<?php /* * Coypright (C) 2016 Franco Fichtner <franco@opnsense.org> * Copyright (C) 2008 Shrew Soft Inc * Copyright (C) 2008 Ermal Luçi * Copyright (C) 2004 Scott Ullrich * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper <mk@neon1.net> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ function vpn_configure() { return array( 'vpn_pptpd_configure', 'vpn_pppoes_configure', 'vpn_l2tp_configure' ); } function vpn_services() { global $config; $services = array(); if (isset($config['pptpd']['mode']) && $config['pptpd']['mode'] == 'server') { $services[] = array( 'description' => gettext('PPTP Server'), 'pidfile' => '/var/run/pptp-vpn.pid', 'php' => array( 'restart' => array('vpn_pptpd_configure'), 'start' => array('vpn_pptpd_configure'), ), 'name' => 'pptpd', ); } if (isset($config['l2tp']['mode']) && $config['l2tp']['mode'] == 'server') { $services[] = array( 'description' => gettext('L2TP Server'), 'pidfile' => '/var/run/l2tp-vpn.pid', 'php' => array( 'restart' => array('vpn_l2tp_configure'), 'start' => array('vpn_l2tp_configure'), ), 'name' => 'l2tpd', ); } if (isset($config['pppoes']['pppoe'])) { foreach ($config['pppoes']['pppoe'] as $pppoecfg) { if (isset($pppoecfg['mode']) && $pppoecfg['mode'] == 'server') { $services[] = array( 'description' => gettext('PPPoE Server') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($pppoecfg['descr']), 'php' => array( 'restart' => array('vpn_pppoe_configure_by_id'), 'start' => array('vpn_pppoe_configure_by_id'), 'args' => array('id'), ), 'pidfile' => "/var/run/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn.pid", 'id' => $pppoecfg['pppoeid'], 'name' => 'pppoed', ); } } } return $services; } /** * request syslog facilities for this plugin * @return array */ function vpn_syslog() { $logfacilities = array(); $logfacilities['pptps'] = array("facility" => array('pptps'), "remote" => null); $logfacilities['poes'] = array("facility" => array('poes'), "remote" => null); $logfacilities['l2tps'] = array("facility" => array('l2tps'), "remote" => null); return $logfacilities; } function vpn_pptpd_configure() { global $config; $syscfg = $config['system']; $pptpdcfg = $config['pptpd']; killbypid('/var/run/pptp-vpn.pid', 'TERM', true); if (!isset($pptpdcfg['mode']) || ($pptpdcfg['mode'] != 'server' && $pptpdcfg['mode'] != 'redir')) { return 0; } if (file_exists('/var/run/booting')) { echo gettext("Configuring PPTP VPN service..."); } /* remove mpd.conf, if it exists */ @unlink('/var/etc/pptp-vpn/mpd.conf'); @unlink('/var/etc/pptp-vpn/mpd.links'); @unlink('/var/etc/pptp-vpn/mpd.secret'); if (empty($pptpdcfg['n_pptp_units'])) { log_error("Something wrong in the PPTPd configuration. Preventing starting the daemon because issues would arise."); return; } /* make sure pptp-vpn directory exists */ @mkdir('/var/etc/pptp-vpn'); switch ($pptpdcfg['mode']) { case 'server': /* write mpd.conf */ $fd = fopen('/var/etc/pptp-vpn/mpd.conf', 'w'); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.conf in vpn_pptpd_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdconf = <<<EOD pptps: EOD; for ($i = 0; $i < $pptpdcfg['n_pptp_units']; $i++) { $mpdconf .= " load pt{$i}\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $pptpdcfg['n_pptp_units']; $i++) { $clientip = long2ip32(ip2long($pptpdcfg['remoteip']) + $i); $mpdconf .= <<<EOD pt{$i}: new -i pptpd{$i} pt{$i} pt{$i} set ipcp ranges {$pptpdcfg['localip']}/32 {$clientip}/32 load pts EOD; } $mpdconf .=<<<EOD pts: set iface disable on-demand set iface enable proxy-arp set iface enable tcpmssfix set iface idle 1800 set iface up-script /usr/local/sbin/vpn-linkup set iface down-script /usr/local/sbin/vpn-linkdown set bundle enable multilink set bundle enable crypt-reqd set link yes acfcomp protocomp set link no pap chap set link enable chap-msv2 set link mtu 1460 set link keep-alive 10 60 set ipcp yes vjcomp set bundle enable compression set ccp yes mppc set ccp yes mpp-e128 set ccp yes mpp-stateless EOD; if (!isset($pptpdcfg['req128'])) { $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set ccp yes mpp-e40 set ccp yes mpp-e56 EOD; } if (isset($pptpdcfg["wins"]) && $pptpdcfg['wins'] != "") { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp nbns {$pptpdcfg['wins']}\n"; } if (!empty($pptpdcfg['dns1'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . $pptpdcfg['dns1']; if (!empty($pptpdcfg['dns2'])) { $mpdconf .= " " . $pptpdcfg['dns2']; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (isset($config['dnsmasq']['enable'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . get_interface_ip("lan"); if ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0]) { $mpdconf .