 * jQuery Bootgrid v1.2.0 - 05/02/2015
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Rafael Staib (http://www.jquery-bootgrid.com)
 * Licensed under MIT http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
;(function ($, window, undefined)
    /*jshint validthis: true */
    "use strict";

    // ====================

    var namespace = ".rs.jquery.bootgrid";

    // =====================

    function appendRow(row)
        var that = this;

        function exists(item)
            return that.identifier && item[that.identifier] === row[that.identifier];

        if (!this.rows.contains(exists))
            return true;

        return false;

    function findFooterAndHeaderItems(selector)
        var footer = (this.footer) ? this.footer.find(selector) : $(),
            header = (this.header) ? this.header.find(selector) : $();
        return $.merge(footer, header);

    function getParams(context)
        return (context) ? $.extend({}, this.cachedParams, { ctx: context }) :

    function getRequest()
        var request = {
                current: this.current,
                rowCount: this.rowCount,
                sort: this.sortDictionary,
                searchPhrase: this.searchPhrase
            post = this.options.post;

        post = ($.isFunction(post)) ? post() : post;
        return this.options.requestHandler($.extend(true, request, post));

    function getCssSelector(css)
        return "." + $.trim(css).replace(/\s+/gm, ".");

    function getUrl()
        var url = this.options.url;
        return ($.isFunction(url)) ? url() : url;

    function init()
        this.element.trigger("initialize" + namespace);

        loadColumns.call(this); // Loads columns from HTML thead tag
        this.selection = this.options.selection && this.identifier != null;
        loadRows.call(this); // Loads rows from HTML tbody tag if ajax is false

        this.element.trigger("initialized" + namespace);

    function highlightAppendedRows(rows)
        if (this.options.highlightRows)
            // todo: implement

    function isVisible(column)
        return column.visible;

    function loadColumns()
        var that = this,
            firstHeadRow = this.element.find("thead > tr").first(),
            sorted = false;

        /*jshint -W018*/
        firstHeadRow.children().each(function ()
            var $this = $(this),
                data = $this.data(),
                column = {
                    id: data.columnId,
                    identifier: that.identifier == null && data.identifier || false,
                    converter: that.options.converters[data.converter || data.type] || that.options.converters["string"],
                    text: $this.text(),
                    align: data.align || "left",
                    headerAlign: data.headerAlign || "left",
                    cssClass: data.cssClass || "",
                    headerCssClass: data.headerCssClass || "",
                    formatter: that.options.formatters[data.formatter] || null,
                    order: (!sorted && (data.order === "asc" || data.order === "desc")) ? data.order : null,
                    searchable: !(data.searchable === false), // default: true
                    sortable: !(data.sortable === false), // default: true
                    visible: !(data.visible === false), // default: true
                    width: ($.isNumeric(data.width)) ? data.width + "px" :
                        (typeof(data.width) === "string") ? data.width : null
            if (column.order != null)
                that.sortDictionary[column.id] = column.order;

            // Prevents multiple identifiers
            if (column.identifier)
                that.identifier = column.id;
                that.converter = column.converter;

            // ensures that only the first order will be applied in case of multi sorting is disabled
            if (!that.options.multiSort && column.order !== null)
                sorted = true;
        /*jshint +W018*/

    response = {
        current: 1,
        rowCount: 10,
        rows: [{}, {}],
        sort: [{ "columnId": "asc" }],
        total: 101

    function loadData()
        var that = this;

        this.element._bgBusyAria(true).trigger("load" + namespace);

        function containsPhrase(row)
            var column,
                searchPattern = new RegExp(that.searchPhrase, (that.options.caseSensitive) ? "g" : "gi");

            for (var i = 0; i < that.columns.length; i++)
                column = that.columns[i];
                if (column.searchable && column.visible &&
                    column.converter.to(row[column.id]).search(searchPattern) > -1)
                    return true;

            return false;

        function update(rows, total)
            that.currentRows = rows;
            setTotals.call(that, total);

            if (!that.options.keepSelection)
                that.selectedRows = [];

            renderRows.call(that, rows);

            that.element._bgBusyAria(false).trigger("loaded" + namespace);

        if (this.options.ajax)
            var request = getRequest.call(this),
                url = getUrl.call(this);

            if (url == null || typeof url !== "string" || url.length === 0)
                throw new Error("Url setting must be a none empty string or a function that returns one.");

            // aborts the previous ajax request if not already finished or failed
            if (this.xqr)

            var settings = {
                url: url,
                data: request,
                success: function(response)
                    that.xqr = null;

                    if (typeof (response) === "string")
                        response = $.parseJSON(response);

                    response = that.options.responseHandler(response);

                    that.current = response.current;
                    update(response.rows, response.total);
                error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
                    that.xqr = null;

                    if (textStatus !== "abort")
                        renderNoResultsRow.call(that); // overrides loading mask
                        that.element._bgBusyAria(false).trigger("loaded" + namespace);
            settings = $.extend(this.options.ajaxSettings, settings);

            this.xqr = $.ajax(settings);
            var rows = (this.searchPhrase.length > 0) ? this.rows.where(containsPhrase) : this.rows,
                total = rows.length;
            if (this.rowCount !== -1)
                rows = rows.page(this.current, this.rowCount);

            // todo: improve the following comment
            // setTimeout decouples the initialization so that adding event handlers happens before
            window.setTimeout(function () { update(rows, total); }, 10);

    function loadRows()
        if (!this.options.ajax)
            var that = this,
                rows = this.element.find("tbody > tr");

            rows.each(function ()
                var $this = $(this),
                    cells = $this.children("td"),
                    row = {};

