<?phpprint_info_box_apply(gettext("The load balancer configuration has been changed").".<br />".gettext("You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."));?><br/>
<?phpprint_info_box_apply(sprintf(gettext("The load balancer configuration has been changed%sYou must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."),"<br />"));?><br/>
<?=sprintf(gettext('This feature is intended for server load balancing, not multi-WAN. For load balancing or failover for multiple WANs, use %sGateway Groups%s.'),'<a href="/system_gateway_groups.php">','</a>');?>
<?phpprint_info_box_apply(gettext("The load balancer configuration has been changed").".<br />".gettext("You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."));?><br/>
<?phpprint_info_box_apply(gettext("The virtual server configuration has been changed").".<br />".gettext("You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."));?><br/>
<?=gettext("This is normally the WAN IP address that you would like the server to listen on. All connections to this IP and port will be forwarded to the pool cluster.");?>
<br/><?=gettext("You may also specify a host alias listed in Firewall -> Aliases here.");?>
<?phpprint_info_box_apply(sprintf(gettext("The load balancer configuration has been changed%sYou must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."),"<br />"));?>
<?phpprint_info_box_apply(sprintf(gettext("The load balancer configuration has been changed%sYou must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."),"<br />"));?>