<?php /****h* pfSense/config * NAME * config.inc - Functions to manipulate config.xml * DESCRIPTION * This include contains various config.xml specific functions. * HISTORY * $Id$ ****** config.console.inc Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Scott Ullrich All rights reserved. originally part of m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch/wall) Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper <mk@neon1.net>. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. pfSense_BUILDER_BINARIES: /sbin/mount /sbin/umount /sbin/halt /sbin/fsck pfSense_MODULE: config */ function set_networking_interfaces_ports() { global $noreboot; global $config; global $g; global $fp; $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $memory = get_memory(); $physmem = $memory[0]; $realmem = $memory[1]; if($physmem < $g['minimum_ram_warning']) { echo "\n\n\n"; echo gettext("DANGER! WARNING! ACHTUNG!") . "\n\n"; printf(gettext("%s requires *AT LEAST* %s RAM to function correctly.%s"), $g['product_name'], $g['minimum_ram_warning_text'], "\n"); printf(gettext("Only (%s) MB RAM has been detected, with (%s) available to %s.%s"), $realmem, $physmem, $g['product_name'], "\n"); echo "\n" . gettext("Press ENTER to continue.") . " "; fgets($fp); echo "\n"; } $iflist = get_interface_list(); /* Function flow is based on $key and $auto_assign or the lack thereof */ $key = null; /* Only present auto interface option if running from LiveCD and interface mismatch*/ if ((preg_match("/cdrom/", $g['platform'])) && is_interface_mismatch()) $auto_assign = false; echo <<<EOD Valid interfaces are: EOD; if(!is_array($iflist)) { echo gettext("No interfaces found!") . "\n"; $iflist = array(); } else { foreach ($iflist as $iface => $ifa) { echo sprintf("% -7s%s %s %s\n", $iface, $ifa['mac'], $ifa['up'] ? " (up)" : "(down)", $ifa['dmesg']); } } if ($auto_assign) { echo <<<EOD !!! LiveCD Detected: Auto Interface Option !!!! BEGIN MANUAL CONFIGURATION OR WE WILL PROCEED WITH AUTO CONFIGURATION. EOD; } echo <<<EOD Do you want to set up VLANs first? If you are not going to use VLANs, or only for optional interfaces, you should say no here and use the webConfigurator to configure VLANs later, if required. Do you want to set up VLANs now [y|n]? EOD; if ($auto_assign) { $key = timeout(); } else $key = chop(fgets($fp)); if (!isset($key) and $auto_assign) { // Auto Assign Interfaces do { echo <<<EOD !!! Auto Assigning Interfaces !!! For installation purposes, you must plug in at least one NIC for the LAN connection. If you plug in a second NIC it will be assigned to WAN. Otherwise, we'll temporarily assign WAN to the next available NIC found regardless of activity. You should assign and configure the WAN interface according to your requirements If you haven't plugged in any network cables yet, now is the time to do so. We'll keep trying until you do. Searching for active interfaces... EOD; unset($wanif, $lanif); $media_iflist = $plugged_in = array(); $media_iflist = get_interface_list("media"); foreach ($media_iflist as $iface => $ifa) { if ($ifa['up']) $plugged_in[] = $iface; } $lanif = array_shift($plugged_in); $wanif = array_shift($plugged_in); if(isset($lanif) && !isset($wanif)) { foreach ($iflist as $iface => $ifa) { if ($iface != $lanif) { $wanif = $iface; break; } } } echo <<<EOD Assigned WAN to : $wanif Assigned LAN to : $lanif If you don't like this assignment, press any key to go back to manual configuration. EOD; $key = timeout(20); if(isset($key)) return; } while (!isset($wanif)); $config['system']['enablesshd'] = 'enabled'; $key = 'y'; } else { //Manually assign interfaces if (in_array($key, array('y', 'Y'))) vlan_setup(); if (is_array($config['vlans']['vlan']) && count($config['vlans']['vlan'])) { echo "\n\n" . gettext("VLAN interfaces:") . "\n\n"; foreach ($config['vlans']['vlan'] as $vlan) { echo sprintf("% -16s%s\n", "{$vlan['if']}_vlan{$vlan['tag']}", "VLAN tag {$vlan['tag']}, parent interface {$vlan['if']}"); $iflist[$vlan['if'] . '_vlan' . $vlan['tag']] = array(); } } echo <<<EOD If you do not know the names of your interfaces, you may choose to use auto-detection. In that case, disconnect all interfaces now before hitting 'a' to initiate auto detection. EOD; do { echo "\n" . gettext("Enter the WAN interface name or 'a' for auto-detection:") . " "; $wanif = chop(fgets($fp)); if ($wanif === "") { return; } if ($wanif === "a") $wanif = autodetect_interface("WAN", $fp); else if (!array_key_exists($wanif, $iflist)) { printf(gettext("%sInvalid interface name '%s'%s"), "\n", $wanif, "\n"); unset($wanif); continue; } } while (!