Commit e66eb190 authored by Armando Lüscher's avatar Armando Lüscher

Make sure the keyboard markup is passed as a string, not object.

parent ebae5739
......@@ -172,6 +172,11 @@ class Request
$debug_handle = TelegramLog::getDebugLogTempStream();
try {
//Fix so that the keyboard markup is a string, not an object
if (isset($data['reply_markup']) && !is_string($data['reply_markup'])) {
$data['reply_markup'] = (string)$data['reply_markup'];
$response = self::$client->post(
'/bot' . self::$telegram->getApiKey() . '/' . $action,
['debug' => $debug_handle, 'form_params' => $data]
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