<?php /* Copyright (C) 2010 Ermal Luçi All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once("openvpn.inc"); require_once("pfsense-utils.inc"); function cert_get_subject_hash($crt) { $str_crt = base64_decode($crt); $inf_crt = openssl_x509_parse($str_crt); return $inf_crt['subject']; } function has_special_chars($text) { return preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9 _-]/', $text); } function step1_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $config; if ($_POST['authtype'] == "local") { $stepid = 4; $config['ovpnserver']['step1']['type'] = "local"; } else if ($_POST['authtype'] == "ldap") { $stepid = 0; } else if ($_POST['authtype'] == "radius") { $stepid = 2; $config['ovpnserver']['step1']['type'] = "radius"; unset($config['ovpnserver']['step1']['uselist']); } } function step2_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $pkg, $stepid; $fields =& $pkg['step'][1]['fields']['field']; $found = false; $authlist = auth_get_authserver_list(); $fields[1]['options']['option'] = array(); foreach ($authlist as $key => $auth) { if ($auth['type'] != 'ldap') { continue; } $found = true; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = $auth['name']; $opts['value'] = $key; $fields[1]['options']['option'][] = $opts; } if ($found == false) { $stepid = 2; } } function step2_submitphpaction() { global $stepid; if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $_POST['uselist'] = ""; $stepid +=3; } } function step3_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $savemsg, $config; /* Default LDAP port is 389 for TCP and 636 for SSL */ if (empty($_POST['port'])) { if ($_POST['transport'] == "tcp") $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['port'] = 389; elseif ($_POST['transport'] == "ssl") $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['port'] = 636; } elseif (!is_port($_POST['port'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a valid port number."; } if (empty($_POST['name']) || empty($_POST['ip']) ||empty($_POST['transport']) || empty($_POST['scope']) || empty($_POST['basedn']) || empty($_POST['authscope']) || empty($_POST['nameattr'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter all information for authentication server."; } else if (count(($authcfg = auth_get_authserver($_POST['name']))) > 0) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please choose a different name because an authentication server with this name already exists."; } elseif (!is_fqdn($_POST['ip']) && !is_ipaddr($_POST['ip'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a valid IP address or hostname for the authentication server."; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; $stepid += 2; } } function step4_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $pkg, $stepid; $fields =& $pkg['step'][3]['fields']['field']; $found = false; $authlist = auth_get_authserver_list(); $fields[1]['options']['option'] = array(); foreach ($authlist as $key => $auth) { if ($auth['type'] != 'radius') { continue; } $found = true; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = $auth['name']; $opts['value'] = $key; $fields[1]['options']['option'][] = $opts; } if ($found == false) $stepid = 4; } function step4_submitphpaction() { global $stepid; if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $_POST['uselist'] = ""; $stepid++; } } function step5_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $savemsg, $config; /* Default RADIUS Auth port = 1812 */ if (empty($_POST['port'])) { $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['port'] = 1812; } elseif (!is_port($_POST['port'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a valid port number."; } if (empty($_POST['name']) || empty($_POST['ip']) || empty($_POST['secret'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter all information for authentication server."; } else if (count(($authcfg = auth_get_authserver($_POST['name']))) > 0) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please choose a different name because an authentication server with this name already exists."; } elseif (!is_fqdn($_POST['ip']) && !is_ipaddr($_POST['ip'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a valid IP address or hostname for the authentication server."; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step2']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step6_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $stepid, $config; if (count($config['ca']) < 1) { $stepid++; } } function step6_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $config; if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $_POST['uselist'] = ""; unset($config['ovpnserver']['step6']['uselist']); $stepid++; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step6']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step7_submitphpaction() { global $input_errors, $stepid, $savemsg, $_POST, $config; $canames = array(); $cacns = array(); if (is_array($config['ca'])) { foreach($config['ca'] as $ca) { $canames[] = $ca['descr']; $cainfo = cert_get_subject_hash($ca['crt']); $cacns[] = $cainfo["CN"]; } } if (empty($_POST['descr']) || empty($_POST['keylength']) || empty($_POST['lifetime']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['state']) || empty($_POST['city']) || empty($_POST['organization']) || empty($_POST['email'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter all information for the new Certificate Authority."; } elseif (has_special_chars($_POST['country']) || has_special_chars($_POST['state']) || has_special_chars($_POST['city']) || has_special_chars($_POST['organization'])) { $stepid--; $input_errors[] = gettext("Please do not use special characters in Certificate field names."); } elseif (in_array($_POST['descr'], $canames) || in_array($_POST['descr'], $cacns)) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a different name for the Certicicate Authority. A Certificate Authority with that name already exists."; } elseif (strlen($_POST['country']) != 2) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter only a two-letter ISO country code"; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step6']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step8_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $stepid, $config; if (count($config['cert']) < 1 || (count($config['cert']) == 1 && stristr($config['cert'][0]['descr'], "webconf"))) { $stepid++; } } function step8_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $config, $_POST; if (isset($_POST['next'])) { $_POST['uselist'] = ""; unset($config['ovpnserver']['step9']['uselist']); $stepid++; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step6']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step9_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $config, $pkg, $stepid; $pconfig = $config['ovpnserver']; if (isset($pconfig['step6']['uselist'])) { $country = $pconfig['step6']['country']; $state = $pconfig['step6']['state']; $city = $pconfig['step6']['city']; $org = $pconfig['step6']['organization']; $email = $pconfig['step6']['email']; } else { $ca = lookup_ca($pconfig['step6']['authcertca']); $cavl = cert_get_subject_array($ca['crt']); $country = $cavl[0]['v']; $state = $cavl[1]['v']; $city = $cavl[2]['v']; $org = $cavl[3]['v']; $email = $cavl[4]['v']; } $fields =& $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field']; foreach ($fields as $idx => $field) { switch ($field['name']) { case 'country': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $country; break; case 'state': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $state; break; case 'city': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $city; break; case 'organization': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $org; break; case 'email': $fields[$idx]['value'] = $email; break; } } } function step9_submitphpaction() { global $input_errors, $stepid, $savemsg, $_POST, $config; $certnames = array(); $certcns = array(); if (is_array($config['cert'])) { foreach($config['cert'] as $cert) { $certnames[] = $cert['descr']; $certinfo = cert_get_subject_hash($cert['crt']); $certcns[] = $certinfo["CN"]; } } if (empty($_POST['descr']) || empty($_POST['keylength']) || empty($_POST['lifetime']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['state']) || empty($_POST['city']) || empty($_POST['organization']) || empty($_POST['email'])) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter all information for the new certificate."; } elseif (has_special_chars($_POST['country']) || has_special_chars($_POST['state']) || has_special_chars($_POST['city']) || has_special_chars($_POST['organization'])) { $stepid--; $input_errors[] = gettext("Please do not use special characters in Certificate field names."); } elseif (in_array($_POST['descr'], $certnames) || in_array($_POST['descr'], $certcns)) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter a different name for the Certicicate. A Certificate with that name/common name already exists."; } elseif (strlen($_POST['country']) != 2) { $stepid--; $savemsg = "Please enter only a two-letter ISO country code"; } else { $config['ovpnserver']['step9']['uselist'] = "on"; $_POST['uselist'] = "on"; } } function step10_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $pkg, $stepid, $netbios_nodetypes; foreach ($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $idx => $field) { if ($field['name'] == "crypto") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'] = array(); $cipherlist = openvpn_get_cipherlist(); foreach ($cipherlist as $name => $desc) { $opt = array(); $opt['name'] = $desc; $opt['value'] = $name; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'][] = $opt; } } else if ($field['name'] == "digest") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'] = array(); $digestlist = openvpn_get_digestlist(); foreach ($digestlist as $name => $desc) { $opt = array(); $opt['name'] = $desc; $opt['value'] = $name; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'][] = $opt; } } else if ($field['name'] == "compression") { global $openvpn_compression_modes; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'] = array(); foreach ($openvpn_compression_modes as $name => $desc) { $opt = array(); $opt['name'] = $desc; $opt['value'] = $name; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'][] = $opt; } } else if ($field['name'] == "engine") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'] = array(); $engines = openvpn_get_engines(); foreach ($engines as $name => $desc) { $opt = array(); $opt['name'] = $desc; $opt['value'] = $name; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'][] = $opt; } } else if ($field['name'] == "nbttype") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'] = array(); foreach ($netbios_nodetypes as $type => $name) { $opt = array(); $opt['name'] = $name; $opt['value'] = $type; $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['options']['option'][] = $opt; } } else if ($field['name'] == "localport") { $pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'][$idx]['value'] = openvpn_port_next('UDP'); } } } function step10_submitphpaction() { global $savemsg, $stepid; /* Default OpenVPN port to next available port if left empty. */ if (empty($_POST['localport'])) $pconfig["step10"]["localport"] = openvpn_port_next('UDP'); /* input validation */ if ($result = openvpn_validate_port($_POST['localport'], 'Local port')) $input_errors[] = $result; if ($result = openvpn_validate_cidr($_POST['tunnelnet'], 'Tunnel Network', false, "ipv4")) $input_errors[] = $result; if ($result = openvpn_validate_cidr($_POST['localnet'], 'Local Network', true, "ipv4")) $input_errors[] = $result; $portused = openvpn_port_used($_POST['protocol'], $_POST['interface'], $_POST['localport']); if ($portused != 0) $input_errors[] = gettext("The specified 'Local port' is in use. Please select another value."); if (!isset($_POST['generatetlskey']) && isset($_POST['tlsauthentication'])) if (!strstr($_POST['tlssharedkey'], "-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----") || !strstr($_POST['tlssharedkey'], "-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----")) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'TLS Authentication Key' does not appear to be valid."); if (!empty($_POST['dnsserver1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['dnsserver1']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'DNS Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"); if (!empty($_POST['dnsserver2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['dnsserver2']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'DNS Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"); if (!empty($_POST['dnsserver3']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['dnsserver3']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'DNS Server #3' must contain a valid IP address"); if (!empty($_POST['dnsserver4']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['dnsserver4']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'DNS Server #4' must contain a valid IP address"); if (!empty($_POST['ntpserver1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['ntpserver1']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'NTP Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"); if (!empty($_POST['ntpserver2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['ntpserver2']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'NTP Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"); if (!empty($_POST['winsserver1']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['winsserver1']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'WINS Server #1' must contain a valid IP address"); if (!empty($_POST['winsserver2']) && !is_ipaddr(trim($_POST['winsserver2']))) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'WINS Server #2' must contain a valid IP address"); if ($_POST['concurrentcon'] && !is_numeric($_POST['concurrentcon'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("The field 'Concurrent connections' must be numeric."); if (empty($_POST['tunnelnet'])) $input_errors[] = gettext("You must specify a 'Tunnel network'."); if (count($input_errors) > 0) { $savemsg = $input_errors[0]; $stepid = $stepid - 1; } } function step12_submitphpaction() { global $config; $pconfig = $config['ovpnserver']; if (!is_array($config['ovpnserver'])) { $message = "No configuration found please retry again."