<?php /* * PHP.updateDNS (OPNsense version) * * +====================================================+ * Services Supported: * - DynDns (dyndns.org) [dynamic, static, custom] * - DHSDns (dhs.org) * - No-IP (no-ip.com) * - EasyDNS (easydns.com) * - DHS (www.dhs.org) * - HN (hn.org) -- incomplete checking! * - DynS (dyns.org) * - ZoneEdit (zoneedit.com) * - FreeDNS (freedns.afraid.org) * - Loopia (loopia.se) * - StaticCling (staticcling.org) * - DNSexit (dnsexit.com) * - OpenDNS (opendns.com) * - Namecheap (namecheap.com) * - HE.net (dns.he.net) * - HE.net IPv6 (dns.he.net) * - HE.net Tunnelbroker IP update (ipv4.tunnelbroker.net) * - SelfHost (selfhost.de) * - Amazon Route 53 (aws.amazon.com) * - DNS-O-Matic (dnsomatic.com) * - Custom DDNS (any URL) * - Custom DDNS IPv6 (any URL) * - CloudFlare (www.cloudflare.com) * - Eurodns (eurodns.com) * - GratisDNS (gratisdns.dk) * - City Network (citynetwork.se) * - Duck DNS (duckdns.org) * +----------------------------------------------------+ * Requirements: * - PHP version 4.0.2 or higher with the CURL Library and the PCRE Library * +----------------------------------------------------+ * Public Functions * - updatedns() * * Private Functions * - _update() * - _checkStatus() * - _error() * - _detectChange() * - _debug() * - _checkIP() * +----------------------------------------------------+ * DynDNS Dynamic - Last Tested: 12 July 2005 * DynDNS Static - Last Tested: NEVER * DynDNS Custom - Last Tested: NEVER * No-IP - Last Tested: 20 July 2008 * HN.org - Last Tested: 12 July 2005 * EasyDNS - Last Tested: 20 July 2008 * DHS - Last Tested: 12 July 2005 * ZoneEdit - Last Tested: NEVER * Dyns - Last Tested: NEVER * ODS - Last Tested: 02 August 2005 * FreeDNS - Last Tested: 23 Feb 2011 * Loopia - Last Tested: NEVER * StaticCling - Last Tested: 27 April 2006 * DNSexit - Last Tested: 20 July 2008 * OpenDNS - Last Tested: 4 August 2008 * Namecheap - Last Tested: 31 August 2010 * HE.net - Last Tested: 7 July 2013 * HE.net IPv6 - Last Tested: 7 July 2013 * HE.net Tunnel - Last Tested: 28 June 2011 * SelfHost - Last Tested: 26 December 2011 * Amazon Route 53 - Last tested: 01 April 2012 * DNS-O-Matic - Last Tested: 9 September 2010 * CloudFlare - Last Tested: 30 May 2013 * Eurodns - Last Tested: 27 June 2013 * GratisDNS - Last Tested: 15 August 2012 * OVH DynHOST - Last Tested: NEVER * City Network - Last Tested: 13 November 2013 * Duck DNS - Last Tested: 04 March 2015 * +====================================================+ * * @author E.Kristensen * @link http://www.idylldesigns.com/projects/phpdns/ * @version 0.8 * @updated 13 October 05 at 21:02:42 GMT * * DNSexit/OpenDNS support and multiwan extension for pfSense by Ermal Luci * Custom DNS support by Matt Corallo * */ class updatedns { var $_cacheFile; var $_cacheFile_v6; var $_debugFile; var $_UserAgent = 'User-Agent: phpDynDNS/0.7'; var $_errorVerbosity = 0; var $_dnsService; var $_dnsUser; var $_dnsPass; var $_dnsHost; var $_dnsIP; var $_dnsWildcard; var $_dnsMX; var $_dnsBackMX; var $_dnsServer; var $_dnsPort; var $_dnsUpdateURL; var $_dnsZoneID; var $_dnsTTL; var $status; var $_debugID; var $_if; var $_dnsResultMatch; var $_dnsRequestIf; var $_dnsRequestIfIP; var $_dnsVerboseLog; var $_curlIpresolveV4; var $_curlSslVerifypeer; var $_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays; var $_dnsDummyUpdateDone; var $_forceUpdateNeeded; var $_useIPv6; /* * Public Constructor Function (added 12 July 05) [beta] * - Gets the dice rolling for the update. * - $dnsResultMatch should only be used with $dnsService = 'custom' * - $dnsResultMatch is parsed for '%IP%', which is the IP the provider was updated to, * - it is otherwise expected to be exactly identical to what is returned by the Provider. * - $dnsUser, and $dnsPass indicate HTTP Auth for custom DNS, if they are needed in the URL (GET Variables), include them in $dnsUpdateURL. * - $For custom requests, $dnsUpdateURL is parsed for '%IP%', which is replaced with the new IP. */ function updatedns ($dnsService = '', $dnsHost = '', $dnsUser = '', $dnsPass = '', $dnsWildcard = 'OFF', $dnsMX = '', $dnsIf = '', $dnsBackMX = '', $dnsServer = '', $dnsPort = '', $dnsUpdateURL = '', $forceUpdate = false, $dnsZoneID ='', $dnsTTL='', $dnsResultMatch = '', $dnsRequestIf = '', $dnsID = '', $dnsVerboseLog = false, $curlIpresolveV4 = false, $curlSslVerifypeer = true) { global $config, $g; $this->_cacheFile = "/conf/dyndns_{$dnsIf}{$dnsService}" . escapeshellarg($dnsHost) . "{$dnsID}.cache"; $this->_cacheFile_v6 = "/conf/dyndns_{$dnsIf}{$dnsService}" . escapeshellarg($dnsHost) . "{$dnsID}_v6.cache"; $this->_debugFile = "{$g['varetc_path']}/dyndns_{$dnsIf}{$dnsService}" . escapeshellarg($dnsHost) . "{$dnsID}.debug"; $this->_curlIpresolveV4 = $curlIpresolveV4; $this->_curlSslVerifypeer = $curlSslVerifypeer; $this->_dnsVerboseLog = $dnsVerboseLog; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("DynDns: updatedns() starting"); $dyndnslck = lock("DDNS".$dnsID, LOCK_EX); if (!$dnsService) $this->_error(2); switch ($dnsService) { case 'freedns': if (!$dnsHost) $this->_error(5); break; case 'namecheap': if (!$dnsPass) $this->_error(4); if (!$dnsHost) $this->_error(5); break; case 'route53': if (!$dnsZoneID) $this->_error(8); if (!$dnsTTL) $this->_error(9); break; case 'custom': if (!$dnsUpdateURL) $this->_error(7); break; case 'duckdns': if (!$dnsUser) $this->_error(3); if (!$dnsHost) $this->_error(5); break; default: if (!$dnsUser) $this->_error(3); if (!$dnsPass) $this->_error(4); if (!