<?php /* traffic_shaper_wizard_dedicated.inc part of pfSense (https://www.pfsense.org/) Copyright (C) 2006 Bill Marquette - bill.marquette@gmail.com. Copyright (C) 2006 Scott Ullrich - sullrich@pfsense.com. Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Ermal Luçi All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ function step1_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $stepid, $savemsg, $pkg; $fields =& $pkg['step'][0]['fields']['field']; $wans = 0; $lans = 0; $iflisttmp = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); foreach ($iflisttmp as $if => $ifdesc) { if (!is_altq_capable(get_real_interface($if))) continue; if (interface_has_gateway($if) || interface_has_gatewayv6($if)) $wans++; else $lans++; } foreach ($fields as &$field) if ($field['name'] == 'numberofconnections') $field['value'] = ($wans < $lans ? $wans : $lans); } function step1_submitphpaction() { global $stepid, $savemsg; if (!isset($_POST['numberofconnections'])) { $savemsg=gettext("You need to specify the number of connections."); $stepid--; return; } if (intval($_POST['numberofconnections']) < 1) { $savemsg=gettext("The number of connections should be greater than 1."); $stepid--; return; } } function step2_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $config, $pkg; global $stepid, $savemsg; $wans = 0; $lans = 0; $iflist = array(); $iflisttmp = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); foreach ($iflisttmp as $if => $ifdesc) { if (!is_altq_capable(get_real_interface($if))) continue; if (interface_has_gateway($if) || interface_has_gatewayv6($if)) $wans++; else $lans++; $iflist[$if] = $ifdesc; } $numberofconnections = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); if ($numberofconnections > ($wans < $lans ? $wans : $lans)) { $savemsg=gettext("You have less interfaces than number of connections!"); $stepid--; return; } $cfgname = "traffic_shaper_wizard_dedicated.xml"; $fields =& $pkg['step'][1]['fields']['field']; /* unset($config['ezshaper']['step2']); $config['ezshaper']['step2'] = array(); write_config(); */ $fields = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofconnections; $i++) { $field = array(); $linknum = $i+1; $ifsel = ($i * 2); $field['name'] = "Connection #{$linknum} parameters"; $field['type'] = "listtopic"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Local interface"; $field['name'] = "local{$i}interface"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $ifcnt = 0; foreach ($iflist as $ifname => $ifdescr) { // Skip wan interfaces here if (interface_has_gateway($ifname) || interface_has_gatewayv6($ifname)) continue; if ($ifcnt == ($ifsel + 1)) $field['value'] = $ifname; $opts = array(); $opts['displayname'] = $ifdescr; $opts['name'] = $ifname; $opts['value'] = $ifname; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $ifcnt++; } $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->local{$i}interface"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "local{$i}downloadscheduler"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['typehint'] = "Queueing discipline to apply on the download of this connection."; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "HFSC"; $opts['value'] = "HFSC"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "CBQ"; $opts['value'] = "CBQ"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "PRIQ"; $opts['value'] = "PRIQ"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->local{$i}downloadscheduler"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "WAN Interface"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}interface"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $ifcnt = 0; foreach ($iflist as $ifname => $ifdescr) { // Skip lan interfaces here if (!interface_has_gateway($ifname) && !interface_has_gatewayv6($ifname)) continue; if ($ifcnt == $ifsel) $field['value'] = $ifname; $opts = array(); $opts['displayname'] = $ifdescr; $opts['name'] = $ifname; $opts['value'] = $ifname; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $ifcnt++; } $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}interface"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "conn{$i}uploadscheduler"; $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['typehint'] = "Queueing discipline to apply on the upload of this connection."; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "HFSC"; $opts['value'] = "HFSC"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "CBQ"; $opts['value'] = "CBQ"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "PRIQ"; $opts['value'] = "PRIQ"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}uploadscheduler"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Upload"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}upload"; $field['type'] = "input"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}upload"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $field['typehint'] = "Upload bandwidth on this connection."; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Kb"; $opts['name'] = "Kbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Mb"; $opts['name'] = "Mbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Gb"; $opts['name'] = "Gbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Download"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}download"; $field['type'] = "input"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}download"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $fields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}downloadspeed"; $field['typehint'] = "Download