<?php /* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Deciso B.V. Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Scott Ullrich <sullrich@gmail.com> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); require("guiconfig.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); require_once("filter.inc"); require_once("shaper.inc"); require_once("pkg-utils.inc"); /* dummy stubs needed by some code that was MFC'd */ function pfSenseHeader($location) { header("Location: " . $location); } function gentitle_pkg($pgname) { global $pfSense_config; return $pfSense_config['system']['hostname'] . "." . $pfSense_config['system']['domain'] . " - " . $pgname; } function domTT_title($title_msg){ if (!empty($title_msg)){ $title_msg=preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",$title_msg); $title_msg=preg_replace("/'/","\'",$title_msg); return "onmouseout=\"this.style.color = ''; domTT_mouseout(this, event);\" onmouseover=\"domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', '{$title_msg}', 'trail', true, 'delay', 0, 'fade', 'both', 'fadeMax', 93, 'delay',300,'styleClass', 'niceTitle');\""; } } $xml = htmlspecialchars($_GET['xml']); if($_POST['xml']) $xml = htmlspecialchars($_POST['xml']); $xml_fullpath = realpath('/usr/local/pkg/' . $xml); if ($xml == "" || $xml_fullpath === false || substr($xml_fullpath, 0, strlen('/usr/local/pkg/')) != '/usr/local/pkg/') { print_info_box_np(gettext("ERROR: No valid package defined.")); die; } else { $pkg = parse_xml_config_pkg($xml_fullpath, "packagegui"); } if($pkg['include_file'] <> "") { require_once($pkg['include_file']); } if (!isset($pkg['adddeleteeditpagefields'])) $only_edit = true; else $only_edit = false; $package_name = $pkg['menu'][0]['name']; $section = $pkg['menu'][0]['section']; $config_path = $pkg['configpath']; $name = $pkg['name']; $title = $pkg['title']; $pgtitle = $title; $id = $_GET['id']; if (isset($_POST['id'])) $id = htmlspecialchars($_POST['id']); // Not posting? Then user is editing a record. There must be a valid id // when editing a record. if(!$id && !$_POST) $id = "0"; if(!is_numeric($id)) { header("Location: /"); exit; } if($pkg['custom_php_global_functions'] <> "") eval($pkg['custom_php_global_functions']); // grab the installedpackages->package_name section. if($config['installedpackages'] && !is_array($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'])) $config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'] = array(); // If the first entry in the array is an empty <config/> tag, kill it. if ($config['installedpackages'] && (count($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config']) > 0) && ($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config'][0] == "")) array_shift($config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config']); $a_pkg = &$config['installedpackages'][xml_safe_fieldname($pkg['name'])]['config']; if($_GET['savemsg'] <> "") $savemsg = htmlspecialchars($_GET['savemsg']); if($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] <> "") eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); if ($_POST) { $firstfield = ""; $rows = 0; $input_errors = array(); $reqfields = array(); $reqfieldsn = array(); foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) { if (($field['type'] == 'input') && isset($field['required'])) { if($field['fieldname']) $reqfields[] = $field['fieldname']; if($field['fielddescr']) $reqfieldsn[] = $field['fielddescr']; } } do_input_validation($_POST, $reqfields, $reqfieldsn, $input_errors); if ($pkg['custom_php_validation_command']) eval($pkg['custom_php_validation_command']); if($_POST['act'] == "del") { if($pkg['custom_delete_php_command']) { if($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] <> "") eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); eval($pkg['custom_delete_php_command']); } write_config($pkg['delete_string']); // resync the configuration file code if defined. if($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command'] <> "") { if($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form'] <> "") eval($pkg['custom_php_command_before_form']); eval($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command']); } } else { if(!$input_errors && $pkg['custom_add_php_command']) { if($pkg['donotsave'] <> "" or $pkg['preoutput'] <> "") { ?> <?php include("head.inc"); ?> <body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC"> <?php include("fbegin.inc"); ?