$dnsHost) $this->_error(5); break; } switch ($dnsService) { case 'he-net-v6': case 'custom-v6': $this->_useIPv6 = true; break; default: $this->_useIPv6 = false; } $this->_dnsService = strtolower($dnsService); $this->_dnsUser = $dnsUser; $this->_dnsPass = $dnsPass; $this->_dnsHost = $dnsHost; $this->_dnsServer = $dnsServer; $this->_dnsPort = $dnsPort; $this->_dnsWildcard = $dnsWildcard; $this->_dnsMX = $dnsMX; $this->_dnsZoneID = $dnsZoneID; $this->_dnsTTL = $dnsTTL; $this->_if = get_failover_interface($dnsIf); $this->_checkIP(); $this->_dnsUpdateURL = $dnsUpdateURL; $this->_dnsResultMatch = $dnsResultMatch; $this->_dnsRequestIf = get_failover_interface($dnsRequestIf); if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("DynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): running get_failover_interface for {$dnsRequestIf}. found {$this->_dnsRequestIf}"); $this->_dnsRequestIfIP = get_interface_ip($dnsRequestIf); $this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays = 25; $this->_dnsDummyUpdateDone = false; $this->_forceUpdateNeeded = $forceUpdate; // Ensure that we were able to lookup the IP if(!is_ipaddr($this->_dnsIP)) { log_error("DynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}) There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - {$dnsIf}({$this->_if}). Probably interface is not a WAN interface."); unlock($dyndnslck); return; } $this->_debugID = rand(1000000, 9999999); if ($forceUpdate == false && $this->_detectChange() == false) { $this->_error(10); } else { switch ($this->_dnsService) { case 'dnsomatic': case 'dyndns': case 'dyndns-static': case 'dyndns-custom': case 'dhs': case 'noip': case 'noip-free': case 'easydns': case 'hn': case 'zoneedit': case 'dyns': case 'ods': case 'freedns': case 'loopia': case 'staticcling': case 'dnsexit': case 'custom': case 'custom-v6': case 'opendns': case 'namecheap': case 'he-net': case 'he-net-v6': case 'selfhost': case 'he-net-tunnelbroker': case 'route53': case 'cloudflare': case 'eurodns': case 'gratisdns': case 'ovh-dynhost': case 'citynetwork': case 'duckdns': $this->_update(); if($this->_dnsDummyUpdateDone == true) { // If a dummy update was needed, then sleep a while and do the update again to put the proper address back. // Some providers (e.g. No-IP free accounts) need to have at least 1 address change every month. // If the address has not changed recently, or the user did "Force Update", then the code does // a dummy address change for providers like this. sleep(10); $this->_update(); } break; default: $this->_error(6); break; } } unlock($dyndnslck); } /* * Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta] * Send Update To Selected Service. */ function _update() { if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("DynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): DynDns _update() starting."); if ($this->_dnsService != 'ods' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53 ') { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->_UserAgent); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $this->_dnsRequestIfIP); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 120); // Completely empirical } switch ($this->_dnsService) { case 'dyndns': case 'dyndns-static': case 'dyndns-custom': $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("DynDNS: ({$this->_dnsHost}) DNS update() starting."); if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") $this->_dnsWildcard = "ON"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = "https://members.dyndns.org/nic/update"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server .$port . '?system=dyndns&hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard='.$this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=NO'); break; case 'dhs': $needsIP = TRUE; $post_data['hostscmd'] = 'edit'; $post_data['hostscmdstage'] = '2'; $post_data['type'] = '4'; $post_data['updatetype'] = 'Online'; $post_data['mx'] = $this->_dnsMX; $post_data['mx2'] = ''; $post_data['txt'] = ''; $post_data['offline_url'] = ''; $post_data['cloak'] = 'Y'; $post_data['cloak_title'] = ''; $post_data['ip'] = $this->_dnsIP; $post_data['domain'] = 'dyn.dhs.org'; $post_data['hostname'] = $this->_dnsHost; $post_data['submit'] = 'Update'; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $server = "https://members.dhs.org/nic/hosts"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '{$server}{$port}'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); break; case 'noip': case 'noip-free': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $server = "https://dynupdate.no-ip.com/ducupdate.php"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; if(($this->_dnsService == "noip-free") && ($this->_forceUpdateNeeded == true) && ($this->_dnsDummyUpdateDone == false)) { // Update the IP to a dummy value to force No-IP free accounts to see a change. $iptoset = ""; $this->_dnsDummyUpdateDone = true; log_error("DynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): Processing dummy update on No-IP free account. IP temporarily set to " . $iptoset); } else { $iptoset = $this->_dnsIP; } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?username=' . urlencode($this->_dnsUser) . '&pass=' . urlencode($this->_dnsPass) . '&hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost.'&ip=' . $iptoset); break; case 'easydns': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = "https://members.easydns.com/dyn/dyndns.php"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard=' . $this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=' . $this->_dnsBackMX); break; case 'hn': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = "http://dup.hn.org/vanity/update"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?ver=1&IP=' . $this->_dnsIP); break; case 'zoneedit': $needsIP = FALSE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = "https://dynamic.zoneedit.com/auth/dynamic.html"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$server}{$port}?host=" .