#coding: utf-8 # +------------------------------------------------------------------- # | 宝塔Linux面板 x3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------- # | Copyright (c) 2015-2016 宝塔软件(http://bt.cn) All rights reserved. # +------------------------------------------------------------------- # | Author: 黄文良 <287962566@qq.com> # +------------------------------------------------------------------- import psutil,time,os,public,re from BTPanel import session,cache class system: setupPath = None; ssh = None shell = None def __init__(self): self.setupPath = public.GetConfigValue('setup_path'); def GetConcifInfo(self,get=None): #取环境配置信息 if not 'config' in session: session['config'] = public.M('config').where("id=?",('1',)).field('webserver,sites_path,backup_path,status,mysql_root').find(); if not 'email' in session['config']: session['config']['email'] = public.M('users').where("id=?",('1',)).getField('email'); data = {} data = session['config'] data['webserver'] = session['config']['webserver'] #PHP版本 phpVersions = ('52','53','54','55','56','70','71','72','73','74') data['php'] = [] for version in phpVersions: tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/php/'+version+'/bin/php'); if tmp['setup']: phpConfig = self.GetPHPConfig(version) tmp['version'] = version tmp['max'] = phpConfig['max'] tmp['maxTime'] = phpConfig['maxTime'] tmp['pathinfo'] = phpConfig['pathinfo'] tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/tmp/php-cgi-' + version + '.sock') data['php'].append(tmp) tmp = {} data['webserver'] = '' serviceName = 'nginx' tmp['setup'] = False phpversion = "54" phpport = '888'; pstatus = False; pauth = False; if os.path.exists(self.setupPath+'/nginx'): data['webserver'] = 'nginx' serviceName = 'nginx' tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath +'/nginx/sbin/nginx'); configFile = self.setupPath + '/nginx/conf/nginx.conf'; try: if os.path.exists(configFile): conf = public.readFile(configFile); rep = "listen\s+([0-9]+)\s*;"; rtmp = re.search(rep,conf); if rtmp: phpport = rtmp.groups()[0]; if conf.find('AUTH_START') != -1: pauth = True; if conf.find(self.setupPath + '/stop') == -1: pstatus = True; configFile = self.setupPath + '/nginx/conf/enable-php.conf'; conf = public.readFile(configFile); rep = "php-cgi-([0-9]+)\.sock"; rtmp = re.search(rep,conf); if rtmp: phpversion = rtmp.groups()[0]; except: pass; elif os.path.exists(self.setupPath+'/apache'): data['webserver'] = 'apache' serviceName = 'httpd' tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath +'/apache/bin/httpd'); configFile = self.setupPath + '/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf'; try: if os.path.exists(configFile): conf = public.readFile(configFile); rep = "php-cgi-([0-9]+)\.sock"; rtmp = re.search(rep,conf); if rtmp: phpversion = rtmp.groups()[0]; rep = "Listen\s+([0-9]+)\s*\n"; rtmp = re.search(rep,conf); if rtmp: phpport = rtmp.groups()[0]; if conf.find('AUTH_START') != -1: pauth = True; if conf.find(self.setupPath + '/stop') == -1: pstatus = True; except: pass tmp['type'] = data['webserver'] tmp['version'] = public.readFile(self.setupPath + '/'+data['webserver']+'/version.pl'); tmp['status'] = False result = public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/' + serviceName + ' status') if result[0].find('running') != -1: tmp['status'] = True data['web'] = tmp tmp = {} vfile = self.setupPath + '/phpmyadmin/version.pl'; tmp['version'] = public.readFile(vfile); if tmp['version']: tmp['version'] = tmp['version'].strip() tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(vfile); tmp['status'] = pstatus; tmp['phpversion'] = phpversion.strip(); tmp['port'] = phpport; tmp['auth'] = pauth; data['phpmyadmin'] = tmp; tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/tomcat'); tmp['status'] = tmp['setup'] #if public.ExecShell('ps -aux|grep tomcat|grep -v