#!/usr/local/bin/php <?php require_once('config.inc'); $cnf = OPNsense\Core\Config::getInstance(); $confvers = $cnf->getBackups(true); $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); function print_backup_info($backup_info, $number) { if($backup_info['time'] != 0) $date = date(gettext("n/j/y H:i:s"), $backup_info['time']); else $date = gettext("Unknown"); list($page, $reason) = explode(": ", $backup_info['description'], 2); if (empty($reason)) { $reason = $page; $page = gettext("Unknown Page"); } echo sprintf("%02d", $number) . ". {$date}\tv{$backup_info['version']}\t{$page}\n"; if ($reason) { echo " {$reason}\n"; } } function list_backups($which="all") { global $confvers; if (count($confvers) == 0) { echo gettext("No backups found in the configuration history."); return; } $c = 0 ; foreach ($confvers as $filename => $bckinfo) { $c++; if (is_numeric($which) && ($c != $which)) continue; print_backup_info($bckinfo,$c); } } function choose_backup() { global $fp, $confvers; if (count($confvers) == 0) { echo gettext("No backups found in the configuration history."); return -1; } echo gettext("Which configuration would you like to restore?") . "\n"; echo " 1-" . count($confvers) . " : "; $number = strtoupper(chop(fgets($fp))); if (is_numeric($number) && ($number > 0) && ($number <= count($confvers))) { return $number; } else { echo gettext("That is not a valid backup number.\n"); return -1; } } function restore_history_backup($number) { global $fp, $confvers; if (is_numeric($number) && ($number > 0) && ($number <= count($confvers))) { echo "\n" . gettext("Is this the backup you wish to restore?") . "\n"; list_backups($number); $filename = array_keys($confvers)[$number-1]; $thisbackup = $confvers[$filename]; echo gettext("Y/N?") . " : "; $confirm = strtoupper(chop(fgets($fp))); if ($confirm == gettext("Y")) { $cnf = OPNsense\Core\Config::getInstance(); if($cnf->restoreBackup($filename)){ echo "\n"; echo sprintf(gettext('Successfully reverted to timestamp %s with description "%s".'), date(gettext("n/j/y H:i:s"), $thisbackup['time']), $thisbackup['description']); echo "\n" . gettext("You may need to reboot the firewall or restart services before the restored configuration is fully active.") . "\n\n"; } else { echo gettext("Unable to revert to the selected configuration.") . "\n"; } } else { echo gettext("Restore canceled.") . "\n"; } } else { echo gettext("Restore canceled due to invalid input.") . "\n"; } } while (true) { echo "\n"; echo gettext("Restore Backup from Configuration History") . "\n\n"; echo "1) " . gettext("List Backups") . "\n"; echo "2) " . gettext("Restore Backup") . "\n"; echo "Q) " . gettext("Quit") . "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo gettext("Please select an option to continue") . ": "; $command = strtolower(chop(fgets($fp))); // Make sure we can detect a foreign language "quit" command. if (strtolower($command) == gettext("quit")) $command = "quit"; switch ($command) { case "q": case "quit": echo "\n"; fclose($fp); die; break; case "1": list_backups(); break; case "2": $number = choose_backup(); restore_history_backup($number); fclose($fp); die; break; } } fclose($fp);