$this->_dnsHost); break; case 'dyns': $needsIP = FALSE; $server = "https://www.dyns.cx/postscript011.php"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $port . '?username=' . urlencode($this->_dnsUser) . '&password=' . $this->_dnsPass . '&host=' . $this->_dnsHost); break; case 'ods': $needsIP = FALSE; $misc_errno = 0; $misc_error = ""; $server = "ods.org"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; $this->con['socket'] = fsockopen("{$server}{$port}", "7070", $misc_errno, $misc_error, 30); /* Check that we have connected */ if (!$this->con['socket']) { print "error! could not connect."; break; } /* Here is the loop. Read the incoming data (from the socket connection) */ while (!feof($this->con['socket'])) { $this->con['buffer']['all'] = trim(fgets($this->con['socket'], 4096)); $code = substr($this->con['buffer']['all'], 0, 3); sleep(1); switch($code) { case 100: fputs($this->con['socket'], "LOGIN ".$this->_dnsUser." ".$this->_dnsPass."\n"); break; case 225: fputs($this->con['socket'], "DELRR ".$this->_dnsHost." A\n"); break; case 901: fputs($this->con['socket'], "ADDRR ".$this->_dnsHost." A ".$this->_dnsIP."\n"); break; case 795: fputs($this->con['socket'], "QUIT\n"); break; } } $this->_checkStatus(0, $code); break; case 'freedns': $needIP = FALSE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?' . $this->_dnsPass); break; case 'dnsexit': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.dnsexit.com/RemoteUpdate.sv?login='.$this->_dnsUser. '&password='.$this->_dnsPass.'&host='.$this->_dnsHost.'&myip='.$this->_dnsIP); break; case 'loopia': $needsIP = TRUE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://dns.loopia.se/XDynDNSServer/XDynDNS.php?hostname='.$this->_dnsHost.'&myip='.$this->_dnsIP); break; case 'opendns': $needsIP = FALSE; if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") $this->_dnsWildcard = "ON"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = "https://updates.opendns.com/nic/update?hostname=". $this->_dnsHost; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server .$port); break; case 'staticcling': $needsIP = FALSE; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.staticcling.org/update.html?login='.$this->_dnsUser.'&pass='.$this->_dnsPass); break; case 'dnsomatic': /* Example syntax https://username:password@updates.dnsomatic.com/nic/update?hostname=yourhostname&myip=ipaddress&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG */ $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("DNS-O-Matic: DNS update() starting."); if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") $this->_dnsWildcard = "ON"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); /* Reference: https://www.dnsomatic.com/wiki/api DNS-O-Matic usernames are 3-25 characters. DNS-O-Matic passwords are 6-20 characters. All ASCII letters and numbers accepted. Dots, dashes, and underscores allowed, but not at the beginning or end of the string. Required: "rawurlencode" http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rawurlencode.php Encodes the given string according to RFC 3986. */ $server = "https://" . rawurlencode($this->_dnsUser) . ":" . rawurlencode($this->_dnsPass) . "@updates.dnsomatic.com/nic/update?hostname="; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard='.$this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=NOCHG'); break; case 'namecheap': /* Example: https://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/update?host=[host_name]&domain=[domain.com]&password=[domain_password]&ip=[your_ip] */ $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("Namecheap ({$this->_dnsHost}): DNS update() starting."); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $dparts = explode(".", trim($this->_dnsHost)); $domain_part_count = ($dparts[count($dparts)-1] == "uk") ? 3 : 2; $domain_offset = count($dparts) - $domain_part_count; $hostname = implode(".", array_slice($dparts, 0, $domain_offset)); $domain = implode(".", array_slice($dparts, $domain_offset)); $dnspass = trim($this->_dnsPass); $server = "https://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/update?host={$hostname}&domain={$domain}&password={$dnspass}&ip={$this->_dnsIP}"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server); break; case 'he-net': case 'he-net-v6': $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("HE.net ({$this->_dnsHost}): DNS update() starting."); $server = "https://dyn.dns.he.net/nic/update?"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . 'hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&password=' . $this->_dnsPass . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP); break; case 'he-net-tunnelbroker': $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("HE.net Tunnelbroker: DNS update() starting."); $server = "https://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser . ':' . $this->_dnsPass); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . 'tid=' . $this->_dnsHost); break; case 'selfhost': $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("SelfHost: DNS update() starting."); if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") $this->_dnsWildcard = "ON"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = "https://carol.selfhost.de/nic/update"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server .$port . '?system=dyndns&hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard='.