue running. Do you really want to disable this scheduled task?",
		"disable_change_crontab_start": "The scheduled task has been deactivated, is it necessary to enable this scheduled task?",
		"setting_status": "Setting status, please wait..."
	"firewall": {
		"empty": "Cleaned!",
		"port": "Port",
		"accept": "Open",
		"port_ps": "Description: Support to accept port range, e.g.: 3000:3500",
		"ip": "IP address to block",
		"drop": "Block",
		"ip_ps": "Description: Support to block IP segment,e.g.:",
		"ssh_port_msg": "Change SSH port,it will log out current user account,Do you still want to change?",
		"ssh_port_title": "SSH Port",
		"ssh_off_msg": "Turn off SSH service, it also log out current user at the same time, continue? ",
		"ssh_on_msg": "Are you sure turn on SSH service?",
		"ping_msg": "Block ICMP without affecting website visiting, But ICMP function cannot be used for this server, do you want to block ICMP?",
		"ping_un_msg": "It may be found by hacker after unblocking ICMP, do you want to unblock ICMP function?",
		"ping_title": "Whether to block ICMP",
		"ping": "Blocked ICMP",
		"ping_un": "Unblocked ICMP",
		"ping_err": "Cannot connect to server",
		"status_not": "unused",
		"status_net": "Internet access is blocked",
		"status_ok": "Normal",
		"drop_ip": "Block IP",
		"accept_port": "Accept Port",
		"port_err": "Port Range is illegal!",
		"ps_err": "Notes/Description NOT allowed to be empty!",
		"del_title": "Delete rule of Firewall",
		"close_log": "Clean logs",
		"close_log_msg": "About to clean logs,continue?",
		"close_the": "Cleaning, please wait...",
		"mysql_default_port": "MySQL service default port",
		"phpmmyadmin_default_port": "phpMyAdmin default port",
		"ssh_default_port": "SSH remote service",
		"ftp1_default_port": "FTP active mode data port",
		"ftp_default_port": "FTP protocol default port",
		"ftp2_default_port": "FTP passive mode port range",
		"mem_default_port": "Memcached service port",
		"rsync_default_port": "Rsync data synchronization service",
		"bt_default_port": "aaPanel Linux panel default port",
		"del": "Del",
		"number": "Numbering",
		"behavior": "behavior",
		"status": "Status",
		"add_time": "add time",
		"instructions": "Description",
		"operate": "operating",
		"operate_type": "Operation type",
		"detail": "Details",
		"operate_time": "Operating time"
	"upload": {
		"file_type_err": "File type is NOT allowed to upload!",
		"file_err": "File error",
		"file_err_empty": "Empty file is NOT allowed!",
		"select_file": "Select File!",
		"select_empty": "No files available to upload,select file again",
		"up_sleep": "Wait for uploading",
		"up_the": "Uploaded",
		"up_save": "Saving..",
		"up_ok": "Uploaded successfully",
		"up_ok_1": "Finished uploading",
		"up_ok_2": "Uploaded",
		"up_speed": "Uploading:",
		"up_err": " Upload error",
		"ie_err": "Sorry, IE 6/7/8 is NOT supported, please upload files with another browser"
	"bt": {
		"empty": "empty",
		"dir": "Select directory",
		"path": "Current path",
		"comp": "Computer",
		"filename": "File name",
		"etime": "Time of modify",
		"access": "permission",
		"own": "Owner",
		"adddir": "New Folder",
		"path_ok": "Select",
		"save_file": "Saving, please wait...",
		"read_file": "Reading, please wait...",
		"edit_title": "Online edit",
		"edit_ps": "Tips:Ctrl+F Search keyword,Ctrl+G Search next,Ctrl+S Save,Ctrl+Shift+R Replace!",
		"stop": "Stop",
		"start": "Start",
		"restart": "Restart",
		"reload": "Reload",
		"php_status_err": "Sorry, PHP5.2 is NOT supported",
		"php_status_title": "PHP Load Average",
		"php_pool": "Applcation pool",
		"php_manager": "Process managing method",
		"dynamic": "Dynamic",
		"static": "Static",
		"php_start": "Start time",
		"php_accepted": "Listen number (accepted conn)",
		"php_queue": "Listen queue",
		"php_max_queue": "Max listen queue",
		"php_len_queue": "length of socket queue",
		"php_idle": "Number of idle processes",
		"php_active": "Number of active processes",
		"php_total": "Total processes",
		"php_max_active": "Max active processes",
		"php_max_children": "Max num of processes (max children reached)",
		"php_slow": "Number of slow requests",
		"nginx_title": "Nginx Load Average",
		"nginx_active": "Active connections",
		"nginx_accepts": "Total accepts",
		"nginx_handled": "Total handled",
		"nginx_requests": "Total requests",
		"nginx_reading": "Reading",
		"nginx_writing": "Writing",
		"nginx_waiting": "Waiting",
		"nginx_worker": "Worker",
		"nginx_workercpu": "Nginx takes up CPU(Workercpu)",
		"nginx_workermen": "Nginx takes up memory(Workermen)",
		"apache_uptime": "Uptime",
		"apache_restarttime": "RestartTime",
		"apache_totalaccesses": "TotalAccesses",
		"apache_totalkbytes": "TotalkBytes",
		"apache_reqpersec": "ReqPerSec",
		"apache_idleworkers": "IdleWorkers",
		"apache_busyworkers": "usyWorkers",
		"apache_workercpu": "Apache uses CPU",
		"apache_workermem": "Apache uses memory",
		"drop_ip_title": "Block this IP",
		"net_status_title": "Network Status",
		"net_pool": "Procotol",
		"copy_ok": "Copied",
		"copy_empty": "Password cannot be empty",
		"cal_msg": "Result:",
		"cal_empty": "Input result, otherwise unable to delete",
		"cal_err": "result is incorrect, please try again",
		"loginout": "Are you sure to logout?",
		"pass_err_len": "Panel password is at least 8 characters!",
		"pass_err": "Cannot be weak password",
		"pass_err_re": "Password does not match",
		"pass_title": "Change password",
		"pass_new_title": "New password",
		"pass_rep": "Random password",
		"pass_rep_btn": "Random",
		"pass_re": "Repeat",
		"pass_re_title": "Input again",
		"pass_rep_ps": "Remember your password before changing!",
		"user_len": "Username is at least 3 characters",
		"user_err_re": "Username does not match",
		"user_title": "Change username",
		"user": "Username",
		"user_new": "New username",
		"task_list": "Task list",
		"task_msg": "Message list",
		"task_not_list": "Currently no tasks!",
		"task_scan": "Scaning",
		"task_install": "Installing",
		"task_sleep": "Waiting",
		"task_downloading": "Downloading",
		"task_the": "Processing",
		"task_ok": "Finished",
		"task_close": "Task canceled!",
		"time": "Time-consuming",
		"s": "second",
		"install_title": "Recommended software packages",
		"install_ps": "Recommend to use one-click packages, use as needed or in",
		"install_s": "Software Manager",
		"install_s1": "install by yourself, recommend to install LNMP.",
		"install_lnmp": "LNMP(Recommended)",
		"install_type": "Method",
		"install_rpm": "Fast",
		"install_rpm_title": "rpm, installing in a very short time (5~10 minutes), with performance and stablity lower than compiled",
		"install_src": "Compiled",
		"install_src_title": "installing in a long time (30 minutes to 3 hours), suitable for production environment",
		"install_key": "One-click installation",
		"install_apache22": "Selected Apache2.2, PHP will run in php5_module mode!",
		"install_apache24": "Selected Apache2.4, PHP will run in php-fpm mode!",
		"insatll_s22": "Apache2.2 NOT supported",
		"insatll_s24": "Apache2.4 NOT supported",
		"insatll_mem": "Your Memory is less than {1}, NOT recommeded to install MySQL-{2}",
		"install_to": "Adding to installer...",
		"install_ok": "Requestment of installing added to installer",
		"task_add": "Added to queue",
		"panel_open": "Opening Panel...",
		"panel_add": "Associate to BT-Panel",
		"panel_edit": "Modify association",
		"panel_err_format": "Format of panel address is incorrect, e.g.:",
		"panel_err_empty": "Information of Panel cannot be empty",
		"panel_address": "Panel address",
		"panel_user": "Username",
		"panel_pass": "Password",
		"panel_ps": "Notes",
		"panel_ps_1": "Keep info of other server panels to enable one-click login feature",
		"panel_ps_2": "Notes of Panel cannot be repeted",
		"panel_ps_3": "<font style='color:red'>Note that turning on ad blocking will break quick login.</font>",
		"task_time": "time",
		"task_name": "name",
		"task_msg_title": "message",
		"task_title": "message box",
		"task_tip_read": "mark as read",
		"task_tip_all": "mark all as read",
		"no_data": "currently no data"
	"files": {
		"recycle_bin_re": "Recover",
		"recycle_bin_del": "Delete Permanently",
		"recycle_bin_on": "Turn on Trash feature",
		"recycle_bin_on_db": "Database Trash",
		"recycle_bin_ps": "Warning: Removed files cannot be recovered if Trash feature is turned off!",
		"recycle_bin_close": "Empty trash",
		"recycle_bin_type1": "All",
		"recycle_bin_type2": "Folder",
		"recycle_bin_type3": "File",
		"recycle_bin_type4": "Image",
		"recycle_bin_type5": "Document",
		"recycle_bin_type6": "Database",
		"recycle_bin_th1": "File name",
		"recycle_bin_th2": "Original directory",
		"recycle_bin_th3": "Size",
		"recycle_bin_th4": "Removal time",
		"recycle_bin_th5": "Action",
		"recycle_bin_title": "Trash",
		"recycle_bin_re_title": "Recover file",
		"recycle_bin_re_msg": "File or directory with the same name will be replaced, continue?",
		"recycle_bin_re_the": "Recovering, please wait...",
		"recycle_bin_del_title": "Delete file",
		"recycle_bin_del_msg": "Delete operation can NOT be recovered, continue?",
		"recycle_bin_del_the": "Deleting, please wait...",
		"recycle_bin_close_msg": "Empty trash will permanently delete the files, continue?",
		"recycle_bin_close_the": "Deleting, please wait...",
		"file_menu_copy": "Copy",
		"file_menu_mv": "Cut",
		"file_menu_rename": "Rename",
		"file_menu_auth": "Permission",
		"file_menu_zip": "Compress",
		"file_menu_unzip": "Uncompress",
		"file_menu_edit": "Edit",
		"file_menu_img": "Preview",
		"file_menu_down": "Download",
		"file_menu_del": "Delete",
		"file_name": "File name",
		"file_size": "Size",
		"file_etime": "Editing time",
		"file_auth": "Permission",
		"file_own": "Owner",
		"file_read": "Read",
		"file_write": "Write",
		"file_exec": "Execute",
		"file_public": "Public",
		"file_group": "Group",
		"file_act": "Action",
		"get_size": "Total {1} directories and {2} files, size:",
		"get": "Obtain",
		"new": "Creat",
		"new_empty_file": "Create new empty file",
		"new_dir": "Create new directory",
		"dir_name": "Directory name",
		"return": "Prev",
		"shell": "Terminal",
		"paste": "Paste",
		"paste_all": "Paste all",
		"path_root": "Root directory",
		"all": "Batch",
		"set_auth": "Set permission",
		"up_title": "Upload",
		"up_add": "Add",
		"up_start": "Start",
		"up_coding": "File encoding",
		"up_bin": "Binary",
		"unzip_title": "Uncompress file",
		"unzip_name": "File name",
		"unzip_name_title": "Uncompressed file name",
		"unzip_to": "Uncompress to",
		"unzip_coding": "encoding",
		"unzip_the": "Uncompressing, please wait...",
		"zip_title": "Compress file",
		"zip_to": "Compress to",
		"zip_the": "Compressing, please wait...",
		"zip_ok": "Compressing file in server background, please refresh file list to check processing later!",
		"zip_pass_title": "Password",
		"zip_pass_msg": "Leave blank if not needed",