grep')[0] == "": tmp['status'] = False tmp['version'] = public.readFile(self.setupPath + '/tomcat/version.pl'); data['tomcat'] = tmp; tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath +'/mysql/bin/mysql'); tmp['version'] = public.readFile(self.setupPath + '/mysql/version.pl'); tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/tmp/mysql.sock') data['mysql'] = tmp tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath +'/redis/runtest'); tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/var/run/redis_6379.pid'); data['redis'] = tmp; tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists('/usr/local/memcached/bin/memcached'); tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/var/run/memcached.pid'); data['memcached'] = tmp; tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath +'/pure-ftpd/bin/pure-pw'); tmp['version'] = public.readFile(self.setupPath + '/pure-ftpd/version.pl'); tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/var/run/pure-ftpd.pid') data['pure-ftpd'] = tmp data['panel'] = self.GetPanelInfo() data['systemdate'] = public.ExecShell('date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z %z"')[0].strip(); return data def GetPanelInfo(self,get=None): #取面板配置 address = public.GetLocalIp() try: port = public.GetHost(True) except: port = '8888'; domain = '' if os.path.exists('data/domain.conf'): domain = public.readFile('data/domain.conf'); autoUpdate = '' if os.path.exists('data/autoUpdate.pl'): autoUpdate = 'checked'; limitip = '' if os.path.exists('data/limitip.conf'): limitip = public.readFile('data/limitip.conf'); admin_path = '/' if os.path.exists('data/admin_path.pl'): admin_path = public.readFile('data/admin_path.pl').strip() templates = [] #for template in os.listdir('BTPanel/templates/'): # if os.path.isdir('templates/' + template): templates.append(template); template = public.GetConfigValue('template') check502 = ''; if os.path.exists('data/502Task.pl'): check502 = 'checked'; return {'port':port,'address':address,'domain':domain,'auto':autoUpdate,'502':check502,'limitip':limitip,'templates':templates,'template':template,'admin_path':admin_path} def GetPHPConfig(self,version): #取PHP配置 file = self.setupPath + "/php/"+version+"/etc/php.ini" phpini = public.readFile(file) file = self.setupPath + "/php/"+version+"/etc/php-fpm.conf" phpfpm = public.readFile(file) data = {} try: rep = "upload_max_filesize\s*=\s*([0-9]+)M" tmp = re.search(rep,phpini).groups() data['max'] = tmp[0] except: data['max'] = '50' try: rep = "request_terminate_timeout\s*=\s*([0-9]+)\n" tmp = re.search(rep,phpfpm).groups() data['maxTime'] = tmp[0] except: data['maxTime'] = 0 try: rep = r"\n;*\s*cgi\.fix_pathinfo\s*=\s*([0-9]+)\s*\n" tmp = re.search(rep,phpini).groups() if tmp[0] == '1': data['pathinfo'] = True else: data['pathinfo'] = False except: data['pathinfo'] = False return data def GetSystemTotal(self,get,interval = 1): #取系统统计信息 data = self.GetMemInfo(); cpu = self.GetCpuInfo(interval); data['cpuNum'] = cpu[1]; data['cpuRealUsed'] = cpu[0]; data['time'] = self.GetBootTime(); data['system'] = self.GetSystemVersion(); data['isuser'] = public.M('users').where('username=?',('admin',)).count(); data['version'] = session['version']; return data def GetLoadAverage(self,get): c = os.getloadavg() data = {}; data['one'] = float(c[0]); data['five'] = float(c[1]); data['fifteen'] = float(c[2]); data['max'] = psutil.cpu_count() * 2; data['limit'] = data['max']; data['safe'] = data['max'] * 0.75; return data; def GetAllInfo(self,get): data = {} data['load_average'] = self.GetLoadAverage(get); data['title'] = self.GetTitle(); data['network'] = self.GetNetWorkApi(get); data['cpu'] = self.GetCpuInfo(1); data['time'] = self.GetBootTime(); data['system'] = self.GetSystemVersion(); data['mem'] = self.GetMemInfo(); data['version'] = session['version']; return data; def