$this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=NO'); break; case 'route53': if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("Route53 ({$this->_dnsHost}): DNS update() starting."); /* Setting Variables */ $hostname = "{$this->_dnsHost}."; $ZoneID = $this->_dnsZoneID; $AccessKeyId=$this->_dnsUser; $SecretAccessKey=$this->_dnsPass; $NewIP=$this->_dnsIP; $NewTTL=$this->_dnsTTL; /* Include Route 53 Library Class */ require_once('r53.class'); /* Set Amazon AWS Credentials for this record */ $r53 = new Route53($AccessKeyId, $SecretAccessKey); /* Function to find old values of records in Route 53 */ if(!function_exists('Searchrecords')) { function SearchRecords($records, $name) { $result = array(); foreach($records as $record) { if(strtolower($record['Name']) == strtolower($name)) { $result [] = $record; } } return ($result) ? $result : false; } } $records = $r53->listResourceRecordSets("/hostedzone/$ZoneID"); /* Get IP for your hostname in Route 53 */ if(false !== ($a_result = SearchRecords($records['ResourceRecordSets'], "$hostname"))) { $OldTTL=$a_result[0][TTL]; $OldIP=$a_result[0][ResourceRecords][0]; } else { $OldIP=""; } /* Check if we need to update DNS Record */ if ($OldIP !== $NewIP) { if(!empty($OldIP)) { /* Your Hostname already exists, deleting and creating it again */ $changes = array(); $changes[] = $r53->prepareChange(DELETE, $hostname, A, $OldTTL, $OldIP); $changes[] = $r53->prepareChange(CREATE, $hostname, A, $NewTTL, $NewIP); $result = $r53->changeResourceRecordSets("/hostedzone/$ZoneID", $changes); } else { /* Your Hostname does not exist yet, creating it */ $changes = $r53->prepareChange(CREATE, $hostname, A, $NewTTL, $NewIP); $result = $r53->changeResourceRecordSets("/hostedzone/$ZoneID", $changes); } } $this->_checkStatus(0, $result); break; case 'custom': case 'custom-v6': if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("Custom DDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): DNS update() starting."); if (strstr($this->dnsUpdateURL, "%IP%")) {$needsIP = TRUE;} else {$needsIP = FALSE;} if ($this->_dnsUser != '') { if ($this->_curlIpresolveV4) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 ); if ($this->_curlSslVerifypeer) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE); else curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "{$this->_dnsUser}:{$this->_dnsPass}"); } $server = str_replace("%IP%", $this->_dnsIP, $this->_dnsUpdateURL); if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("Sending request to: ".$server); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server); break; case 'cloudflare': $needsIP = TRUE; $dnsServer ='www.cloudflare.com'; $dnsHost = str_replace(' ','', $this->_dnsHost); $URL = "https://{$dnsServer}/api.html?a=DIUP&email={$this->_dnsUser}&tkn={$this->_dnsPass}&ip={$this->_dnsIP}&hosts={$dnsHost}"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $URL); break; case 'eurodns': $needsIP = TRUE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("EuroDynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}) DNS update() starting."); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = "https://eurodyndns.org/update/"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server .$port . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP); break; case 'gratisdns': $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("GratisDNS.dk ({$this->_dnsHost}): DNS update() starting."); $server = "https://ssl.gratisdns.dk/ddns.phtml"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); list($hostname, $domain) = explode(".", $this->_dnsHost, 2); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . '?u=' . $this->_dnsUser . '&p=' . $this->_dnsPass . '&h=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&d=' . $domain); break; case 'ovh-dynhost': $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("OVH DynHOST: ({$this->_dnsHost}) DNS update() starting."); if (isset($this->_dnsWildcard) && $this->_dnsWildcard != "OFF") $this->_dnsWildcard = "ON"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = "https://www.ovh.com/nic/update"; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server .$port . '?system=dyndns&hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP . '&wildcard='.$this->_dnsWildcard . '&mx=' . $this->_dnsMX . '&backmx=NO'); break; case 'citynetwork': $needsIP = TRUE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("City Network: ({$this->_dnsHost}) DNS update() starting."); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_dnsUser.':'.$this->_dnsPass); $server = 'https://dyndns.citynetwork.se/nic/update'; $port = ""; if($this->_dnsServer) $server = $this->_dnsServer; if($this->_dnsPort) $port = ":" . $this->_dnsPort; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server .$port . '?hostname=' . $this->_dnsHost . '&myip=' . $this->_dnsIP); break; case 'duckdns': $needsIP = FALSE; if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("Duck DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): DNS update() starting."); $server = "https://www.duckdns.org/update"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server . '?domains=' . str_replace('.duckdns.org', '', $this->_dnsHost) . '&token=' . $this->_dnsUser); break; default: break; } if ($this->_dnsService != 'ods' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53') { $data = curl_exec($ch); $this->_checkStatus($ch, $data); @curl_close($ch); } } /* * Private Function (added 12 July 2005) [beta] * Retrieve Update Status */ function _checkStatus($ch, $data) { if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) { log_error("DynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): DynDns _checkStatus() starting."); log_error("DynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): Current Service: {$this->_dnsService}"); } $successful_update = false; if ($this->_dnsService != 'ods' and $this->_dnsService != 'route53' && @curl_error($ch)) { $status = "Curl error occurred: " . curl_error($ch); log_error($status); $this->status = $status; return; } switch ($this->_dnsService) { case 'dnsomatic': if (preg_match('/badauth/i', $data)) { $status = "DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): The DNS-O-Matic username or password specified are incorrect. No updates will be distributed to services until this is resolved."; } else if (preg_match('/notfqdn /i', $data)) { $status = "DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): The hostname specified is not a fully-qualified domain name. If no hostnames included, notfqdn will be returned once."; } else if (preg_match('/nohost/i', $data)) { $status = "DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): The hostname passed could not be matched to any services configured. The service field will be blank in the return code."; } else if (preg_match('/numhost/i', $data)) { $status = "DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): You may update up to 20 hosts. numhost is returned if you try to update more than 20 or update a round-robin."; } else if (preg_match('/abuse/i', $data)) { $status = "DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): The hostname is blocked for update abuse."; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (".$this->_dnsIP.")"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/dnserr/i', $data)) { $status = "DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): DNS error encountered. Stop updating for 30 minutes."; } else { $status = "DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("DNS-O-Matic ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'citynetwork': if (preg_match('/notfqdn/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Not A FQDN!"; } else if (preg_match('/nohost/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) No such host"; } else if (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (".$this->_dnsIP.")"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/badauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) User Authorization Failed"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'ovh-dynhost': case 'dyndns': if (preg_match('/notfqdn/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Not A FQDN!"; } else if (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (".$this->_dnsIP.")"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/noauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) User Authorization Failed"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'dyndns-static': if (preg_match('/notfqdn/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Not A FQDN!"; } else if (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/noauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) User Authorization Failed"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'dyndns-custom': if (preg_match('/notfqdn/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Not A FQDN!"; } else if (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/noauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) User Authorization Failed"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'dhs': break; case 'noip': case 'noip-free': list($ip,$code) = explode(":",$data); switch ($code) { case 0: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP address is current, no update performed."; $successful_update = true; break; case 1: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) DNS hostname update successful."; $successful_update = true; break; case 2: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Hostname supplied does not exist."; break; case 3: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid Username."; break; case 4: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid Password."; break; case 5: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) To many updates sent."; break; case 6: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Account disabled due to violation of No-IP terms of service."; break; case 7: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid IP. IP Address submitted is improperly formatted or is a private IP address or is on a blacklist."; break; case 8: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Disabled / Locked Hostname."; break; case 9: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Host updated is configured as a web redirect and no update was performed."; break; case 10: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Group supplied does not exist."; break; case 11: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) DNS group update is successful."; $successful_update = true; break; case 12: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) DNS group is current, no update performed."; $successful_update = true; break; case 13: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Update client support not available for supplied hostname or group."; break; case 14: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Hostname supplied does not have offline settings configured."; break; case 99: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Client disabled. Client should exit and not perform any more updates without user intervention."; break; case 100: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Client disabled. Client should exit and not perform any more updates without user intervention."; break; default: $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; $this->_debug("Unknown Response: ".