		"mv_the": "Moving, please wait...",
		"copy_the": "Copying, please wait...",
		"copy_ok": "Copied",
		"mv_ok": "Cut",
		"shell_title": "Execute SHELL (only non-interactive commands are supported)",
		"shell_go": "Send",
		"shell_ps": "Shell Script",
		"down_title": "Downlaod file",
		"down_url": "URL address",
		"down_to": "Download to",
		"down_save": "Save Name",
		"down_task": "Adding to queue, please wait..",
		"del_file": "Delete file",
		"del_dir": "Delete directory",
		"del_all_file": "Batch delete files",
		"del_all_msg": "Are you sure put all of them to trash?",
		"file_conver_msg": "About to cover the following files, continue?",
		"calc_size": "Calculating directory size, please wait...",
		"search_now": "Searching, please wait...",
		"per_page": "Per page",
		"piece": "article",
		"calc_click": "Click to calculate",
		"ps_php": "PS: PHP user profile (anti-crossing)!",
		"ps_ap": "PS: Apache user configuration file (pseudo-static)",
		"ps_swap": "PS: SWAP swap partition file set by default in aaPanel",
		"last_edit_time": "Last Modified",
		"will_cover_this_file": "The following documents will be overwritten",
		"file_name_cant_empty": "File name cannot be empty!",
		"recommend": "recommend",
		"comp_type": "Compression type",
		"general_format": "General format",
		"compatibility_better_chinese": "WinRAR is compatible with Chinese",
		"calc_now": "Calculating, please wait",
		"apply_to_subd":"Apply to subdir"
	"ftp": {
		"empty": "Currently no FTP data",
		"stop_title": "FTP account",
		"start_title": "Activate this account",
		"stop": "Stopped",
		"start": "Activated",
		"copy": "Copy password",
		"open_path": "Open directory",
		"edit_pass": "Edit",
		"ps": "Notes",
		"add_title": "Add FTP account",
		"add_user": "Username",
		"add_user_tips": "Pls enter FTP username",
		"add_pass": "Password",
		"add_pass_tips": "Pls enter FTP password",
		"add_pass_rep": "Random password",
		"add_path": "Root directory",
		"add_path_tips": "Pls enter or select FTP directory",
		"add_path_rep": "Select directory",
		"add_path_title": "Root directory of user, automatically create directory of the same name",
		"add_path_ps": "Directory that FTP points to",
		"add_ps": "Note",
		"add_ps_title": "Note information (Less than 255 characters)",
		"del_all": "Batch delete selected FTP accounts?",
		"del_all_err": "The following FTP account deletion failed:",
		"stop_confirm": "Do you want to close FTP of {1}?",
		"pass_title": "Change FTP user password",
		"pass_user": "Username",
		"pass_new": "New password",
		"pass_confirm": "Are you sure to change FTP account password?",
		"port_title": "Change FTP port",
		"port_name": "Port",
		"port_tips": "Pls enter port",
		"del_ftp_title": "Delete FTP",
		"del_ftp_all_title": "Delete selected FTP",
		"status": "Status",
		"ftp_user": "FTP account",
		"operate": "operating",
		"change_pass": "Modify the FTP password",
		"del": "Del"
	"database": {
		"empty": "Currently no database",
		"backup_empty": "No backup",
		"backup_ok": "Exists backup",
		"copy_pass": "Copy password",
		"input": "Import",
		"input_title": "Import Database",
		"admin": "Manager",
		"admin_title": "Database Manager",
		"auth": "Permission",
		"auth_title": "Set database permission",
		"edit_pass": "Edit",
		"edit_pass_title": "Change database password",
		"del_title": "Delete database",
		"ps": "Note information",
		"add_title": "Add database",
		"add_name": "Database name",
		"add_name_title": "New database name",
		"add_pass": "Password",
		"add_pass_title": "Database password",
		"add_pass_rep": "Random password",
		"add_auth": "Access permission",
		"add_auth_local": "Localhost",
		"add_auth_all": "All user",
		"add_auth_ip": "Specific IP",
		"add_auth_ip_title": "Please input IP authorized to access this database",
		"add_ps": "Notes",
		"edit_root": "Root password",
		"user": "Username",
		"edit_pass_new": "New password",
		"edit_pass_new_title": "New database password",
		"edit_pass_confirm": "Are you sure to change password?",
		"backup_re": "Recover",
		"backup_name": "File name",
		"backup_size": "File size",
		"backup_time": "Backup time",
		"backup_title": "Backup details",
		"backup": "Backup",
		"input_confirm": "Database will be overwritten, continue?",
		"input_the": "Importing, please wait...",
		"backup_the": "Backing up, please wait...",
		"backup_del_title": "Delete backup file",
		"backup_del_confirm": "Are you sure to delete backup file?",
		"del_all_title": "Batch delete databases",
		"del_all_err": "The following database deletion failed:",
		"input_title_file": "Import to database from file",
		"input_local_up": "Upload from local",
		"input_ps1": "Only support sql, zip, (tar.gz|gz|tgz)",
		"input_ps2": "Sturcture of zip, tar.gz archive: test.sql must be contained in or test.tar.gz",
		"input_ps3": "If the upload file is oversized, you can also upload database archives to /www/backup/database with SFTP tools",
		"input_up_type": "Please upload sql or zip or tar.gz archives",
		"auth_err": "This database is not allowed to change access permission",
		"auth_name": "Access permission",
		"sync_the": "Syncing, please wait...",
		"phpmyadmin_err": "Please install phpMyAdmin",
		"phpmyadmin": "Opening phpMyAdmin",
		"cant_get_pass": "Unable to get the password, please pass",
		"button_set_pass": "Button set password",
		"operation": "operation",
		"mysql_tools": "MySQL optimization repair tool",
		"tools": "Tools",
		"set_db_auth": "Set database permissions",
		"del": "Del",
		"get_data": "Getting data, please wait...",
		"optimization": "optimization",
		"change": "Change to",
		"size": "size",
		"mysql_tools_box": "MySQL toolbox",
		"db_name": "Database name",
		"tb_name": "Table Name",
		"engine": "Engine",
		"character": "Character",
		"row_num": "Rows",
		"tb_repair": "[Fix] Try to use REPAIR command to repair damaged table, only simple repair, if the repair is not successful, please consider using myisamchk tool",
		"tb_optimization": "[Optimization] Execute the OPTIMIZE command to reclaim unreleased disk space. It is recommended to execute once a month.",
		"tb_change_engine": "[Switch to InnoDB/MyISAM] Convert data table engine, it is recommended to convert all tables to InnoDB",
		"repair": "repair",
		"send_repair_command": "Have sent the repair order, please wait...",
		"send_opt_command": "已送优化指令,请稍候...",
		"send_change_command": "Have sent optimization instructions, please wait...",
		"choose_at_least_one_tb": "Please select at least one form!",
		"download": "Download"
	"soft": {
		"php_main1": "php service",
		"php_main2": "Limit of upload",
		"php_main3": "Limit of timeout",
		"php_main4": "Configuration file",
		"php_main5": "Install plugin",
		"php_main6": "Disabled function",
		"php_main7": "Optimize performance",
		"php_main8": "Load average",
		"php_main9": "Session configuration",
		"php_menu_ext": "Plugin configuration",
		"admin": "Manage",
		"off": "Close",
		"on": "Open",
		"stop": "Stop",
		"start": "Start",
		"status": "Current status",
		"restart": "Restart",
		"reload": "Rload",
		"mysql_mem_err": "Memory is less than 1G, MySQL version higher than5.5 version is NOT recommended.</li><li>If database automatically stop frequently, please try to use linux tools to increase SWAP or upgrade server memory",
		"concurrency_m": "Custom",
		"concurrency": "Concurrency",
		"concurrency_type": "Concurrency plan",
		"php_fpm_model": "Running mode",
		"php_fpm_ps1": "PHP-FPM mode",
		"php_fpm_ps2": "Maximum number of progress allowed to create ",
		"php_fpm_ps3": "Num of init process (Initiatial progresses when server starts)",
		"php_fpm_ps4": "Min of free progresses (Kept progress after cleaning progress task)",
		"php_fpm_ps5": "Max of free progresses (Start clean progress task when reach this value)",
		"php_fpm_err1": "Max_spare_servers cannot be more than max_children",
		"php_fpm_err2": "min_spare_servers cannot be more than start_servers",
		"php_fpm_err3": "min_spare_servers cannot be more than max_spare_servers",
		"php_fpm_err4": "start_servers cannot be more than max_children",
		"php_fpm_err5": "value of configuration cannot be less than 1",
		"phpinfo": "view phpinfo()",
		"get": "Obtaining...",
		"get_list": "Obtaining the list...",
		"the_save": "Saving data...",
		"config_edit": "Modify config",
		"edit_empty": "Please leave blank if not modified",
		"php_upload_size": "Limit size of upload cannot be less than 2M",
		"mvc_ps": "Programs with MVC pattern requires it open, e.g., typecho",
		"the_install": "Installing...",
		"the_uninstall": "Uninstalling...",
		"install_the": "Installing...",
		"sleep_install": "Waiting for installing...",
		"install": "Install",
		"uninstall": "Uninstall",
		"php_ext_name": "Name",
		"php_ext_type": "Type",
		"php_ext_ps": "Description",
		"php_ext_status": "Status",
		"php_ext_install_confirm": "Are you sure to install{1}?",
		"php_ext_uninstall_confirm": "Are you sure to install{1}?",
		"add_install": "Adding to installer...",
		"install_title": "Software installation",
		"insatll_type": "Installation method",
		"install_version": "Version to install",
		"type_title": "Select installation method",
		"err_install1": "Please uninstall Apache",
		"err_install2": "Please uninstall Nginx",
		"err_install3": "Please install php",
		"err_install4": "Please install MySQL",
		"setup": "Setting",
		"apache22": "Warning: current mode is php-fpm, it is NOT supported by Apache 2.2, please reinstall this PHP version!",
		"apache24": "Warning: current mode is php5_module, it is NOT supported by Nginx/Apache 2.4, please reinstall this PHP version!",
		"apache22_err": "Apache 2.2 does NOT support multiPHP, please uninstall installed PHP versions, then install this version!",
		"mysql_f": "Warning: installing new MySQL version will replace data, please backup your databases first!",
		"mysql_d": "Sorry, for security reason, please go to database manager to backup and delete all databases!",
		"fun_ps1": "Adding disabled function, e.g., exec",
		"fun_ps2": "Function can be disabled here to enhance security of environment!",
		"fun_ps3": "Strongly recommend to disable critical functions such as exec, system!",
		"fun_msg": "The function you input disabled!",
		"nginx_status": "Load average",
		"nginx_version": "Switch version",
		"waf_title": "WAF firewall",
		"web_service": "Web service",
		"waf_not": "Current Nginx version does NOT support waf module, please install Nginx 1.12, you will NOT lose any stie configuration after reinstalling Nginx!",
		"waf_edit": "Edit rule",
		"waf_up": "Limit of upload",
		"waf_input1": "URL filter",
		"waf_input2": "Cookie filter",
		"waf_input3": "POST filter",
		"waf_input4": "CC filter",
		"waf_input5": "Write Log",
		"waf_input6": "CC attack (times)",
		"waf_input7": "CC attack period",
		"waf_input8": "IP white list",
		"waf_input9": "IP blacklist",
		"waf_ip": "IP address",
		"waf_up_title": "Blacklist of suffix of upload file",