GetTitle(self): return public.GetConfigValue('title') def GetSystemVersion(self): #取操作系统版本 import public version = public.readFile('/etc/redhat-release') if not version: version = public.readFile('/etc/issue').strip().split("\n")[0].replace('\\n','').replace('\l','').strip(); else: version = version.replace('release ','').strip(); return version def GetBootTime(self): #取系统启动时间 import public,math conf = public.readFile('/proc/uptime').split() tStr = float(conf[0]) min = tStr / 60; hours = min / 60; days = math.floor(hours / 24); hours = math.floor(hours - (days * 24)); min = math.floor(min - (days * 60 * 24) - (hours * 60)); return public.getMsg('SYS_BOOT_TIME',(str(int(days)),str(int(hours)),str(int(min)))) def GetCpuInfo(self,interval = 1): time.sleep(0.5) #取CPU信息 cpuCount = psutil.cpu_count() used = self.get_cpu_percent() return used,cpuCount def GetCpuInfo_new(self): cpuCount = psutil.cpu_count() def get_cpu_percent(self): percent = 0.00; old_cpu_time = cache.get('old_cpu_time') old_process_time = cache.get('old_process_time') if not old_cpu_time: old_cpu_time = self.get_cpu_time() old_process_time = self.get_process_cpu_time() time.sleep(1) new_cpu_time = self.get_cpu_time() new_process_time = self.get_process_cpu_time() try: percent = round(100.00 * ((new_process_time - old_process_time) / (new_cpu_time - old_cpu_time)),2) except: percent = 0.00 cache.set('old_cpu_time',new_cpu_time) cache.set('old_process_time',new_process_time) if percent > 100: percent = 100 if percent > 0: return percent; return 0.00; def get_process_cpu_time(self): pids = psutil.pids() cpu_time = 0.00; for pid in pids: try: cpu_times = psutil.Process(pid).cpu_times() for s in cpu_times: cpu_time += s except:continue; return cpu_time; def get_cpu_time(self): cpu_time = 0.00 cpu_times = psutil.cpu_times() for s in cpu_times: cpu_time += s return cpu_time; def GetMemInfo(self,get=None): #取内存信息 mem = psutil.virtual_memory() memInfo = {'memTotal':int(mem.total/1024/1024),'memFree':int(mem.free/1024/1024),'memBuffers':int(mem.buffers/1024/1024),'memCached':int(mem.cached/1024/1024)} memInfo['memRealUsed'] = memInfo['memTotal'] - memInfo['memFree'] - memInfo['memBuffers'] - memInfo['memCached'] return memInfo def GetDiskInfo(self,get=None): return self.GetDiskInfo2(); #取磁盘分区信息 diskIo = psutil.disk_partitions(); diskInfo = [] cuts = ['/mnt/cdrom','/boot','/boot/efi','/dev','/dev/shm','/run/lock','/run','/run/shm','/run/user']; for disk in diskIo: if not cuts: continue tmp = {} tmp['path'] = disk[1] tmp['size'] = psutil.disk_usage(disk[1]) diskInfo.append(tmp) return diskInfo def GetDiskInfo2(self): #取磁盘分区信息 temp = public.ExecShell("df -h -P|grep '/'|grep -v tmpfs")[0]; tempInodes = public.ExecShell("df -i -P|grep '/'|grep -v tmpfs")[0]; temp1 = temp.split('\n'); tempInodes1 = tempInodes.split('\n'); diskInfo = []; n = 0 cuts = ['/mnt/cdrom','/boot','/boot/efi','/dev','/dev/shm','/run/lock','/run','/run/shm','/run/user']; for tmp in temp1: n += 1 inodes = tempInodes1[n-1].split(); disk = tmp.split(); if len(disk) < 5: continue; if disk[1].find('M') != -1: continue; if disk[1].find('K') != -1: continue; if len(disk[5].split('/')) > 4: continue; if disk[5] in cuts: continue; arr = {} arr['path'] = disk[5]; tmp1 = [disk[1],disk[2],disk[3],disk[4]]; arr['size'] = tmp1; arr['inodes'] = [inodes[1],inodes[2],inodes[3],inodes[4]] diskInfo.append(arr); return diskInfo; #清理系统垃圾 def ClearSystem(self,get): count = total = 0; tmp_total,tmp_count = self.ClearMail(); count += tmp_count; total += tmp_total; tmp_total,tmp_count = self.ClearOther(); count += tmp_count; total += tmp_total; return count,total #清理邮件日志 def ClearMail(self): rpath = '/var/spool'; total = count = 0; import shutil con = ['cron','anacron','mail']; for d in os.listdir(rpath): if d in con: continue; dpath = rpath + '/' + d time.sleep(0.2); num = size = 0; for n in