                $.each(that.columns, function (i, column)
                    row[column.id] = column.converter.from(cells.eq(i).text());

                appendRow.call(that, row);

            setTotals.call(this, this.rows.length);

    function setTotals(total)
        this.total = total;
        this.totalPages = (this.rowCount === -1) ? 1 :
            Math.ceil(this.total / this.rowCount);

    function prepareTable()
        var tpl = this.options.templates,
            wrapper = (this.element.parent().hasClass(this.options.css.responsiveTable)) ?
                this.element.parent() : this.element;


        // checks whether there is an tbody element; otherwise creates one
        if (this.element.children("tbody").length === 0)

        if (this.options.navigation & 1)
            this.header = $(tpl.header.resolve(getParams.call(this, { id: this.element._bgId() + "-header" })));

        if (this.options.navigation & 2)
            this.footer = $(tpl.footer.resolve(getParams.call(this, { id: this.element._bgId() + "-footer" })));

    function renderActions()
        if (this.options.navigation !== 0)
            var css = this.options.css,
                selector = getCssSelector(css.actions),
                actionItems = findFooterAndHeaderItems.call(this, selector);

            if (actionItems.length > 0)
                var that = this,
                    tpl = this.options.templates,
                    actions = $(tpl.actions.resolve(getParams.call(this)));

                // Refresh Button
                if (this.options.ajax)
                    var refreshIcon = tpl.icon.resolve(getParams.call(this, { iconCss: css.iconRefresh })),
                        refresh = $(tpl.actionButton.resolve(getParams.call(this,
                        { content: refreshIcon, text: this.options.labels.refresh })))
                            .on("click" + namespace, function (e)
                                // todo: prevent multiple fast clicks (fast click detection)
                                that.current = 1;

                // Row count selection
                renderRowCountSelection.call(this, actions);

                // Column selection
                renderColumnSelection.call(this, actions);

                replacePlaceHolder.call(this, actionItems, actions);

    function renderColumnSelection(actions)
        if (this.options.columnSelection && this.columns.length > 1)
            var that = this,
                css = this.options.css,
                tpl = this.options.templates,
                icon = tpl.icon.resolve(getParams.call(this, { iconCss: css.iconColumns })),
                dropDown = $(tpl.actionDropDown.resolve(getParams.call(this, { content: icon }))),
                selector = getCssSelector(css.dropDownItem),
                checkboxSelector = getCssSelector(css.dropDownItemCheckbox),
                itemsSelector = getCssSelector(css.dropDownMenuItems);

            $.each(this.columns, function (i, column)
                var item = $(tpl.actionDropDownCheckboxItem.resolve(getParams.call(that,
                    { name: column.id, label: column.text, checked: column.visible })))
                        .on("click" + namespace, selector, function (e)

                            var $this = $(this),
                                checkbox = $this.find(checkboxSelector);
                            if (!checkbox.prop("disabled"))
                                column.visible = checkbox.prop("checked");
                                var enable = that.columns.where(isVisible).length > 1;
                                $this.parents(itemsSelector).find(selector + ":has(" + checkboxSelector + ":checked)")

                                that.element.find("tbody").empty(); // Fixes an column visualization bug

    function renderInfos()
        if (this.options.navigation !== 0)
            var selector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.infos),
                infoItems = findFooterAndHeaderItems.call(this, selector);

            if (infoItems.length > 0)
                var end = (this.current * this.rowCount),
                    infos = $(this.options.templates.infos.resolve(getParams.call(this, {
                        end: (this.total === 0 || end === -1 || end > this.total) ? this.total : end,
                        start: (this.total === 0) ? 0 : (end - this.rowCount + 1),
                        total: this.total

                replacePlaceHolder.call(this, infoItems, infos);

    function renderNoResultsRow()
        var tbody = this.element.children("tbody").first(),
            tpl = this.options.templates,
            count = this.columns.where(isVisible).length;

        if (this.selection)
            count = count + 1;
        tbody.html(tpl.noResults.resolve(getParams.call(this, { columns: count })));

    function renderPagination()
        if (this.options.navigation !== 0)
            var selector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.pagination),
                paginationItems = findFooterAndHeaderItems.call(this, selector)._bgShowAria(this.rowCount !== -1);

            if (this.rowCount !== -1 && paginationItems.length > 0)
                var tpl = this.options.templates,
                    current = this.current,
                    totalPages = this.totalPages,
                    pagination = $(tpl.pagination.resolve(getParams.call(this))),
                    offsetRight = totalPages - current,
                    offsetLeft = (this.options.padding - current) * -1,
                    startWith = ((offsetRight >= this.options.padding) ?
                        Math.max(offsetLeft, 1) :
                        Math.max((offsetLeft - this.options.padding + offsetRight), 1)),
                    maxCount = this.options.padding * 2 + 1,
                    count = (totalPages >= maxCount) ? maxCount : totalPages;

                renderPaginationItem.call(this, pagination, "first", "&laquo;", "first")
                    ._bgEnableAria(current > 1);
                renderPaginationItem.call(this, pagination, "prev", "&lt;", "prev")
                    ._bgEnableAria(current > 1);