		"waf_up_from1": "Add blocked extension of upload file, e.g., zip",
		"waf_up_from2": "Extension",
		"waf_url_white": "URL white list",
		"waf_index": "Warning content",
		"waf_cloud": "Update from cloud",
		"waf_update": "Updating rule file, please wait...",
		"waf_cc_err": "Value of CC prevention is over than available value (range of frequency 1-3000|period 1-1800)",
		"php_version": "PHP version",
		"save_path": "Storage location",
		"service": "Service",
		"safe": "Security configuration",
		"log": "Logs",
		"mysql_to_msg": "MySQL service will stop while transferring files of databases, continue?",
		"mysql_to_msg1": "Transferring, please wait...",
		"mysql_to": "Transfer",
		"mysql_log_close": "Empty",
		"mysql_log_bin": "Binary Log",
		"mysql_log_err": "Error Log",
		"mysql_log_ps1": "No log content!",
		"mysql_port_title": "Changing database port may make your site lose database connection, are you sure to continue?",
		"select_version": "Select versioin",
		"version_to": "Switch",
		"pma_port": "Access port",
		"pma_port_title": "phpMyAdmin access port",
		"pma_pass": "Access with password",
		"pma_user": "Authorized user",
		"pma_pass1": "Access password",
		"pma_pass2": "Repeat access password",
		"pma_ps": "Add an access security lock for phpMyAdmin",
		"pma_pass_close": "Are you sure to close access authorization?",
		"pma_pass_empty": "Authorized user or password cannot be empty!",
		"menu_temp": "Obtaining template...",
		"menu_phpsafe": "PHP Daemon turned on, no need to configurate",
		"qiniu_lise": "Obtaining from cloud...",
		"qiniu_file_title": "File list",
		"qiniu_th1": "Name",
		"qiniu_th2": "Type",
		"qiniu_th3": "Size",
		"qiniu_th4": "Time of update",
		"mysql_del_err": "Sorry, for security reason, please go to database manager to backup and delete all databases!",
		"uninstall_confirm": "Are you sure to uninstall[{1}-{2}]?",
		"from_err": "List error!",
		"lib_the": "Submitting, please wait...",
		"lib_config": "Configuration",
		"lib_insatll_confirm": "Are you sure to install [{1}] plugin?",
		"lib_uninsatll_confirm": "Are you sure to uninstall [{1}] plugin?",
		"lib_install": "Install plugin",
		"lib_uninstall": "Uninstall plugin",
		"lib_install_the": "Installing, please wait...",
		"lib_uninstall_the": "Uninstalling, please wait...",
		"mysql_set_msg": "Optimization plan",
		"mysql_set_select": "Select",
		"mysql_set_maxmem": "Max memory usage",
		"mysql_set_key_buffer_size": "Buffer size for indexing",
		"mysql_set_query_cache_size": "Query cache, set to 0 if not enabled",
		"mysql_set_tmp_table_size": "Temporary table cache size",
		"mysql_set_innodb_buffer_pool_size": "Innodb buffer size",
		"mysql_set_innodb_log_buffer_size": "Innodb log buffer size",
		"mysql_set_sort_buffer_size": "Buffer size per thread sort",
		"mysql_set_read_buffer_size": "Read buffer size",
		"mysql_set_read_rnd_buffer_size": "Random read buffer size",
		"mysql_set_join_buffer_size": "Join table buffer size",
		"mysql_set_thread_stack": "Stack size per thread",
		"mysql_set_binlog_cache_size": "Binary log cache size (multiples of 4096)",
		"mysql_set_thread_cache_size": "Thread cache size",
		"mysql_set_table_open_cache": "Table open cache (Max 2048)",
		"mysql_set_max_connections": "Max connections",
		"mysql_set_restart": "Restart mysqld service",
		"mysql_set_conn": "Num of connections",
		"mysql_set_err": "Error, memory allocation is too high!<p style='color:red;'>Physical memory: {1}MB<br> Maximum memory: {2}MB<br>Possible result: Causing mysqld service unstable, even unable to start!</p>",
		"mysql_status_title1": "Launch time",
		"mysql_status_title2": " Total connections",
		"mysql_status_title3": "Output",
		"mysql_status_title4": "Input",
		"mysql_status_title5": "QPS",
		"mysql_status_title6": "TPS",
		"mysql_status_title7": "File",
		"mysql_status_title8": "Position",
		"mysql_status_title9": "Active/Max connections",
		"mysql_status_title10": "Thread cache hit ratio",
		"mysql_status_title11": "Index hit ratio",
		"mysql_status_title12": "Innodb index hit ratio",
		"mysql_status_title13": "Query cache hit ratio",
		"mysql_status_title14": "Create a temp table to disk",
		"mysql_status_title15": "Opened table",
		"mysql_status_title16": "Amount unindexed",
		"mysql_status_title17": "Amount of JOIN without index",
		"mysql_status_title18": "Number of merges after sorting",
		"mysql_status_title19": "Number of lock tables",
		"mysql_status_ps1": "If too high, increase max_connections",
		"mysql_status_ps2": "If too low, increase thread_cache_size",
		"mysql_status_ps3": "If too low, increase key_buffer_size",
		"mysql_status_ps4": "If too low, increase innodb_buffer_pool_size",
		"mysql_status_ps5": "If too low, increase query_cache_size",
		"mysql_status_ps6": "If too high, increase tmp_table_size",
		"mysql_status_ps7": "If too high, increase table_cache_size",
		"mysql_status_ps8": "If not 0, please check index of DB table",
		"mysql_status_ps9": "If not 0, please check index of DB table",
		"mysql_status_ps10": "If too high, increase sort_buffer_size",
		"mysql_status_ps11": "If too high, consider increase DB performance",
		"pro_expire": "The Professional Edition has expired and the paid plugin is suspended.",
		"renew_pro": "Renewal now",
		"renew_now": "Renewal immediately",
		"upgrade_pro": "Upgrade Pro, all plugins free to use.",
		"upgrade_now": "upgrade now",
		"upgrade_pro_now": "Upgrade Professional Edition now",
		"bt_developer": "The Pagoda Developer Platform has been launched, and we invite high-quality developers from all over the world to join, with low thresholds and high income.",
		"free_to_enter": "Free entry",
		"click_get_third_party_apps": "Click to get a third-party app",
		"get_third_party_apps": "Get third-party apps",
		"install_third_party_apps": "Get third-party apps",
		"import_plug": "Import plugin",
		"all": "All",
		"app_name": "Name of software",
		"ap2_2_not_support": "Apache 2.2 is not compatible with this version, please switch to Apache2.4 or Nginx if you need to use it.",
		"developers": "Developer",
		"the_official": "official",
		"instructions": "Description",
		"price": "price",
		"free": "free",
		"expire_time": "Expire date",
		"renew": "Renewal fee",
		"permanent": "permanent",
		"not_open": "nonactivated",
		"already_expire": "be expired",
		"location": "Position",
		"status1": "Status",
		"display_at_homepage": "Home display",
		"operate": "Operating",
		"buy_now": "Buy now",
		"not_comp": "Incompatible",
		"update": "Update",
		"installing": "Installing",
		"wait_install": "Waiting for installation",
		"run_log": "Running log",
		"err_log": "Error log",
		"no_slow_log": "There is currently no slow log.",
		"no_log": "There is currently no log!",
		"listen_ip_tips": "Monitor IP, please do not modify it at will",
		"listen_port_tips": "listening port, generally no modification required",
		"cache_size": "MB, <font> cache size, it is recommended not to be larger than 512M</font>",
		"mac_connect": "Max num of connections, it is recommended not to be greater than 40960",
		"ip_format_err": "The IP address is not in the correct format!",
		"port_range_err": "The port range is incorrect!",
		"cache_too_small": "The cache value is too small",
		"connect_too_small": "The max number of connections is too small",
		"listen_ip": "Listen to IP",
		"listen_port": "Listening port",
		"max_cache": "Max cache size",
		"max_connect_limit": "Max num of connections",
		"curr_connect": "Num of connections currently open",
		"get_request_num": "GET request number",
		"get_hit_num": "GET Hits",
		"get_miss_num": "GET failures",
		"get_hit_percent": "GET hit rate",
		"curr_cache_rows": "The number of rows of data currently being cached",
		"mem_not_enough": "Number of cache lines cleaned due to insufficient memory",
		"curr_mem_use": "Currently used memory",
		"request_size_total": "request total size",
		"send_size_total": "send total size",
		"field": "field",
		"curr_val": "current value",
		"php_plug_tips1": "Please install the extension according to actual needs, do not install unnecessary PHP extensions, this will affect the efficiency of PHP execution, and even exceptions",
		"php_plug_tips2": "Script cache extensions such as opcache/xcache/apc, please install only one of them, otherwise your site program may be abnormal",
		"php_child_process": "The current server is out of memory, the maximum allowed [{1}] child processes!",
		"del": "Del",
		"storage_mode": "storage mode",
		"ip_addr": "IP address",
		"port": "Port",
		"passwd": "Password",
		"no_passwd_set_empty": "If no password is left blank",
		"save": "save",
		"php_seesion_tips1": "If your site is concurrency, use Redis, Memcache can effectively improve PHP concurrency",
		"php_seesion_tips2": "If the website access is abnormal after adjusting the session mode, please switch back to the original mode",
		"php_seesion_tips3": "Switching Session mode will cause online user sessions to be lost, please switch when traffic is low",
		"clear_seesion_files": "Clean up the Session file",
		"total_seesion_files": "Number of total session files",
		"can_clear_seesion": "Number of session files that can be cleaned up",
		"clear_php_seesion_files": "Clean up php_session file",
		"sure_clear_php_seesion_files": "Do you want to clean up the php_session file?",
		"only_files_storage_mode_can_clear": "The current storage mode is files only need to be cleaned up.",
		"run_days": "number of days that have been run",
		"curr_listen_port": "current listening port",
		"connected_clients": "Number of connected clients",
		"used_memory_rss": "The total amount of system memory currently occupied by Redis",
		"used_memory": "The peak of Redis history allocation memory",
		"mem_fragmentation_ratio": "memory fragmentation ratio",
		"total_connections_received": "The total number of clients connected since the run",
		"total_commands_processed": "The total number of commands executed since the run",
		"instantaneous_ops_per_sec": "The number of commands executed by the server per second",
		"keyspace_hits": "Find the number of successful database keys",
		"keyspace_misses": "Find the number of failed database keys",
		"db_his": "Find database key hit ratio",
		"latest_fork_usec": "The number of microseconds spent on the last fork() operation",
		"name": "name",
		"version": "version",
		"ps": "description",
		"size": "size",
		"author": "author",
		"source": "source",
		"third_party_apps_tips1": "This is a plug-in developed by a third party, and the Pagoda cannot verify its reliability!",
		"third_party_apps_tips2": "The installation process may take a few minutes, please be patient!",
		"third_party_apps_tips3": "If this plugin already exists, it will be replaced!",
		"cancel": "cancel",
		"confirm_install": "OK installation",
		"upload_fail2": "Upload failed 2!",
		"installing_please_wait": "Installing, this may take a few minutes..."