os.listdir(dpath): filename = dpath + '/' + n fsize = os.path.getsize(filename); size += fsize if os.path.isdir(filename): shutil.rmtree(filename) else: os.remove(filename) print('\t\033[1;32m[OK]\033[0m') num += 1 total += size; count += num; return total,count #清理其它 def ClearOther(self): clearPath = [ {'path':'/www/server/panel','find':'testDisk_'}, {'path':'/www/wwwlogs','find':'log'}, {'path':'/tmp','find':'panelBoot.pl'}, {'path':'/www/server/panel/install','find':'.rpm'} ] total = count = 0; for c in clearPath: for d in os.listdir(c['path']): if d.find(c['find']) == -1: continue; filename = c['path'] + '/' + d; if os.path.isdir(filename): continue fsize = os.path.getsize(filename); total += fsize os.remove(filename) count += 1; public.serviceReload(); filename = '/www/server/nginx/off' if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) os.system('echo > /tmp/panelBoot.pl'); return total,count def GetNetWork(self,get=None): cache_timeout = 86400 networkIo = psutil.net_io_counters()[:4] otime = cache.get("otime") if not otime: otime = time.time() cache.set('up',networkIo[0],cache_timeout) cache.set('down',networkIo[1],cache_timeout) cache.set('otime',otime ,cache_timeout) ntime = time.time(); networkInfo = {} networkInfo['upTotal'] = networkIo[0] networkInfo['downTotal'] = networkIo[1] networkInfo['up'] = round(float(networkIo[0] - cache.get("up")) / 1024 / (ntime - otime),2) networkInfo['down'] = round(float(networkIo[1] - cache.get("down")) / 1024 / (ntime - otime),2) networkInfo['downPackets'] =networkIo[3] networkInfo['upPackets'] =networkIo[2] cache.set('up',networkIo[0],cache_timeout) cache.set('down',networkIo[1],cache_timeout) cache.set('otime', time.time(),cache_timeout) if get != False: networkInfo['cpu'] = self.GetCpuInfo() networkInfo['load'] = self.GetLoadAverage(get); networkInfo['mem'] = self.GetMemInfo(get) networkInfo['version'] = session['version'] #networkInfo['disk'] = self.GetDiskInfo2() return networkInfo def GetNetWorkApi(self,get=None): return self.GetNetWork() def GetNetWorkOld(self): #取网络流量信息 import time; pnet = public.readFile('/proc/net/dev'); rep = '([^\s]+):[\s]{0,}(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)'; pnetall = re.findall(rep,pnet); networkInfo = {} networkInfo['upTotal'] = networkInfo['downTotal'] = networkInfo['up'] = networkInfo['down'] = networkInfo['downPackets'] = networkInfo['upPackets'] = 0; for pnetInfo in pnetall: if pnetInfo[0] == 'io': continue; networkInfo['downTotal'] += int(pnetInfo[1]); networkInfo['downPackets'] += int(pnetInfo[2]); networkInfo['upTotal'] += int(pnetInfo[9]); networkInfo['upPackets'] += int(pnetInfo[10]); cache_timeout = 86400 otime = cache.get("otime") if not otime: otime = time.time() cache.set('up',networkInfo['upTotal'],cache_timeout) cache.set('down',networkInfo['downTotal'],cache_timeout) cache.set('otime',otime ,cache_timeout) ntime = time.time(); tmpDown = networkInfo['downTotal'] - cache.get("down"); tmpUp = networkInfo['upTotal'] - cache.get("up"); networkInfo['down'] = str(round(float(tmpDown) / 1024 / (ntime - otime),2)); networkInfo['up'] = str(round(float(tmpUp) / 1024 / (ntime - otime),2)); if networkInfo['down'] < 0: networkInfo['down'] = 0; if networkInfo['up'] < 0: networkInfo['up'] = 0; otime = time.time() cache.set('up',networkInfo['upTotal'],cache_timeout) cache.set('down',networkInfo['downTotal'],cache_timeout) cache.set('otime',ntime ,cache_timeout) networkInfo['cpu'] = self.GetCpuInfo() return networkInfo; #取IO读写信息 def get_io_info(self,get = None): io_disk = psutil.disk_io_counters() ioTotal = {} ioTotal['write'] = self.get_io_write(io_disk.write_bytes) ioTotal['read'] = self.get_io_read(io_disk.read_bytes) return ioTotal #取IO写 def get_io_write(self,io_write): disk_io_write = 0 old_io_write = cache.get('io_write') if not old_io_write: cache.set('io_write',io_write) return