                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var pos = i + startWith;
                    renderPaginationItem.call(this, pagination, pos, pos, "page-" + pos)
                        ._bgEnableAria()._bgSelectAria(pos === current);

                if (count === 0)
                    renderPaginationItem.call(this, pagination, 1, 1, "page-" + 1)

                renderPaginationItem.call(this, pagination, "next", "&gt;", "next")
                    ._bgEnableAria(totalPages > current);
                renderPaginationItem.call(this, pagination, "last", "&raquo;", "last")
                    ._bgEnableAria(totalPages > current);

                replacePlaceHolder.call(this, paginationItems, pagination);

    function renderPaginationItem(list, uri, text, markerCss)
        var that = this,
            tpl = this.options.templates,
            css = this.options.css,
            values = getParams.call(this, { css: markerCss, text: text, uri: "#" + uri }),
            item = $(tpl.paginationItem.resolve(values))
                .on("click" + namespace, getCssSelector(css.paginationButton), function (e)

                    var $this = $(this),
                        parent = $this.parent();
                    if (!parent.hasClass("active") && !parent.hasClass("disabled"))
                        var commandList = {
                            first: 1,
                            prev: that.current - 1,
                            next: that.current + 1,
                            last: that.totalPages
                        var command = $this.attr("href").substr(1);
                        that.current = commandList[command] || +command; // + converts string to int

        return item;

    function renderRowCountSelection(actions)
        var that = this,
            rowCountList = this.options.rowCount;

        function getText(value)
            return (value === -1) ? that.options.labels.all : value;

        if ($.isArray(rowCountList))
            var css = this.options.css,
                tpl = this.options.templates,
                dropDown = $(tpl.actionDropDown.resolve(getParams.call(this, { content: getText(this.rowCount) }))),
                menuSelector = getCssSelector(css.dropDownMenu),
                menuTextSelector = getCssSelector(css.dropDownMenuText),
                menuItemsSelector = getCssSelector(css.dropDownMenuItems),
                menuItemSelector = getCssSelector(css.dropDownItemButton);

            $.each(rowCountList, function (index, value)
                var item = $(tpl.actionDropDownItem.resolve(getParams.call(that,
                    { text: getText(value), uri: "#" + value })))
                        ._bgSelectAria(value === that.rowCount)
                        .on("click" + namespace, menuItemSelector, function (e)

                            var $this = $(this),
                                newRowCount = +$this.attr("href").substr(1);
                            if (newRowCount !== that.rowCount)
                                // todo: sophisticated solution needed for calculating which page is selected
                                that.current = 1; // that.rowCount === -1 ---> All
                                that.rowCount = newRowCount;
                                $this.parents(menuItemsSelector).children().each(function ()
                                    var $item = $(this),
                                        currentRowCount = +$item.find(menuItemSelector).attr("href").substr(1);
                                    $item._bgSelectAria(currentRowCount === newRowCount);

    function renderRows(rows)
        if (rows.length > 0)
            var that = this,
                css = this.options.css,
                tpl = this.options.templates,
                tbody = this.element.children("tbody").first(),
                allRowsSelected = true,
                html = "";

            $.each(rows, function (index, row)
                var cells = "",
                    rowAttr = " data-row-id=\"" + ((that.identifier == null) ? index : row[that.identifier]) + "\"",
                    rowCss = "";

                if (that.selection)
                    var selected = ($.inArray(row[that.identifier], that.selectedRows) !== -1),
                        selectBox = tpl.select.resolve(getParams.call(that,
                            { type: "checkbox", value: row[that.identifier], checked: selected }));
                    cells += tpl.cell.resolve(getParams.call(that, { content: selectBox, css: css.selectCell }));
                    allRowsSelected = (allRowsSelected && selected);
                    if (selected)
                        rowCss += css.selected;
                        rowAttr += " aria-selected=\"true\"";

                var status = row.status != null && that.options.statusMapping[row.status];
                if (status)
                    rowCss += status;

                $.each(that.columns, function (j, column)
                    if (column.visible)
                        var value = ($.isFunction(column.formatter)) ?
                                column.formatter.call(that, column, row) :
                            cssClass = (column.cssClass.length > 0) ? " " + column.cssClass : "";
                        cells += tpl.cell.resolve(getParams.call(that, {
                            content: (value == null || value === "") ? "&nbsp;" : value,
                            css: ((column.align === "right") ? css.right : (column.align === "center") ?
                                css.center : css.left) + cssClass,
                            style: (column.width == null) ? "" : "width:" + column.width + ";" }));

                if (rowCss.length > 0)
                    rowAttr += " class=\"" + rowCss + "\"";
                html += tpl.row.resolve(getParams.call(that, { attr: rowAttr, cells: cells }));

            // sets or clears multi selectbox state
            that.element.find("thead " + getCssSelector(that.options.css.selectBox))
                .prop("checked", allRowsSelected);


            registerRowEvents.call(this, tbody);

    function registerRowEvents(tbody)
        var that = this,
            selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox);

        if (this.selection)
            tbody.off("click" + namespace, selectBoxSelector)
                .on("click" + namespace, selectBoxSelector, function(e)

                    var $this = $(this),
                        id = that.converter.from($this.val());

                    if ($this.prop("checked"))

        tbody.off("click" + namespace, "> tr")
            .on("click" + namespace, "> tr", function(e)

                var $this = $(this),
                    id = (that.identifier == null) ? $this.data("row-id") :
                        that.converter.from($this.data("row-id") + ""),
                    row = (that.identifier == null) ? that.currentRows[id] :
                        that.currentRows.first(function (item) { return item[that.identifier] === id; });

                if (that.selection && that.options.rowSelect)
                    if ($this.hasClass(that.options.css.selected))

                that.element.trigger("click" + namespace, [that.columns, row]);

    function renderSearchField()
        if (this.options.navigation !== 0)
            var css = this.options.css,
                selector = getCssSelector(css.search),
                searchItems = findFooterAndHeaderItems.call(this, selector);