bandwidth on this connection."; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Kb"; $opts['name'] = "Kbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Mb"; $opts['name'] = "Mbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Gb"; $opts['name'] = "Gbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step2->conn{$i}downloadspeed"; $fields[] = $field; } $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Next"; $field['type'] = "submit"; $fields[] = $field; } function step2_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $config; global $stepid, $savemsg; $sumdownloads = 0; /* Input Validation */ $steps = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { for ($j = $i + 1; $j <= $steps; $j++) { if ($_POST["conn{$i}interface"] == $_POST["conn{$j}interface"] || $_POST["conn{$i}interface"] == $_POST["local{$j}interface"]) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot select the same interface for connections {$i} and {$j}."); $stepid--; return; } if (trim($_POST["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"]) != "PRIQ") { if (!is_numeric($_POST["conn{$i}upload"])) { $savemsg = gettext("Upload bandwidth of connection {$i} is not valid."); $stepid--; return; } if (!is_numeric($_POST["conn{$i}download"])) { $savemsg = gettext("Download bandwidth of connection {$i} is not valid."); $stepid--; return; } $upbw = $_POST["conn{$i}upload"]; $downbw = $_POST["conn{$i}download"]; if ($upbw < 1 || $downbw < 1) { $savemsg = gettext("You cannot specify bandwidth smaller than 1!"); $stepid--; return; } if (intval($upbw) < 128 && $_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"] == "Kb" && trim($_POST["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"]) == "CBQ") { $savemsg=gettext("Uploads smaller than 128Kbit/s is not supported for connection {$i} on CBQ scheduler."); $stepid--; return; } } if ($_POST["local{$i}interface"] == $_POST["conn{$j}interface"] || $_POST["local{$i}interface"] == $_POST["local{$j}interface"]) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot select the same interface for local and outside."); $stepid--; return; } } } /* This is necessary since the wizard expects pecnefined fields. */ unset($config['ezshaper']['step2']); $config['ezshaper']['step2'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { $config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}downloadscheduler"] = $_POST["local{$i}downloadscheduler"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}interface"] = $_POST["local{$i}interface"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"] = $_POST["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"] = $_POST["conn{$i}upload"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"] = $_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"] = $_POST["conn{$i}download"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"] = $_POST["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]; $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn${i}interface"] = $_POST["conn{$i}interface"]; } } function step3_stepbeforeformdisplay() { global $config, $pkg; global $stepid, $savemsg; $cfgname = "traffic_shaper_wizard_dedicated.xml"; $numberofconnections = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); $fields =& $pkg['step'][1]['fields']['field']; $voipfields =& $pkg['step'][2]['fields']['field']; $voipfields = array(); $enablefields = array(); $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Enable"; $field['type'] = "checkbox"; $field['typehint'] = "Prioritize Voice over IP traffic."; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->enable"; $field['descritpion'] = "This will raise the priority of VOIP traffic above all other traffic."; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Next"; $field['type'] = "submit"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "VOIP specific settings"; $field['type'] = "listtopic"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Provider"; $enablefields[] = "Provider"; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['description'] = "Choose Generic if your provider isn't listed."; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "Generic (lowdelay)"; $opts['value'] = "Generic"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "VoicePulse"; $opts['value'] = "VoicePulse"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "Asterisk/Vonage"; $opts['value'] = "Asterisk"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['name'] = "PanasonicTDA"; $opts['value'] = "Panasonic"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->provider"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Upstream SIP Server"; $field['name'] = "upstream_sip_server"; $enablefields[] = "upstream_sip_server"; $field['type'] = "inputalias"; $field['description'] = "(Optional) If this is chosen, the provider field will be overridden. This allows you to provide the IP address of the <strong>remote</strong> PBX or SIP Trunk to prioritize. <br />NOTE: You can also use a Firewall Alias in this location."; $field['message'] = "IP Address field is non-blank and doesn't look like an IP