	"site": {
		"running": "Running",
		"running_title": "Stop this site",
		"running_text": "Running",
		"stopped": "Stopped",
		"stopped_title": "Start this site",
		"backup_yes": "Exists Backup",
		"backup_no": "No backup",
		"web_end_time": "Perpetual",
		"open_path_txt": "Open directory",
		"set": "Configuration",
		"site_del_title": "Delete site",
		"site_no_data": "Currently do not have any data in site",
		"site_null": "null",
		"site_bak": "Notes information",
		"saving_txt": "Saving...",
		"domain_err_txt": "Format of domain is incorrect, please try again!",
		"ftp": "FTP account information",
		"ftp_tips": "Upload files of the site through FTP!",
		"user": "User",
		"password": "Password",
		"database_txt": "Database account information",
		"database": "Database",
		"database_name": "Database name",
		"database_set": "Database setting",
		"success_txt": "Success to create site",
		"php_ver": "PHP version",
		"site_add": "Add site",
		"domain": "Domain",
		"port": "Port",
		"note": "Note",
		"note_ph": "Site note",
		"web_root_dir": "Web root directory",
		"web_dir": "Web directory",
		"root_dir": "Root directory",
		"yes": "Create",
		"no": "Cancel",
		"ftp_set": "FTP setting",
		"ftp_help": "While creating the site, create a corresponding FTP account for the site, and the FTP directory points to the directory where the site is located.",
		"database_help": "While creating the site, create a corresponding database account for the site to facilitate different databases using different databases.",
		"domain_help": "A domain per line, the default port is 80<br>DNS wildcard format: *<br>To add another port, the format is",
		"domain_len_msg": "Not more than 20 characters",
		"anti_XSS_attack": "Prevent XSS attack",
		"write_access_log": "Write access log",
		"run_dir": "Running directory",
		"site_help_1": "Some programs need to specify a secondary directory as the running directory, e.g., ThinkPHP5, Laravel",
		"site_help_2": "Select running directory, and save",
		"default_doc_help": "Default indexes, one per line, priority top-to-bottom.",
		"site_stop_txt": "Unable to access when you turn off site, are you sure to continue?",
		"site_start_txt": "Ready to turn on this site, are you sure to continue?",
		"site_del_info": "Whether to delete corresponding FTP, database and root directory",
		"all_del_info": "Delete site and root directory at the same time",
		"all_del_site": "Batch delete sites",
		"del_err": "Failed to delete the following sites",
		"click_access": "Click to access",
		"operate": "Operation",
		"domain_man": "Domain Manager",
		"unresolved": "Unresolved",
		"parsed": "Parsed",
		"this_domain_un": "This domain is unresolved",
		"analytic_ip": "Domain points to IP ",
		"current_server_ip": "Current server IP",
		"parsed_info": "For reference only, users using CDN pls ignore",
		"domain_empty": "Domain cannot be empty!",
		"domain_last_cannot": "The last domain is unable to delete",
		"domain_del_confirm": "Are you sure to delete domain from this site?",
		"webback_del_confirm": "Are you sure to delete backup file?",
		"del_bak_file": "Delete backup file",
		"filename": "File name",
		"filesize": "File size",
		"backuptime": "Backup time",
		"backup_title": "Package backup file",
		"public_set": "Global setting",
		"local_site": "Site",
		"setindex": "Set website default indexes",
		"default_doc": "Default indexes",
		"default_site": "Default site",
		"default_site_yes": "Set default site",
		"default_site_no": "Default site not set",
		"default_site_help_1": "All unbinded domains and IP will be redirected to the default site when default site is set",
		"default_site_help_2": "Can effectively prevent malicious parsing",
		"site_menu_1": "Subdirectory binding",
		"site_menu_2": "Website directory",
		"site_menu_3": "Traffic control",
		"site_menu_4": "URL rewirte",
		"site_menu_5": "Default indexes",
		"site_menu_6": "Configuration file",
		"site_menu_7": "SSL",
		"site_menu_8": "PHP version",
		"site_menu_9": "Tomcat",
		"site_menu_10": "301 redirect",
		"site_menu_11": "Reverse proxy",
		"site_menu_12": "Hotlink Protection",
		"website_change": "Website modify",
		"addtime": "Add time",
		"the_msg": "Submitting...",
		"start_scan": "Scan",
		"update_lib": "Update signature library",
		"scanned": "Scanned",
		"risk_quantity": "Risk quantity",
		"danger_fun": "Dangerous function",
		"danger_fun_no": "Dangerous function not disabled",
		"danger": "Danger",
		"file": "File",
		"ssh_port": "SSH port",
		"high_risk": "High risk",
		"sshd_tampering": "sshd file was tampered",
		"xss_attack": "XSS attack",
		"site_xss_attack": "Site did NOT enabled Anti-XSS attack!",
		"mod_time": "Modify time",
		"code": "Code",
		"behavior": "Behavior",
		"risk": "Risk",
		"details": "Details",
		"to_update": "Updating,please wait...",
		"limit_net_1": "BBS/Blog",
		"limit_net_2": "Photofolio",
		"limit_net_3": "Download",
		"limit_net_4": "E-Commerce",
		"limit_net_5": "Portal",
		"limit_net_6": "Corporate",
		"limit_net_7": "Video",
		"limit_net_8": "Turn on traffic control solution",
		"limit_net_9": "Limit plan",
		"limit_net_10": "Limit of concurrency",
		"limit_net_11": "Limit of max concurrency",
		"limit_net_12": "Block single IP",
		"limit_net_13": "Limit of single IP accessing max concurrency",
		"limit_net_14": "Traffic control",
		"limit_net_15": "Limit the max traffic limit per request (unit: KB)",
		"subdirectories": "Subdirectories",
		"url_rewrite_alter": "Are you sure to create a independent URL rewirte rule for this subdirectory?",
		"rule_cov_tool": "Rewrite rule converter",
		"a_c_n": "Apache to Nginx",
		"save_as_template": "Save as template",
		"url_rw_help_1": "Please select your application. If the website cannot be accessed as expected with the rewrite rules set, please try to reset to default.",
		"url_rw_help_2": "You are able to modify rewrite rules, just save it after modification.",
		"config_url": "Configurate rewirte rules",
		"d_s_empty": "Domain and subdirectory name cannot be empty",
		"s_bin_del": "Are you sure to delete this subdirectory binding?",
		"proxy_url": "Target URL",
		"proxy_url_info": "Please use full URL, e.g.,",
		"proxy_domain": "Domain sent",
		"proxy_domian_info": "Domain sent to target server, e.g.,",
		"proxy_cache": "Enable cache",
		"con_rep": "Content replace",
		"con_rep_info": "Text to be replaced, can be empty",
		"to_con": "Replace to, can be empty",
		"proxy_enable": "Enable reverse proxy",
		"proxy_help_1": "The target URL must be accessible, otherwise it will return the 502 status code directly.",
		"proxy_help_2": "By default all domains on this site will be passed to the target server, please ensure that the target server has a domain name bound",
		"proxy_help_3": "If your site is a passive proxy, please fill in the domain of the target site in the domain sent.",
		"proxy_help_4": "If you do not need content replacing feature, please leave empty",
		"proxy_help_5": "You can clear the cache by purge, e.g.,",
		"access_domain": "Access domain",
		"all_site": "Full site",
		"target_url": "Target URL",
		"eg_url": "Please use full URL, e.g.,",
		"enable_301": "Enable 301",
		"to301_help_1": "If choose entire site, please do not set the target URL to the domain in the same site.",
		"to301_help_2": "After canceling the 301 redirect, you need to clear the browser cache to see the effective results..",
		"bt_ssl": "BT-Panel SSL",
		"lets_ssl": "Let's Encrypt free certification",
		"other": "Other",
		"other_ssl": "Other certification",
		"use_other_ssl": "Using other certification",
		"ssl_help_1": "SSL for this site not set, if you need, please switch tab to open SSL.<br><p style='color:red;'>After closing SSL, be sure to clear your browser cache and then visit the site.</p>",
		"ssl_help_2": "Automatically generated Let's Encrypt free certification;",
		"ssl_help_3": "If you need other SSL, paste your KEY and CRT/PEM content after switch to other SSL certification tab, and save.",
		"ssl_key": "Private key (KEY)",
		"ssl_crt": "Certification (CRT/PEM)",
		"ssl_close": "Close SSL",
		"bt_bind_no": "Does not bind BT-Panel account, please create new account, and bind BT-Panel account to apply one-click deployment of SSL",
		"bt_user": "BT-Panel Account",
		"login": "Login",
		"bt_reg": "Register BT-Panel account",
		"bt_ssl_help_1": "BT-Panel SSL Certificate is issued by TrustAsia, requires real name identification",
		"bt_ssl_help_2": "If you have BT-Panel account, please bind it after login",
		"bt_ssl_help_3": "BT-Panel SSL applys certificate TrustAsia DV SSL CA - G5. Original price: 1900 RMB/year, free for BT-Panel users!",
		"bt_ssl_help_4": "Free re-apply after the expiration of one year.",
		"btapply": "Apply",
		"endtime": "Expired date",
		"status": "Status",
		"bt_ssl_help_5": "please check domain resolution before applying, unresolved domain leads to audit failure.",
		"bt_ssl_help_6": "BT-Panel SSL certificate is the free version of TrustAsia DV SSL CA - G5 certificate, which only supports a single domain.",
		"bt_ssl_help_7": "Valid for 1 year, does not support renewal, need to apply again when expired.",
		"bt_ssl_help_8": "Let's Encrypt free certificate, valid for 3 months, supports multiple domain names. Auto-renew by default.",
		"bt_ssl_help_9": "If your site uses CDN or 301 redirect, you will not be able to apply for and renew certificate through file verification.",
		"bt_ssl_help_10": "Paste you KEY and CRT content, and then save it<a href='' class='btlink' target='_blank'>[HELP]</a>。",
		"phone_input": "Input phone number",
		"ssl_apply_1": "Submitting order,please wait..",
		"ssl_apply_2": "Verifying domain,please wait..",
		"ssl_apply_3": "Deploying certification,please wait..",
		"ssl_apply_4": "Updating certification,please wait..",
		"lets_help_1": "Self-service application, automatic issuance, automatic deployment, automatic renewal",
		"lets_help_2": "Let's Encrypt certificate is valid for 3 months",
		"lets_help_3": "Automatic renew after 3 months",
		"get_ssl_list": "Obtaining certification list, please wait...",
		"order_success": "Order completed",
		"deploy": "Deploy",
		"deployed": "Deployed",
		"domain_wait": "Waiting for domain confirmation",
		"domain_validate": "Validate domain",
		"domain_check": "Please check whether the domain has been resolved to server",
		"update_ssl": "Update certificate",
		"get_ssl_err": "Obtaining certificate error",
		"get_ssl_err1": "Failed to Obtaining certificate, with the following error message",
		"err_type": "Error type",
		"ssl_close_info": "SSL closed, please visit the site after cleaning browser data!",
		"switch": "Switch",
		"switch_php_help1": "Please select required version for your application",
		"switch_php_help2": "If not necessary, please try not to use PHP 5.2, it will reduce your server security;",
		"switch_php_help3": "PHP7 does not support mysql extension, install mysqli and mysql_pdo by default.",
		"enable_nodejs": "Enable Node.js",
		"nodejs_help1": "Current version is Node.js",
		"nodejs_help2": "Node.js can coexist with PHP, but can NOT with Tomcat;",
		"nodejs_help3": "If your Node.js application has php script,please add .php extension when you access.",
		"a_n_n": "apache2.2 does not support Tomcat!",
		"enable_tomcat": "Enable Tomcat",
		"tomcat_help1": "Current version is Tomcat ",
		"tomcat_help2": "If you need other version, please change it in Software Manager - All Software;",