            if (searchItems.length > 0)
                var that = this,
                    tpl = this.options.templates,
                    timer = null, // fast keyup detection
                    currentValue = "",
                    searchFieldSelector = getCssSelector(css.searchField),
                    search = $(tpl.search.resolve(getParams.call(this))),
                    searchField = (search.is(searchFieldSelector)) ? search :

                searchField.on("keyup" + namespace, function (e)
                    var newValue = $(this).val();
                    if (currentValue !== newValue || (e.which === 13 && newValue !== ""))
                        currentValue = newValue;
                        if (e.which === 13 || newValue.length === 0 || newValue.length >= that.options.searchSettings.characters)
                            timer = window.setTimeout(function ()
                                executeSearch.call(that, newValue);
                            }, that.options.searchSettings.delay);

                replacePlaceHolder.call(this, searchItems, search);

    function executeSearch(phrase)
        if (this.searchPhrase !== phrase)
            this.current = 1;
            this.searchPhrase = phrase;

    function renderTableHeader()
        var that = this,
            headerRow = this.element.find("thead > tr"),
            css = this.options.css,
            tpl = this.options.templates,
            html = "",
            sorting = this.options.sorting;

        if (this.selection)
            var selectBox = (this.options.multiSelect) ?
                tpl.select.resolve(getParams.call(that, { type: "checkbox", value: "all" })) : "";
            html += tpl.rawHeaderCell.resolve(getParams.call(that, { content: selectBox,
                css: css.selectCell }));

        $.each(this.columns, function (index, column)
            if (column.visible)
                var sortOrder = that.sortDictionary[column.id],
                    iconCss = ((sorting && sortOrder && sortOrder === "asc") ? css.iconUp :
                        (sorting && sortOrder && sortOrder === "desc") ? css.iconDown : ""),
                    icon = tpl.icon.resolve(getParams.call(that, { iconCss: iconCss })),
                    align = column.headerAlign,
                    cssClass = (column.headerCssClass.length > 0) ? " " + column.headerCssClass : "";
                html += tpl.headerCell.resolve(getParams.call(that, {
                    column: column, icon: icon, sortable: sorting && column.sortable && css.sortable || "",
                    css: ((align === "right") ? css.right : (align === "center") ?
                        css.center : css.left) + cssClass,
                    style: (column.width == null) ? "" : "width:" + column.width + ";" }));


        if (sorting)
            var sortingSelector = getCssSelector(css.sortable);
            headerRow.off("click" + namespace, sortingSelector)
                .on("click" + namespace, sortingSelector, function (e)

                    setTableHeaderSortDirection.call(that, $(this));

        // todo: create a own function for that piece of code
        if (this.selection && this.options.multiSelect)
            var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(css.selectBox);
            headerRow.off("click" + namespace, selectBoxSelector)
                .on("click" + namespace, selectBoxSelector, function(e)

                    if ($(this).prop("checked"))

    function setTableHeaderSortDirection(element)
        var css = this.options.css,
            iconSelector = getCssSelector(css.icon),
            columnId = element.data("column-id") || element.parents("th").first().data("column-id"),
            sortOrder = this.sortDictionary[columnId],
            icon = element.find(iconSelector);

        if (!this.options.multiSort)
            element.parents("tr").first().find(iconSelector).removeClass(css.iconDown + " " + css.iconUp);
            this.sortDictionary = {};

        if (sortOrder && sortOrder === "asc")
            this.sortDictionary[columnId] = "desc";
        else if (sortOrder && sortOrder === "desc")
            if (this.options.multiSort)
                var newSort = {};
                for (var key in this.sortDictionary)
                    if (key !== columnId)
                        newSort[key] = this.sortDictionary[key];
                this.sortDictionary = newSort;
                this.sortDictionary[columnId] = "asc";
            this.sortDictionary[columnId] = "asc";

    function replacePlaceHolder(placeholder, element)
        placeholder.each(function (index, item)
            // todo: check how append is implemented. Perhaps cloning here is superfluous.

    function showLoading()
        var that = this;

            if (that.element._bgAria("busy") === "true")
                var tpl = that.options.templates,
                    thead = that.element.children("thead").first(),
                    tbody = that.element.children("tbody").first(),
                    firstCell = tbody.find("tr > td").first(),
                    padding = (that.element.height() - thead.height()) - (firstCell.height() + 20),
                    count = that.columns.where(isVisible).length;

                if (that.selection)
                    count = count + 1;
                tbody.html(tpl.loading.resolve(getParams.call(that, { columns: count })));
                if (that.rowCount !== -1 && padding > 0)
                    tbody.find("tr > td").css("padding", "20px 0 " + padding + "px");
        }, 250);

    function sortRows()
        var sortArray = [];

        function sort(x, y, current)
            current = current || 0;
            var next = current + 1,
                item = sortArray[current];

            function sortOrder(value)
                return (item.order === "asc") ? value : value * -1;

            return (x[item.id] > y[item.id]) ? sortOrder(1) :
                (x[item.id] < y[item.id]) ? sortOrder(-1) :
                    (sortArray.length > next) ? sort(x, y, next) : 0;

        if (!this.options.ajax)
            var that = this;

            for (var key in this.sortDictionary)
                if (this.options.multiSort || sortArray.length === 0)
                        id: key,
                        order: this.sortDictionary[key]

            if (sortArray.length > 0)

