Commit f730946c authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(proxy) improve gui code by using the xml template for form handling

parent 623a72fc
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class IndexController extends \OPNsense\Base\IndexController
public function indexAction()
$this->view->title = "Proxy Server";
$this->view->mainForm = $this->getForm("main");
<tab id="proxy-general" description="General Proxy Settings">
<subtab id="proxy-general-settings" description="General Proxy Settings">
<label>Enable proxy</label>
<help>Enable or disable the proxy service.</help>
<label>ICP port</label>
<help>The port number where Squid sends and receives ICP queries to
and from neighbor caches. Leave blank to disable (default). The standard UDP port for ICP is 3130.
<label>Enable access logging</label>
<help>Enable access logging.</help>
<label>Enable store logging</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enable store logging.]]></help>
<label>Use alternate DNS-servers</label>
<![CDATA[Type IPs of alternative DNS servers you like to use. <div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma seperated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Type IP adresses, followed by Enter or comma.</hint>
<label>Enable DNS v4 first</label>
<help><![CDATA[This option reverses the order of preference to make Squid contact dual-stack websites over IPv4 first.
Squid will still perform both IPv6 and IPv4 DNS lookups before connecting.
<div class="alert alert-warning"><b class="text-danger">Warning:</b> This option will restrict the situations under which IPv6
connectivity is used (and tested). Hiding network problems
which would otherwise be detected and warned about.</div>]]></help>
<label>Use Via header</label>
<help><![CDATA[If set (default), Squid will include a Via header in requests and
replies as required by RFC2616.]]></help>
<label>X-Forwarded for header handling</label>
<help><![CDATA[Select what to do with X-Forwarded for header.]]></help>
<label>Suppress version string</label>
<help><![CDATA[Suppress Squid version string info in HTTP headers and HTML error pages.]]></help>
<label>Whitespace handling of URI</label>
<help><![CDATA[Select what to do with URI that contain whitespaces.<br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>NOTE:</b> the current Squid implementation of encode and chop violates
RFC2616 by not using a 301 redirect after altering the URL.</div>]]></help>
<subtab id="proxy-general-cache-local" description="Local Cache Settings">
<label>Enable local cache.</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enable or disable the local cache.<br/>
Curently only ufs directory cache type is supported.<br/>
<b class="text-danger">Do not enable on embedded systems with SD or CF cards as this may break your drive.</b>]]></help>
<label>Cache size in Megabytes</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enter the storage size for the local cache (default is 100).]]></help>
<label>Number of first-level subdirectories</label>
<![CDATA[Enter the number of first-level subdirectories for the local cache (default is 16).]]></help>
<label>Number of second-level subdirectories</label>
<![CDATA[Enter the number of first-level subdirectories for the local cache (default is 256).]]></help>
<subtab id="proxy-general-traffic" description="Traffic Management Settings">
<label>Enable traffic management.</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enable or disable traffic management.]]></help>
<label>Maximum download size (Kb)</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enter the maxium size for downloads in kilobytes (leave empty to disable).]]></help>
<label>Maximum upload size (Kb)</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enter the maxium size for uploads in kilobytes (leave empty to disable).]]></help>
<label>Overall bandwidth throtteling (Kbps)</label>
<![CDATA[Enter the allowed overall bandtwith in kilobits per second (leave empty to disable).]]></help>
<label>Per host bandwidth throtteling (Kbps)</label>
<![CDATA[Enter the allowed per host bandwidth in kilobits per second (leave empty to disable).]]></help>
<tab id="proxy-forward" description="Forward Proxy">
<subtab id="proxy-forward-general" description="General Forward Settings">
<label>Proxy interfaces</label>
<help><![CDATA[Select interface(s) the proxy will bind to.]]></help>
<hint>Type or select interface.</hint>
<label>Proxy port</label>
<help><![CDATA[The port the proxy service will listen to.]]></help>
<label>Enable Transparent HTTP proxy</label>
<help><![CDATA[Enable transparent proxy mode to forward all requests for destination port 80 to the proxy server without any additional configuration.]]></help>
<label>Allow interface subnets</label>
<![CDATA[When enabled the subnets of the selected interfaces will be added to the allow access list.]]></help>
<subtab id="proxy-forward-ftp" description="FTP Proxy Settings">
<label>FTP proxy interfaces</label>
<help><![CDATA[Select interface(s) the ftp proxy will bind to.]]></help>
<hint>Type or select interface (Leave blank to disable ftp proxy).</hint>
<label>FTP proxy port</label>
<help><![CDATA[The port the proxy service will listen to.]]></help>