		"tomcat_help3": "Deployment order: Install Tomcat >> Create site >> Upload and configure project >> Enable Tomcat",
		"tomcat_help4": "If your tomcat application has php script, please add .php extension when you access.",
		"tomcat_help5": "It needs 1 minute for preparation after Open successful.",
		"tomcat_err_msg": "You do NOT have Tomcat installed, please install it first!",
		"tomcat_err_msg1": "Please install Tomcat first!",
		"web_config_help": "Set primary configuration document of site, if you do not understand the rule of configuating, please do not modify it.",
		"rewritename": "0. Current",
		"template_empty": "Name of template cannot be empty",
		"save_rewrite_temp": "Save as rewrite template",
		"template_name": "Name of template",
		"change_defalut_page": "Change default page",
		"err_404": "404 error page",
		"empty_page": "Empty page",
		"default_page_stop": "Defualt site stop page",
		"site_name": "site name",
		"normal": "Normal",
		"backup": "backup",
		"open_dir": "Open directory",
		"firewalld": "firewall",
		"firewalld_switch": "firewall switch",
		"del": "Del",
		"del_site": "Delete site",
		"site_classification": "Site classification",
		"all_classification": "all categories",
		"firewalld_nonactivated_tips": "{1} Firewall is not yet open, <br>Please go to &quot;<a href='/soft' class='btlink'>App Store>Pay Plugin>{2}Firewall</a>&quot; <br>Open installation and use.",
		"firewalld_nonactivated": "Firewall is not open",
		"download": "download",
		"submit": "submit",
		"set_site_classification": "Set Site Classification",
		"input_classification_name": "Please fill in the category name",
		"add": "add",
		"mam_site_classificacion": "Site Classification Management",
		"default_classification_cant_operation": "The default category cannot be deleted/not editable!",
		"sure_del_classification": "Are you sure to delete the classification?",
		"del_classification": "delete classification",
		"edit_classification_mam": "Modify classification management",
		"classification_name": "category name",
		"turn_off": "Off",
		"name": "Name",
		"edit": "Edit",
		"del_domain": "delete domain name",
		"save": "save",
		"rewrite_change_tools": "rule conversion tool",
		"ap_change_ng": "Apache to Nginx",
		"rewrite_tips": "Please select your application. If the website is not accessible after setting the pseudo-static, please try to set back to default",
		"edit_rewrite": "You can modify the pseudo-static rules, save them after modification.",
		"specify_subdir": "Some programs need to specify a secondary directory as the running directory, such as ThinkPHP5, Laravel', 'Choose your running directory, click Save",
		"pass_visit": "Password access",
		"access_account": "authorized account",
		"pass_again": "Repeat password",
		"no_change_set_empty": "Please leave blank if you don't modify it",
		"bbs_or_blog": "Forum/Blog",
		"photo_station": "Picture Station",
		"download_station": "Download Station",
		"mall": "Mall",
		"portal_site": "portal",
		"enterprise": "enterprise",
		"video": "video",
		"not_resolve_domain": "You requested a certificate for the domain name [{1}], but the program detected that you did not bind and resolve its root domain [{2}] to the site, which would cause the certificate to be signed!",
		"ssl_tips1": "Before applying, please make sure the domain name has been resolved. If it is not resolved, the audit will fail (including the root domain name)",
		"ssl_tips2": "Pagoda SSL is applying for the free version of TrustAsia DV SSL CA - G5 certificate, which only supports a single domain name application",
		"ssl_tips3": "Valid for 1 year, does not support renewal, need to reapply after expiration",
		"ssl_tips4": "It is recommended to use the second-level domain name as the domain name of www to apply for a certificate. At this time, the system will give the top-level domain name as an optional name by default",
		"ssl_tips5": "When the SSL default site is not specified, sites that do not have SSL enabled will directly access the SSL-enabled site using HTTPS.",
		"ssl_tips6": "99% of users can easily deploy themselves, if you don't understand, <a class='btlink' href='' target='_blank'>Pagoda offers Certificate deployment service 50 yuan once</a>",
		"checking_mode": "validation method",
		"file_check": "file verification",
		"dns_check_tips1": "In DNS authentication, we provide 3 automated DNS-APIs and provide manual mode",
		"dns_check_tips2": "The use of the DNS interface to apply for a certificate can be automatically renewed. In manual mode, the certificate needs to be re-applied after expiration",
		"dns_check_tips3": "Before using the [Pagoda DNS Cloud Resolution] interface, you need to confirm that the domain name DNS for which you want to apply for an SSL certificate is [Cloud Resolution]",
		"dns_check_tips4": "Before using the [DnsPod/Alibaba Cloud DNS] interface, you need to set the API of the corresponding interface in the pop-up window",
		"dns_check_tips5": "Check domain name in advance (discover problems in advance, reduce failure rate)",
		"check_dns": "DNS authentication",
		"choose_dns": "Select DNS interface",
		"interface": "interface",
		"wait": "wait",
		"second": "seconds",
		"admin_email": "admin mailbox",
		"resolve_txt": "Manually parsing TXT records",
		"resolve_txt_by_list": "Please do TXT parsing according to the following list",
		"check": "verify",
		"resolve_domain": "Resolve domain name",
		"txt": "TXT record value",
		"dns_resolve_tips1": "Resolving the domain name takes a certain amount of time to take effect. After completing all the resolution operations, please wait at least 3 minutes before clicking the verification button",
		"dns_resolve_tips2": "The CMD command can be used to manually verify that the domain name resolution is in effect: nslookup -q=txt",
		"dns_resolve_tips3": "If you are using the Pagoda Cloud Resolution Plugin, Alibaba Cloud DNS, DnsPod as DNS, can be resolved automatically using the DNS interface",
		"dns_resolve_tips4": "Resolving the domain name takes a certain amount of time to take effect, so all the resolution operators are done, please wait 1 minute and then click the verification button",
		"ssl_dir": "Certificate folder",
		"brand": "brand",
		"force_https": "Force HTTPS",
		"close_force_https_tips": "After forcing HTTPS, you need to clear your browser cache to see the effect, continue?",
		"close_force_https": "Close forced HTTPS",
		"redirect_tips1": "Redirect type: indicates access to the selected [domain name] or the entered [path] will be redirected to the specified URL",
		"redirect_tips2": "Target URL: You can fill in the site you need to redirect to. The target URL must be a URL that can be accessed normally, otherwise an error will be returned.",
		"redirect_tips3": "Redirection method: use 301 for permanent redirection and 302 for temporary redirection",
		"redirect_tips4": "Retain URI parameter: indicates whether the URL accessed after redirecting has a subpath or parameters such as setting access to redirect to",
		"redirect_tips5": "Retain URI parameter: --->",
		"redirect_tips6": "Do not retain URI parameters: --->",
		"create_redirect": "Create redirect",
		"modify_redirect": "Modify redirect",
		"open_redirect": "Open redirect",
		"redirect_name": "redirect name",
		"reserve_url": "Keep URI parameter",
		"redirect_type": "redirect type",
		"redirect_mode": "redirect mode",
		"redirect_domain": "redirect domain name",
		"path": "path",
		"redirect_path": "redirect path",
		"choose_domain": "Please select a domain name...",
		"choose_all": "Select all",
		"cancel_all": "Cancel all selection",
		"site": "the whole station",
		"add_redirect": "Add redirect",
		"turn_on": "on",
		"already_stop": "Paused",
		"edit_conf": "Edit Profile",
		"load_conf": "This is the load balancing configuration file. If you don't understand the configuration rules, don't modify it at will.",
		"proxy_tips1": "Proxy directory: When accessing this directory, the contents of the target URL will be returned and displayed (requires advanced features)",
		"proxy_tips2": "Target URL: You can fill in the site you need to proxy, the target URL must be a URL that can be accessed normally, otherwise it will return an error '",
		"proxy_tips3": "Send domain name: Add the domain name to the request header and pass it to the proxy server. The default is the target URL domain name. If it is set incorrectly, the proxy may not work properly.",
		"proxy_tips4": "Content replacement: only available when using nginx, up to 3 replacements can be added, leave blank if you don't need to replace",
		"create_proxy": "Create a reverse proxy",
		"modify_proxy": "Modify reverse proxy",
		"open_proxy": "Open proxy",
		"proxy_adv": "advanced features",
		"proxy_name": "proxy name",
		"cache_time": "cache time",
		"proxy_dir": "proxy directory",
		"empty": "empty",
		"add_rep_content": "Add content replacement",
		"add_proxy": "Add a reverse proxy",
		"cache": "cache",
		"already_open": "Opened",
		"already_close": "Closed",
		"url_suffix": "URL suffix",
		"access_domain1": "License domain name",
		"start_anti_leech": "Enable anti-theft chain",
		"access_empty_ref_default": "The default allows resources to be accessed directly, ie does not restrict HTTP_REFERER to empty requests",
		"multi_url": "Multiple URL suffixes and domain names should be separated by a comma (,), such as: png, jpeg, zip, js",
		"trigger_return_404": "When the anti-theft chain is triggered, it will return directly to the 404 state",
		"redirect": "redirect",
		"redirect_test": "Redirect (beta)",
		"response_log": "response log",
		"minute": "minutes",
		"install_web_server_first": "Please install the web server first!",
		"to_install": "Go to install",
		"php_cli_ver": "PHP-CLI version",
		"php_cli_tips1": "This can set the PHP version used by the command line when running php",
		"php_cli_tips2": "There needs to be reset here after installing the new PHP version",
		"set_php_cli_cmd": "Set PHP-CLI (command line) version",
		"deploy_success_cret": "Deployed successfully:",
		"try_renew_cret": "will attempt automatic renewal within 1 month of the expiration time",
		"cert_brand": "Certificate Brand:",
		"expire_time": "Expiration time:",
		"auth_domain": "Authentication domain name:",
		"ssl_renew": "Renew",
		"deploy_success_tips": "<b>Deployed successfully: </b>Please replace the new certificate before the certificate expires",
		"not_deploy_and_save": "<b style=\"color:red;\">Not currently deployed:</b> Click the [Save] button to complete the deployment of this certificate"
	"public": {
		"success": "Operation succeeded!",
		"error": "Operation failed!",
		"add_success": "Added successfully!",
		"del_success": "Deleted successfully",
		"save": "Save",
		"edit": "Edit",
		"edit_ok": "Successfully edited!",
		"edit_err": "Failed to edit!",
		"know": "Got it",
		"close": "Close",
		"cancel": "Canel",
		"ok": "OK",
		"empty": "Empty",
		"submit": "Submit",
		"exec": "Execute",
		"script": "Script",
		"log": "Log",
		"slow_log": "Slow log",
		"del": "Delete",
		"add": "Add",
		"the_get": "Obtaining, please wait...",
		"fresh": "Refresh",
		"config": "Configuring...",
		"config_ok": "Configured successfully!",
		"the": "Processing, please wait...",
		"user": "Account",
		"pass": "Password",
		"read": "Reading, please wait...",
