<?php /* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Deciso B.V. Copyright (C) 2004 Scott Ullrich Copyright (C) 2010 Ermal Luçi All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once("guiconfig.inc"); require_once("filter.inc"); require_once("rrd.inc"); require_once("system.inc"); require_once("pfsense-utils.inc"); require_once("interfaces.inc"); /* * find_ip_interface($ip): return the interface where an ip is defined * (or if $bits is specified, where an IP within the subnet is defined) */ function find_ip_interface($ip, $bits = null) { if (!is_ipaddr($ip)) return false; $isv6ip = is_ipaddrv6($ip); /* if list */ $ifdescrs = get_configured_interface_list(); foreach ($ifdescrs as $ifdescr => $ifname) { $ifip = ($isv6ip) ? get_interface_ipv6($ifname) : get_interface_ip($ifname); if (is_null($ifip)) continue; if (is_null($bits)) { if ($ip == $ifip) { $int = get_real_interface($ifname); return $int; } } else { if (ip_in_subnet($ifip, $ip . "/" . $bits)) { $int = get_real_interface($ifname); return $int; } } } return false; } $stepid = htmlspecialchars($_GET['stepid']); if (isset($_POST['stepid'])) $stepid = htmlspecialchars($_POST['stepid']); if (!$stepid) $stepid = "0"; $xml = ''; if (isset($_GET['xml'])) { $xml = htmlspecialchars($_GET['xml']); } elseif (isset($_POST['xml'])) { $xml = htmlspecialchars($_POST['xml']); } /* * XXX If we don't want hardcoding we could * probe /usr/local/wizard for viable files. */ switch ($xml) { case 'openvpn': break; default: $xml = 'setup'; break; } global $g, $listtags; $listtags = array_flip(array( 'additional_files_needed', 'alias', 'build_port_path', 'columnitem', 'depends_on_package', 'field', 'file', 'item', 'menu', 'onetoone', 'option', 'package', 'package', 'queue', 'rowhelperfield', 'rule', 'servernat', 'service', 'step', 'tab', 'template', )); $pkg = parse_xml_config_raw("/usr/local/wizard/{$xml}.xml", 'opnsensewizard', false); if (!is_array($pkg)) { print_info_box(sprintf(gettext("ERROR: Could not parse %s wizard file."), $xml)); die; } $description = preg_replace("/pfSense/i", $g['product_name'], $pkg['step'][$stepid]['description']); $title = preg_replace("/pfSense/i", $g['product_name'], $pkg['step'][$stepid]['title']); $totalsteps = $pkg['totalsteps']; if ($pkg['includefile']) { require_once($pkg['includefile']); } if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['stepsubmitbeforesave']) { eval($pkg['step'][$stepid]['stepsubmitbeforesave']); } if ($_POST && !$input_errors) { foreach ($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $field) { if(!empty($field['bindstofield']) and $field['type'] <> "submit") { $fieldname = $field['name']; $fieldname = str_replace(" ", "", $fieldname); $fieldname = strtolower($fieldname); // update field with posted values. if($field['unsetfield'] <> "") $unset_fields = "yes"; else $unset_fields = ""; if($field['arraynum'] <> "") $arraynum = $field['arraynum']; else $arraynum = ""; update_config_field( $field['bindstofield'], $_POST[$fieldname], $unset_fields, $arraynum, $field['type']); } } // run custom php code embedded in xml config. if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['stepsubmitphpaction'] <> "") { eval($pkg['step'][$stepid]['stepsubmitphpaction']); } if (!$input_errors) write_config(); $stepid++; if($stepid > $totalsteps) $stepid = $totalsteps; } function update_config_field($field, $updatetext, $unset, $arraynum, $field_type) { global $config; $field_split = explode("->",$field); foreach ($field_split as $f) $field_conv .= "['" . $f . "']"; if($field_conv == "") return; if ($arraynum <> "") $field_conv .= "[" . $arraynum . "]"; if(($field_type == "checkbox" and $updatetext <> "on") || $updatetext == "") { /* * item is a checkbox, it should have the value "on" * if it was checked */ $var = "\$config{$field_conv}"; $text = "if (isset({$var})) unset({$var});"; eval($text); return; } if($field_type == "interfaces_selection") { $var = "\$config{$field_conv}"; $text = "if (isset({$var})) unset({$var});"; $text .= "\$config" . $field_conv . " = \"" . $updatetext . "\";"; eval($text); return; } if($unset == "yes") { $text = "unset(\$config" . $field_conv . ");"; eval($text); } $text = "\$config" . $field_conv . " = \"" . addslashes($updatetext) . "\";"; eval($text); } $title = preg_replace("/pfSense/i", $g['product_name'], $pkg['step'][$stepid]['title']); $description = preg_replace("/pfSense/i", $g['product_name'], $pkg['step'][$stepid]['description']); // handle before form display event. do { $oldstepid = $stepid; if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['stepbeforeformdisplay'] <> "") eval($pkg['step'][$stepid]['stepbeforeformdisplay']); } while ($oldstepid != $stepid); include("head.inc"); ?