$data); break; } break; case 'easydns': if (preg_match('/NOACCESS/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Authentication Failed: Username and/or Password was Incorrect."; } else if (preg_match('/NOSERVICE/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) No Service: Dynamic DNS Service has been disabled for this domain."; } else if (preg_match('/ILLEGAL INPUT/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Illegal Input: Self-Explanatory"; } else if (preg_match('/TOOSOON/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Too Soon: Not Enough Time Has Elapsed Since Last Update"; } else if (preg_match('/NOERROR/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'hn': /* FIXME: add checks */ break; case 'zoneedit': if (preg_match('/799/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error 799) Update Failed!"; } else if (preg_match('/700/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error 700) Update Failed!"; } else if (preg_match('/200/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/201/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'dyns': if (preg_match("/400/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Bad Request - The URL was malformed. Required parameters were not provided."; } else if (preg_match('/402/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Update Too Soon - You have tried updating to quickly since last change."; } else if (preg_match('/403/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Database Error - There was a server-sided database error."; } else if (preg_match('/405/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Hostname Error - The hostname (".$this->_dnsHost.") doesn't belong to you."; } else if (preg_match('/200/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'ods': if (preg_match("/299/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'freedns': if (preg_match("/has not changed./i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match("/Updated/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'dnsexit': if (preg_match("/is the same/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match("/Success/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'loopia': if (preg_match("/nochg/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match("/good/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/badauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) User Authorization Failed"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'opendns': if (preg_match('/badauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Not a valid username or password!"; } else if (preg_match('/nohost/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Hostname you are trying to update does not exist."; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (".$this->_dnsIP.")"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/yours/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) hostname specified exists, but not under the username specified."; } else if (preg_match('/abuse/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Updating too frequently, considered abuse."; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'staticcling': if (preg_match("/invalid ip/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Bad Request - The IP provided was invalid."; } else if (preg_match('/required info missing/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Bad Request - Required parameters were not provided."; } else if (preg_match('/invalid characters/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Bad Request - Illegal characters in either the username or the password."; } else if (preg_match('/bad password/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid password."; } else if (preg_match('/account locked/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) This account has been administratively locked."; } else if (preg_match('/update too frequent/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Updating too frequently."; } else if (preg_match('/DB error/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Server side error."; } else if (preg_match('/success/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'namecheap': $tmp = str_replace("^M", "", $data); $ncresponse = @xml2array($tmp); if (preg_match("/internal server error/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Server side error."; } else if (preg_match("/request is badly formed/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Badly Formed Request (check your settings)."; } else if ($ncresponse['interface-response']['ErrCount'] === "0") { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else if (is_numeric($ncresponse['interface-response']['ErrCount']) && ($ncresponse['interface-response']['ErrCount'] > 0)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) " . implode(", ", $ncresponse["interface-response"]["errors"]); $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'he-net': case 'he-net-v6': if (preg_match("/badip/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Bad Request - The IP provided was invalid."; } else if (preg_match('/nohost/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Bad Request - A hostname was not provided."; } else if (preg_match('/badauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Invalid username or password."; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) No Change In IP Address."; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'he-net-tunnelbroker': /* -ERROR: Missing parameter(s). -ERROR: Invalid API key or password -ERROR: Tunnel not found -ERROR: Another tunnel exists for this IP. -ERROR: This tunnel is already associated with this IP address +OK: Tunnel endpoint updated to: x.x.x.x */ if (preg_match("/Missing parameter/i", $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Bad Request - Missing/Invalid Parameters."; } else if (preg_match('/Tunnel not found/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Bad Request - Invalid Tunnel ID."; } else if (preg_match('/Invalid API key or password/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Invalid username or password."; } else if (preg_match('/OK:/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/This tunnel is already associated with this IP address/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) No Change In IP Address."; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'selfhost': if (preg_match('/notfqdn/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Not A FQDN!"; } else if (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (".$this->_dnsIP.")"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/noauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) User Authorization Failed"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'route53': $successful_update = true; break; case 'custom': case 'custom-v6': $successful_update = false; if ($this->_dnsResultMatch == "") { $successful_update = true; }else { $this->_dnsResultMatch = str_replace("%IP%", $this->_dnsIP, $this->_dnsResultMatch); $matches = preg_split("/(?<!\\\\)\\|/", $this->_dnsResultMatch); foreach($matches as $match) { $match= str_replace("\\|", "|", $match); if(strcmp($match, trim($data, "\t\n\r")) == 0) $successful_update = true; } unset ($matches); } if ($successful_update == true) $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; else $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Result did not match."; break; case 'cloudflare': // recieve multipe results $data = explode("\n",$data); $lines = count($data)-1; // loop over the lines for ($pos=0; ($successful_update || $pos == 0) && $pos < $lines; $pos++){ $resp = $data[$pos]; if (preg_match('/UAUTH/i', $resp)) { $status = "DynDNS: The username specified is not authorized to update this hostname and domain."; } else if (preg_match('/NOHOST/i', $resp)) { $status = "DynDNS: No valid FQDN (fully qualified domain name) was specified"; } else if (preg_match('/INVLDHST/i', $resp)) { $status = "DynDNS: An invalid hostname was specified. This may be due to the fact the hostname has not been created in the system. Creating new host names via clients is not supported."; } else if (preg_match('/INVLDIP/i', $resp)) { $status = "DynDNS: The IP address given is not valid."; } else if (preg_match('/DUPHST/i', $resp)) { $status = "DynDNS: Duplicate values exist for a record. Only single values for records are supported currently."; } else if (preg_match('/NOUPDATE/i', $resp)) { $status = "DynDNS: No changes made to the hostname (".strtok($resp,' ')."). Continual updates with no changes lead to blocked clients."; $successful_update = true; //success if it is the same so that it saves } else if (preg_match('/OK/i', $resp)) { $status = "DynDNS: (Success) (".strtok($resp,' ').") IP Address for Changed Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "DynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; log_error("DynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$resp}"); $this->_debug($resp); } log_error($status); } break; case 'eurodns': if (preg_match('/notfqdn/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Not A FQDN!"; } else if (preg_match('/nochg/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) No Change In IP Address"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/good/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (".$this->_dnsIP.")"; $successful_update = true; } else if (preg_match('/badauth/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) User Authorization Failed"; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'gratisdns': if (preg_match('/Forkerte værdier/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Wrong values - Update could not be completed."; } else if (preg_match('/Bruger login: Bruger eksistere ikke/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Unknown username - User does not exist."; } else if (preg_match('/Bruger login: 1Fejl i kodeord/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) Wrong password - Remember password is case sensitive."; } else if (preg_match('/Domæne kan IKKE administreres af bruger/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Error) User unable to administer the selected domain."; } else if (preg_match('/OK/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; case 'duckdns': if (preg_match('/OK/i', $data)) { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!"; $successful_update = true; } else { $status = "phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)"; log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}"); $this->_debug($data); } break; } if($successful_update == true) { /* Write WAN IP to cache file */ $wan_ip = $this->_checkIP(); if ($this->_useIPv6 == false && $wan_ip > 0) { $currentTime = time(); notify_all_remote(sprintf(gettext("DynDNS updated IP Address on %s (%s) to %s"), convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($this->_if), $this->_if, $wan_ip)); log_error("phpDynDNS: updating cache file {$this->_cacheFile}: {$wan_ip}"); @file_put_contents($this->_cacheFile, "{$wan_ip}:{$currentTime}"); } else @unlink($this->_cacheFile); if ($this->_useIPv6 == true && $wan_ip > 0) { $currentTime = time(); notify_all_remote(sprintf(gettext("DynDNS updated IPv6 Address on %s (%s) to %s"), convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($this->_if), $this->_if, $wan_ip)); log_error("phpDynDNS: updating cache file {$this->_cacheFile_v6}: {$wan_ip}"); @file_put_contents($this->_cacheFile_v6, "{$wan_ip}|{$currentTime}"); } else @unlink($this->_cacheFile_v6); } $this->status = $status; log_error($status); } /* * Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta] * Return Error, Set Last Error, and Die. */ function _error($errorNumber = '1') { switch ($errorNumber) { case 0: break; case 2: $error = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Dynamic DNS Service provider was selected.'; break; case 3: $error = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Username Provided.'; break; case 4: $error = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Password Provided.'; break; case 5: $error = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Hostname Provided.'; break; case 6: $error = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) The Dynamic DNS Service provided is not yet supported.'; break; case 7: $error = 'phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Update URL Provided.'; break; case 8: $status = "Route 53: (Error) Invalid ZoneID"; break; case 9: $status = "Route 53: (Error) Invalid TTL"; break; case 10: $error = "phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): No change in my IP address and/or " . $this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays . " days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry."; break; default: $error = "phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) Unknown Response."; /* FIXME: $data isn't in scope here */ /* $this->_debug($data); */ break; } $this->lastError = $error; log_error($error); } /* * Private Function (added 12 July 05) [beta] * - Detect whether or not IP needs to be updated. * | Written Specifically for pfSense (https://www.pfsense.org) may * | work with other systems. pfSense base is FreeBSD. */ function _detectChange() { $currentTime = time(); $wan_ip = $this->_checkIP(); if ($wan_ip == 0) { log_error("DynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}): Current WAN IP could not be determined, skipping update process."); return false; } $log_error = "DynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}): Current WAN IP: {$wan_ip} "; if ($this->_useIPv6 == true) { if (file_exists($this->_cacheFile_v6)) { $contents = file_get_contents($this->_cacheFile_v6); list($cacheIP,$cacheTime) = explode('|', $contents); $this->_debug($cacheIP.'/'.$cacheTime); $initial = false; $log_error .= "Cached IPv6: {$cacheIP} "; } else { $cacheIP = '::'; @file_put_contents($this->_cacheFile, "::|{$currentTime}"); $cacheTime = $currentTime; $initial = true; $log_error .= "No Cached IPv6 found."; } } else { if (file_exists($this->_cacheFile)) { $contents = file_get_contents($this->_cacheFile); list($cacheIP,$cacheTime) = explode(':', $contents); $this->_debug($cacheIP.'/'.$cacheTime); $initial = false; $log_error .= "Cached IP: {$cacheIP} "; } else { $cacheIP = ''; @file_put_contents($this->_cacheFile, "{$currentTime}"); $cacheTime = $currentTime; $initial = true; $log_error .= "No Cached IP found."; } } if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error($log_error); // Convert seconds = days * hr/day * min/hr * sec/min $maxCacheAgeSecs = $this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays * 24 * 60 * 60; $needs_updating = FALSE; /* lets determine if the item needs updating */ if ($cacheIP != $wan_ip) { $needs_updating = true; $update_reason = "DynDns: cacheIP != wan_ip. Updating. "; $update_reason .= "Cached IP: {$cacheIP} WAN IP: {$wan_ip} "; } if (($currentTime - $cacheTime) > $maxCacheAgeSecs) { $needs_updating = true; $this->_forceUpdateNeeded = true; $update_reason = "DynDns: More than " . $this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays . " days. Updating. "; $update_reason .= "{$currentTime} - {$cacheTime} > {$maxCacheAgeSecs} "; } if ($initial == true) { $needs_updating = true; $update_reason .= "Initial update. "; } /* finally if we need updating then store the * new cache value and return true */ if ($needs_updating == true) { if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("DynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}): {$update_reason}"); return true; } return false; } /* * Private Function (added 16 July 05) [beta] * - Writes debug information to a file. * - This function is only called when a unknown response * - status is returned from a DynDNS service provider. */ function _debug($data) { $string = date('m-d-y h:i:s').' - ('.$this->_debugID.') - ['.$this->_dnsService.'] - '.$data."\n"; $file = fopen($this->_debugFile, 'a'); fwrite($file, $string); fclose($file); } function _checkIP() { if ($this->_useIPv6 == true) { $ip_address = find_interface_ipv6($this->_if); if (!is_ipaddrv6($ip_address)) return 0; } else { $ip_address = find_interface_ip($this->_if); if (!is_ipaddr($ip_address)) return 0; } if ($this->_useIPv6 == false && is_private_ip($ip_address)) { $hosttocheck = "checkip.dyndns.org"; $try = 0; while ($try < 3) { $checkip = gethostbyname($hosttocheck); if (is_ipaddr($checkip)) break; $try++; } if ($try >= 3) { log_error("Dyndns debug information ({$this->_dnsHost}): Could not resolve {$hosttocheck} to ip using interface ip {$ip_address}."); return 0; } $ip_ch = curl_init("http://{$checkip}"); curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $ip_address); curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, '30'); curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 120); if ($this->_useIPv6 == false) { curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); } $ip_result_page = curl_exec($ip_ch); curl_close($ip_ch); $ip_result_decoded = urldecode($ip_result_page); preg_match('/Current IP Address: (.*)<\/body>/', $ip_result_decoded, $matches); $ip_address = trim($matches[1]); if (is_ipaddr($ip_address)) { if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("DynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}): {$ip_address} extracted from {$hosttocheck}"); } else { log_error("DynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}): IP address could not be extracted from {$hosttocheck}"); return 0; } } else { if ($this->_dnsVerboseLog) log_error("DynDns ({$this->_dnsHost}): {$ip_address} extracted from local system."); } $this->_dnsIP = $ip_address; return $ip_address; } } ?>