<label>Enable Transparent mode</label>
<![CDATA[Enable transparent ftp proxy mode to forward all requests for destination port 21 to the proxy server without any additional configuration.]]></help>
<subtab id="proxy-forward-acl" description="Access Control List">
<label>Allowed Subnets</label>
<![CDATA[Type subnets you want to allow acces to the proxy server, use a comma or press Enter for new item. <div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Type subnet adresses (ex.</hint>
<label>Unrestricted IP adresses</label>
<![CDATA[Type IP adresses you want to allow acces to the proxy server, use a comma or press Enter for new item. <div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Type IP adresses (ex.</hint>
<label>Banned host IP adresses</label>
<![CDATA[Type IP adresses you want to deny acces to the proxy server, use a comma or press Enter for new item. <div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Type IP adresses (ex.</hint>
<help><![CDATA[Whitelist destination domains.<br/>
You may use a regular expression, use a comma or press Enter for new item.<br/>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<b class="text-primary"></b> -> matches on <b>*</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">^http(s|)://([a-zA-Z]+)\.mydomain\.*</b> -> matches on <b>http(s)://*.mydomain.*</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">\\.+\.gif$</b> -> matches on <b>\*.gif</b> but not on <b class="text-danger">\*.gif\test</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">\\.+[0-9]+\.gif$</b> -> matches on <b>\123.gif</b> but not on <b class="text-danger">\test.gif</b><br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Regular expressions are allowed.</hint>
<help><![CDATA[Blacklist destination domains.<br/>
You may use a regular expression, use a comma or press Enter for new item.<br/>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<b class="text-primary"></b> -> matches on <b>*</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">^http(s|)://([a-zA-Z]+)\.mydomain\.*</b> -> matches on <b>http(s)://*.mydomain.*</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">\\.+\.gif$</b> -> matches on <b>\*.gif</b> but not on <b class="text-danger">\*.gif\test</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">\\.+[0-9]+\.gif$</b> -> matches on <b>\123.gif</b> but not on <b class="text-danger">\test.gif</b><br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Regular expressions are allowed.</hint>
<label>Block browser/user-agents</label>
<help><![CDATA[Block user-agents.<br/>
You may use a regular expression, use a comma or press Enter for new item.<br/>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<b class="text-primary">^(.)+Macintosh(.)+Firefox/37\.0</b> -> matches on <b>Macintosh version of Firefox revision 37.0</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">^Mozilla</b> -> matches on <b>all Mozilla based browsers</b><br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Regular expressions are allowed.</hint>
<label>Block specific MIME type reply</label>
<help><![CDATA[Block specific MIME type reply.<br/>
You may use a regular expression, use a comma or press Enter for new item.<br/>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<b class="text-primary">video/flv</b> -> matches on <b>Flash Video</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">application/x-javascript</b> -> matches on <b>javascripts</b><br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Regular expressions are allowed.</hint>
<label>Allowed destination TCP port</label>
<help><![CDATA[Allowed destination TCP ports, you may use ranges (ex. 222-226) and add comments with collon (ex. 22:ssh).<br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Type port number or range.</hint>
<label>Allowed SSL ports</label>
<help><![CDATA[Allowed destination SSL ports, you may use ranges (ex. 222-226) and add comments with collon (ex. 22:ssh).<br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>]]></help>
<hint>Type port number or range.</hint>
<subtab id="proxy-general-authentication" description="Athentication Settings">
<label>Authentication method</label>
<help><![CDATA[Select Authentication method]]></help>
<label>Authentication Prompt</label>
<help><![CDATA[The prompt will be displayed in the autherntication request window.]]></help>
<label>Authentication TTL (hours)</label>
<help><![CDATA[This specifies for how long (in hours) the proxy server assumes an externally validated username and password combination is valid (Time To Live).<br/>
When the TTL expires, the user will be prompted for credentials again.]]></help>
<label>Authentication processes</label>
<help><![CDATA[The total number of authenticator processes to spawn.]]></help>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -100,320 +100,4 @@ size: for tokenize this defines the max shown items (default = 5) of the dropdow
maxheight: define max height of select box, default=170px to hold 5 items
{{ partial("layout_partials/base_tabs",
['tabs': {
['proxy-general','General Proxy Settings','subtabs': {
[ 'proxy-general-settings','General Proxy Settings',
{['id': 'proxy.general.enabled',
'label':'Enable proxy',
'help':'Enable or disable the proxy service.'