> <?php } if($pkg['preoutput']) echo "<pre>"; eval($pkg['custom_add_php_command']); if($pkg['preoutput']) echo "</pre>"; } } // donotsave is enabled. lets simply exit. if(empty($pkg['donotsave'])) { // store values in xml configration file. if (!$input_errors) { $pkgarr = array(); foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $fields) { switch($fields['type']){ case "rowhelper": // save rowhelper items. #$rowhelpername=($fields['fieldname'] ? $fields['fieldname'] : "row"); $rowhelpername="row"; foreach($fields['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelperfield) foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ if (preg_match("/^{$rowhelperfield['fieldname']}(\d+)$/",$key,$matches)) $pkgarr[$rowhelpername][$matches[1]][$rowhelperfield['fieldname']]=$value; } break; default: $fieldname = $fields['fieldname']; if ($fieldname == "interface_array") { $fieldvalue = $_POST[$fieldname]; } elseif (is_array($_POST[$fieldname])) { $fieldvalue = implode(',', $_POST[$fieldname]); } else { $fieldvalue = trim($_POST[$fieldname]); if ($fields['encoding'] == 'base64') $fieldvalue = base64_encode($fieldvalue); } if($fieldname) $pkgarr[$fieldname] = $fieldvalue; } } if (isset($id) && $a_pkg[$id]) $a_pkg[$id] = $pkgarr; else $a_pkg[] = $pkgarr; write_config($pkg['addedit_string']); // late running code if($pkg['custom_add_php_command_late'] <> "") { eval($pkg['custom_add_php_command_late']); } if (isset($pkg['filter_rules_needed'])) filter_configure(); // resync the configuration file code if defined. if($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command'] <> "") { eval($pkg['custom_php_resync_config_command']); } parse_package_templates(); /* if start_command is defined, restart w/ this */ if($pkg['start_command'] <> "") exec($pkg['start_command'] . ">/dev/null 2&>1"); /* if restart_command is defined, restart w/ this */ if($pkg['restart_command'] <> "") exec($pkg['restart_command'] . ">/dev/null 2&>1"); if($pkg['aftersaveredirect'] <> "") { pfSenseHeader($pkg['aftersaveredirect']); } elseif(!$pkg['adddeleteeditpagefields']) { pfSenseHeader("pkg_edit.php?xml={$xml}&id=0"); } elseif(!$pkg['preoutput']) { pfSenseHeader("pkg.php?xml=" . $xml); } exit; } else { $get_from_post = true; } } elseif (!$input_errors) { exit; } } if($pkg['title'] <> "") { $edit = ($only_edit ? '' : ": " . gettext("Edit")); $title = $pkg['title'] . $edit; } else $title = gettext("Package Editor"); $pgtitle = $title; if ($pkg['custom_php_after_head_command']) { $closehead = false; include("head.inc"); eval($pkg['custom_php_after_head_command']); echo "</head>\n"; } else include("head.inc"); ?> <body> <?php include("fbegin.inc"); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/autosuggest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/suggestions.js"></script> <?php if($pkg['fields']['field'] <> "") { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ //Everything inside it will load as soon as the DOM is loaded and before the page contents are loaded jQuery(document).ready(function() { //Sortable function jQuery('#mainarea table tbody').sortable({ items: 'tr.sortable', cursor: 'move', distance: 10, opacity: 0.8, helper: function(e,ui){ ui.children().each(function(){ jQuery(this).width(jQuery(this).width()); }); return ui; }, }); //delete current line jQuery function jQuery('#maintable td .delete').live('click', function() { //do not remove first line if (jQuery("#maintable tr").length > 2){ jQuery(this).parent().parent().remove(); return false; } }); //add new line jQuery function jQuery('#mainarea table .add').click(function() { //get table size and assign as new id var c_id=jQuery("#maintable tr").length; var new_row=jQuery("table#maintable tr:last").html().replace(/(name|id)="(\w+)(\d+)"/g,"$1='$2"+c_id+"'"); //apply new id to created line rowhelperid jQuery("table#maintable tr:last").after("<tr>"+new_row+"<\/tr>"); return false; }); // Call enablechange function enablechange(); }); function enablechange() { <?php foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) { if (isset($field['enablefields']) or isset($field['checkenablefields'])) { echo "\tif (jQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$field['fieldname']}\"]').prop('checked') == false) {\n"; if (isset($field['enablefields'])) { foreach (explode(',', $field['enablefields']) as $enablefield) { echo "\t\tif (jQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$enablefield}\"]').length > 0) {\n"; echo "\t\t\tjQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$enablefield}\"]').prop('disabled',true);\n"; echo "\t\t}\n"; } } if (isset($field['checkenablefields'])) { foreach (explode(',', $field['checkenablefields']) as $checkenablefield) { echo "\t\tif (jQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$checkenablefield}\"]').length > 0) {\n"; echo "\t\t\tjQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$checkenablefield}\"]').prop('checked',true);\n"; echo "\t\t}\n"; } } echo "\t}\n\telse {\n"; if (isset($field['enablefields'])) { foreach (explode(',', $field['enablefields']) as $enablefield) { echo "\t\tif (jQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$enablefield}\"]').length > 0) {\n"; echo "\t\t\tjQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$enablefield}\"]').prop('disabled',false);\n"; echo "\t\t}\n"; } } if (isset($field['checkenablefields'])) { foreach(explode(',', $field['checkenablefields']) as $checkenablefield) { echo "\t\tif (jQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$checkenablefield}\"]').length > 0) {\n"; echo "\t\t\tjQuery('form[name=\"iform\"] input[name=\"{$checkenablefield}\"]').prop('checked',false);\n"; echo "\t\t}\n"; } } echo "\t}\n"; } } ?> } //]]> </script> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/domTT/domLib.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/domTT/domTT.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/domTT/behaviour.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/domTT/fadomatic.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/row_helper_dynamic.js"></script> <section class="page-content-main"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <?php if (!empty($input_errors)) print_input_errors($input_errors); ?> <?php if ($savemsg) print_info_box($savemsg); ?> <section class="col-xs-12"> <div class="content-box"> <form name="iform" action="pkg_edit.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="xml" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($xml) ?>" /> <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-striped table-sort"> <?php if ($pkg['tabs'] <> "") { $tab_array = array(); foreach($pkg['tabs']['tab'] as $tab) { if($tab['tab_level']) $tab_level = $tab['tab_level']; else $tab_level = 1; if(isset($tab['active'])) { $active = true; } else { $active = false; } if(isset($tab['no_drop_down'])) $no_drop_down = true; $urltmp = ""; if($tab['url'] <> "") $urltmp = $tab['url']; if($tab['xml'] <> "") $urltmp = "pkg_edit.php?xml=" . $tab['xml']; $addresswithport = getenv("HTTP_HOST"); $colonpos = strpos($addresswithport, ":"); if ($colonpos !== False) { //my url is actually just the IP address of the pfsense box $myurl = substr($addresswithport, 0, $colonpos); } else { $myurl = $addresswithport; } // eval url so that above $myurl item can be processed if need be. $url = str_replace('$myurl', $myurl, $urltmp); $tab_array[$tab_level][] = array( $tab['text'], $active, $url ); } ksort($tab_array); foreach($tab_array as $tabid => $tab) { /* echo '<tr><td>'; display_top_tabs($tab, $no_drop_down, $tabid); echo '</td></tr>'; */ } } ?> <?php $cols = 0; $savevalue = gettext("Save"); if($pkg['savetext'] <> "") $savevalue = $pkg['savetext']; /* If a package's XML has <advanced_options/> configured, then setup * the table rows for the fields that have <advancedfield/> set. * These fields will be placed below other fields in a seprate area titled 'Advanced Features'. * These advanced fields are not normally configured and generally left to default to 'default settings'. */ if ($pkg['advanced_options'] == "enabled") { $adv_filed_count = 0; $advanced = "<td> </td>"; $advanced .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"listtopic\">". gettext("Advanced features") . "<br /></td></tr>\n"; } foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $pkga) { if ($pkga['type'] == "sorting") continue; if ($pkga['type'] == "listtopic") { $input = "<tr id='td_{$pkga['fieldname']}'><td> </td></tr>"; $input .= "<tr id='tr_{$pkga['fieldname']}'><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"listtopic\">{$pkga['name']}<br /></td></tr>\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $advanced .= $input; $adv_filed_count++; } else echo $input; continue; } if($pkga['combinefields']=="begin"){ $input="<tr valign='top' id='tr_{$pkga['fieldname']}'>"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) $advanced .