		"pre": "Percent",
		"num": "Number",
		"byte": "Byte",
		"input_err": "Form is illegal, please try again!",
		"the_add": "Adding, please wait...",
		"the_del": "Deleting, please wait...",
		"msg": "Tips",
		"list_empty": "List is empty!",
		"all": "All",
		"upload": "Upload",
		"download": "Download",
		"action": "Action",
		"warning": "Warning",
		"return": "Return",
		"help": "Help",
		"list": "List",
		"off": "Off",
		"on": "On",
		"cp_success": "Copy is successful!",
		"cp_fail": "Copy failed, browser is not compatible!",
		"input_calc_result": "Please enter the calculation result correctly!",
		"usually_username_ban": "Prohibit the use of common user names",
		"onclick_install": "One-click installation",
		"exec_log": "execution log",
		"scan": "scan",
		"task_long_time_not_exec": "If the task has not been executed for a long time, please try to reset the task queue by clicking [Restart Panel] on the first page.",
		"login_expire": "Your login status has expired, please log in again!",
		"session_expire": "The session has expired",
		"logout": "logout",
		"bt_terminal": "Pagoda Terminal",
		"paste_comm_this": "Paste the command here..",
		"send": "send",
		"turnoff": "closed",
		"cp_to_shear_plate": "Copy to clipboard",
		"paste_choose": "Paste selected items",
		"translate": "translation",
		"translate_now": "Translating...",
		"search": "Baidu search",
		"original": "Original:",
		"translation": "Translation: ",
		"start_up": "start",
		"stop": "stop",
		"restart": "restart",
		"reload": "overload configuration",
		"performance_tuning": "performance tuning",
		"storage_location": "storage location",
		"port": "port",
		"status": "current status",
		"server_status": "service status",
		"ver_mam": "version management",
		"edit_conf": "Configuration modification",
		"add_db": "Add database",
		"backup": "backup",
		"username": "username",
		"db_name": "database name",
		"operate": "Operation",
		"get_now": "Get in",
		"install_ver": "installation version",
		"uninstall_ver": "Uninstall version",
		"file_tips": "Hint: Ctrl+F to search for keywords, Ctrl+G to find next, Ctrl+S to save, Ctrl+Shift+R to find replacements!",
		"transfer": "migration",
		"input_db_name": "Please enter the database name",
		"input_db_username": "Please enter the database username",
		"input_db_passwd": "Please enter the database password",
		"access_right": "Access rights",
		"local_server": "local server",
		"everyone": "everyone",
		"specified_network": "Specified network segment",
		"file_name": "file name",
		"file_size": "file size",
		"back_time": "backup time",
		"tips": "tips",
		"confirm": "OK",
		"privilege_man": "Permission Management",
		"change_passwd": "Change password",
		"copy_passwd": "copy password",
		"import": "import",
		"permission": "permission",
		"edit_pass": "change the secret",
		"res": "recovery",
		"install_now": "Installing",
		"local": "this machine",
		"plug_err": "The plugin class name, or the plugin method name is missing!",
		"request_err": "The request process found an error!",
		"already_install": "Installed",
		"rootdir": "root directory",
		"back": "back",
		"flush": "refresh",
		"set_account": "Account Settings",
		"newdir": "new folder",
		"name": "name",
		"size": "size",
		"update_time": "update time",
		"upload_file_success": "Successfully uploaded [{1}] files!",
		"upload_now": "Uploading",
		"upload_fail2": "Upload failed 2",
		"create_dir": "Create directory",
		"dir_name": "directory name:",
		"dir_name_err": "Directory name cannot be empty"
	"public_backup": {
		"login_expire": "Your login status has expired, please log in again!",
		"session_expire": "The session has expired",
		"click_detail": "Click to view instructions",
		"stop": "stop",
		"restart": "restart",
		"reload": "overload",
		"server": "service",
		"cp_success": "Copy success",
		"cp_fail": "Copy failed, browser is not compatible!",
		"bind_bt_account": "Bound Pagoda official website account",
		"mobile_phone": "mobile phone",
		"pass": "Password",
		"rootpass": "Root password",
		"login": "Login",
		"no_account": "No account, go to register",
		"oneclick_install": "One-click installation",
		"user_img": "user avatar",
		"nick_name": "nickname:",
		"cancel_wechat_bind": "Cancel the binding of the current WeChat applet",
		"cancel_bind": "unbind",
		"add_account_bind": "Add a binding account",
		"unbind_account": "Are you sure you want to cancel the current binding?",
		"confirm": "confirm",
		"cancel": "cancel",
		"unbind": "unbind",
		"open_bt_small_app": "Open the Pagoda Panel applet",
		"app_qr_core": "applet QR code",
		"scan_qr_core": "Use the Pagoda applet to scan the current QR code and bind the panel",
		"return_bind_list": "return panel binding list",
		"read_bind_list": "View Binding List",
		"bind_wechat": "Bind WeChat",
		"bind_success": "Binding succeeded!",
		"del": "Del",
		"del_task": "Are you sure you want to delete this task?",
		"tips": "tips",
		"stop_crontab": "The scheduled task will not continue to run after it is suspended. Do you really want to disable this scheduled task?",
		"start_crontab": "The scheduled task has been deactivated. Do you want to enable this scheduled task?",
		"submit_data": "Submit data...",
		"read_log": "View log",
		"log_empty": "The current log is empty",
		"microsoft_yahei": "Microsoft Yahei",
		"all": "all",
		"server_disk": "server disk",
		"get_cert": "Getting certificate information...",
		"key": "key",
		"cret_format": "Certificate (PEM format)",
		"save": "save",
		"cret_help": "Paste your *.key and *.pem content, then save it",
		"help": "help",
		"cret_err": "If the browser prompts that the certificate chain is incomplete, please check if the PEM certificate is correctly spliced",
		"pem_format": "PEM format certificate = domain name certificate .crt + root certificate (root_bundle).crt",
		"custom_panel_set": "Custom Panel Certificate",
		"usually_user_ban": "Prohibit the use of common usernames!",
		"install": "install",
		"uninstall": "uninstall",
		"no_fpm_log": "There is currently no fpm log.",
		"no_slow_log": "There is no slow log currently.",
		"year": "year",
		"month": "month",
		"day": "day",
		"month1": "1 month",
		"month3": "3 months",
		"month6": "6 months",
		"year1": "1 year",
		"year2": "2 years",
		"year3": "3 years",
		"permanent": "permanent",
		"buy_multiplev_bt_pro": "Note: If you need to purchase multiple permanent licenses, please visit the official website of Pagoda to buy.",
		"goto_bt": "Go to the Pagoda official website",
		"up_pro_use_allplug_free": "Upgrade Pro, all plugins, free to use",
		"buy": "buy",
		"renew": "Renewal fee",
		"type": "type",
		"apiece_of_plug": "1 plugin",
		"up_pro": "Upgrade to Professional Edition",
		"use_allplug_free": "All plugins are free to use",
		"pro_expire_must_renew_or_change_free_version": "(Professional version expires and you need to renew it before you can log in or use SSH to execute the free version upgrade command to switch to the free version)",
		"duration": "duration",
		"total": "total",
		"rmb": "yuan",
		"pay_by_wechatqrcore": "WeChat scan code payment",
		"get_payment_info": "Getting payment information...",
		"loading": "Loading, please wait",
		"choose_cash_coupon": "Please choose a voucher",
		"no_cash_coupon": "No vouchers",
		"pay_plug_success": "Plugin payment is successful!",
		"pay_pro_success": "Professional payment success!",
		"pay_method": "Payment method",
		"pay_by_wechat": "WeChat payment",
		"cash_coupon": "voucher",
		"opening_time": "opening time",
		"cash_coupon_list": "List of vouchers",
		"submit": "submit",
		"discount": "fold",
		"update": "update",
		"third_party_plug": "Third-party plugin package",
		"name": "name:",
		"version": "Version:",
		"ps": "Description: ",
		"size": "size:",
		"author": "Developer:",
		"source": "Source:",
		"update_wait": "The update process may take a few minutes, please be patient!",
		"install_wait": "The installation process may take a few minutes, please be patient!",
		"exist_cover": "If this plugin already exists, it will be replaced!",
		"update_tips": "It is recommended that you perform software updates while the server is idle.",
		"db_update_tips": "Update the database is risky, it is recommended to back up your database before updating.",
		"update_tips1": "If you are a cloud server, it is highly recommended that you take a snapshot before the update.",
		"update_tips2": "The update process may cause the service to be interrupted. Do you really update [{1}] to [{2}.{3}] now?",
		"update_tips3": "Updating to [{1}-{2}.{3}], please wait...",
		"del_rep": "delete redirect",
		"sure_del_rep": "Do you really want to delete the redirect?",
		"del_proxy": "delete reverse proxy",
		"sure_del_proxy": "Do you really want to remove it from the list?",
		"no_log": "There is no current log",
		"deploy_cert": "Deploying certificate...",
		"del_cert": "Delete certificate",
		"sure_del_cert": "Do you really want to delete the certificate from the certificate folder?",
		"stop_site": "Disable site",
		"start_site": "Start site",
		"turn_off": "Off",
		"access_right": "Access rights",
		"local_server": "local server",
		"every_one": "Everyone",
		"specify_ip": "Specify IP",
		"access_ip_tips": "Multiple IPs are separated by commas (,)",
		"db_name": "database name",
		"new_db_name": "New database name",
		"user_name": "Username",
		"db_user": "Database user",
		"set_db_permissions": "Set database permissions",
		"change_db_pass": "Modify database password",
		"domain": "Domain name",
		"domian_tips": "Fill a domain name per line, the default is 80 port<br>General resolution add method *<br>If the port format is",
		"site_ps": "Website Notes",
		"root_dir": "Root directory",
		"dont_create": "Do not create",
		"create": "Create",
		"set_ftp": "FTP settings",
		"ftp_tips": "When creating a site, create a corresponding FTP account for the site, and the FTP directory points to the directory where the site is located.",
		"db": "Database",
		"unsupport_sqlserver": "Linux does not support SQLServer!",
		"db_set": "Database Settings",
		"create_site_tips": "When creating a site, create a corresponding database account for the site to facilitate different databases using different databases.",
		"php_v": "PHP version",
		"sitic": "Pure static",
		"site_classification": "site classification",
		"domain_format_not_right": "The primary domain name is not in the correct format",
		"default_port": "Default port",
		"recover": "Recovery",
		"permanent_delete": "Permanent delete",
		"name_err": "Missing the required parameter name"
	"layout": {
		"download": "Downloading:",
		"cancel": "Cancel",
		"connect": "Connecting..",
		"wait_task": "Waiting for execution of tasks",
		"cancel_task": "Cancel task..."
	"install": {
		"passwd_cant_empty": "The username or password cannot be empty!",
		"passwd_not_same": "The passwords entered twice are inconsistent, please re-enter!",
		"setting_up": "Processing..."
	"login": {
		"qr_core_login": "Pagoda Widget Code Login",
		"open": "open",
		"bt_small_p": "Pagoda applet",
		"scan_login": "Sweep the login",
		"scan_more_safety": "Scan code login is safer",
		"scan_success": "Scan code is successful, please wait...",
		"safe_logging_now": "In a secure login, please wait...",
		"user_login": "Click on the account to login",
		"form_err": "Form error, please re-enter!",
		"logging": "Login..."