['id': 'proxy.general.icpPort',
'label':'ICP port',
'help':'The port number where Squid sends and receives ICP queries to
and from neighbor caches. Leave blank to disable (default). The standard UDP port for ICP is 3130.',
['id': 'proxy.general.logging.enable.accessLog',
'label':'Enable access logging',
'help':'Enable access logging.',
['id': 'proxy.general.logging.enable.storeLog',
'label':'Enable store logging',
'help':'Enable store logging.',
['id': 'proxy.general.alternateDNSservers',
'label':'Use alternate DNS-servers',
'help':'Type IPs of alternative DNS servers you like to use. <div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma seperated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Type IP adresses, followed by Enter or comma.',
['id': 'proxy.general.dnsV4First',
'label':'Enable DNS v4 first',
'help':'This option reverses the order of preference to make Squid contact dual-stack websites over IPv4 first.
Squid will still perform both IPv6 and IPv4 DNS lookups before connecting.
<div class="alert alert-warning"><b class="text-danger">Warning:</b> This option will restrict the situations under which IPv6
connectivity is used (and tested). Hiding network problems
which would otherwise be detected and warned about.</div>',
['id': 'proxy.general.useViaHeader',
'label':'Use Via header',
'help':'If set (default), Squid will include a Via header in requests and
replies as required by RFC2616.',
'label':'X-Forwarded for header handling',
'help':'Select what to do with X-Forwarded for header.',
['id': 'proxy.general.suppressVersion',
'label':'Suppress version string',
'help':'Suppress Squid version string info in HTTP headers and HTML error pages.',
'label':'Whitespace handling of URI',
'help':'Select what to do with URI that contain whitespaces.<br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>NOTE:</b> the current Squid implementation of encode and chop violates
RFC2616 by not using a 301 redirect after altering the URL.</div>',
[ 'proxy-general-cache-local','Local Cache Settings',
{['id': 'proxy.general.cache.local.enabled',
'label':'Enable local cache.',
'help':'Enable or disable the local cache.<br/>
Curently only ufs directory cache type is supported.<br/>
<b class="text-danger">Do not enable on embedded systems with SD or CF cards as this may break your drive.</b>'
['id': 'proxy.general.cache.local.size',
'label':'Cache size in Megabytes',
'help':'Enter the storage size for the local cache (default is 100).',
['id': 'proxy.general.cache.local.l1',
'label':'Number of first-level subdirectories',
'help':'Enter the number of first-level subdirectories for the local cache (default is 16).',
['id': 'proxy.general.cache.local.l2',
'label':'Number of second-level subdirectories',
'help':'Enter the number of first-level subdirectories for the local cache (default is 256).',
[ 'proxy-general-traffic','Traffic Management Settings',
{['id': 'proxy.general.traffic.enabled',
'label':'Enable traffic management.',
'help':'Enable or disable traffic management.'
['id': 'proxy.general.traffic.maxDownloadSize',
'label':'Maximum download size (Kb)',
'help':'Enter the maxium size for downloads in kilobytes (leave empty to disable).'
['id': 'proxy.general.traffic.maxUploadSize',
'label':'Maximum upload size (Kb)',
'help':'Enter the maxium size for uploads in kilobytes (leave empty to disable).'
['id': 'proxy.general.traffic.OverallBandwidthTrotteling',
'label':'Overall bandwidth throtteling (Kbps)',
'help':'Enter the allowed overall bandtwith in kilobits per second (leave empty to disable).'
['id': 'proxy.general.traffic.perHostTrotteling',
'label':'Per host bandwidth throtteling (Kbps)',
'help':'Enter the allowed per host bandtwith in kilobits per second (leave empty to disable).'