= " " . $syscfg['dnsserver'][0]; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (isset($config['unbound']['enable'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . get_interface_ip("lan"); if ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0]) { $mpdconf .= " " . $syscfg['dnsserver'][0]; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (is_array($syscfg['dnsserver']) && ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . join(" ", $syscfg['dnsserver']) . "\n"; } if (isset($pptpdcfg['radius']['server']['enable'])) { $authport = (isset($pptpdcfg['radius']['server']['port']) && strlen($pptpdcfg['radius']['server']['port']) > 1) ? $pptpdcfg['radius']['server']['port'] : 1812; $acctport = $authport + 1; $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set radius server {$pptpdcfg['radius']['server']['ip']} "{$pptpdcfg['radius']['server']['secret']}" {$authport} {$acctport} EOD; if (isset($pptpdcfg['radius']['server2']['enable'])) { $authport = (isset($pptpdcfg['radius']['server2']['port']) && strlen($pptpdcfg['radius']['server2']['port']) > 1) ? $pptpdcfg['radius']['server2']['port'] : 1812; $acctport = $authport + 1; $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set radius server {$pptpdcfg['radius']['server2']['ip']} "{$pptpdcfg['radius']['server2']['secret2']}" {$authport} {$acctport} EOD; } $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set radius retries 3 set radius timeout 10 set auth enable radius-auth EOD; if (isset($pptpdcfg['radius']['accounting'])) { $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set auth enable radius-acct set radius acct-update 300 EOD; } } fwrite($fd, $mpdconf); fclose($fd); unset($mpdconf); /* write mpd.links */ $fd = fopen('/var/etc/pptp-vpn/mpd.links', 'w'); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.links in vpn_pptpd_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdlinks = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $pptpdcfg['n_pptp_units']; $i++) { $mpdlinks .=<<<EOD pt{$i}: set link type pptp set pptp enable incoming set pptp disable originate set pptp disable windowing EOD; } fwrite($fd, $mpdlinks); fclose($fd); unset($mpdlinks); /* write mpd.secret */ $fd = fopen('/var/etc/pptp-vpn/mpd.secret', 'w'); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.secret in vpn_pptpd_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdsecret = ""; if (is_array($pptpdcfg['user'])) { foreach ($pptpdcfg['user'] as $user) { $pass = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $user['password']); $pass = str_replace('"', '\"', $pass); $mpdsecret .= "{$user['name']} \"{$pass}\" {$user['ip']}\n"; } } fwrite($fd, $mpdsecret); fclose($fd); unset($mpdsecret); chmod('/var/etc/pptp-vpn/mpd.secret', 0600); /* fixed to WAN elsewhere, no need to extend, but at least make it work */ legacy_netgraph_attach(get_real_interface('wan')); mwexec('/usr/local/sbin/mpd4 -b -d /var/etc/pptp-vpn -p /var/run/pptp-vpn.pid -s pptps pptps'); break; case 'redir': break; } if (file_exists('/var/run/booting')) { echo gettext("done") . "\n"; } return 0; } function vpn_pppoes_configure() { global $config; if (isset($config['pppoes']['pppoe'])) { foreach ($config['pppoes']['pppoe'] as $pppoe) { vpn_pppoe_configure($pppoe); } } } function vpn_pppoe_configure_by_id($id) { global $config; $found = null; if (isset($config['pppoes']['pppoe'])) { foreach ($config['pppoes']['pppoe'] as $pppoe) { if ($id != 0 && $id == $pppoe['pppoeid']) { $found = $pppoe; break; } } } if ($found == null) { return; } vpn_pppoe_configure($found); } function vpn_pppoe_configure(&$pppoecfg) { global $config; $syscfg = $config['system']; killbypid("/var/run/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn.pid", 'TERM', true); if (!isset($pppoecfg['mode']) || $pppoecfg['mode'] != 'server') { return 0; } if (file_exists('/var/run/booting')) { echo gettext("Configuring PPPoE VPN service..."); } switch ($pppoecfg['mode']) { case 'server': /* create directory if it does not exist */ @mkdir("/var/etc/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn"); $pppoe_interface = get_real_interface($pppoecfg['interface']); if ($pppoecfg['paporchap'] == "chap") { $paporchap = "set link enable chap"; } else { $paporchap = "set link enable pap"; } /* write mpd.conf */ $fd = fopen("/var/etc/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn/mpd.conf", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.conf in vpn_pppoe_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdconf = "\n\n"; $mpdconf .= "poes:\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $pppoecfg['n_pppoe_units']; $i++) { $mpdconf .