= $input; else echo $input; } $size = ""; if (isset($pkga['dontdisplayname'])){ $input=""; if(!isset($pkga['combinefields'])) $input .= "<tr valign='top' id='tr_{$pkga['fieldname']}'>"; if(isset($pkga['usecolspan2'])) $colspan="colspan='2'"; else $input .= "<td width='22%' class='vncell{$req}'> </td>"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $advanced .= $input; $adv_filed_count++; } else echo $input; } else if (!isset($pkga['placeonbottom'])){ unset($req); if (isset($pkga['required'])) $req = 'req'; $input= "<tr><td valign='top' width=\"22%\" class=\"vncell{$req}\">"; $input .= fixup_string($pkga['fielddescr']); $input .= "</td>"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $advanced .= $input; $adv_filed_count++; } else echo $input; } if($pkga['combinefields']=="begin"){ $input="<td class=\"vncell\"><table summary=\"advanced\">"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) $advanced .= $input; else echo $input; } $class=(isset($pkga['combinefields']) ? '' : 'class="vtable"'); if (!isset($pkga['placeonbottom'])){ $input="<td valign='top' {$colspan} {$class}>"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)){ $advanced .= $input; $adv_filed_count++; } else echo $input; } // if user is editing a record, load in the data. $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; if ($get_from_post) { $value = $_POST[$fieldname]; if (is_array($value)) $value = implode(',', $value); } else { if (isset($id) && $a_pkg[$id]) $value = $a_pkg[$id][$fieldname]; else $value = $pkga['default_value']; } switch($pkga['type']){ case "input": $size = ($pkga['size'] ? " size='{$pkga['size']}' " : ""); $input = "<input {$size} id='{$pkga['fieldname']}' name='{$pkga['fieldname']}' class='formfld unknown' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) ."\" />\n"; $input .= "<br />" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $js_array[] = $pkga['fieldname']; $advanced .= display_advanced_field($pkga['fieldname']).$input ."</div>\n"; } else echo $input; break; case "password": $size = ($pkga['size'] ? " size='{$pkga['size']}' " : ""); $input = "<input " . $size . " id='" . $pkga['fieldname'] . "' type='password' name='" . $pkga['fieldname'] . "' class='formfld pwd' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\" />\n"; $input .= "<br />" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $js_array[] = $pkga['fieldname']; $advanced .= display_advanced_field($pkga['fieldname']).$input ."</div>\n"; } else echo $input; break; case "info": $input = fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $js_array[] = $pkga['fieldname']; $advanced .= display_advanced_field($pkga['fieldname']).$input ."</div>\n"; } else echo $input; break; case "select": $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; if (isset($pkga['multiple'])) { $multiple = 'multiple="multiple"'; $items = explode(',', $value); $fieldname .= "[]"; } else { $multiple = ''; $items = array($value); } $size = ($pkga['size'] ? " size='{$pkga['size']}' " : ""); $onchange = (isset($pkga['onchange']) ? "onchange=\"{$pkga['onchange']}\"" : ''); $input = "<select id='" . $pkga['fieldname'] . "' $multiple $size $onchange name=\"$fieldname\">\n"; foreach ($pkga['options']['option'] as $opt) { $selected = (in_array($opt['value'], $items) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); $input .= "\t<option value=\"{$opt['value']}\" {$selected}>{$opt['name']}</option>\n"; } $input .= "</select>\n<br />\n" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $js_array[] = $pkga['fieldname']; $advanced .= display_advanced_field($pkga['fieldname']).$input; $advanced .= "</div>\n"; } else echo $input; break; case "select_source": $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; if (isset($pkga['multiple'])) { $multiple = 'multiple="multiple"'; $items = explode(',', $value); $fieldname .= "[]"; } else { $multiple = ''; $items = array($value); } $size = (isset($pkga['size']) ? "size=\"{$pkga['size']}\"" : ''); $onchange = (isset($pkga['onchange']) ? "onchange=\"{$pkga['onchange']}\"" : ''); $input = "<select id='{$pkga['fieldname']}' {$multiple} {$size} {$onchange} name=\"{$fieldname}\">\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $js_array[] = $pkga['fieldname']; $advanced .= display_advanced_field($pkga['fieldname']) .$input; $advanced .