> <body> <?php include("fbegin.inc"); ?> <?php if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] <> "") { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function FieldValidate(userinput, regexp, message) { if(!userinput.match(regexp)) alert(message); } function enablechange() { <?php foreach($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $field) { if(isset($field['enablefields']) or isset($field['checkenablefields'])) { print "\t" . 'if (document.iform.' . strtolower($field['name']) . '.checked) {' . "\n"; if(isset($field['enablefields'])) { $enablefields = explode(',', $field['enablefields']); foreach($enablefields as $enablefield) { $enablefield = strtolower($enablefield); print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $enablefield . '.disabled = 0;' . "\n"; } } if(isset($field['checkenablefields'])) { $checkenablefields = explode(',', $field['checkenablefields']); foreach($checkenablefields as $checkenablefield) { $checkenablefield = strtolower($checkenablefield); print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $checkenablefield . '.checked = 0;' . "\n"; } } print "\t" . '} else {' . "\n"; if(isset($field['enablefields'])) { $enablefields = explode(',', $field['enablefields']); foreach($enablefields as $enablefield) { $enablefield = strtolower($enablefield); print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $enablefield . '.disabled = 1;' . "\n"; } } if(isset($field['checkenablefields'])) { $checkenablefields = explode(',', $field['checkenablefields']); foreach($checkenablefields as $checkenablefield) { $checkenablefield = strtolower($checkenablefield); print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $checkenablefield . '.checked = 1;' . "\n"; } } print "\t" . '}' . "\n"; } } ?> } function disablechange() { <?php foreach($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $field) { if(isset($field['disablefields']) or isset($field['checkdisablefields'])) { print "\t" . 'if (document.iform.' . strtolower($field['name']) . '.checked) {' . "\n"; if(isset($field['disablefields'])) { $enablefields = explode(',', $field['disablefields']); foreach($enablefields as $enablefield) { $enablefield = strtolower($enablefield); print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $enablefield . '.disabled = 1;' . "\n"; } } if(isset($field['checkdisablefields'])) { $checkenablefields = explode(',', $field['checkdisablefields']); foreach($checkenablefields as $checkenablefield) { $checkenablefield = strtolower($checkenablefield); print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $checkenablefield . '.checked = 1;' . "\n"; } } print "\t" . '} else {' . "\n"; if(isset($field['disablefields'])) { $enablefields = explode(',', $field['disablefields']); foreach($enablefields as $enablefield) { $enablefield = strtolower($enablefield); print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $enablefield . '.disabled = 0;' . "\n"; } } if(isset($field['checkdisablefields'])) { $checkenablefields = explode(',', $field['checkdisablefields']); foreach($checkenablefields as $checkenablefield) { $checkenablefield = strtolower($checkenablefield); print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $checkenablefield . '.checked = 0;' . "\n"; } } print "\t" . '}' . "\n"; } } ?> } function showchange() { <?php foreach($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $field) { if(isset($field['showfields'])) { print "\t" . 'if (document.iform.' . strtolower($field['name']) . '.checked == false) {' . "\n"; if(isset($field['showfields'])) { $showfields = explode(',', $field['showfields']); foreach($showfields as $showfield) { $showfield = strtolower($showfield); //print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $showfield . ".display =\"none\";\n"; print "\t\t jQuery('#". $showfield . "').hide();"; } } print "\t" . '} else {' . "\n"; if(isset($field['showfields'])) { $showfields = explode(',', $field['showfields']); foreach($showfields as $showfield) { $showfield = strtolower($showfield); #print "\t\t" . 'document.iform.' . $showfield . ".display =\"\";\n"; print "\t\t jQuery('#". $showfield . "').show();"; } } print "\t" . '}' . "\n"; } } ?> } //]]> </script> <?php } ?> <?php if($title == "Reload in progress") { $ip = fixup_string("\$myurl"); } else { $ip = "/"; } ?> <section class="page-content-main"> <div class="container-fluid col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-md-9"> <div class="row"> <?php if (isset($input_errors) && count($input_errors) > 0) print_input_errors($input_errors); if (isset($savemsg)) print_info_box($savemsg); if ($_GET['message'] != "") print_info_box(htmlspecialchars($_GET['message'])); if ($_POST['message'] != "") print_info_box(htmlspecialchars($_POST['message'])); ?