    // ====================

     * Represents the jQuery Bootgrid plugin.
     * @class Grid
     * @constructor
     * @param element {Object} The corresponding DOM element.
     * @param options {Object} The options to override default settings.
     * @chainable
    var Grid = function(element, options)
        this.element = $(element);
        this.origin = this.element.clone();
        this.options = $.extend(true, {}, Grid.defaults, this.element.data(), options);
        // overrides rowCount explicitly because deep copy ($.extend) leads to strange behaviour
        var rowCount = this.options.rowCount = this.element.data().rowCount || options.rowCount || this.options.rowCount;
        this.columns = [];
        this.current = 1;
        this.currentRows = [];
        this.identifier = null; // The first column ID that is marked as identifier
        this.selection = false;
        this.converter = null; // The converter for the column that is marked as identifier
        this.rowCount = ($.isArray(rowCount)) ? rowCount[0] : rowCount;
        this.rows = [];
        this.searchPhrase = "";
        this.selectedRows = [];
        this.sortDictionary = {};
        this.total = 0;
        this.totalPages = 0;
        this.cachedParams = {
            lbl: this.options.labels,
            css: this.options.css,
            ctx: {}
        this.header = null;
        this.footer = null;
        this.xqr = null;

        // todo: implement cache

     * An object that represents the default settings.
     * @static
     * @class defaults
     * @for Grid
     * @example
     *   // Global approach
     *   $.bootgrid.defaults.selection = true;
     * @example
     *   // Initialization approach
     *   $("#bootgrid").bootgrid({ selection = true });
    Grid.defaults = {
        navigation: 3, // it's a flag: 0 = none, 1 = top, 2 = bottom, 3 = both (top and bottom)
        padding: 2, // page padding (pagination)
        columnSelection: true,
        rowCount: [10, 25, 50, -1], // rows per page int or array of int (-1 represents "All")

         * Enables row selection (to enable multi selection see also `multiSelect`). Default value is `false`.
         * @property selection
         * @type Boolean
         * @default false
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.0.0
        selection: false,

         * Enables multi selection (`selection` must be set to `true` as well). Default value is `false`.
         * @property multiSelect
         * @type Boolean
         * @default false
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.0.0
        multiSelect: false,

         * Enables entire row click selection (`selection` must be set to `true` as well). Default value is `false`.
         * @property rowSelect
         * @type Boolean
         * @default false
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.1.0
        rowSelect: false,

         * Defines whether the row selection is saved internally on filtering, paging and sorting
         * (even if the selected rows are not visible).
         * @property keepSelection
         * @type Boolean
         * @default false
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.1.0
        keepSelection: false,

        highlightRows: false, // highlights new rows (find the page of the first new row)
        sorting: true,
        multiSort: false,

         * General search settings to configure the search field behaviour.
         * @property searchSettings
         * @type Object
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.2.0
        searchSettings: {
             * The time in milliseconds to wait before search gets executed.
             * @property delay
             * @type Number
             * @default 250
             * @for searchSettings
            delay: 250,

             * The characters to type before the search gets executed.
             * @property characters
             * @type Number
             * @default 1
             * @for searchSettings
            characters: 1

         * Defines whether the data shall be loaded via an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) request.
         * @property ajax
         * @type Boolean
         * @default false
         * @for defaults
        ajax: false,

         * Ajax request settings that shall be used for server-side communication.
         * All setting except data, error, success and url can be overridden.
         * For the full list of settings go to http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/.
         * @property ajaxSettings
         * @type Object
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.2.0
        ajaxSettings: {
             * Specifies the HTTP method which shall be used when sending data to the server.
             * Go to http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ for more details.
             * This setting is overriden for backward compatibility.
             * @property method
             * @type String
             * @default "POST"
             * @for ajaxSettings
            method: "POST"

         * Enriches the request object with additional properties. Either a `PlainObject` or a `Function`
         * that returns a `PlainObject` can be passed. Default value is `{}`.
         * @property post
         * @type Object|Function
         * @default function (request) { return request; }
         * @for defaults
         * @deprecated Use instead `requestHandler`
        post: {}, // or use function () { return {}; } (reserved properties are "current", "rowCount", "sort" and "searchPhrase")

         * Sets the data URL to a data service (e.g. a REST service). Either a `String` or a `Function`
         * that returns a `String` can be passed. Default value is `""`.
         * @property url
         * @type String|Function
         * @default ""
         * @for defaults
        url: "", // or use function () { return ""; }

         * Defines whether the search is case sensitive or insensitive.
         * @property caseSensitive
         * @type Boolean
         * @default true
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.1.0
        caseSensitive: true,

        // note: The following properties should not be used via data-api attributes

         * Transforms the JSON request object in what ever is needed on the server-side implementation.
         * @property requestHandler
         * @type Function
         * @default function (request) { return request; }
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.1.0
        requestHandler: function (request) { return request; },

         * Transforms the response object into the expected JSON response object.
         * @property responseHandler
         * @type Function
         * @default function (response) { return response; }
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.1.0
        responseHandler: function (response) { return response; },

         * A list of converters.
         * @property converters
         * @type Object
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.0.0
        converters: {
            numeric: {
                from: function (value) { return +value; }, // converts from string to numeric
                to: function (value) { return value + ""; } // converts from numeric to string
            string: {
                // default converter
                from: function (value) { return value; },
                to: function (value) { return value; }

         * Contains all css classes.
         * @property css
         * @type Object
         * @for defaults
        css: {
            actions: "actions btn-group", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the header and footer
            center: "text-center",
            columnHeaderAnchor: "column-header-anchor", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the column header cell
            columnHeaderText: "text",
            dropDownItem: "dropdown-item", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the actionDropDown,
            dropDownItemButton: "dropdown-item-button", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the actionDropDown
            dropDownItemCheckbox: "dropdown-item-checkbox", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the actionDropDown
            dropDownMenu: "dropdown btn-group", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the actionDropDown
            dropDownMenuItems: "dropdown-menu pull-right", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the actionDropDown
            dropDownMenuText: "dropdown-text", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the actionDropDown
            footer: "bootgrid-footer container-fluid",
            header: "bootgrid-header container-fluid",
            icon: "icon glyphicon",
            iconColumns: "glyphicon-th-list",
            iconDown: "glyphicon-chevron-down",
            iconRefresh: "glyphicon-refresh",
            iconSearch: "glyphicon-search",
            iconUp: "glyphicon-chevron-up",
            infos: "infos", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the header and footer,
            left: "text-left",
            pagination: "pagination", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the header and footer
            paginationButton: "button", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the pagination