$wanif); do { printf(gettext("%sEnter the LAN interface name or 'a' for auto-detection %s" . "NOTE: this enables full Firewalling/NAT mode.%s" . "(or nothing if finished):%s"), "\n", "\n", "\n", " "); $lanif = chop(fgets($fp)); if($lanif == "exit") { exit; } if($lanif == "") { break; } if ($lanif === "a") $lanif = autodetect_interface("LAN", $fp); else if (!array_key_exists($lanif, $iflist)) { printf(gettext("%sInvalid interface name '%s'%s"), "\n", $lanif, "\n"); unset($lanif); continue; } } while (!$lanif); /* optional interfaces */ $i = 0; $optif = array(); if($lanif <> "") { while (1) { if ($optif[$i]) $i++; $io = $i + 1; if($config['interfaces']['opt' . $io]['descr']) printf(gettext("%sOptional interface %s description found: %s"), "\n", $io, $config['interfaces']['opt' . $io]['descr']); printf(gettext("%sEnter the Optional %s interface name or 'a' for auto-detection%s" . "(or nothing if finished):%s"), "\n", $io, "\n", " "); $optif[$i] = chop(fgets($fp)); if ($optif[$i]) { if ($optif[$i] === "a") { $ad = autodetect_interface(gettext("Optional") . " " . $io, $fp); if ($ad) $optif[$i] = $ad; else unset($optif[$i]); } else if (!array_key_exists($optif[$i], $iflist)) { printf(gettext("%sInvalid interface name '%s'%s"), "\n", $optif[$i], "\n"); unset($optif[$i]); continue; } } else { unset($optif[$i]); break; } } } /* check for double assignments */ $ifarr = array_merge(array($lanif, $wanif), $optif); for ($i = 0; $i < (count($ifarr)-1); $i++) { for ($j = ($i+1); $j < count($ifarr); $j++) { if ($ifarr[$i] == $ifarr[$j]) { echo <<<EOD Error: you cannot assign the same interface name twice! EOD; fclose($fp); return; } } } echo "\n" . gettext("The interfaces will be assigned as follows:") . "\n\n"; echo "WAN -> " . $wanif . "\n"; if ($lanif != "") echo "LAN -> " . $lanif . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($optif); $i++) { echo "OPT" . ($i+1) . " -> " . $optif[$i] . "\n"; } echo <<<EOD Do you want to proceed [y|n]? EOD; $key = chop(fgets($fp)); } if (in_array($key, array('y', 'Y'))) { if($lanif) { if (!is_array($config['interfaces']['lan'])) $config['interfaces']['lan'] = array(); $config['interfaces']['lan']['if'] = $lanif; $config['interfaces']['lan']['enable'] = true; } elseif (!$g['booting'] && !$auto_assign) { echo <<<EODD You have chosen to remove the LAN interface. Would you like to remove the LAN IP address and unload the interface now? [y|n]? EODD; if (strcasecmp(chop(fgets($fp)), "y") == 0) { if(isset($config['interfaces']['lan']) && $config['interfaces']['lan']['if']) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . $config['interfaces']['lan']['if'] . " delete"); } if(isset($config['interfaces']['lan'])) unset($config['interfaces']['lan']); if(isset($config['dhcpd']['lan'])) unset($config['dhcpd']['lan']); if(isset($config['interfaces']['lan']['if'])) unset($config['interfaces']['lan']['if']); if(isset($config['interfaces']['wan']['blockpriv'])) unset($config['interfaces']['wan']['blockpriv']); if(isset($config['shaper'])) unset($config['shaper']); if(isset($config['ezshaper'])) unset($config['ezshaper']); if(isset($config['nat'])) unset($config['nat']); } else { if(isset($config['interfaces']['lan']['if'])) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . $config['interfaces']['lan']['if'] . " delete"); if(isset($config['interfaces']['lan'])) unset($config['interfaces']['lan']); if(isset($config['dhcpd']['lan'])) unset($config['dhcpd']['lan']); if(isset($config['interfaces']['lan']['if'])) unset($config['interfaces']['lan']['if']); if(isset($config['interfaces']['wan']['blockpriv'])) unset($config['interfaces']['wan']['blockpriv']); if(isset($config['shaper'])) unset($config['shaper']); if(isset($config['ezshaper'])) unset($config['ezshaper']); if(isset($config['nat'])) unset($config['nat']); } if (preg_match($g['wireless_regex'], $lanif)) { if (is_array($config['interfaces']['lan']) && (!is_array($config['interfaces']['lan']['wireless']))) $config['interfaces']['lan']['wireless'] = array(); } else { if (isset($config['interfaces']['lan'])) unset($config['interfaces']['lan']['wireless']); } if (!is_array($config['interfaces']['wan'])) $config['interfaces']['wan'] = array(); $config['interfaces']['wan']['if'] = $wanif; $config['interfaces']['wan']['enable'] = true; if (preg_match($g['wireless_regex'], $wanif)) { if (is_array($config['interfaces']['wan']) && (!is_array($config['interfaces']['wan']['wireless']))) $config['interfaces']['wan']['wireless'] = array(); } else { if (isset($config['interfaces']['wan'])) unset($config['interfaces']['wan']['wireless']); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($optif); $i++) { if (!is_array($config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)])) $config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)] = array(); $config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]['if'] = $optif[$i]; /* wireless interface? */ if (preg_match($g['wireless_regex'], $optif[$i])) { if (!is_array($config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]['wireless'])) $config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]['wireless'] = array(); } else { unset($config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]['wireless']); } if (empty($config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]['descr'])) { $config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]['descr'] = "OPT" . ($i+1); unset($config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]['enable']); } } /* remove all other (old) optional interfaces */ for (; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]); $i++) unset($config['interfaces']['opt' . ($i+1)]); printf(gettext("%sWriting configuration..."), "\n"); write_config("Console assignment of interfaces"); printf(gettext("done.%s"), "\n"); fclose($fp); if($g['booting']) return; echo gettext("One moment while we reload the settings..."); $g['booting'] = false; echo gettext(" done!") . "\n"; touch("{$g['tmp_path']}/assign_complete"); } } function autodetect_interface($ifname, $fp) { $iflist_prev = get_interface_list("media"); echo <<<EOD Connect the {$ifname} interface now and make sure that the link is up. Then press ENTER to continue. EOD; fgets($fp); $iflist = get_interface_list("media"); foreach ($iflist_prev as $ifn => $ifa) { if (!$ifa['up'] && $iflist[$ifn]['up']) { printf(gettext("Detected link-up on interface %s.%s"), $ifn, "\n"); return $ifn; } } printf(gettext("No link-up detected.%s"), "\n"); return null; } function interfaces_setup() { global $iflist, $config, $g, $fp; $iflist = get_interface_list(); } function vlan_setup() { global $iflist, $config, $g, $fp; $iflist = get_interface_list(); if (is_array($config['vlans']['vlan']) && count($config['vlans']['vlan'])) { echo <<<EOD WARNING: all existing VLANs will be cleared if you proceed! Do you want to proceed [y|n]? EOD; if (strcasecmp(chop(fgets($fp)), "y") != 0) return; } $config['vlans']['vlan'] = array(); echo "\n"; $vlanif = 0; while (1) { $vlan = array(); echo "\n\n" . gettext("VLAN Capable interfaces:") . "\n\n"; if(!is_array($iflist)) { echo gettext("No interfaces found!") . "\n"; } else { $vlan_capable=0; foreach ($iflist as $iface => $ifa) { if (is_jumbo_capable($iface)) { echo sprintf("% -8s%s%s\n", $iface, $ifa['mac'], $ifa['up'] ? " (up)" : ""); $vlan_capable++; } } } if($vlan_capable == 0) { echo gettext("No VLAN capable interfaces detected.") . "\n"; return; } echo "\n" . gettext("Enter the parent interface name for the new VLAN (or nothing if finished):") . " "; $vlan['if'] = chop(fgets($fp)); if ($vlan['if']) { if (!array_key_exists($vlan['if'], $iflist) or !is_jumbo_capable($vlan['if'])) { printf(gettext("%sInvalid interface name '%s'%s"), "\n", $vlan['if'], "\n"); continue; } } else { break; } echo gettext("Enter the VLAN tag (1-4094):") . " "; $vlan['tag'] = chop(fgets($fp)); $vlan['vlanif'] = "{$vlan['if']}_vlan{$vlan['tag']}"; if (!is_numericint($vlan['tag']) || ($vlan['tag'] < 1) || ($vlan['tag'] > 4094)) { printf(gettext("%sInvalid VLAN tag '%s'%s"), "\n", $vlan['tag'], "\n"); continue; } $config['vlans']['vlan'][] = $vlan; $vlanif++; } } ?>