> <section class="col-xs-12"> <div class="content-box"> <form action="wizard.php" method="post" name="iform" id="iform"> <input type="hidden" name="xml" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($xml) ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="stepid" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($stepid) ?>" /> <?php if(!$pkg['step'][$stepid]['disableheader']): ?> <header class="content-box-head container-fluid"> <h3><?= fixup_string($title) ?></h3> </header> <?php endif; ?> <div class="content-box-main"> <div style="padding:20px !important;"> <p><br /><?=fixup_string($description) ?></p> </div> <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-striped"> <?php $inputaliases = array(); if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] <> "") { foreach ($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $field) { $value = $field['value']; $name = $field['name']; $name = preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $name); $name = strtolower($name); if($field['bindstofield'] <> "") { $arraynum = ""; $field_conv = ""; $field_split = explode("->", $field['bindstofield']); // arraynum is used in cases where there is an array of the same field // name such as dnsserver (2 of them) if($field['arraynum'] <> "") $arraynum = "[" . $field['arraynum'] . "]"; foreach ($field_split as $f) $field_conv .= "['" . $f . "']"; if($field['type'] == "checkbox") $toeval = "if (isset(\$config" . $field_conv . $arraynum . ")) { \$value = \$config" . $field_conv . $arraynum . "; if (empty(\$value)) \$value = true; }"; else $toeval = "if (isset(\$config" . $field_conv . $arraynum . ")) \$value = \$config" . $field_conv . $arraynum . ";"; eval($toeval); } if(!$field['combinefieldsend']) echo "<tr>"; switch ($field['type']) { case "input": if ($field['displayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['displayname']; echo ":</td>\n"; } else if(!$field['dontdisplayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['name']); echo ":</td>\n"; } if(!$field['dontcombinecells']) echo "<td class=\"vtable\">\n"; echo "<input class='form-control unknown' type='text' id='" . $name . "' name='" . $name . "' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\""; if($field['size']) echo " size='" . $field['size'] . "' "; if($field['validate']) echo " onchange='FieldValidate(this.value, \"{$field['validate']}\", \"{$field['message']}\");'"; echo " />\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "text": echo "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\" class=\"vncell\">\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<center><br /> " . $field['description'] . "</center>"; } break; case "inputalias": if ($field['displayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['displayname']; echo ":</td>\n"; } else if(!$field['dontdisplayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['name']); echo ":</td>\n"; } if(!$field['dontcombinecells']) echo "<td class=\"vtable\">\n"; $inputaliases[] = $name; echo "<input class='form-control alias' autocomplete='off' id='" . $name . "' name='" . $name . "' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\""; if($field['size']) echo " size='" . $field['size'] . "' "; if($field['validate']) echo " onchange='FieldValidate(this.value, \"{$field['validate']}\", \"{$field['message']}\");'"; echo " />\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "interfaces_selection": case "interface_select": $size = ""; $multiple = ""; $name = strtolower($name); echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['displayname'] ? $field['displayname'] : $field['name']) . ":\n"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td class=\"vtable\">\n"; if($field['size'] <> "") $size = "size=\"{$field['size']}\""; if($field['multiple'] <> "" and $field['multiple'] <> "0") { $multiple = "multiple=\"multiple\""; $name .= "[]"; } echo "<select class='form-control' id='{$name}' name='{$name}' {$size} {$multiple}>\n"; if($field['add_to_interfaces_selection'] <> "") { $SELECTED = ""; if($field['add_to_interfaces_selection'] == $value) $SELECTED = " selected=\"selected\""; echo "<option value='" . $field['add_to_interfaces_selection'] . "'" . $SELECTED . ">" . $field['add_to_interfaces_selection'] . "</option>\n"; } if($field['type'] == "interface_select") $interfaces = get_interface_list(); else $interfaces = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); foreach ($interfaces as $ifname => $iface) { if ($field['type'] == "interface_select") { $iface = $ifname; if ($iface['mac']) $iface .