<?PHP /* pfSense_MODULE: notifications */ class Growl { const GROWL_PRIORITY_LOW = -2; const GROWL_PRIORITY_MODERATE = -1; const GROWL_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 0; const GROWL_PRIORITY_HIGH = 1; const GROWL_PRIORITY_EMERGENCY = 2; private $appName; private $address; private $notifications; private $password; private $port; public function __construct($address, $password = '', $app_name = 'PHP-Growl') { $this->appName = utf8_encode($app_name); $this->address = $address; $this->notifications = array(); $this->password = $password; $this->port = 9887; } public function addNotification($name, $enabled = true) { $this->notifications[] = array('name' => utf8_encode($name), 'enabled' => $enabled); } public function register() { $data = ''; $defaults = ''; $num_defaults = 0; for($i = 0; $i < count($this->notifications); $i++) { $data .= pack('n', strlen($this->notifications[$i]['name'])) . $this->notifications[$i]['name']; if($this->notifications[$i]['enabled']) { $defaults .= pack('c', $i); $num_defaults++; } } // pack(Protocol version, type, app name, number of notifications to register) $data = pack('c2nc2', 1, 0, strlen($this->appName), count($this->notifications), $num_defaults) . $this->appName . $data . $defaults; $data .= pack('H32', md5($data . $this->password)); return $this->send($data); } public function notify($name, $title, $message, $priority = 0, $sticky = false) { $name = utf8_encode($name); $title = utf8_encode($title); $message = utf8_encode($message); $priority = intval($priority); $flags = ($priority & 7) * 2; if($priority < 0) $flags |= 8; if($sticky) $flags |= 1; // pack(protocol version, type, priority/sticky flags, notification name length, title length, message length. app name length) $data = pack('c2n5', 1, 1, $flags, strlen($name), strlen($title), strlen($message), strlen($this->appName)); $data .= $name . $title . $message . $this->appName; $data .= pack('H32', md5($data . $this->password)); return $this->send($data); } private function send($data) { if(function_exists('socket_create') && function_exists('socket_sendto')) { $sck = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); if ($sck) { socket_sendto($sck, $data, strlen($data), 0x100, $this->address, $this->port); return true; } } elseif(function_exists('fsockopen')) { if ($this->address) { $fp = @fsockopen('udp://' . $this->address, $this->port); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); return true; } } } return false; } } ?>