	"tomcat2": {
		"project_mam": "Project Management",
		"server": "service",
		"conf_file": "configuration file",
		"version_mam": "version management",
		"log": "log",
		"add_project": "Add item",
		"project_domain": "project domain name",
		"project_path": "project path",
		"sub_dir": "secondary directory",
		"tomcat_version": "Tomcat version",
		"operate": "Operation",
		"project_tips1": "The default project is not editable",
		"project_tips2": "The project can be accessed directly through the domain name after mapping",
		"project_tips3": "The default ports for tomcat7, 8, and 9 are 8081, 8082, and 8083",
		"project_tips4": "If you have a problem, you can post here",
		"project_tips5": "View details",
		"project_tips6": "Hint: Ctrl+F to search for keywords, Ctrl+G to find next, Ctrl+S to save, Ctrl+Shift+R to find replacements!",
		"save": "save",
		"project_mapping": "project mapping",
		"already_install": "Installed",
		"not_install": "Not installed",
		"install_version": "installation version",
		"uninstall_version": "Uninstall version",
		"not_install_tomcat": "The Tomcat service is not installed",
		"add_tomcat_project": "Add a Tomcat project",
		"project_version": "project version",
		"input_project_domain": "Please enter the project domain name",
		"input_project_path": "Please enter the project path",
		"project_tips7": "Project version: If you need to add another version of Tomcat service, please",
		"project_tips8": "in the installation",
		"confirm": "OK",
		"cancel": "cancel",
		"input_project_version": "Please enter the project version",
		"uninstall_confirm": "Whether to uninstall",
		"program": "program",
		"uninstall_tomcat": "Uninstall Tomcat",
		"install_now": "Installing",
		"uninstall_now": "Uninstalling",
		"install_tips1": "Service, please be patient",
		"get_version_info": "Get version information, please wait...",
		"mamager": "management",
		"proxy": "mapping",
		"edit": "edit",
		"del": "Del",
		"default_project_subdir_err": "The default project does not support secondary directory addition",
		"add_sub_dir": "Add a secondary directory",
		"input_sub_dir": "Please enter a secondary directory",
		"input_visit_path": "Please enter the access path",
		"sub_dir_cant_empty": "The secondary directory cannot be empty",
		"visit_path_cant_empty": "The access path cannot be empty",
		"del_confirm": "Delete",
		"del_sub_dir": "Delete secondary directory",
		"del_sub_dir_now": "Deleting secondary directory, please wait...",
		"add_sub_dir_now": "Adding a secondary directory, please wait...",
		"get_sub_dir": "Getting a secondary directory, please wait...",
		"stop_reloadable_confirm": "Whether to turn off the Reloadable property",
		"start_reloadable_confirm": "Whether to start the Reloadable property",
		"set_reloadable": "Set Reloadable property",
		"stop_reloadable_now": "Close the Reloadable property, please wait...",
		"start_reloadable_now": "Start the Reloadable property, please wait...",
		"stop_server": "stop service",
		"stop_confirm": "Whether to stop",
		"stop_now": "Stopping",
		"wait": "Please wait later",
		"start_server": "Start service",
		"start_confirm": "Whether to start",
		"start_now": "Starting",
		"reload_server": "overloaded service",
		"reload_confirm": "Is it overloaded",
		"reload_now": "Reloading",
		"get_port": "Getting port, please wait...",
		"set_port": "Setting port, please wait...",
		"get_proxy": "Get map status, please wait...",
		"default_project_proxy_err": "The default project does not support mapping",
		"proxy_confirm": "whether map",
		"proxy_project": "mapping project",
		"set_proxy_now": "Setting mapping, please wait...",
		"get_reloadable_status": "Getting Reloadable status, please wait...",
		"set_reloadable_status": "Setting the Reloadable state, please wait...",
		"default_project_edit_err": "The default project does not support editing",
		"modify": "modify",
		"project": "project",
		"modify_success": "Modification completed",
		"project_unmodified": "The project has not been modified",
		"set_project": "Setting project",
		"project_set_dir": "In the directory, please wait...",
		"project_set_domain": "In the domain name, please wait...",
		"default_project_del_err": "The default project does not support deletion",
		"del_project": "Delete project",
		"del_project_confirm": "Project, do you want to continue?",
		"add_project_now": "Adding a Tomcat project, please wait...",
		"get_project_now": "Getting a list of Tomcat projects, please wait...",
		"status": "Current status:",
		"port": "Port:",
		"change": "Change",
		"jdk_version": "JDK version: ",
		"reload_conf": "Overload configuration",
		"get_service_status": "Getting service status, please wait...",
		"save_conf": "Saving the configuration file, please wait later",
		"get_conf": "Getting the configuration file, please wait later",
		"get_log": "Getting logs, please wait",
		"plug_err": "The plugin class name, or the plugin method name is missing!",
		"requery_err": "The request process found an error!",
		"visit_path": "Access path",
		"tomcat_status_tips1": "Service, please wait",
		"del_confirm_p": "Do you want to delete this"?
		"del_project_now": "Deleting project, please wait...",
		"open": "on",
		"stop": "stop",
		"startup": "start"
	"pythonmamager": {
		"project_mam": "Project Management",
		"version_mam": "version management",
		"log": "log",
		"add_project": "Add item",
		"project_name": "project name",
		"project_path": "project path",
		"port": "port",
		"start_type": "Startup mode",
		"py_version": "Python version",
		"mem": "memory",
		"status": "Status",
		"operate": "Operation",
		"py_tips1": "The manager uses the module in the root directory requirements.txt of the pip installation project by default. If there are other modules to be installed, please manually enter the virtual environment installation",
		"py_tips2": "Enter the virtual environment method:",
		"py_tips3": "Enter at command line",
		"py_tips4": "source project path / project name _venv/bin/activate",
		"like": "Like:",
		"get_now": "Get in ...",
		"instarll_version": "installation version",
		"uninstarll_version": "Uninstall version",
		"install_py_tips": "Installing the python version may take a long time, please be patient",
		"py_project": "Python project:",
		"already_install": "Installed",
		"no_install": "not installed",
		"uninstall_confirm": "Whether to uninstall",
		"program": "program",
		"uninstall_py": "Uninstall Python",
		"add_py_project": "Add a Python project",
		"confirm": "OK",
		"cancel": "cancel",
		"name": "name",
		"input_project_name": "Please enter the project name",
		"path": "path",
		"input_project_path": "Please select the project path",
		"run_dir_file": "Startup file/folder",
		"input_run_file": "Please select the project startup file",
		"choose_project_dir": "Select project directory",
		"run_type": "startup mode",
		"input_project_port": "Please enter the project port, no port is left blank",
		"add_py_tips1": "Project version: If you need to add another version of Python, please",
		"add_py_tips2": "Version Management",
		"add_py_tips3": "Install in",
		"add_py_tips4": "Gunicorn is a widely used Python WSGI UNIX HTTP server",
		"add_py_tips5": "uWsgi is a high performance web server",
		"add_py_tips6": "Python runs projects directly using python",
		"project_name_cant_empty": "The project name cannot be empty!",
		"project_path_cant_empty": "The project address cannot be empty!",
		"project_runfile_cant_empty": "The project startup file cannot be empty!",
		"stop": "suspended",
		"cancel_mapping": "Unmap",
		"runing": "Running",
		"mapping": "mapping",
		"restart": "restart",
		"restart_project": "Restart project",
		"conf": "configuration",
		"conf_file": "configuration file",
		"module_mam": "module management",
		"module": "module",
		"del_project": "Delete project",
		"del": "Del",
		"no_data": "There is no data currently",
		"whether": "whether",
		"open": "on",
		"close": "close",
		"mapping_project": "mapping project",
		"whether_restart_python_project": "Would you like to restart the Python project",
		"whether_cancel_python_project": "Whether to cancel the project mapping domain name",
		"whether_del_python_project": "Do you want to delete a Python project?",
		"whether_uninstall_module": "Whether to uninstall the module",
		"tips": "tips",
		"submit": "submit",
		"mapping_domain": "map domain name",
		"input_mapping_domain": "Please enter the mapping domain name",
		"edit": "edit",
		"project_conf": "project configuration",
		"file_tips": "Hint: Ctrl+F to search for keywords, Ctrl+G to find next, Ctrl+S to save, Ctrl+Shift+R to find replacements!",
		"get_project_list_now": "Getting the list of items, please wait...",
		"cancel_mapping_now": "Cancel project mapping, please wait...",
		"get_python_ver": "Getting python version, please wait...",
		"uninstall": "uninstall",
		"module_name": "module name",
		"module_ver": "module version",
		"add": "add",
		"add_module_tips": "*&nbsp;The module version is left blank to install the latest version&nbsp;*",
		"version": "version",
		"warn": "warning",
		"get_project_module_now": "Getting project [{1}] module, please wait...",
		"set_project_module_now": "Setting project [{1}] module, please wait...",
		"install_dependent": "The dependencies needed to install the project, please wait...",
		"being": "Being",
		"start_py_project": "Open Python project",
		"stop_py_project": "Close Python project",
		"pleace_wait": ", please wait...",
		"mapping_py_project": "Mapping Python project, please wait...",
		"del_py_project": "Deleting Python project, please wait...",
		"get_py_ver": "Get the python version, please wait...",
		"install_py_ver": "Installing Python version [{1}], please wait...",
		"uninstall_py_ver": "Uninstalling Python version [{1}], please wait...",
		"get_conf_now": "Getting configuration information, please wait...",
		"save_conf_now": "Saving configuration information, please wait...",
		"choose_file": "Please select a file",
		"input_newfile_name": "Please enter a new file name",
		"rootdir": "root directory",
		"create_newfile": "New file is being created, please wait...",
		"get_file_list": "Getting a list of files, please wait...",
		"plug_err": "The plugin class name, or the plugin method name is missing!",
		"reuqest_err": "The request process found an error!"