= " load poes{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}{$i}\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $pppoecfg['n_pppoe_units']; $i++) { $clientip = long2ip32(ip2long($pppoecfg['remoteip']) + $i); if (isset($pppoecfg['radius']['radiusissueips']) && isset($pppoecfg['radius']['server']['enable'])) { $isssue_ip_type = "set ipcp ranges {$pppoecfg['localip']}/32"; } else { $isssue_ip_type = "set ipcp ranges {$pppoecfg['localip']}/32 {$clientip}/32"; } $mpdconf .=<<<EOD poes{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}{$i}: new -i poes{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}{$i} poes{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}{$i} poes{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}{$i} {$isssue_ip_type} load pppoe_standard EOD; } $mpdconf .=<<<EOD pppoe_standard: set bundle no multilink set bundle enable compression set auth max-logins 1 set iface up-script /usr/local/sbin/vpn-linkup set iface down-script /usr/local/sbin/vpn-linkdown set iface idle 0 set iface disable on-demand set iface disable proxy-arp set iface enable tcpmssfix set iface mtu 1500 set link no pap chap {$paporchap} set link keep-alive 60 180 set ipcp yes vjcomp set ipcp no vjcomp set link max-redial -1 set link mtu 1492 set link mru 1492 set ccp yes mpp-e40 set ccp yes mpp-e128 set ccp yes mpp-stateless set link latency 1 #set ipcp dns #set bundle accept encryption EOD; if (!empty($pppoecfg['dns1'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . $pppoecfg['dns1']; if (!empty($pppoecfg['dns2'])) { $mpdconf .= " " . $pppoecfg['dns2']; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (isset($config['dnsmasq']['enable'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . get_interface_ip("lan"); if ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0]) { $mpdconf .= " " . $syscfg['dnsserver'][0]; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (isset($config['unbound']['enable'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . get_interface_ip("lan"); if ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0]) { $mpdconf .= " " . $syscfg['dnsserver'][0]; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (is_array($syscfg['dnsserver']) && ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . join(" ", $syscfg['dnsserver']) . "\n"; } if (isset($pppoecfg['radius']['server']['enable'])) { $radiusport = ""; $radiusacctport = ""; if (isset($pppoecfg['radius']['server']['port'])) { $radiusport = $pppoecfg['radius']['server']['port']; } if (isset($pppoecfg['radius']['server']['acctport'])) { $radiusacctport = $pppoecfg['radius']['server']['acctport']; } $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set radius server {$pppoecfg['radius']['server']['ip']} "{$pppoecfg['radius']['server']['secret']}" {$radiusport} {$radiusacctport} set radius retries 3 set radius timeout 10 set auth enable radius-auth EOD; if (isset($pppoecfg['radius']['accounting'])) { $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set auth enable radius-acct EOD; } } fwrite($fd, $mpdconf); fclose($fd); unset($mpdconf); /* write mpd.links */ $fd = fopen("/var/etc/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn/mpd.links", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.links in vpn_pppoe_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdlinks = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $pppoecfg['n_pppoe_units']; $i++) { $mpdlinks .=<<<EOD poes{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}{$i}: set phys type pppoe set pppoe iface {$pppoe_interface} set pppoe service "*" set pppoe disable originate set pppoe enable incoming EOD; } fwrite($fd, $mpdlinks); fclose($fd); unset($mpdlinks); if ($pppoecfg['username']) { /* write mpd.secret */ $fd = fopen("/var/etc/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn/mpd.secret", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.secret in vpn_pppoe_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdsecret = "\n\n"; if (!empty($pppoecfg['username'])) { $item = explode(" ", $pppoecfg['username']); foreach ($item as $userdata) { $data = explode(":", $userdata); $mpdsecret .