= " ({$iface['mac']})"; } $SELECTED = ""; if ($value == $ifname) $SELECTED = " selected=\"selected\""; $to_echo = "<option value='" . $ifname . "'" . $SELECTED . ">" . $iface . "</option>\n"; $to_echo .= "<!-- {$value} -->"; $canecho = 0; if($field['interface_filter'] <> "") { if(stristr($ifname, $field['interface_filter']) == true) $canecho = 1; } else $canecho = 1; if($canecho == 1) echo $to_echo; } echo "</select>\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "password": if ($field['displayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['displayname']; echo ":</td>\n"; } else if(!$field['dontdisplayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['name']); echo ":</td>\n"; } if(!$field['dontcombinecells']) echo "<td class=\"vtable\">"; echo "<input class='form-control pwd' id='" . $name . "' name='" . $name . "' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\" type='password' "; if($field['size']) echo " size='" . $field['size'] . "' "; echo " />\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "certca_selection": $size = ""; $multiple = ""; $name = strtolower($name); echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['displayname'] ? $field['displayname'] : $field['name']) . ":\n"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td class=\"vtable\">\n"; if($field['size'] <> "") $size = "size=\"{$field['size']}\""; echo "<select id='{$name}' name='{$name}' {$size}>\n"; if($field['add_to_certca_selection'] <> "") { $SELECTED = ""; if($field['add_to_certca_selection'] == $value) $SELECTED = " selected=\"selected\""; echo "<option value='" . $field['add_to_certca_selection'] . "'" . $SELECTED . ">" . $field['add_to_certca_selection'] . "</option>\n"; } foreach($config['ca'] as $ca) { $name = htmlspecialchars($ca['descr']); $SELECTED = ""; if ($value == $name) $SELECTED = " selected=\"selected\""; $to_echo = "<option value='" . $ca['refid'] . "'" . $SELECTED . ">" . $name . "</option>\n"; $to_echo .= "<!-- {$value} -->"; $canecho = 0; if($field['certca_filter'] <> "") { if(stristr($name, $field['certca_filter']) == true) $canecho = 1; } else { $canecho = 1; } if($canecho == 1) echo $to_echo; } echo "</select>\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "cert_selection": $size = ""; $multiple = ""; $name = strtolower($name); echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['displayname'] ? $field['displayname'] : $field['name']) . ":\n"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td class=\"vtable\">\n"; if($field['size'] <> "") $size = "size=\"{$field['size']}\""; echo "<select id='{$name}' name='{$name}' {$size}>\n"; if($field['add_to_cert_selection'] <> "") { $SELECTED = ""; if($field['add_to_cert_selection'] == $value) $SELECTED = " selected=\"selected\""; echo "<option value='" . $field['add_to_cert_selection'] . "'" . $SELECTED . ">" . $field['add_to_cert_selection'] . "</option>\n"; } foreach($config['cert'] as $ca) { if (stristr($ca['descr'], "webconf")) continue; $name = htmlspecialchars($ca['descr']); $SELECTED = ""; if ($value == $name) $SELECTED = " selected=\"selected\""; $to_echo = "<option value='" . $ca['refid'] . "'" . $SELECTED . ">" . $name . "</option>\n"; $to_echo .= "<!-- {$value} -->"; $canecho = 0; if($field['cert_filter'] <> "") { if(stristr($name, $field['cert_filter']) == true) $canecho = 1; } else { $canecho = 1; } if($canecho == 1) echo $to_echo; } echo "</select>\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "select": if ($field['displayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['displayname']; echo ":</td>\n"; } else if(!$field['dontdisplayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['name']); echo ":</td>\n"; } if($field['size']) $size = " size='" . $field['size'] . "' "; if($field['multiple'] == "yes") $multiple = "multiple=\"multiple\" "; if(!$field['dontcombinecells']) echo "<td class=\"vtable\">\n"; $onchange = ""; foreach ($field['options']['option'] as $opt) { if($opt['enablefields'] <> "") { $onchange = "onchange=\"enableitems(this.selectedIndex);\" "; } } echo "<select class='form-control' " . $onchange . $multiple . $size . "id='" . $name . "' name='" . $name . "'>\n"; foreach ($field['options']['option'] as $opt) { $selected = ""; if($value == $opt['value']) $selected = " selected=\"selected\""; echo "\t<option value='" . $opt['value'] . "'" . $selected . ">"; if ($opt['displayname']) echo $opt['displayname']; else echo $opt['name']; echo "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "<!