        <help>Select if job is enabled or not</help>
        <help>Enter the minutes for the job to act, can also be a comma separated list, * (each) or a range (ex. 10,20,30 or 10-30)</help>
        <help>Enter the hours for the job to act, can also be a comma separated list, * (each) or a range (ex. 10,11,12 or 10-12)</help>
        <label>Day of the month</label>
        <help>Enter the days of the month for the job to act, can also be a comma separated list, * (each) or a range (ex. 1,20,28 or 1-28)</help>
        <help>Enter the months for the job to act, can also be a comma separated list, * (each) or a range (ex. 1,2,3 or 1-3)</help>
        <label>Days of the week</label>
        <help>Enter the days of the week for the job to act, can also be a comma separated list, * (each) or a range (ex. 1,2,3 or 1-3)</help>
        <help>Select the command that needs to be executed at given time frame.</help>
        <help>Enter parameters for this job if required.</help>
        <help>Enter a description to explain what this job is intended for.</help>