	"pgsql": {
		"like": "Like",
		"log": "Log",
		"slow_log": "Slow log",
		"performance_tuning": "Performance tuning",
		"port": "Port",
		"server_status": "Service status",
		"ver_man": "Version Management",
		"edit_conf": "Configuration modification",
		"add_db": "Add database",
		"backup": "backup",
		"username": "username",
		"db_name": "database name",
		"operate": "Operation",
		"get_now": "Get in",
		"install_ver": "installation version",
		"uninstall_ver": "Uninstall version",
		"file_tips": "Hint: Ctrl+F to search for keywords, Ctrl+G to find next, Ctrl+S to save, Ctrl+Shift+R to find replacements!",
		"transfer": "migration",
		"input_db_name": "Please enter the database name",
		"input_db_username": "Please enter the database username",
		"input_db_passwd": "Please enter the database password",
		"access_right": "Access rights",
		"local_server": "local server",
		"everyone": "everyone",
		"specified_network": "Specified network segment",
		"file_name": "file name",
		"file_size": "file size",
		"back_time": "backup time",
		"tips": "tips",
		"confirm": "OK",
		"privilege_man": "Permission Management",
		"change_passwd": "Change password",
		"copy_passwd": "Copy password",
		"import": "Import",
		"permission": "Permission",
		"edit_pass": "Change the secret",
		"res": "Recovery",
		"install_now": "Installing",
		"local": "this machine",
		"plug_err": "The plugin class name, or the plugin method name is missing!",
		"request_err": "The request process found an error!",
		"db_list": "database list",
		"client_auth": "client authentication",
		"pgsql_ver": "PgSQL version",
		"pgsql_tips1": "Installing the PgSQL version may take a long time, please be patient",
		"pgsql_tips2": "Switch the version, please uninstall the current version first, and manually back up the current database file.",
		"pgsql_tips3": "This is the pgsql main configuration file. If you don't understand the configuration rules, don't modify it at will.",
		"pgsql_tips4": "This configuration file can be configured to allow which users to connect to which database, which IPs or network segments are allowed to connect to the server, and the authentication mode used to specify the connection!",
		"pgsql_tips5": "This is the pgsql client authentication configuration file. If you don't understand the configuration rules, don't modify it at will.",
		"restart_db": "Restart the database",
		"get_pgsql_service": "Get PgSQL service, please wait...",
		"choose_sql_ver": "Please select the installed database version",
		"db_name_err": "The database name cannot contain special characters",
		"cp_fail": "Copy failed, please manually Ctrl+C copy.",
		"db_back_list": "Database [{1}] Backup List",
		"whether_res_db_file": "Do you want to restore&nbsp;[{1}]&nbsp;backup files?",
		"download_back_file": "Downloading backup file, please wait...",
		"whether_del_db_file": "Delete&nbsp;[{1}]&nbsp;Backup files?",
		"import_back_file": "Database [{1}], local file import backup",
		"upload_from_local": "Upload from local",
		"whether_del_import_file": "Delete&nbsp;[{1}]&nbsp;Import files?",
		"whether_del_db": "Do you want to delete the database [{1}], are you sure you want to delete the database?",
		"del_back_file": "Delete database backup file at the same time",
		"input_storage_location": "Please enter the database storage location!",
		"input_db_port": "Please enter the database port!",
		"change_ver_tips": "Switch version, please switch version, please uninstall the current version first, and manually back up the current database file",
		"whether_install_db_ver": "Do you want to install [{1}] data, please select the installed database repository?",
		"whether_install_db": "Do you want to install [{1}] database?",
		"install_pgsql_now": "PgSQL is being installed, please wait...",
		"whether_uninstall_sqldb": "Do you want to uninstall the database [{1}], are you sure you want to uninstall the database?",
		"uninstall_pgsql_now": "Uninstalling PgSQL, please wait...",
		"get_service_status": "Getting service status, please wait...",
		"get_db_list": "Getting the database list, please wait...",
		"change_db_passwd": "Modifying database password, please wait...",
		"set_db_permission": "Setting database permissions, please wait...",
		"del_db_now": "Delete database, please wait...",
		"add_db_now": "Adding database, please wait...",
		"get_db_import_list": "Getting the database import list, please wait...",
		"upload_db_backfile": "Upload database backup file",
		"import_db": "Importing database backup, please wait...",
		"get_db_back_list": "Getting a list of database backups, please wait...",
		"add_db_back": "Adding a database backup, please wait...",
		"del_db_back": "Delete database backup, please wait...",
		"get_pgsql_ver": "Get PgSQL version, please wait...",
		"pgsql_port_release": "PgSQL database port release",
		"pgsql_install_success": "PgSQL database [{1}] installed successfully",
		"get_client_auth_info": "Getting client authentication profile information, please wait...",
		"save_conf_info": "Saving profile information, please wait...",
		"get_conf_info": "Get profile information, please wait...",
		"get_db_storage_dir": "Getting the database storage directory, please wait...",
		"set_db_storage_dir": "Setting the database storage directory, please wait...",
		"get_db_port": "Getting the database port, please wait...",
		"set_db_port": "Setting the database port, please wait...",
		"get_db_status": "Getting database status, please wait...",
		"get_db_performance": "Getting database performance configuration, please wait...",
		"set_db_performance": "Saving database performance data, please wait...",
		"get_db_log": "Getting the database log, please wait...",
		"get_db_slow_log": "Getting the database slow log, please wait...",
		"storage_location": "storage location",
		"status": "Current status",
		"open": "On",
		"startup": "Start",
		"stop": "Stop",
		"restart": "Restart",
		"reload": "Overload configuration",
		"passwd": "Password",
		"save": "Save",
		"modify": "Modify",
		"del_db": "Delete database"
	"ftpplug": {
		"get_file_list": "Getting a list of files...",
		"del": "Del",
		"download": "Download",
		"roodir": "root directory",
		"back": "Back",
		"flush": "Refresh",
		"set_account": "Account Settings",
		"upload": "Upload",
		"newdir": "New folder",
		"name": "Name",
		"update_time": "Update time",
		"operate": "Operation",
		"upload_file_success": "Successfully uploaded [{1}] files!",
		"upload_now": "Uploading",
		"upload_fail2": "Upload failed 2",
		"create_dir": "Create directory",
		"dir_name": "Directory name:"
	"webhook": {
		"add": "Add",
		"name": "Name",
		"add_time": "Add time",
		"recently_used": "Recently called",
		"use_count": "Number of calls",
		"key": "Key",
		"operate": "Operation",
		"submitting": "Submitted...",
		"exec_file": "Execute script",
		"get_list": "Getting list...",
		"read_key": "View key",
		"test": "Test",
		"use_method": "Pagoda WebHook Usage:",
		"use_tips1": "http://panel/hook?access_key=123&amp;param=aaa",
		"use_tips2": "@param access_key string HOOK key",
		"use_tips3": "@param param string custom parameter (received with $1 in the hook script)",
		"get": "Getting...",
		"task_log": "Task Execution Log",
		"add_hook": "Add Hook"
	"linuxsys": {
		"set_dns": "DNS settings",
		"swap": "Swap/virtual memory",
		"set_time_zone": "Time zone setting",
		"sys_pass": "system password",
		"set_ip": "IP settings",
		"mem_disk": "memory disk",
		"m_dns": "Primary DNS",
		"b_dns": "Alternate DNS",
		"test": "test",
		"save": "save",
		"dns_tips1": "If the DNS is set incorrectly, your server will not be able to resolve the domain name, ie you will not be able to access the domain name through the server!",
		"dns_tips2": "Please click the test button before saving to test if the DNS you set is valid!",
		"total_space": "Total capacity:",
		"use": "used:",
		"no_use": "Available:",
		"add_swap": "Add Swap",
		"confirm": "OK",
		"swap_tips1": "swap is virtual memory under Linux, setting the appropriate swap can increase server stability",
		"swap_tips2": "The recommended swap capacity is about 1.5 times the real memory capacity. If your server memory is larger than 4GB, you can set a fixed value of 1-2GB",
		"swap_tips3": "The swap file is saved by default at /www/swap. Make sure the disk space is sufficient before setting it.",
		"swap_tips4": "If you don't need swap, set the capacity to 0",
		"swap_tips5": "This feature is not available for OVZ Virtual Architecture machines",
		"now": "current time:",
		"time_zone_tips1": "If the time zone is set incorrectly, it may cause the server time to be 'inaccurate'!",
		"time_zone_tips2": "Beijing time (CST +0800), please select Asia/Shanghai",
		"user_name": "Username",
		"new_passwd": "New password",
		"again_passwd": "Repeat password",
		"edit": "Modify",
		"get_sys_user": "The program automatically gets the current user of the system",
		"ubuntu_input_change_username": "Ubuntu please manually enter the username to be modified",
		"ipaddr": "IP address",
		"netmask": "subnet mask",
		"gateway": "gateway",
		"add": "add",
		"operate": "Operation",
		"mount": "mount directory",
		"mount_size": "mount size",
		"dir": "directory",
		"sapce": "capacity",
		"used": "used",
		"mem_disk_tips1": "The ramdisk has a read/write speed that is unmatched by the physical disk, but can only be used to save temporary data!",
		"mem_disk_tips2": "The memory disk is directly mounted as part of the physical memory, please arrange the storage capacity according to the current server memory usage!",
		"mem_disk_tips3": "After restarting the server, or unloading the ramdisk, the data saved in the ramdisk will be emptied!",
		"only_supp_centos": "Centre only supports Centos!",
		"init_netcard": "Initialize the network card",
		"cancel": "cancel",
		"del": "Del",
		"umount": "Uninstall",
		"initting_netcard": "Initiating the network card...",
		"adding": "adding...",
		"del_netcard_confirm": "Are you sure you want to remove [{1}] from the NIC configuration?",
		"del_ip": "delete IP address",
		"deleting": "Deleting...",
		"umount_mem_disk": "Unload memory disk",
		"umount_tips1": "After unloading the ramdisk, the target mount directory will be emptied</p> Are you sure you want to uninstall the mount directory [{1}]?",
		"umountting": "Unloading...",
		"change_pass_now": "Modifying password...",
		"setting_time_zone": "Setting time zone...",
		"setting_swap": "Setting Swap...",
		"save_now": "Saving configuration...",
		"testting_dns": "Testing if DNS is valid..."
		"service": "Service",
		"switch_ver": "Version switching",
		"conf_set": "Performance tuning",
		"conf_file": "Profile",
		"load_status": "load status",
		"set_save": "Set Persistence",
		"curr_status": "Current status:",
		"open": "On",
		"startup": "Start",
		"stop": "Stop",
		"restart": "Restart",
		"reload": "Reload",
		"choose_ver": "Choose version",
		"switch": "switch",
		"edit_conf_tips": "Reset redis takes effect after modifying the configuration. If your data needs to be persisted, please perform the save operation first.",
		"edit_file_tips": "Hint: Ctrl+F to search for keywords, Ctrl+G to find next, Ctrl+S to save, Ctrl+Shift+R to find replacements!",
		"save": "save",
		"edit_file_tips1": "This is the redis master configuration file. If you don't understand the configuration rules, don't modify it at will.",
		"field": "field",
		"curr_val": "current value",
		"description": "description",
		"save_path": "persistent file storage path",
		"save_aof": "AOF persistence",
		"save_rdb": "RDB persistence",
		"tips1": "In seconds, insert",
		"tips2": "bar data",
		"redis_tips1": "In the {1} Redis service, please wait...",
		"redis_tips2": "Setting up Redis configuration, please wait...",
		"redis_tips3": "Get Redis service status, please wait...",
		"redis_tips4": "Getting the Redis configuration file, please wait...",
		"redis_tips5": "Saving Redis configuration file, please wait...",
		"redis_tips6": "Getting Redis load status, please wait...",
		"redis_tips7": "Getting redis persistent configuration, please wait...",
		"redis_tips8": "Saving Redis Persistence Configuration, please wait...",
		"redis_status_tips1": "Number of days in operation",
		"redis_status_tips2": "current listening port",
		"redis_status_tips3": "Number of connected clients",
		"redis_status_tips4": "The total amount of system memory currently occupied by Redis",
		"redis_status_tips5": "The peak of Redis history allocation memory",
		"redis_status_tips6": "memory fragmentation ratio",
		"redis_status_tips7": "The total number of clients connected since the run",
		"redis_status_tips8": "The total number of commands executed since the run",
		"redis_status_tips9": "The number of commands executed by the server per second",
		"redis_status_tips10": "Find the number of successful database keys",
		"redis_status_tips11": "Find the number of failed database keys",
		"redis_status_tips12": "Find database key hit rate",
		"redis_status_tips13": "The number of microseconds spent on the last fork() operation",
		"redis_save_tips1": "Meeting any one condition will trigger RDB persistence"
		"service_status": "Service status",
		"database": "Database",
		"conf": "Configuration Item",
		"conf_file": "Profile",
		"log": "Log",
		"mongo_tips": "Please start the mongodb service first!",
		"mongo_tips1": "Getting status...",
		"curr_status": "Current status:",
		"mongo_tips2": "Executing operation...",
		"mongo_tips3": "Getting a list of databases...",
		"db_name": "Database name",
		"create_db": "Create a database",
		"db_size": "Data size",
		"db_name_cant_empty": "The database name cannot be empty!",
		"mongo_tips4": "Creating database...",
		"del_db": "Delete database",
		"wherter_del_db": "Do you really want to delete the database [{1}]?",
		"mongo_tips5": "Deleting database...",
		"mongo_tips6": "Getting data...",
		"mongo_tips7": "Saving configuration...",
		"mongo_conf_tips1": "Listen IP, please don't modify it",
		"mongo_conf_tips2": "listening port, generally no need to modify",
		"mongo_conf_tips3": "Data storage location",
		"mongo_conf_tips4": "Log file location",
		"mongo_conf_tips5": "PID save path",
		"mongo_conf_file_tips1": "Hint: Ctrl+F search keyword, Ctrl+G find next, Ctrl+S save, Ctrl+Shift+R find replace!",
		"mongo_conf_file_tips2": "This is the MongoDB master configuration file. If you don't understand the configuration rules, don't modify it at will.",
		"mongo_conf_file_tips3": "Saving the configuration file",
		"port_range_err": "Port range is not legal"