disk_io_write; old_io_time = cache.get('io_time') new_io_time = time.time() if not old_io_time: old_io_time = new_io_time io_end = (io_write - old_io_write) time_end = (time.time() - old_io_time) if io_end > 0: if time_end < 1: time_end = 1; disk_io_write = io_end / time_end; cache.set('io_write',io_write) cache.set('io_time',new_io_time) if disk_io_write > 0: return int(disk_io_write) return 0 #取IO读 def get_io_read(self,io_read): disk_io_read = 0 old_io_read = cache.get('io_read') if not old_io_read: cache.set('io_read',io_read) return disk_io_read; old_io_time = cache.get('io_time') new_io_time = time.time() if not old_io_time: old_io_time = new_io_time io_end = (io_read - old_io_read) time_end = (time.time() - old_io_time) if io_end > 0: if time_end < 1: time_end = 1; disk_io_read = io_end / time_end; cache.set('io_read',io_read) if disk_io_read > 0: return int(disk_io_read) return 0 #检查并修复MySQL目录权限 def __check_mysql_path(self): try: #获取datadir路径 mypath = '/etc/my.cnf' if not os.path.exists(mypath): return False mycnf = public.readFile(mypath) tmp = re.findall('datadir\s*=\s*(.+)',mycnf) if not tmp: return False datadir = tmp[0] #可以被启动的权限 accs = ['755','777'] #处理data目录权限 mode_info = public.get_mode_and_user(datadir) if not mode_info['mode'] in accs or mode_info['user'] != 'mysql': public.ExecShell('chmod 755 ' + datadir) public.ExecShell('chown -R mysql:mysql ' + datadir) #递归处理父目录权限 datadir = os.path.dirname(datadir) while datadir != '/': if datadir == '/': break; mode_info = public.get_mode_and_user(datadir) if not mode_info['mode'] in accs: public.ExecShell('chmod 755 ' + datadir) datadir = os.path.dirname(datadir) except: pass def ServiceAdmin(self,get=None): #服务管理 if get.name == 'mysqld': public.CheckMyCnf(); self.__check_mysql_path() if get.name == 'phpmyadmin': import ajax get.status = 'True'; ajax.ajax().setPHPMyAdmin(get); return public.returnMsg(True,'SYS_EXEC_SUCCESS'); #检查httpd配置文件 if get.name == 'apache' or get.name == 'httpd': get.name = 'httpd'; if not os.path.exists(self.setupPath+'/apache/bin/apachectl'): return public.returnMsg(True,'SYS_NOT_INSTALL_APACHE'); vhostPath = self.setupPath + '/panel/vhost/apache' if not os.path.exists(vhostPath): public.ExecShell('mkdir ' + vhostPath); public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/httpd start'); if get.type == 'start': public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/httpd stop'); self.kill_port() result = public.ExecShell('ulimit -n 8192 && ' + self.setupPath+'/apache/bin/apachectl -t'); if result[1].find('Syntax OK') == -1: public.WriteLog("TYPE_SOFT",'SYS_EXEC_ERR', (str(result),)); return public.returnMsg(False,'SYS_CONF_APACHE_ERR',(result[1].replace("\n",'<br>'),)); if get.type == 'restart': public.ExecShell('pkill -9 httpd'); public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/httpd start'); time.sleep(0.5) #检查nginx配置文件 elif get.name == 'nginx': vhostPath = self.setupPath + '/panel/vhost/rewrite' if not os.path.exists(vhostPath): public.ExecShell('mkdir ' + vhostPath); vhostPath = self.setupPath + '/panel/vhost/nginx' if not os.path.exists(vhostPath): public.ExecShell('mkdir ' + vhostPath); public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/nginx start'); result = public.ExecShell('ulimit -n 8192 && nginx -t -c '+self.setupPath+'/nginx/conf/nginx.conf'); if result[1].find('perserver') != -1: limit = self.setupPath + '/nginx/conf/nginx.conf'; nginxConf = public.readFile(limit); limitConf = "limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=perip:10m;\n\t\tlimit_conn_zone $server_name zone=perserver:10m;"; nginxConf = nginxConf.replace("#limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=perip:10m;",limitConf); public.writeFile(limit,nginxConf) public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/nginx start'); return public.returnMsg(True,'SYS_CONF_NGINX_REP'); if