= "</div>\n"; } else { echo $input; } $source_url = $pkga['source']; eval("\$pkg_source_txt = &$source_url;"); $input=""; #check if show disable option is present on xml if(isset($pkga['show_disable_value'])){ array_push($pkg_source_txt, array(($pkga['source_name']? $pkga['source_name'] : $pkga['name'])=> $pkga['show_disable_value'], ($pkga['source_value']? $pkga['source_value'] : $pkga['value'])=> $pkga['show_disable_value'])); } foreach ($pkg_source_txt as $opt) { $source_name =($pkga['source_name']? $opt[$pkga['source_name']] : $opt[$pkga['name']]); $source_value =($pkga['source_value'] ? $opt[$pkga['source_value']] : $opt[$pkga['value']]); $selected = (in_array($source_value, $items)? 'selected="selected"' : '' ); $input .= "\t<option value=\"{$source_value}\" $selected>{$source_name}</option>\n"; } $input .= "</select>\n<br />\n" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) $advanced .= $input; else echo $input; break; case "vpn_selection" : $input = "<select id='{$pkga['fieldname']}' name='{$vpn['name']}'>\n"; foreach ($config['ipsec']['phase1'] as $vpn) { $input .= "\t<option value=\"{$vpn['descr']}\">{$vpn['descr']}</option>\n"; } $input .= "</select>\n"; $input .= "<br />" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $js_array[] = $pkga['fieldname']; $advanced .= display_advanced_field($pkga['fieldname']).$input; $advanced .= "</div>\n"; } else echo $input; break; case "checkbox": $checkboxchecked =($value == "on" ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""); $onchange = (isset($pkga['onchange']) ? "onchange=\"{$pkga['onchange']}\"" : ''); if (isset($pkga['enablefields']) || isset($pkga['checkenablefields'])) $onclick = ' onclick="javascript:enablechange();"'; $input = "<input id='{$pkga['fieldname']}' type='checkbox' name='{$pkga['fieldname']}' {$checkboxchecked} {$onclick} {$onchange} />\n"; $input .= "<br />" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $js_array[] = $pkga['fieldname']; $advanced .= display_advanced_field($pkga['fieldname']).$input; $advanced .= "</div>\n"; } else echo $input; break; case "textarea": if($pkga['rows']) $rows = " rows='{$pkga['rows']}' "; if($pkga['cols']) $cols = " cols='{$pkga['cols']}' "; if (($pkga['encoding'] == 'base64') && !$get_from_post && !empty($value)) $value = base64_decode($value); $wrap =($pkga['wrap'] == "off" ? 'wrap="off" style="white-space:nowrap;"' : ''); $input = "<textarea {$rows} {$cols} name='{$pkga['fieldname']}'{$wrap}>{$value}</textarea>\n"; $input .= "<br />" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) { $js_array[] = $pkga['fieldname']; $advanced .= display_advanced_field($pkga['fieldname']).$input; $advanced .= "</div>\n"; } else echo $input; break; case "aliases": // Use xml tag <typealiases> to filter type aliases $size = ($pkga['size'] ? "size=\"{$pkga['size']}\"" : ''); $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; $a_aliases = &$config['aliases']['alias']; $addrisfirst = 0; $aliasesaddr = ""; $value = "value='{$value}'"; if(isset($a_aliases)) { if(!empty($pkga['typealiases'])) { foreach($a_aliases as $alias) if($alias['type'] == $pkga['typealiases']) { if($addrisfirst == 1) $aliasesaddr .= ","; $aliasesaddr .= "'" . $alias['name'] . "'"; $addrisfirst = 1; } } else { foreach($a_aliases as $alias) { if($addrisfirst == 1) $aliasesaddr .= ","; $aliasesaddr .= "'" . $alias['name'] . "'"; $addrisfirst = 1; } } } $input = "<input name='{$fieldname}' type='text' class='formfldalias' id='{$fieldname}' {$size} {$value} />\n<br />"; $input .= fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; $script = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; $script .= "//<![CDATA[\n"; $script .= "var aliasarray = new Array({$aliasesaddr})\n"; $script .= "var oTextbox1 = new AutoSuggestControl(document.getElementById('{$fieldname}'), new StateSuggestions(aliasarray))\n"; $script .= "//]]>\n"; $script .= "</script>"; echo $input; echo $script; break; case "interfaces_selection": $ips=array(); $interface_regex=(isset($pkga['hideinterfaceregex']) ? $pkga['hideinterfaceregex'] : "nointerfacestohide"); if (is_array($config['interfaces'])) foreach ($config['interfaces'] as $iface_key=>$iface_value){ if (isset($iface_value['enable']) && ! preg_match("/$interface_regex/",$iface_key)){ $iface_description=($iface_value['descr'] !="" ? strtoupper($iface_value['descr']) : strtoupper($iface_key)); if (isset($pkga['showips'])) $iface_description .= " address"; $ips[]=array('ip'=> $iface_key, 'description'=> $iface_description); } } if (is_array($config['virtualip']) && isset($pkga['showvirtualips'])) foreach ($config['virtualip']['vip'] as $vip){ if (! preg_match("/$interface_regex/",$vip['interface'])) $vip_description=($vip['descr'] !