-- {$value} -->\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo $field['description']; } break; case "textarea": if ($field['displayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['displayname']; echo ":</td>\n"; } else if(!$field['dontdisplayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['name']); echo ":</td>"; } if(!$field['dontcombinecells']) echo "<td class=\"vtable\">"; echo "<textarea class='formpre' id='" . $name . "' name='" . $name . "'"; if ($field['rows']) echo " rows='" . $field['rows'] . "' "; if ($field['cols']) echo " cols='" . $field['cols'] . "' "; echo ">" . $value . "</textarea>\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "submit": echo "<td colspan=\"2\"> </td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<input type='submit' class=\"btn btn-primary\" name='" . $name . "' value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($field['name']) . "\" />\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "listtopic": echo "<td colspan=\"2\"> </td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"listtopic\">" . $field['name'] . "<br />\n"; break; case "subnet_select": if ($field['displayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['displayname']; echo ":</td>\n"; } else if(!$field['dontdisplayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['name']); echo ":</td>"; } if(!$field['dontcombinecells']) echo "<td class=\"vtable\">"; echo "<select class='form-control' name='{$name}' style='max-width:5em;'>\n"; $CHECKED = ' selected="selected"'; for ($x = 1; $x <= 32; $x++) { if ($x == 31) { continue; } if ($value == $x) $CHECKED = " selected=\"selected\""; echo "<option value='{$x}'"; if ($value == $x || $x == 32) { echo $CHECKED; /* only used once */ $CHECKED = ''; } echo ">{$x}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "timezone_select": $timezonelist = get_zoneinfo(); if ($field['displayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['displayname']; echo ":</td>\n"; } else if(!$field['dontdisplayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo fixup_string($field['name']); echo ":</td>"; } if(!$field['dontcombinecells']) echo "<td class=\"vtable\">"; echo "<select class='form-control' name='{$name}'>\n"; foreach ($timezonelist as $tz) { if(strstr($tz, "GMT")) continue; $SELECTED = ""; if ($value == $tz) $SELECTED = " selected=\"selected\""; echo "<option value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($tz) . "\" {$SELECTED}>"; echo htmlspecialchars($tz); echo "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo "<br /> " . $field['description']; } break; case "checkbox": if ($field['displayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['displayname']; echo ":</td>\n"; } else if(!$field['dontdisplayname']) { echo "<td width=\"22%\" align=\"right\" class=\"vncellreq\">\n"; echo $field['name']; echo ":</td>"; } $checked = ""; if($value <> "") $checked = " checked=\"checked\""; echo "<td class=\"vtable\"><input value=\"on\" type='checkbox' id='" . $name . "' name='" . $name . "' " . $checked; if(isset($field['enablefields']) or isset($field['checkenablefields'])) echo " onclick=\"enablechange()\""; else if(isset($field['disablefields']) or isset($field['checkdisablefields'])) echo " onclick=\"disablechange()\""; echo " />\n"; if($field['description'] <> "") { echo $field['description']; } break; } if($field['typehint'] <> "") { echo $field['typehint']; } if($field['warning'] <> "") { echo "<br /><b><font color=\"red\">" . $field['warning'] . "</font></b>"; } if(!$field['combinefieldsbegin']) { if (!$field['dontcombinecells']) echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; } } } ?> </table> <br /><br /><br /> </div> </div> </form> </div> </section> </div> </div> </section> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ if (typeof ext_change != 'undefined') { ext_change(); } if (typeof proto_change != 'undefined') { ext_change(); } if (typeof proto_change != 'undefined') { proto_change(); } <?php $isfirst = 0; $aliases = ""; $addrisfirst = 0; $aliasesaddr = ""; if (isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) { foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias_name) { if ($isfirst == 1) { $aliases .= ","; } $aliases .= "'" . $alias_name['name'] . "'"; $isfirst = 1; } } ?> var customarray=new Array(<?php echo $aliases; ?>); window.onload = function () { <?php $counter=0; foreach($inputaliases as $alias) { echo "var oTextbox$counter = new AutoSuggestControl(document.getElementById(\"$alias\"), new StateSuggestions(customarray));\n"; $counter++; } ?