This is a very simple example of how to generate configuration files based on templates. In +TARGETS you can find the mapping between this template and the output it should generate. Now lets retrieve some configuration data from the OPNsense configuration file: last change date : {{ lastchange|default('unknown') }} version according to config.xml : {{ version|default('?') }} list of configured network interfaces : {% for key,item in interfaces.iteritems() %} interface {{ key }} --- interface {{ item.if }} --- address {{ item.ipaddr }} --- subnet {{ item.subnet }} {% endfor %} and a short list of firewall rules created (multiple rule items in filter section): {% for item in filter.rule%} descr : {{ item.descr }} type : {{ item.type }} interface : {{ item.interface }} ( which has ip {{ interfaces[item.interface].ipaddr }} ) {% endfor %} The full documentation for the template engine can be found at : A sample with multiple output files ( for example based on interface ) can be found in the example_config.txt template {% if helpers.exists('filter.rule') %} filter.rule exists {% endif %}