="" ? " ({$vip['descr']}) " : " "); switch ($vip['mode']){ case "ipalias": case "carp": $ips[]=array( 'ip'=> $vip['subnet'],'description' => "{$vip['subnet']} $vip_description"); break; case "proxyarp": if ($vip['type']=="network"){ $start = ip2long32(gen_subnet($vip['subnet'], $vip['subnet_bits'])); $end = ip2long32(gen_subnet_max($vip['subnet'], $vip['subnet_bits'])); $len = $end - $start; for ($i = 0; $i <= $len; $i++) $ips[]= array('ip'=>long2ip32($start+$i),'description'=> long2ip32($start+$i)." from {$vip['subnet']}/{$vip['subnet_bits']} {$vip_description}"); } else{ $ips[]= array('ip'=>$vip['subnet'],'description'=> "{$vip['subnet']} $vip_description"); } break; } } sort($ips); if (isset($pkga['showlistenall'])) array_unshift($ips,array('ip'=> 'All', 'description'=> 'Listen on All interfaces/ip addresses ')); if (! preg_match("/$interface_regex/","loopback")){ $iface_description=(isset($pkga['showips']) ? " (loopback)" : "loopback"); array_push($ips,array('ip'=> 'lo0', 'description'=> $iface_description)); } #show interfaces array on gui $size = ($pkga['size'] ? "size=\"{$pkga['size']}\"" : ''); $multiple = ''; $fieldname = $pkga['fieldname']; if (isset($pkga['multiple'])) { $fieldname .= '[]'; $multiple = 'multiple="multiple"'; } $input = "<select id='{$pkga['fieldname']}' name=\"{$fieldname}\" {$size} {$multiple}>\n"; if(is_array($value)) $values = $value; else $values = explode(',', $value); foreach($ips as $iface){ $selected = (in_array($iface['ip'], $values) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); $input .= "<option value=\"{$iface['ip']}\" {$selected}>{$iface['description']}</option>\n"; } $input .= "</select>\n<br />" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) $advanced .= $input; else echo $input; break; case "radio": $input = "<input type='radio' id='{$pkga['fieldname']}' name='{$pkga['fieldname']}' value='{$value}' />"; if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) $advanced .= $input; else echo $input; break; case "button": $input = "<input type='submit' id='{$pkga['fieldname']}' name='{$pkga['fieldname']}' class='formbtn' value='{$pkga['fieldname']}' />\n"; if(isset($pkga['placeonbottom'])) $pkg_buttons .= $input; else echo $input ."\n<br />" . fixup_string($pkga['description']) . "\n"; break; case "rowhelper": #$rowhelpername=($fields['fieldname'] ? $fields['fieldname'] : "row"); $rowhelpername="row"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ <?php $rowcounter = 0; $fieldcounter = 0; foreach($pkga['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelper) { echo "rowname[{$fieldcounter}] = \"{$rowhelper['fieldname']}\";\n"; echo "rowtype[{$fieldcounter}] = \"{$rowhelper['type']}\";\n"; echo "rowsize[{$fieldcounter}] = \"{$rowhelper['size']}\";\n"; $fieldcounter++; } ?> //]]> </script> <table id="maintable" summary="main table"> <tr id='<?="tr_{$pkga['fieldname']}";?>'> <?php foreach($pkga['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelper) { echo "<td ".domTT_title($rowhelper['description'])."><b>" . fixup_string($rowhelper['fielddescr']) . "</b></td>\n"; } $rowcounter = 0; $trc = 0; //Use assigned $a_pkg or create an empty array to enter loop if(isset($a_pkg[$id][$rowhelpername])) $saved_rows=$a_pkg[$id][$rowhelpername]; else $saved_rows[]=array(); foreach($saved_rows as $row) { echo "</tr>\n<tr class=\"sortable\" id=\"id_{$rowcounter}\">\n"; foreach($pkga['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelper) { unset($value); if($rowhelper['value'] <> "") $value = $rowhelper['value']; $fieldname = $rowhelper['fieldname']; // if user is editing a record, load in the data. if (isset($id) && $a_pkg[$id]) { $value = $row[$fieldname]; } $options = ""; $type = $rowhelper['type']; $description = $rowhelper['description']; $fieldname = $rowhelper['fieldname']; if($type == "option") $options = &$rowhelper['options']['option']; if($rowhelper['size']) $size = $rowhelper['size']; else if ($pkga['size']) $size = $pkga['size']; else $size = "8"; display_row($rowcounter, $value, $fieldname, $type, $rowhelper, $size); $text = ""; $trc++; } $rowcounter++; echo "<td>"; #echo "<a onclick=\"removeRow(this); return false;\" href=\"#\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"./themes/".$g['theme']."