> } //]]> </script> <?php $fieldnames_array = Array(); if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['disableallfieldsbydefault'] <> "") { // create a fieldname loop that can be used with javascript // hide and enable features. echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; echo "//<![CDATA[\n"; echo "function disableall() {\n"; foreach ($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $field) { if($field['type'] <> "submit" and $field['type'] <> "listtopic") { if(!$field['donotdisable'] <> "") { array_push($fieldnames_array, $field['name']); $fieldname = preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $field['name']); $fieldname = strtolower($fieldname); //echo "\tdocument.forms[0]." . $fieldname . ".disabled = 1;\n"; echo "\tjQuery('#". $fieldname . "').prop('disabled', true);\n"; } } } echo "}\ndisableall();\n"; echo "function enableitems(selectedindex) {\n"; echo "disableall();\n"; $idcounter = 0; if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] <> "") { echo "\tswitch(selectedindex) {\n"; foreach ($pkg['step'][$stepid]['fields']['field'] as $field) { if($field['options']['option'] <> "") { foreach ($field['options']['option'] as $opt) { if($opt['enablefields'] <> "") { echo "\t\tcase " . $idcounter . ":\n"; $enablefields_split = explode(",", $opt['enablefields']); foreach ($enablefields_split as $efs) { $fieldname = preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $efs); $fieldname = strtolower($fieldname); if($fieldname <> "") { //$onchange = "\t\t\tdocument.forms[0]." . $fieldname . ".disabled = 0; \n"; $onchange = "\t\t\tjQuery('#" . $fieldname . "').prop('disabled',false)\n"; echo $onchange; } } echo "\t\t\tbreak;\n"; } $idcounter = $idcounter + 1; } } } echo "\t}\n"; } echo "}\n"; echo "//]]>\n"; echo "</script>\n\n"; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ // After reload/redirect functions are not loaded, so check first. if (typeof enablechange == 'function') { enablechange(); disablechange(); showchange(); } //]]> </script> <?php if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['stepafterformdisplay'] <> "") { // handle after form display event. eval($pkg['step'][$stepid]['stepafterformdisplay']); } if($pkg['step'][$stepid]['javascriptafterformdisplay'] <> "") { // handle after form display event. echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; echo "//<![CDATA[\n"; echo $pkg['step'][$stepid]['javascriptafterformdisplay'] . "\n"; echo "//]]>\n"; echo "</script>\n\n"; } /* * HELPER FUNCTIONS */ function fixup_string($string) { global $config, $myurl, $title; $newstring = $string; // fixup #1: $myurl -> http[s]://ip_address:port/ switch($config['system']['webgui']['protocol']) { case "http": $proto = "http"; break; case "https": $proto = "https"; break; default: $proto = "http"; break; } $port = $config['system']['webgui']['port']; if($port != "") { if(($port == "443" and $proto != "https") or ($port == "80" and $proto != "http")) { $urlport = ":" . $port; } elseif ($port != "80" and $port != "443") { $urlport = ":" . $port; } else { $urlport = ""; } } $http_host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $urlhost = $http_host; // If finishing the setup wizard, check if accessing on a LAN or WAN address that changed if($title == "Reload in progress") { if (is_ipaddr($urlhost)) { $host_if = find_ip_interface($urlhost); if ($host_if) { $host_if = convert_real_interface_to_friendly_interface_name($host_if); if ($host_if && is_ipaddr($config['interfaces'][$host_if]['ipaddr'])) $urlhost = $config['interfaces'][$host_if]['ipaddr']; } } else if ($urlhost == $config['system']['hostname']) $urlhost = $config['wizardtemp']['system']['hostname']; else if ($urlhost == $config['system']['hostname'] . '.' . $config['system']['domain']) $urlhost = $config['wizardtemp']['system']['hostname'] . '.' . $config['wizardtemp']['system']['domain']; } if ($urlhost != $http_host) { file_put_contents('/tmp/setupwizard_lastreferrer', $proto . '://' . $http_host . $urlport . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } $myurl = $proto . "://" . $urlhost . $urlport . "/"; if (strstr($newstring, "\$myurl")) $newstring = str_replace("\$myurl", $myurl, $newstring); // fixup #2: $wanip if (strstr($newstring, "\$wanip")) { $curwanip = get_interface_ip(); $newstring = str_replace("\$wanip", $curwanip, $newstring); } // fixup #3: $lanip if (strstr($newstring, "\$lanip")) { $lanip = get_interface_ip("lan"); $newstring = str_replace("\$lanip", $lanip, $newstring); } // fixup #4: fix'r'up here. return $newstring; } function is_timezone($elt) { return !preg_match("/\/$/", $elt); } ?> <?php include('foot.inc'); ?>