             * CSS class to select the parent div which activates responsive mode.
             * @property responsiveTable
             * @type String
             * @default "table-responsive"
             * @for css
             * @since 1.1.0
            responsiveTable: "table-responsive",

            right: "text-right",
            search: "search form-group", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the header and footer
            searchField: "search-field form-control",
            selectBox: "select-box", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the entire table
            selectCell: "select-cell", // must be a unique class name or constellation of class names within the entire table

             * CSS class to highlight selected rows.
             * @property selected
             * @type String
             * @default "active"
             * @for css
             * @since 1.1.0
            selected: "active",

            sortable: "sortable",
            table: "bootgrid-table table"

         * A dictionary of formatters.
         * @property formatters
         * @type Object
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.0.0
        formatters: {},

         * Contains all labels.
         * @property labels
         * @type Object
         * @for defaults
        labels: {
            all: "All",
            infos: "Showing {{ctx.start}} to {{ctx.end}} of {{ctx.total}} entries",
            loading: "Loading...",
            noResults: "No results found!",
            refresh: "Refresh",
            search: "Search"

         * Specifies the mapping between status and contextual classes to color rows.
         * @property statusMapping
         * @type Object
         * @for defaults
         * @since 1.2.0
        statusMapping: {
             * Specifies a successful or positive action.
             * @property 0
             * @type String
             * @for statusMapping
            0: "success",

             * Specifies a neutral informative change or action.
             * @property 1
             * @type String
             * @for statusMapping
            1: "info",

             * Specifies a warning that might need attention.
             * @property 2
             * @type String
             * @for statusMapping
            2: "warning",

             * Specifies a dangerous or potentially negative action.
             * @property 3
             * @type String
             * @for statusMapping
            3: "danger"

         * Contains all templates.
         * @property templates
         * @type Object
         * @for defaults
        templates: {
            actionButton: "<button class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"button\" title=\"{{ctx.text}}\">{{ctx.content}}</button>",
            actionDropDown: "<div class=\"{{css.dropDownMenu}}\"><button class=\"btn btn-default dropdown-toggle\" type=\"button\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\"><span class=\"{{css.dropDownMenuText}}\">{{ctx.content}}</span> <span class=\"caret\"></span></button><ul class=\"{{css.dropDownMenuItems}}\" role=\"menu\"></ul></div>",
            actionDropDownItem: "<li><a href=\"{{ctx.uri}}\" class=\"{{css.dropDownItem}} {{css.dropDownItemButton}}\">{{ctx.text}}</a></li>",
            actionDropDownCheckboxItem: "<li><label class=\"{{css.dropDownItem}}\"><input name=\"{{ctx.name}}\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" class=\"{{css.dropDownItemCheckbox}}\" {{ctx.checked}} /> {{ctx.label}}</label></li>",
            actions: "<div class=\"{{css.actions}}\"></div>",
            body: "<tbody></tbody>",
            cell: "<td class=\"{{ctx.css}}\" style=\"{{ctx.style}}\">{{ctx.content}}</td>",
            footer: "<div id=\"{{ctx.id}}\" class=\"{{css.footer}}\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-sm-6\"><p class=\"{{css.pagination}}\"></p></div><div class=\"col-sm-6 infoBar\"><p class=\"{{css.infos}}\"></p></div></div></div>",
            header: "<div id=\"{{ctx.id}}\" class=\"{{css.header}}\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-sm-12 actionBar\"><p class=\"{{css.search}}\"></p><p class=\"{{css.actions}}\"></p></div></div></div>",
            headerCell: "<th data-column-id=\"{{ctx.column.id}}\" class=\"{{ctx.css}}\" style=\"{{ctx.style}}\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"{{css.columnHeaderAnchor}} {{ctx.sortable}}\"><span class=\"{{css.columnHeaderText}}\">{{ctx.column.text}}</span>{{ctx.icon}}</a></th>",
            icon: "<span class=\"{{css.icon}} {{ctx.iconCss}}\"></span>",
            infos: "<div class=\"{{css.infos}}\">{{lbl.infos}}</div>",
            loading: "<tr><td colspan=\"{{ctx.columns}}\" class=\"loading\">{{lbl.loading}}</td></tr>",
            noResults: "<tr><td colspan=\"{{ctx.columns}}\" class=\"no-results\">{{lbl.noResults}}</td></tr>",
            pagination: "<ul class=\"{{css.pagination}}\"></ul>",
            paginationItem: "<li class=\"{{ctx.css}}\"><a href=\"{{ctx.uri}}\" class=\"{{css.paginationButton}}\">{{ctx.text}}</a></li>",
            rawHeaderCell: "<th class=\"{{ctx.css}}\">{{ctx.content}}</th>", // Used for the multi select box
            row: "<tr{{ctx.attr}}>{{ctx.cells}}</tr>",
            search: "<div class=\"{{css.search}}\"><div class=\"input-group\"><span class=\"{{css.icon}} input-group-addon {{css.iconSearch}}\"></span> <input type=\"text\" class=\"{{css.searchField}}\" placeholder=\"{{lbl.search}}\" /></div></div>",
            select: "<input name=\"select\" type=\"{{ctx.type}}\" class=\"{{css.selectBox}}\" value=\"{{ctx.value}}\" {{ctx.checked}} />"