/images/icons/icon_x.gif\" alt=\"remove\" /></a>"; echo "<a class='delete' href=\"#\"><img border='0' src='./themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_x.gif' alt='delete' /></a>"; echo "</td>\n"; } ?> </tr> <tbody></tbody> </table> <!-- <br /><a onclick="javascript:addRowTo('maintable'); return false;" href="#"><img border="0" src="./themes/<?#= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" alt="add" /></a>--> <br /><a class="add" href="#"><img border="0" src="./themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" alt="add" /></a> <br /><?php if($pkga['description'] != "") echo $pkga['description']; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ field_counter_js = <?= $fieldcounter ?>; rows = <?= $rowcounter ?>; totalrows = <?php echo $rowcounter; ?>; loaded = <?php echo $rowcounter; ?>; //typesel_change(); //]]> </script> <?php break; } #check typehint value if($pkga['typehint']) echo " " . $pkga['typehint']; #check combinefields options if (isset($pkga['combinefields'])){ $input="</td>"; if ($pkga['combinefields']=="end") $input.="</table></td></tr>"; } else{ $input= "</td></tr>"; if($pkga['usecolspan2']) $input.= "</tr><br />"; } if(isset($pkga['advancedfield']) && isset($adv_filed_count)) $advanced .= "{$input}\n"; else echo "{$input}\n"; #increment counter $i++; } #print advanced settings if any after reading all fields if (isset($advanced) && $adv_filed_count > 0) echo $advanced; ?> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="22%" valign="top"> </td> <td width="78%"> <div id="buttons"> <?php if($pkg['note'] != ""){ echo "<p><span class=\"red\"><strong>" . gettext("Note") . ":</strong></span> {$pkg['note']}</p>"; } //if (isset($id) && $a_pkg[$id]) // We'll always have a valid ID in our hands echo "<input name='id' type='hidden' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($id) . "\" />"; echo "<input name='Submit' type='submit' class='formbtn' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($savevalue) . "\" />\n{$pkg_buttons}\n"; if (!$only_edit){ echo "<input class=\"formbtn\" type=\"button\" value=\"".gettext("Cancel")."\" onclick=\"window.location.href='" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "'\" />"; } ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> </div> </section> </div> </div> </section> <?php if ($pkg['custom_php_after_form_command']) eval($pkg['custom_php_after_form_command']); ?> <?php /* JavaScript to handle the advanced fields. */ if ($pkg['advanced_options'] == "enabled") { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; echo "//<![CDATA[\n"; foreach($js_array as $advfieldname) { echo "function show_" . $advfieldname . "() {\n"; echo "\tjQuery('#showadv_{$advfieldname}').empty();\n"; echo "\tjQuery('#show_{$advfieldname}').css('display', 'block');\n"; echo "}\n\n"; } echo "//]]>\n"; echo "</script>\n"; } ?> <?php include("foot.inc"); ?> <?php /* * ROW Helpers function */ function display_row($trc, $value, $fieldname, $type, $rowhelper, $size) { global $text, $config; echo "<td>\n"; switch($type){ case "input": echo "<input size='{$size}' name='{$fieldname}{$trc}' id='{$fieldname}{$trc}' class='formfld unknown' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\" />\n"; break; case "checkbox": echo "<input size='{$size}' type='checkbox' id='{$fieldname}{$trc}' name='{$fieldname}{$trc}' value='ON' ".($value?"CHECKED":"")." />\n"; break; case "password": echo "<input size='{$size}' type='password' id='{$fieldname}{$trc}' name='{$fieldname}{$trc}' class='formfld pwd' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\" />\n"; break; case "textarea": echo "<textarea rows='2' cols='12' id='{$fieldname}{$trc}' class='formfld unknown' name='{$fieldname}{$trc}'>{$value}</textarea>\n"; case "select": echo "<select style='height:22px;' id='{$fieldname}{$trc}' name='{$fieldname}{$trc}' {$title}>\n"; foreach($rowhelper['options']['option'] as $rowopt) { $text .= "<option value='{$rowopt['value']}'>{$rowopt['name']}</option>"; echo "<option value='{$rowopt['value']}'".($rowopt['value'] == $value?" selected=\"selected\"":"").">{$rowopt['name']}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; break; case "interfaces_selection": $size = ($size ? "size=\"{$size}\"" : ''); $multiple = ''; if (isset($rowhelper['multiple'])) { $fieldname .