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn&stepid=1&message={$message}"); exit; } if ($pconfig['step1']['type'] == "local") { $auth = array(); $auth['name'] = "Local Database"; $auth['type'] = "local"; } else if (isset($pconfig['step2']['uselist'])) { $auth = array(); $auth['type'] = $pconfig['step1']['type']; $auth['refid'] = uniqid(); $auth['name'] = $pconfig['step2']['authtype']; if ($auth['type'] == "ldap") { $auth['host'] = $pconfig['step2']['ip']; $auth['ldap_port'] = $pconfig['step2']['port']; if ($pconfig['step1']['transport'] == "tcp") $auth['ldap_urltype'] = 'TCP - Standard'; else $auth['ldap_urltype'] = 'SSL - Encrypted'; $auth['ldap_protver'] = 3; $auth['ldap_scope'] = $pconfig['step2']['scope']; $auth['ldap_basedn'] = $pconfig['step2']['basedn']; $auth['ldap_authcn'] = $pconfig['step2']['authscope']; $auth['ldap_binddn'] = $pconfig['step2']['userdn']; $auth['ldap_bindpw'] = $pconfig['step2']['passdn']; $auth['ldap_attr_user'] = $pconfig['step1']['nameattr']; $auth['ldap_attr_member'] = $pconfig['step1']['memberattr']; $auth['ldap_attr_group'] = $pconfig['step1']['groupattr']; } else if ($auth['type'] == "radius") { $auth['host'] = $pconfig['step2']['ip']; $auth['radius_auth_port'] = $pconfig['step2']['port']; $auth['radius_secret'] = $pconfig['step2']['password']; $auth['radius_srvcs'] = "auth"; } if (!is_array($config['system']['authserver'])) $config['system']['authserver'] = array(); $config['system']['authserver'][] = $auth; } else if (!isset($pconfig['step2']['uselist']) && empty($pconfig['step2']['authserv'])) { $message = "Please choose an authentication server ."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn&stepid=1&message={$message}"); exit; } else if (!($auth = auth_get_authserver($pconfig['step2']['authserv']))) { $message = "Not a valid authentication server has been specified."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn&stepid=1&message={$message}"); exit; } if (isset($pconfig['step6']['uselist']) && !empty($pconfig['step6']['certca'])) { $ca = array(); $ca['refid'] = uniqid(); $ca['descr'] = $pconfig['step6']['certca']; $dn = array( 'countryName' => $pconfig['step6']['country'], 'stateOrProvinceName' => $pconfig['step6']['state'], 'localityName' => $pconfig['step6']['city'], 'organizationName' => $pconfig['step6']['organization'], 'emailAddress' => $pconfig['step6']['email'], 'commonName' => $pconfig['step6']['certca']); ca_create($ca, $pconfig['step6']['keylength'], $pconfig['step6']['lifetime'], $dn, "sha256"); if (!is_array($config['ca'])) $config['ca'] = array(); $config['ca'][] = $ca; } else if (!isset($pconfig['step6']['uselist']) && empty($pconfig['step6']['authcertca'])) { $message = "Please choose a Certificate Authority."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn&stepid=5&message={$message}"); exit; } else if (!($ca = lookup_ca($pconfig['step6']['authcertca']))) { $message = "Not a valid Certificate Authority specified."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn&stepid=5&message={$message}"); exit; } if (isset($pconfig['step9']['uselist'])) { $cert = array(); $cert['refid'] = uniqid(); $cert['descr'] = $pconfig['step9']['certname']; $dn = array( 'countryName' => $pconfig['step9']['country'], 'stateOrProvinceName' => $pconfig['step9']['state'], 'localityName' => $pconfig['step9']['city'], 'organizationName' => $pconfig['step9']['organization'], 'emailAddress' => $pconfig['step9']['email'], 'commonName' => $pconfig['step9']['certname']); cert_create($cert, $ca['refid'], $pconfig['step9']['keylength'], $pconfig['step9']['lifetime'], $dn, 'server', "sha256"); if (!is_array($config['cert'])) $config['cert'] = array(); $config['cert'][] = $cert; } else if (!isset($pconfig['step9']['uselist']) && empty($pconfig['step9']['authcertname'])) { $message = "Please choose a Certificate."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn&stepid=7&message={$message}"); exit; } else if (!($cert = lookup_cert($pconfig['step9']['authcertname']))) { $message = "Not a valid Certificate specified."; header("Location:wizard.php?xml=openvpn&stepid=7&message={$message}"); exit; } $server = array(); $server['vpnid'] = openvpn_vpnid_next(); switch ($auth['type']) { case "ldap": $server['authmode'] = $auth['name']; $server['mode'] = "server_user"; break; case "radius": $server['authmode'] = $auth['name']; $server['mode'] = "server_user"; break; default: $server['authmode'] = "Local Database"; $server['mode'] = "server_tls_user"; break; } $server['caref'] = $ca['refid']; $server['certref'] = $cert['refid']; $server['protocol'] = $pconfig['step10']['protocol']; $server['interface'] = $pconfig['step10']['interface']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['localport'])) $server['local_port'] = $pconfig['step10']['localport']; if (strlen($pconfig['step10']['descr']) > 30) $pconfig['step10']['descr'] = substr($pconfig['step10']['descr'], 0, 30); $server['description'] = $pconfig['step10']['descr']; $server['custom_options'] = $pconfig['step10']['advanced']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['tlsauth'])) { if (isset($pconfig['step10']['gentlskey'])) $tlskey = openvpn_create_key(); else $tlskey = $pconfig['step10']['tlskey']; $server['tls'] = base64_encode($tlskey); } $server['dh_length'] = $pconfig['step10']['dhkey']; $server['tunnel_network'] = $pconfig['step10']['tunnelnet']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['rdrgw'])) $server['gwredir'] = $pconfig['step10']['rdrgw']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['localnet'])) $server['local_network'] = $pconfig['step10']['localnet']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['concurrentcon'])) $server['maxclients'] = $pconfig['step10']['concurrentcon']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['compression'])) $server['compression'] = $pconfig['step10']['compression']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['tos'])) $server['passtos'] = $pconfig['step10']['tos']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['interclient'])) $server['client2client'] = $pconfig['step10']['interclient']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['duplicate_cn'])) $server['duplicate_cn'] = $pconfig['step10']['duplicate_cn']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dynip'])) $server['dynamic_ip'] = $pconfig['step10']['dynip']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['addrpool'])) $server['pool_enable'] = $pconfig['step10']['addrpool']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['defaultdomain'])) $server['dns_domain'] = $pconfig['step10']['defaultdomain']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dns1'])) $server['dns_server1'] = $pconfig['step10']['dns1']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dns2'])) $server['dns_server2'] = $pconfig['step10']['dns2']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dns3'])) $server['dns_server3'] = $pconfig['step10']['dns3']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['dns4'])) $server['dns_server4'] = $pconfig['step10']['dns4']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['ntp1'])) $server['ntp_server1'] = $pconfig['step10']['ntp1']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['ntp2'])) $server['ntp_server2'] = $pconfig['step10']['ntp2']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['wins1'])) $server['wins_server1'] = $pconfig['step10']['wins1']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['wins2'])) $server['wins_server2'] = $pconfig['step10']['wins2']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['nbtenable'])) { $server['netbios_ntype'] = $pconfig['step10']['nbttype']; if (isset($pconfig['step10']['nbtscope'])) $server['netbios_scope'] = $pconfig['step10']['nbtscope']; $server['netbios_enable'] = $pconfig['step10']['nbtenable']; } $server['crypto'] = $pconfig['step10']['crypto']; $server['digest'] = $pconfig['step10']['digest']; $server['engine'] = $pconfig['step10']['engine']; if (isset($pconfig['step11']['ovpnrule'])) { $rule = array(); $rule['descr'] = sprintf(gettext("OpenVPN %s wizard"),$server['description']); /* Ensure the rule descr is not too long for pf to handle */ if (strlen($rule['descr']) > 52) $rule['descr'] = substr($rule['descr'], 0, 52); $rule['direction'] = "in"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['network'] = $server['interface'] . "ip"; $rule['destination']['port'] = $server['local_port']; $rule['interface'] = $server['interface']; $rule['protocol'] = strtolower($server['protocol']); $rule['type'] = "pass"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("OpenVPN Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } if (isset($pconfig['step11']['ovpnallow'])) { $rule = array(); $rule['descr'] = sprintf(gettext("OpenVPN %s wizard"),$server['description']); /* Ensure the rule descr is not too long for pf to handle */ if (strlen($rule['descr']) > 52) $rule['descr'] = substr($rule['descr'], 0, 52); $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['interface'] = "openvpn"; //$rule['protocol'] = $server['protocol']; $rule['type'] = "pass"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("OpenVPN Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } if (!isset($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'])) { $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'] = array(); } $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'][] = $server; openvpn_resync('server', $server); write_config(); header("Location: vpn_openvpn_server.php"); exit; }