<?php /* MiniUPnPd */ function upnp_notice ($msg) { log_error("miniupnpd: {$msg}"); } function upnp_warn ($msg) { log_error("miniupnpd: {$msg}"); } function upnp_running () { if((int)exec('/bin/pgrep -a miniupnpd | /usr/bin/wc -l') > 0) return true; return false; } function upnp_write_config($file, $text) { $handle = fopen($file, 'w'); if(!$handle) { upnp_warn("Could not open {$file} for writing."); return; } fwrite($handle, $text); fclose($handle); } function upnp_uuid() { /* md5 hash of wan mac */ $uuid = md5(get_interface_mac(get_real_interface("wan"))); /* put uuid in correct format 8-4-4-4-12 */ return substr($uuid,0,8).'-'.substr($uuid,9,4).'-'.substr($uuid,13,4).'-'.substr($uuid,17,4).'-'.substr($uuid,21,12); } function sync_package_miniupnpd() { global $config; global $input_errors; $upnp_config = $config['installedpackages']['miniupnpd']['config'][0]; $config_file = '/var/etc/miniupnpd.conf'; if (!isset($upnp_config['ext_iface']) || empty($upnp_config['ext_iface'])) { $ext_ifname = get_real_interface(); } else { $if = get_real_interface($upnp_config['ext_iface']); if ($if != $upnp_config['ext_iface']) { $ext_ifname = $if; } else { $ext_ifname = get_real_interface(); upnp_warn("Could not resolve real interface for {$upnp_config['ext_iface']}, defaulting to WAN"); } } $config_text = "ext_ifname={$ext_ifname}\n"; $config_text .= "port=2189\n"; $ifaces_active = ''; /* since config is written before this file invoked we don't need to read post data */ if(!empty($upnp_config['enable']) && !empty($upnp_config['iface_array'])) { $iface_array = explode(',', $upnp_config['iface_array']); foreach($iface_array as $iface) { /* Setting the same internal and external interface is not allowed. */ if ($iface == $upnp_config['ext_iface']) { continue; } $if = get_real_interface($iface); /* above function returns iface if fail */ if($if!=$iface) { $addr = find_interface_ip($if); $bits = find_interface_subnet($if); /* check that the interface has an ip address before adding parameters */ if (is_ipaddr($addr)) { $config_text .= "listening_ip={$if}\n"; if(!$ifaces_active) { $webgui_ip = $addr; $ifaces_active = $iface; } else $ifaces_active .= ", {$iface}"; } else upnp_warn("Interface {$iface} has no ip address, ignoring"); } else upnp_warn("Could not resolve real interface for {$iface}"); } if (!empty($ifaces_active)) { /* override wan ip address, common for carp, etc */ if($upnp_config['overridewanip']) $config_text .= "ext_ip={$upnp_config['overridewanip']}\n"; $download = $upnp_config['download']*1000; $upload = $upnp_config['upload']*1000; /* set upload and download bitrates */ if(!empty($download) && !empty($upload)) { $config_text .= "bitrate_down={$download}\n"; $config_text .= "bitrate_up={$upload}\n"; } /* enable logging of packets handled by miniupnpd rules */ if($upnp_config['logpackets']) $config_text .= "packet_log=yes\n"; /* enable system uptime instead of miniupnpd uptime */ if($upnp_config['sysuptime']) $config_text .= "system_uptime=yes\n"; /* set webgui url */ if(!empty($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'])) { $config_text .= "presentation_url={$config['system']['webgui']['protocol']}://{$webgui_ip}"; if(!empty($config['system']['webgui']['port'])) $config_text .= ":{$config['system']['webgui']['port']}"; $config_text .= "/\n"; } /* set uuid and serial */ $config_text .= "uuid=".upnp_uuid()."\n"; $config_text .= "serial=".strtoupper(substr(upnp_uuid(),0,8))."\n"; /* set model number */ $config_text .= "model_number=".file_get_contents("/usr/local/opnsense/version/opnsense")."\n"; /* upnp access restrictions */ for($i=1; $i<=4; $i++) { if($upnp_config["permuser{$i}"]) $config_text .= "{$upnp_config["permuser{$i}"]}\n"; } if($upnp_config['permdefault']) $config_text .= "deny 0-65535 0-65535\n"; /* Allow UPnP or NAT-PMP as requested */ $config_text .= "enable_upnp=" . ( $upnp_config['enable_upnp'] ? "yes\n" : "no\n" ); $config_text .= "enable_natpmp=" . ( $upnp_config['enable_natpmp'] ? "yes\n" : "no\n" ); /* write out the configuration */ upnp_write_config($config_file, $config_text); /* if miniupnpd not running start it */ if(!upnp_running()) { upnp_notice("Starting service on interface: {$ifaces_active}"); upnp_action('start'); } /* or restart miniupnpd if settings were changed */ else { upnp_notice("Restarting service on interface: {$ifaces_active}"); upnp_action('restart'); } } } else { /* user does not want miniupnpd running */ /* lets stop the service and remove the rc file */ if (file_exists($config_file)) { if(!$upnp_config['enable']) upnp_notice('Stopping service: miniupnpd disabled'); else upnp_notice('Stopping service: no interfaces selected'); upnp_action('stop'); @unlink($config_file); } } }