= '[]'; $multiple = "multiple=\"multiple\""; } echo "<select style='height:22px;' id='{$fieldname}{$trc}' name='{$fieldname}{$trc}' {$size} {$multiple}>\n"; $ifaces = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); $additional_ifaces = $rowhelper['add_to_interfaces_selection']; if (!empty($additional_ifaces)) $ifaces = array_merge($ifaces, explode(',', $additional_ifaces)); if(is_array($value)) $values = $value; else $values = explode(',', $value); $ifaces["lo0"] = "loopback"; echo "<option><name></name><value></value></option>/n"; foreach($ifaces as $ifname => $iface) { $text .="<option value=\"{$ifname}\">$iface</option>"; echo "<option value=\"{$ifname}\" ".(in_array($ifname, $values) ? 'selected="selected"' : '').">{$iface}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; break; case "select_source": echo "<select style='height:22px;' id='{$fieldname}{$trc}' name='{$fieldname}{$trc}'>\n"; if(isset($rowhelper['show_disable_value'])) echo "<option value='{$rowhelper['show_disable_value']}'>{$rowhelper['show_disable_value']}</option>\n"; $source_url = $rowhelper['source']; eval("\$pkg_source_txt = &$source_url;"); foreach($pkg_source_txt as $opt) { $source_name = ($rowhelper['source_name'] ? $opt[$rowhelper['source_name']] : $opt[$rowhelper['name']]); $source_value = ($rowhelper['source_value'] ? $opt[$rowhelper['source_value']] : $opt[$rowhelper['value']]); $text .= "<option value='{$source_value}'>{$source_name}</option>"; echo "<option value='{$source_value}'".($source_value == $value?" selected=\"selected\"":"").">{$source_name}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; break; } echo "</td>\n"; } function fixup_string($string) { global $config; // fixup #1: $myurl -> http[s]://ip_address:port/ $https = ""; $port = $config['system']['webguiport']; if($port <> "443" and $port <> "80") $urlport = ":" . $port; else $urlport = ""; if($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "https") $https = "s"; $myurl = "http" . $https . "://" . getenv("HTTP_HOST") . $urlport; $newstring = str_replace("\$myurl", $myurl, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #2: $wanip $curwanip = get_interface_ip(); $newstring = str_replace("\$wanip", $curwanip, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #3: $lanip $lancfg = $config['interfaces']['lan']; $lanip = $lancfg['ipaddr']; $newstring = str_replace("\$lanip", $lanip, $string); $string = $newstring; // fixup #4: fix'r'up here. return $newstring; } /* * Parse templates if they are defined */ function parse_package_templates() { global $pkg, $config; $rows = 0; if($pkg['templates']['template'] <> "") foreach($pkg['templates']['template'] as $pkg_template_row) { $filename = $pkg_template_row['filename']; $template_text = $pkg_template_row['templatecontents']; $firstfield = ""; /* calculate total row helpers count and */ /* change fields defined as fieldname_fieldvalue to their value */ foreach ($pkg['fields']['field'] as $fields) { switch($fields['type']){ case "rowhelper": // save rowhelper items. $row_helper_total_rows = 0; $row_helper_data = ""; foreach($fields['rowhelper']['rowhelperfield'] as $rowhelperfield) foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ if (preg_match("/^{$rowhelperfield['fieldname']}(\d+)$/",$key,$matches)){ $row_helper_total_rows++; $row_helper_data .= $value; $sep = ""; ereg($rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . "_fieldvalue\[(.*)\]", $template_text, $sep); foreach ($sep as $se) $separator = $se; if($separator <> "") { $row_helper_data = ereg_replace(" ", $separator, $row_helper_data); $template_text = ereg_replace("\[{$separator}\]", "", $template_text); } $template_text = str_replace($rowhelperfield['fieldname'] . "_fieldvalue", $row_helper_data, $template_text); } } break; default: $fieldname = $fields['fieldname']; $fieldvalue = $_POST[$fieldname]; $template_text = str_replace($fieldname . "_fieldvalue", $fieldvalue, $template_text); } } /* replace $domain_total_rows with total rows */ $template_text = str_replace("$domain_total_rows", $row_helper_total_rows, $template_text); /* replace cr's */ $template_text = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $template_text); /* write out new template file */ $fout = fopen($filename,"w"); fwrite($fout, $template_text); fclose($fout); } } /* Return html div fields */ function display_advanced_field($fieldname) { $div = "<div id='showadv_{$fieldname}'>\n"; $div .= "<input type='button' onclick='show_{$fieldname}()' value='" . gettext("Advanced") . "' /> - " . gettext("Show advanced option") ."</div>\n"; $div .= "<div id='show_{$fieldname}' style='display:none'>\n"; return $div; } ?>