result[1].find('proxy') != -1: import panelSite panelSite.panelSite().CheckProxy(get); public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/nginx start'); return public.returnMsg(True,'SYS_CONF_NGINX_REP'); #return result if result[1].find('successful') == -1: public.WriteLog("TYPE_SOFT",'SYS_EXEC_ERR', (str(result),)); return public.returnMsg(False,'SYS_CONF_NGINX_ERR',(result[1].replace("\n",'<br>'),)); if get.type == 'start': self.kill_port() time.sleep(0.5) if get.name == 'redis': redis_init = '/etc/init.d/redis' if os.path.exists(redis_init): init_body = public.ReadFile(redis_init) if init_body.find('pkill -9 redis') == -1: public.ExecShell("wget -O " + redis_init + " " + public.get_url() + '/init/redis.init') public.ExecShell("chmod +x " + redis_init) #执行 execStr = "/etc/init.d/"+get.name+" "+get.type if execStr == '/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd reload': execStr = self.setupPath+'/pure-ftpd/bin/pure-pw mkdb '+self.setupPath+'/pure-ftpd/etc/pureftpd.pdb' if execStr == '/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start': os.system('pkill -9 pure-ftpd'); if execStr == '/etc/init.d/tomcat reload': execStr = '/etc/init.d/tomcat stop && /etc/init.d/tomcat start'; if execStr == '/etc/init.d/tomcat restart': execStr = '/etc/init.d/tomcat stop && /etc/init.d/tomcat start'; if get.name != 'mysqld': result = public.ExecShell(execStr); else: os.system(execStr); result = []; result.append(''); result.append(''); if result[1].find('nginx.pid') != -1: public.ExecShell('pkill -9 nginx && sleep 1'); public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/nginx start'); if get.type != 'test': public.WriteLog("TYPE_SOFT", 'SYS_EXEC_SUCCESS',(execStr,)); if len(result[1]) > 1 and get.name != 'pure-ftpd' and get.name != 'redis': return public.returnMsg(False, '<p>警告消息: <p>' + result[1].replace('\n','<br>')); return public.returnMsg(True,'SYS_EXEC_SUCCESS'); def RestartServer(self,get): if not public.IsRestart(): return public.returnMsg(False,'EXEC_ERR_TASK'); public.ExecShell("sync && init 6 &"); return public.returnMsg(True,'SYS_REBOOT'); def kill_port(self): public.ExecShell('pkill -9 httpd'); public.ExecShell('pkill -9 nginx'); public.ExecShell("kill -9 $(lsof -i :80|grep LISTEN|awk '{print $2}')") return True #释放内存 def ReMemory(self,get): os.system('sync'); scriptFile = 'script/rememory.sh' if not os.path.exists(scriptFile): public.downloadFile(public.GetConfigValue('home') + '/script/rememory.sh',scriptFile); public.ExecShell("/bin/bash " + self.setupPath + '/panel/' + scriptFile); return self.GetMemInfo(); #重启面板 def ReWeb(self,get): #s = time.time() #if not self.shell: self.connect_ssh() #self.shell.send("nohup /etc/init.d/bt restart && sleep 1 && /etc/init.d/bt start > /dev/null &\n") #os.system("nohup sleep 2 && /etc/init.d/bt restart 2>&1 >/dev/null &") public.ExecShell("/etc/init.d/bt start") public.writeFile('data/restart.pl','True') return public.returnMsg(True,'PANEL_WAS_RESTART') def connect_ssh(self): import paramiko self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: self.ssh.connect('', public.GetSSHPort()) except: if public.GetSSHStatus(): try: self.ssh.connect('localhost', public.GetSSHPort()) except: return False; import firewalls,common fw = firewalls.firewalls() get = common.dict_obj() get.status = '0'; fw.SetSshStatus(get) self.ssh.connect('', public.GetSSHPort()) get.status = '1'; fw.SetSshStatus(get); self.shell = self.ssh.invoke_shell(term='xterm', width=100, height=29) self.shell.setblocking(0) return True #修复面板 def RepPanel(self,get): os.system("wget -O update.sh " + public.get_url() + "/install/update6_en.sh && bash update.sh"); self.ReWeb(None) return True; #升级到专业版 def UpdatePro(self,get): os.system("wget -O update.sh " + public.get_url() + "/install/update6_en.sh && bash update.sh"); self.ReWeb(None) return True;