address."; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->address"; $voipfields[] = $field; for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofconnections; $i++) { $connum = $i + 1; $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Connection #{$connum} parameters"; $field['type'] = "listtopic"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Upload"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}upload"; $enablefields[] = "conn{$i}upload"; $field['type'] = "input"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->conn{$i}upload"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $enablefields[] = "conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $field['typehint'] = "Upload bandwidth guarantee for VOIP phone(s) on connection {$i}."; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Kb"; $opts['name'] = "Kbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Mb"; $opts['name'] = "Mbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Gb"; $opts['name'] = "Gbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->conn{$i}uploadspeed"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['displayname'] = "Download"; $field['name'] = "local{$i}download"; $enablefields[] = "local{$i}download"; $field['type'] = "input"; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->local{$i}download"; $field['combinefieldsbegin'] = "true"; $voipfields[] = $field; $field = array(); $field['combinefieldsend'] = "true"; $field['dontdisplayname'] = "true"; $field['dontcombinecells'] = "true"; $field['name'] = "local{$i}downloadspeed"; $enablefields[] = "local{$i}downloadspeed"; $field['typehint'] = "Download bandwidth guarantee for VOIP phone(s) on connections."; $field['type'] = "select"; $field['options']['option'] = array(); $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Kb"; $opts['name'] = "Kbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Mb"; $opts['name'] = "Mbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $opts = array(); $opts['value'] = "Gb"; $opts['name'] = "Gbit/s"; $field['options']['option'][] = $opts; $field['bindstofield'] = "ezshaper->step3->local{$i}downloadspeed"; $voipfields[] = $field; } $field = array(); $field['name'] = "Next"; $field['type'] = "submit"; $voipfields[] = $field; $voipfields[0]['enablefields'] = implode(",", $enablefields); } function step3_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $config; global $stepid, $savemsg; if (!$_POST['enable']) return; if($_POST['address']) { if(!is_ipaddroralias($_POST['address'])) { /* item is not an ip or alias. error out */ $savemsg=gettext("Address must be a valid IP address or Firewall Alias. Please correct this value to continue."); $stepid--; return; } } $steps = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { if ($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"] != "PRIQ") { if (!is_numeric($_POST["conn{$i}upload"])) { $savemsg = gettext("Upload bandwidth of connection {$i} is not valid."); $stepid--; return; } if ($_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"] == "%") { if (intval($_POST["conn{$i}upload"]) > 80) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot set the VoIP upload bandwidth on connection {$i} higher than 80% of the connection."); $stepid--; return; } } else { $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]); $ifbw = $factor * floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]); $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]); $input_bw = $factor * floatval($_POST["conn{$i}upload"]); if ((0.8 * $ifbw) < $input_bw) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot set the VoIP upload bandwidth on connection {$i} higher than 80% of the connection."); $stepid--; return; } } } if ($config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}downloadscheduler"] != "PRIQ") { if (!is_numeric($_POST["local{$i}download"])) { $savemsg = gettext("Download bandwidth of connection {$i} is not valid."); $stepid--; return; } if ($_POST["local{$i}downloadspeed"] == "%") { if (intval($_POST["local{$i}download"]) > 80) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot set the VoIP upload bandwidth on connection {$i} higher than 80% of the connection."); $stepid--; return; } } else { $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]); $ifbw = $factor * floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"]); $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($_POST["local{$i}downloadspeed"]); $input_bw = $factor * floatval($_POST["local{$i}download"]); if ((0.8 * $ifbw) < $input_bw) { $savemsg=gettext("You cannot set the VoIP download bandwidth on connection {$i} higher than 80% of the connection."); $stepid--; return; } } } } for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { $config['ezshaper']['step3']["local{$i}download"] = $_POST["local{$i}download"]; $config['ezshaper']['step3']["local{$i}downloadspeed"] = $_POST["local{$i}downloadspeed"]; $config['ezshaper']['step3']["conn{$i}upload"] = $_POST["conn{$i}upload"]; $config['ezshaper']['step3']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"] = $_POST["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; } } function step4_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $config; global $stepid, $savemsg; if ( $_POST['enable'] ) { if(!