     * Appends rows.
     * @method append
     * @param rows {Array} An array of rows to append
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.append = function(rows)
        if (this.options.ajax)
            // todo: implement ajax DELETE
            var appendedRows = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
                if (appendRow.call(this, rows[i]))
            highlightAppendedRows.call(this, appendedRows);
            this.element.trigger("appended" + namespace, [appendedRows]);

        return this;

     * Removes all rows.
     * @method clear
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.clear = function()
        if (this.options.ajax)
            // todo: implement ajax POST
            var removedRows = $.extend([], this.rows);
            this.rows = [];
            this.current = 1;
            this.total = 0;
            this.element.trigger("cleared" + namespace, [removedRows]);

        return this;

     * Removes the control functionality completely and transforms the current state to the initial HTML structure.
     * @method destroy
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.destroy = function()
        // todo: this method has to be optimized (the complete initial state must be restored)
        if (this.options.navigation & 1)
        if (this.options.navigation & 2)

        return this;

     * Resets the state and reloads rows.
     * @method reload
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.reload = function()
        this.current = 1; // reset

        return this;

     * refresh grid (OPNsense addition)
     * @method reload
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.refresh = function()

        return this;

     * Removes rows by ids. Removes selected rows if no ids are provided.
     * @method remove
     * @param [rowsIds] {Array} An array of rows ids to remove
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.remove = function(rowIds)
        if (this.identifier != null)
            var that = this;

            if (this.options.ajax)
                // todo: implement ajax DELETE
                rowIds = rowIds || this.selectedRows;
                var id,
                    removedRows = [];

                for (var i = 0; i < rowIds.length; i++)
                    id = rowIds[i];

                    for (var j = 0; j < this.rows.length; j++)
                        if (this.rows[j][this.identifier] === id)
                            this.rows.splice(j, 1);

                this.current = 1; // reset
                this.element.trigger("removed" + namespace, [removedRows]);

        return this;

     * Searches in all rows for a specific phrase (but only in visible cells).
     * The search filter will be reseted, if no argument is provided.
     * @method search
     * @param [phrase] {String} The phrase to search for
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.search = function(phrase)
        phrase = phrase || "";

        if (this.searchPhrase !== phrase)
            var selector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.searchField),
                searchFields = findFooterAndHeaderItems.call(this, selector);

        executeSearch.call(this, phrase);

        return this;

     * Selects rows by ids. Selects all visible rows if no ids are provided.
     * In server-side scenarios only visible rows are selectable.
     * @method select
     * @param [rowsIds] {Array} An array of rows ids to select
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.select = function(rowIds)
        if (this.selection)
            rowIds = rowIds || this.currentRows.propValues(this.identifier);

            var id, i,
                selectedRows = [];

            while (rowIds.length > 0 && !(!this.options.multiSelect && selectedRows.length === 1))
                id = rowIds.pop();
                if ($.inArray(id, this.selectedRows) === -1)
                    for (i = 0; i < this.currentRows.length; i++)
                        if (this.currentRows[i][this.identifier] === id)

            if (selectedRows.length > 0)
                var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox),
                    selectMultiSelectBox = this.selectedRows.length >= this.currentRows.length;

                i = 0;
                while (!this.options.keepSelection && selectMultiSelectBox && i < this.currentRows.length)
                    selectMultiSelectBox = ($.inArray(this.currentRows[i++][this.identifier], this.selectedRows) !== -1);
                this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", selectMultiSelectBox);

                if (!this.options.multiSelect)
                    this.element.find("tbody > tr " + selectBoxSelector + ":checked")
                        .trigger("click" + namespace);

                for (i = 0; i < this.selectedRows.length; i++)
                    this.element.find("tbody > tr[data-row-id=\"" + this.selectedRows[i] + "\"]")
                        .addClass(this.options.css.selected)._bgAria("selected", "true")
                        .find(selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", true);

                this.element.trigger("selected" + namespace, [selectedRows]);

        return this;

     * Deselects rows by ids. Deselects all visible rows if no ids are provided.
     * In server-side scenarios only visible rows are deselectable.
     * @method deselect
     * @param [rowsIds] {Array} An array of rows ids to deselect
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.deselect = function(rowIds)
        if (this.selection)
            rowIds = rowIds || this.currentRows.propValues(this.identifier);

            var id, i, pos,
                deselectedRows = [];

            while (rowIds.length > 0)
                id = rowIds.pop();
                pos = $.inArray(id, this.selectedRows);
                if (pos !== -1)
                    for (i = 0; i < this.currentRows.length; i++)
                        if (this.currentRows[i][this.identifier] === id)
                            this.selectedRows.splice(pos, 1);

            if (deselectedRows.length > 0)
                var selectBoxSelector = getCssSelector(this.options.css.selectBox);

                this.element.find("thead " + selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", false);
                for (i = 0; i < deselectedRows.length; i++)
                    this.element.find("tbody > tr[data-row-id=\"" + deselectedRows[i][this.identifier] + "\"]")
                        .removeClass(this.options.css.selected)._bgAria("selected", "false")
                        .find(selectBoxSelector).prop("checked", false);

                this.element.trigger("deselected" + namespace, [deselectedRows]);

        return this;

     * Sorts the rows by a given sort descriptor dictionary.
     * The sort filter will be reseted, if no argument is provided.
     * @method sort
     * @param [dictionary] {Object} A sort descriptor dictionary that contains the sort information
     * @chainable
    Grid.prototype.sort = function(dictionary)
        var values = (dictionary) ? $.extend({}, dictionary) : {};

        if (values === this.sortDictionary)
            return this;

        this.sortDictionary = values;

        return this;