= "{$data[0]} \"" . base64_decode($data[1]) . "\" {$data[2]}\n"; } } fwrite($fd, $mpdsecret); fclose($fd); unset($mpdsecret); chmod("/var/etc/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn/mpd.secret", 0600); } legacy_netgraph_attach($pppoe_interface); mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/mpd4 -b -d /var/etc/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn -p /var/run/pppoe{$pppoecfg['pppoeid']}-vpn.pid -s poes poes"); break; } if (file_exists('/var/run/booting')) { echo gettext("done") . "\n"; } return 0; } function vpn_l2tp_configure() { global $config; killbypid('/var/run/l2tp-vpn.pid', 'TERM', true); $syscfg = $config['system']; if (isset($config['l2tp'])) { $l2tpcfg = $config['l2tp']; } else { return 0; } if (!isset($l2tpcfg['mode']) || $l2tpcfg['mode'] != 'server') { return 0; } if (file_exists('/var/run/booting')) { echo gettext('Configuring L2TP VPN service...'); } @mkdir('/var/etc/l2tp-vpn'); switch (isset($l2tpcfg['mode'])?$l2tpcfg['mode']:null) { case 'server': if ($l2tpcfg['paporchap'] == "chap") { $paporchap = "set link enable chap"; } else { $paporchap = "set link enable pap"; } /* write mpd.conf */ $fd = fopen("/var/etc/l2tp-vpn/mpd.conf", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.conf in vpn_l2tp_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdconf = "\n\n"; $mpdconf .=<<<EOD l2tps: EOD; for ($i = 0; $i < $l2tpcfg['n_l2tp_units']; $i++) { $mpdconf .= " load l2tp{$i}\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $l2tpcfg['n_l2tp_units']; $i++) { $clientip = long2ip32(ip2long($l2tpcfg['remoteip']) + $i); if (isset($l2tpcfg['radius']['radiusissueips']) && isset($l2tpcfg['radius']['enable'])) { $isssue_ip_type = "set ipcp ranges {$l2tpcfg['localip']}/32"; } else { $isssue_ip_type = "set ipcp ranges {$l2tpcfg['localip']}/32 {$clientip}/32"; } $mpdconf .=<<<EOD l2tp{$i}: new -i l2tp{$i} l2tp{$i} l2tp{$i} {$isssue_ip_type} load l2tp_standard EOD; } $mpdconf .=<<<EOD l2tp_standard: set bundle disable multilink set bundle enable compression set bundle yes crypt-reqd set ipcp yes vjcomp # set ipcp ranges set ccp yes mppc set iface disable on-demand set iface enable proxy-arp set iface up-script /usr/local/sbin/vpn-linkup set iface down-script /usr/local/sbin/vpn-linkdown set link yes acfcomp protocomp set link no pap chap set link enable chap set link keep-alive 10 180 EOD; if (is_ipaddr($l2tpcfg['wins'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp nbns {$l2tpcfg['wins']}\n"; } if (is_ipaddr($l2tpcfg['dns1'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . $l2tpcfg['dns1']; if (is_ipaddr($l2tpcfg['dns2'])) { $mpdconf .= " " . $l2tpcfg['dns2']; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (isset($config['dnsmasq']['enable'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . get_interface_ip("lan"); if ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0]) { $mpdconf .= " " . $syscfg['dnsserver'][0]; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (isset($config['unbound']['enable'])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . get_interface_ip("lan"); if ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0]) { $mpdconf .= " " . $syscfg['dnsserver'][0]; } $mpdconf .= "\n"; } elseif (is_array($syscfg['dnsserver']) && ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0])) { $mpdconf .= " set ipcp dns " . join(" ", $syscfg['dnsserver']) . "\n"; } if (isset($l2tpcfg['radius']['enable'])) { $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set radius server {$l2tpcfg['radius']['server']} "{$l2tpcfg['radius']['secret']}" set radius retries 3 set radius timeout 10 set auth enable radius-auth EOD; if (isset($l2tpcfg['radius']['accounting'])) { $mpdconf .=<<<EOD set auth enable radius-acct EOD; } } fwrite($fd, $mpdconf); fclose($fd); unset($mpdconf); /* write mpd.links */ $fd = fopen("/var/etc/l2tp-vpn/mpd.links", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.links in vpn_l2tp_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdlinks = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $l2tpcfg['n_l2tp_units']; $i++) { $mpdlinks .=<<<EOD l2tp{$i}: set link type l2tp set l2tp enable incoming set l2tp disable originate EOD; if (!empty($l2tpcfg['secret'])) { $mpdlinks .= "set l2tp secret {$l2tpcfg['secret']}\n"; } } fwrite($fd, $mpdlinks); fclose($fd); unset($mpdlinks); /* write mpd.secret */ $fd = fopen("/var/etc/l2tp-vpn/mpd.secret", "w"); if (!$fd) { printf(gettext("Error: cannot open mpd.secret in vpn_l2tp_configure().") . "\n"); return 1; } $mpdsecret = "\n\n"; if (is_array($l2tpcfg['user'])) { foreach ($l2tpcfg['user'] as $user) { $mpdsecret .= "{$user['name']} \"{$user['password']}\" {$user['ip']}\n"; } } fwrite($fd, $mpdsecret); fclose($fd); unset($mpdsecret); chmod('/var/etc/l2tp-vpn/mpd.secret', 0600); legacy_netgraph_attach(get_real_interface($l2tpcfg['interface'])); mwexec('/usr/local/sbin/mpd4 -b -d /var/etc/l2tp-vpn -p /var/run/l2tp-vpn.pid -s l2tps l2tps'); break; case 'redir': break; } if (file_exists('/var/run/booting')) { echo gettext("done") . "\n"; } return 0; }