$_POST['bandwidth']) { $savemsg="You need to specify a value for bandwidth!"; $stepid--; return; } if(!is_numeric($_POST['bandwidth'])) { $savemsg="The posted value is not a valid bandwidth."; $stepid--; return; } if ($_POST['bandwidthspeed'] <> "%") { $savemsg = gettext("Only percentage bandwidth specification is allowed."); $stepid--; return; } $bw = $_POST['bandwidth']; if($bw > 15 || $bw < 2) { $savemsg="Values should be between 2% and 15%!"; $stepid--; return; } if($_POST['address'] <> "" && !is_ipaddroralias($_POST['address'])) { /* item is not an ip or alias. error out */ $savemsg=gettext("Address must be a valid IP address or Firewall Alias. Please correct this value to continue."); $stepid--; } } } function step5_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $stepid, $savemsg; if ( $_POST['enable'] ) { if ($_POST['p2pcatchall']) { if(!is_numeric($_POST['bandwidth'])) { $savemsg="Posted value is not a valid bandwidth."; $stepid--; return; } if ($_POST['bandwidthspeed'] <> "%") { $savemsg = gettext("Only percentage bandwidth specification is allowed."); $stepid--; return; } $bw = $_POST['bandwidth']; if($bw > 15 || $bw < 2) { $savemsg="Values should be between 2% and 15%!"; $stepid--; return; } } } } function step8_stepsubmitphpaction() { global $g, $config; /* save the new configuration */ apply_all_choosen_items(); /* reset rrd queues */ system("rm -f /var/db/rrd/*queuedrops.rrd"); system("rm -f /var/db/rrd/*queues.rrd"); enable_rrd_graphing(); /* apply the new configuration to the system */ filter_configure(); /* And we're no longer dirty! */ clear_subsystem_dirty('shaper'); update_filter_reload_status("Initializing"); header("Location: status_filter_reload.php"); exit; } function apply_all_choosen_items() { global $config, $g, $altq_list_queues, $gamesplist, $voiplist, $othersplist, $p2plist; require_once("wizardapp.inc"); /* * Wipe previous config. * Doing it here makes sense since we can wipe the previous config only after * the user decides to do so, finishing the wizard. */ if(isset($config['shaper']['queue'])) unset($config['shaper']['queue']); /* XXX: This is ecnundant, because this should be handled by converter at startup. */ if(isset($config['shaper']['rule'])) unset($config['shaper']['rule']); foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $key => $rule) if ($rule['wizard'] == "yes") unset($config['filter']['rule'][$key]); /* restart the cached config */ unset($altq_list_queues); $altq_list_queues = array(); $steps = intval($config['ezshaper']['step1']['numberofconnections']); $interfacelist = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { $tmppath = array(); $altq =& new altq_root_queue(); $altq->SetInterface($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}interface"]); $interfacelist[] = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}interface"]; $altq->SetScheduler($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"]); $altq->SetBandwidth(floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"])); $altq->SetBwscale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]); $altq->SetEnabled("on"); $altq_list_queues[$altq->GetQname()] =& $altq; array_push($tmppath, $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}interface"]); $altq->SetLink($tmppath); $altq->wconfig(); $sched = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadscheduler"]; $voipbw =0; $voipbwunit = "Kb"; $voip = false; $penalty = false; $penaltybw = 0; $penaltybwunit = "Kb"; $p2p = false; $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; $p2pcatchbwunit = "%"; $games = false; $otherpriority = false; $remainbw = 0; $factor = 0; $upfactor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]); $upbw = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]) * $upfactor; if ($config['ezshaper']['step3']['enable']) { $voip = true; $voipbw = $config['ezshaper']['step3']["conn{$i}upload"]; $voipbwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step3']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; if ($voipbwunit == "%") $factor = $upbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($voipbwunit); $remainbw += $voipbw * $factor; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step4']['enable']) { $penalty = true; $penaltybw = $config['ezshaper']['step4']['bandwidth']; $penaltybwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step4']['bandwidthunit']; if ($penaltybwunit == "%") $factor = $upbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($penaltybwunit); $remainbw += $penaltybw * $factor; } else { $penalty = false; $penaltybw = 0; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step5']['enable']) { $p2p = true; if ($config['ezshaper']['step5']['p2pcatchall']) { $p2pcatchall = true; $p2pcatchbw = $config['ezshaper']['step5']['bandwidth']; $p2pcatchbwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step5']['bandwidthunit']; if ($p2pcatchbwunit == "%") $factor = $upbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($p2pcatchbwunit); $remainbw += $p2pcatchbw * $factor; } else { $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; } } else { $p2p = false; $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step6']['enable']) { $games = true; } else { $games = false; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step7']['enable']) { $otherpriority = true; } else { $otherpriority = false; } $remainbw = round($remainbw / $upbw * 100, 2); if (intval($remainbw) > 0 && intval($remainbw) > 30) { $savemsg=gettext("Custom Bandwidths are greater than 30%. Please lower them for the wizard to continue."); header("Location: wizard.php?xml=traffic_shaper_wizard_dedicated.xml&stepid=2&message={$savemsg}"); exit; } else { $remainbw = 100 - $remainbw; } if ($sched != "PRIQ") { if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qInternet"; //$tmpcf['priority'] = 6; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; If ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]); $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]) . $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]) . $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}upload"]); $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}uploadspeed"]; } array_push($tmppath, "qInternet"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); //array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qInternet <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); $altq =& $qtmp; } if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qACK"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 6; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; If ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $lkbw = 0.20 * $remainbw; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$lkbw}%"; $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $lkbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qACK"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qACK <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); if ($p2pcatchall) $tmpcf['name'] = "qOthersDefault"; else $tmpcf['name'] = "qDefault"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 3; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if (!$p2pcatchall) $tmpcf['default'] = "on"; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, $tmpcf['name']); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qDefault <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); if ($p2p) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qP2P"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 1; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($p2pcatchall) { if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $p2pcatchbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $p2pcatchbwunit; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$p2pcatchbw}{$p2pcatchbwunit}"; $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = "{$p2pcatchbw}{$p2pcatchbwunit}"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $p2pcatchbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $p2pcatchbwunit; } $tmpcf['default'] = "on"; } else { if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpbw = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$tmpbw}%"; $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = "{$tmpbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $tmpbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } } array_push($tmppath, "qP2P"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qP2P <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($voip) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qVoIP"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 7; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; if ($voipbw > 0) { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $voipbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $voipbwunit; } else { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { if ($voipbw > 0) { $tmpcf['realtime3'] = "{$voipbw}{$voipbwunit}"; } else { $voipbw = $remainbw * 0.20; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['realtime3'] = "{$voipbw}%"; } $tmpcf['realtime'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = 32; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "Kb"; } array_push($tmppath, "qVoIP"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qVoIP <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($games) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qGames"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 5; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $gamesbw = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$gamesbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = "{$gamesbw}"; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qGames"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qGames <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($otherpriority) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qOthersHigh"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 4; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $otherbw = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$otherbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $otherbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qOthersHigh"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qHigh <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qOthersLow"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 2; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; if ($penalty) { $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $penaltybwunit; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $penaltybw; } else { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { if ($penalty) { $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$penaltybw}{$penaltybwunit}"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $penaltybw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $penaltybwunit; } else { $lsbw = $remainbw * 0.05; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$lsbw}%"; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $lsbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; } array_push($tmppath, "qOthersLow"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qLow <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } array_pop($tmppath); $downfactor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]); $downbw = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"]) * $downfactor; $tmppath = array(); $altq =& new altq_root_queue(); $altq->SetInterface($config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}interface"]); $altq->SetScheduler($config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}downloadscheduler"]); //$altq->SetBandwidth($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"]); //$altq->SetBwscale($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]); $altq->SetEnabled("on"); $altq_list_queues[$altq->GetQname()] =& $altq; array_push($tmppath, $config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}interface"]); $altq->SetLink($tmppath); //var_dump($input_errors); $altq->wconfig(); $sched = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["local{$i}downloadscheduler"]; $voipbw =0; $voipbwunit = "%"; $voip = false; $penalty = false; $penaltybw = 0; $penaltybwunit = "%"; $p2p = false; $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; $games = false; $otherpriority = false; $remainbw = 0; if ($config['ezshaper']['step3']['enable']) { $voip = true; $voipbw = $config['ezshaper']['step3']["local{$i}download"]; $voipbwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step3']["local{$i}downloadspeed"]; if ($sched != HFSC) { if ($penaltybwunit == "%") $factor = $downbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($voipbwunit); $remainbw += floatval($voipbw) * $factor; } else $remainbw += 32000; /* 32Kbit/s reserved for HFSC linksharing */ } if ($config['ezshaper']['step4']['enable']) { $penalty = true; $penaltybw = $config['ezshaper']['step4']['bandwidth']; $penaltybwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step4']['bandwidthunit']; if ($penaltybwunit == "%") $factor = $downbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($penaltybwunit); $remainbw += floatval($penaltybw) * $factor; } else { $penalty = false; $penaltybw = 0; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step5']['enable']) { $p2p = true; if ($config['ezshaper']['step5']['p2pcatchall']) { $p2pcatchall = true; $p2pcatchbw = $config['ezshaper']['step5']['bandwidth']; $p2pcatchbwunit = $config['ezshaper']['step5']['bandwidthunit']; if ($p2pcatchbwunit == "%") $factor = $downbw/100; else $factor = wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($p2pcatchbwunit); $remainbw += floatval($p2pcatchbw) * $factor; } else { $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; } } else { $p2p = false; $p2pcatchall = false; $p2pcatchbw = 0; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step6']['enable']) { $games = true; } else { $games = false; } if ($config['ezshaper']['step7']['enable']) { $otherpriority = true; } else { $otherpriority = false; } $remainbw = round($remainbw / $downbw * 100, 2); if (intval($remainbw) > 0 && intval($remainbw) > 40) { $savemsg=gettext("Custom Bandwidths are greater than 30%. Please lower them for the wizard to continue."); header("Location: wizard.php?xml=traffic_shaper_wizard_dedicated.xml&stepid=2&message={$savemsg}"); exit; } else { $remainbw = 100 - $remainbw; } if (!$p2pcatchall) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qLink"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 2; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; $tmpcf['default'] = "on"; $tmpcf['qlimit'] = 500; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = 20; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = 20; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, $tmpcf['name']); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qDefault <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($sched != "PRIQ") { if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qInternet"; //$tmpcf['priority'] = 6; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; If ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"]); $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"]) . $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]; $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"]) . $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = floatval($config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}download"]); $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $config['ezshaper']['step2']["conn{$i}downloadspeed"]; } array_push($tmppath, "qInternet"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); //array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qInternet <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); $altq =& $qtmp; } if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qACK"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 6; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; If ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $lkbw = 0.20 * $remainbw; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$lkbw}%"; $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $lkbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qACK"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qACK $remainbw <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); if ($p2p) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qP2P"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 1; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($p2pcatchall) { if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $p2pcatchbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $p2pcatchbwunit; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$p2pcatchbw}{$p2pcatchbwunit}"; $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = "{$p2pcatchbw}{$p2pcatchbwunit}"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $p2pcatchbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $p2pcatchbwunit; } $tmpcf['default'] = "on"; $tmpcf['qlimit'] = 500; } else { if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpbw = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$tmpbw}%"; $tmpcf['upperlimit'] = "on"; $tmpcf['upperlimit3'] = "{$tmpbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $tmpbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } } array_push($tmppath, "qP2P"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qP2P <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($voip) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qVoIP"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 7; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; if ($voipbw > 0) { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $voipbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $voipbwunit; } else { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { if ($voipbw > 0) { $tmpcf['realtime3'] = "{$voipbw}{$voipbwunit}"; } else { $voipbw = $remainbw * 0.20; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['realtime3'] = "{$voipbw}%"; } $tmpcf['realtime'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = 32; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "Kb"; } array_push($tmppath, "qVoIP"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qVoIP <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($games) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qGames"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 5; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $gamesbw = $remainbw * 0.2; /* 20% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$gamesbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = "{$gamesbw}"; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qGames"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qGames <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } if ($otherpriority) { if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qOthersHigh"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 4; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; $otherbw = $remainbw * 0.1; /* 10% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$otherbw}%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $otherbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } array_push($tmppath, "qOthersHigh"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qHigh <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); if ($sched == "PRIQ") $q =& new priq_queue(); else if ($sched == "CBQ") $q =& new cbq_queue(); else if ($sched == "HFSC") $q =& new hfsc_queue(); $tmpcf = array(); $tmpcf['name'] = "qOthersLow"; $tmpcf['priority'] = 3; $tmpcf['ecn'] = "on"; $tmpcf['enabled'] = "on"; if ($sched == "CBQ") { $tmpcf['borrow'] = "on"; if ($penalty) { $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $penaltybw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $penaltybwunit; } else { $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $remainbw * 0.05; /* 5% bandwidth */ } } else if ($sched == "HFSC") { if ($penalty) { $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$penaltybw}{$penaltybwunit}"; $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $penaltybw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = $penaltybwunit; } else { $lsbw = $remainbw * 0.05; $tmpcf['linkshare3'] = "{$lsbw}%"; /* 5% bandwidth */ $tmpcf['bandwidth'] = $lsbw; $tmpcf['bandwidthtype'] = "%"; } $tmpcf['linkshare'] = "on"; } array_push($tmppath, "qOthersLow"); $qtmp =& $altq->add_queue($q, $tmpcf, $tmppath, $input_errors); array_pop($tmppath); //echo "qLow <br />"; //var_dump($input_errors); $qtmp->wconfig(); } array_pop($tmppath); } if (!is_array($config['filter']['rule'])) $config['filter']['rule'] = array(); $interfacelist = implode(",", $interfacelist); /* Rules */ if ($penalty) { if( is_ipaddr($config['ezshaper']['step4']['address']) || is_alias($config['ezshaper']['step4']['address'])) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['interface'] = $interfacelist; $rule['descr'] = gettext("Penalty Box"); $rule['defaultqueue'] = "qOthersLow"; $rule['source']['address'] = $config['ezshaper']['step4']['address']; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("Traffic Shaper Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } /* If user specifies an IP, we don't bother with providers */ if ($voip) { if( is_ipaddr($config['ezshaper']['step3']['address']) || is_alias($config['ezshaper']['step3']['address'])) { /* create VOIP rules */ $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; //$rule['interface'] = $interfacelist; $rule['descr'] = gettext("Connections From Upstream SIP Server"); $rule['protocol'] = "udp"; $rule['defaultqueue'] = "qVoIP"; $rule['source']['address'] = $config['ezshaper']['step3']['address']; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("Traffic Shaper Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; //$rule['interface'] = $interfacelist; $rule['descr'] = gettext("Connections To Upstream SIP Server"); $rule['protocol'] = "udp"; $rule['defaultqueue'] = "qVoIP"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['address'] = $config['ezshaper']['step3']['address']; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("Traffic Shaper Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } elseif( $config['ezshaper']['step3']['provider'] == "Generic" ) { /* create VOIP rules */ $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['interface'] = $interfacelist; $rule['descr'] = "DiffServ/Lowdelay/Upload"; $rule['protocol'] = "udp"; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['defaultqueue'] = "qVoIP"; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['iptos'] = "lowdelay"; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("Traffic Shaper Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } else { /* loop through voiplist[] */ foreach ($voiplist[$config['ezshaper']['step3']['provider']] as $voip) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['interface'] = $interfacelist; $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qVoIP'; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['descr'] = "m_voip {$voip[0]} outbound"; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['destination']['port'] = $voip[2]."-".$voip[3]; if($voip[1] != '') $rule['protocol'] = $voip[1]; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("Traffic Shaper Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } } /* loop through p2plist[] */ if ($p2p) { foreach($config['ezshaper']['step5'] as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($p2plist[$key])) continue; foreach ($p2plist[$key] as $p2pclient) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['interface'] = $interfacelist; $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qP2P'; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['descr'] = "m_P2P {$p2pclient[0]} outbound"; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['destination']['port'] = $p2pclient[2]."-".$p2pclient[3]; if($p2pclient[1] != '') $rule['protocol'] = $p2pclient[1]; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("Traffic Shaper Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } } /* loop through gamesplist[] */ if ($games) { foreach($config['ezshaper']['step6'] as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($gamesplist[$key])) continue; foreach ($gamesplist[$key] as $Gameclient) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['interface'] = $interfacelist; $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qGames'; if ($Gameclient[1] == "tcp") $rule['ackqueue'] = 'qACK'; $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['descr'] = "m_Game {$Gameclient[0]} outbound"; $rule['destination']['port'] = $Gameclient[2]."-".$Gameclient[3]; if($Gameclient[1] != '') $rule['protocol'] = $Gameclient[1]; $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } } /* loop through othersplist[] */ if ($otherpriority) { foreach($config['ezshaper']['step7'] as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($othersplist[$key])) continue; foreach ($othersplist[$key] as $otherclient) { $rule = array(); $rule['type'] = "match"; $rule['interface'] = $interfacelist; switch ($val) { case "H": $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qOthersHigh'; /* posted value H or L */ if ($otherclient[1] == "tcp") $rule['ackqueue'] = 'qACK'; $loop = 0; break; case "L": $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qOthersLow'; /* posted value H or L */ if ($otherclient[1] == "tcp") $rule['ackqueue'] = 'qACK'; $loop = 0; break; case "D": if ($p2pcatchall) { $loop = 0; $rule['defaultqueue'] = 'qOthersDefault'; if ($otherclient[1] == "tcp") $rule['ackqueue'] = 'qACK'; } else $loop = 1; /* It automitaclly goes to default queue */ break; default: $loop = 1; } if (!$loop) { $rule['source']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['destination']['any'] = TRUE; $rule['floating'] = "yes"; $rule['wizard'] = "yes"; $rule['enabled'] = "on"; $rule['descr'] = "m_Other {$otherclient[0]} outbound"; if($otherclient[2] or $otherclient[3]) { $rule['destination']['port'] = $otherclient[2]."-".$otherclient[3]; } if($otherclient[1] != '') $rule['protocol'] = $otherclient[1]; $rule['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(null, gettext("Traffic Shaper Wizard")); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $rule; } } } } write_config(); } function wizard_get_bandwidthtype_scale($type = "b") { switch ($type) { case "Gb": $factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; case "Mb": $factor = 1024 * 1024; break; case "Kb": $factor = 1024; break; case "b": default: $factor = 1; break; } return intval($factor); } ?>