     * Gets a list of the column settings.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getColumnSettings
     * @return {Array} Returns a list of the column settings.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getColumnSettings = function()
        return $.merge([], this.columns);

     * Gets the current page index.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getCurrentPage
     * @return {Number} Returns the current page index.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getCurrentPage = function()
        return this.current;

     * Gets the current rows.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getCurrentPage
     * @return {Array} Returns the current rows.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getCurrentRows = function()
        return $.merge([], this.currentRows);

     * Gets a number represents the row count per page.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getRowCount
     * @return {Number} Returns the row count per page.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getRowCount = function()
        return this.rowCount;

     * Gets the actual search phrase.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getSearchPhrase
     * @return {String} Returns the actual search phrase.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getSearchPhrase = function()
        return this.searchPhrase;

     * Gets the complete list of currently selected rows.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getSelectedRows
     * @return {Array} Returns all selected rows.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getSelectedRows = function()
        return $.merge([], this.selectedRows);

     * Gets the sort dictionary which represents the state of column sorting.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getSortDictionary
     * @return {Object} Returns the sort dictionary.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getSortDictionary = function()
        return $.extend({}, this.sortDictionary);

     * Gets a number represents the total page count.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getTotalPageCount
     * @return {Number} Returns the total page count.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getTotalPageCount = function()
        return this.totalPages;

     * Gets a number represents the total row count.
     * This method returns only for the first grid instance a value.
     * Therefore be sure that only one grid instance is catched by your selector.
     * @method getTotalRowCount
     * @return {Number} Returns the total row count.
     * @since 1.2.0
    Grid.prototype.getTotalRowCount = function()
        return this.total;

    // ============

        _bgAria: function (name, value)
            return (value) ? this.attr("aria-" + name, value) : this.attr("aria-" + name);

        _bgBusyAria: function(busy)
            return (busy == null || busy) ?
                this._bgAria("busy", "true") :
                this._bgAria("busy", "false");

        _bgRemoveAria: function (name)
            return this.removeAttr("aria-" + name);

        _bgEnableAria: function (enable)
            return (enable == null || enable) ?
                this.removeClass("disabled")._bgAria("disabled", "false") :
                this.addClass("disabled")._bgAria("disabled", "true");

        _bgEnableField: function (enable)
            return (enable == null || enable) ?
                this.removeAttr("disabled") :
                this.attr("disabled", "disable");

        _bgShowAria: function (show)
            return (show == null || show) ?
                this.show()._bgAria("hidden", "false") :
                this.hide()._bgAria("hidden", "true");

        _bgSelectAria: function (select)
            return (select == null || select) ?
                this.addClass("active")._bgAria("selected", "true") :
                this.removeClass("active")._bgAria("selected", "false");

        _bgId: function (id)
            return (id) ? this.attr("id", id) : this.attr("id");

    if (!String.prototype.resolve)
        var formatter = {
            "checked": function(value)
                if (typeof value === "boolean")
                    return (value) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "";
                return value;

        String.prototype.resolve = function (substitutes, prefixes)
            var result = this;
            $.each(substitutes, function (key, value)
                if (value != null && typeof value !== "function")
                    if (typeof value === "object")
                        var keys = (prefixes) ? $.extend([], prefixes) : [];
                        result = result.resolve(value, keys) + "";
                        if (formatter && formatter[key] && typeof formatter[key] === "function")
                            value = formatter[key](value);
                        key = (prefixes) ? prefixes.join(".") + "." + key : key;
                        var pattern = new RegExp("\\{\\{" + key + "\\}\\}", "gm");
                        result = result.replace(pattern, (value.replace) ? value.replace(/\$/gi, "&#36;") : value);
            return result;

    if (!Array.prototype.first)
        Array.prototype.first = function (condition)
            for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
                var item = this[i];
                if (condition(item))
                    return item;
            return null;

    if (!Array.prototype.contains)
        Array.prototype.contains = function (condition)
            for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
                var item = this[i];
                if (condition(item))
                    return true;
            return false;

    if (!Array.prototype.page)
        Array.prototype.page = function (page, size)
            var skip = (page - 1) * size,
                end = skip + size;
            return (this.length > skip) ?
                (this.length > end) ? this.slice(skip, end) :
                    this.slice(skip) : [];

    if (!Array.prototype.where)
        Array.prototype.where = function (condition)
            var result = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
                var item = this[i];
                if (condition(item))
            return result;

    if (!Array.prototype.propValues)
        Array.prototype.propValues = function (propName)
            var result = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
            return result;

    // =====================

    var old = $.fn.bootgrid;

    $.fn.bootgrid = function (option)
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
            returnValue = null,
            elements = this.each(function (index)
                var $this = $(this),
                    instance = $this.data(namespace),
                    options = typeof option === "object" && option;

                if (!instance && option === "destroy")
                if (!instance)
                    $this.data(namespace, (instance = new Grid(this, options)));
                if (typeof option === "string")
                    if (option.indexOf("get") === 0 && index === 0)
                        returnValue = instance[option].apply(instance, args);
                    else if (option.indexOf("get") !== 0)
                        return instance[option].apply(instance, args);
        return (typeof option === "string" && option.indexOf("get") === 0) ? returnValue : elements;

    $.fn.bootgrid.Constructor = Grid;

    // ===============

    $.fn.bootgrid.noConflict = function ()
        $.fn.bootgrid = old;
        return this;

    // ============

})(jQuery, window);