['proxy-forward','Forward Proxy','subtabs': {
[ 'proxy-forward-general','General Forward Settings',
{['id': 'proxy.forward.interfaces',
'label':'Proxy interfaces',
'help':'Select interface(s) the proxy will bind to.',
'hint':'Type or select interface.'
['id': 'proxy.forward.port',
'label':'Proxy port',
'help':'The port the proxy service will listen to.'
['id': 'proxy.forward.transparentMode',
'label':'Enable Transparent HTTP proxy',
'help':'Enable transparent proxy mode to forward all requests for destination port 80 to the proxy server without any additional configuration.'
['id': 'proxy.forward.addACLforInterfaceSubnets',
'label':'Allow interface subnets',
'help':'When enabled the subnets of the selected interfaces will be added to the allow access list.',
[ 'proxy-forward-ftp','FTP Proxy Settings',
{['id': 'proxy.forward.ftpInterfaces',
'label':'FTP proxy interfaces',
'help':'Select interface(s) the ftp proxy will bind to.',
'hint':'Type or select interface (Leave blank to disable ftp proxy).'
['id': 'proxy.forward.ftpPort',
'label':'FTP proxy port',
'help':'The port the proxy service will listen to.'
['id': 'proxy.forward.ftpTransparentMode',
'label':'Enable Transparent mode',
'help':'Enable transparent ftp proxy mode to forward all requests for destination port 21 to the proxy server without any additional configuration.'
[ 'proxy-forward-acl','Access Control List',
{['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.allowedSubnets',
'label':'Allowed Subnets',
'help':'Type subnets you want to allow acces to the proxy server, use a comma or press Enter for new item. <div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Type subnet adresses (ex.',
['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.unrestricted',
'label':'Unrestricted IP adresses',
'help':'Type IP adresses you want to allow acces to the proxy server, use a comma or press Enter for new item. <div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Type IP adresses (ex.',
['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.bannedHosts',
'label':'Banned host IP adresses',
'help':'Type IP adresses you want to deny acces to the proxy server, use a comma or press Enter for new item. <div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Type IP adresses (ex.',
['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.whiteList',
'help':'Whitelist destination domains.<br/>
You may use a regular expression, use a comma or press Enter for new item.<br/>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<b class="text-primary"></b> -> matches on <b>*</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">^http(s|)://([a-zA-Z]+)\.mydomain\.*</b> -> matches on <b>http(s)://*.mydomain.*</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">\\.+\.gif$</b> -> matches on <b>\*.gif</b> but not on <b class="text-danger">\*.gif\test</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">\\.+[0-9]+\.gif$</b> -> matches on <b>\123.gif</b> but not on <b class="text-danger">\test.gif</b><br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Regular expressions are allowed. ',
['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.blackList',
'help':'Blacklist destination domains.<br/>
You may use a regular expression, use a comma or press Enter for new item.<br/>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<b class="text-primary"></b> -> matches on <b>*</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">^http(s|)://([a-zA-Z]+)\.mydomain\.*</b> -> matches on <b>http(s)://*.mydomain.*</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">\\.+\.gif$</b> -> matches on <b>\*.gif</b> but not on <b class="text-danger">\*.gif\test</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">\\.+[0-9]+\.gif$</b> -> matches on <b>\123.gif</b> but not on <b class="text-danger">\test.gif</b><br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Regular expressions are allowed.',
['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.browser',
'label':'Block browser/user-agents',
'help':'Block user-agents.<br/>
You may use a regular expression, use a comma or press Enter for new item.<br/>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<b class="text-primary">^(.)+Macintosh(.)+Firefox/37\.0</b> -> matches on <b>Macintosh version of Firefox revision 37.0</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">^Mozilla</b> -> matches on <b>all Mozilla based browsers</b><br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Regular expressions are allowed.',
['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.mimeType',
'label':'Block specific MIME type reply',
'help':'Block specific MIME type reply.<br/>
You may use a regular expression, use a comma or press Enter for new item.<br/>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<b class="text-primary">video/flv</b> -> matches on <b>Flash Video</b><br/>
<b class="text-primary">application/x-javascript</b> -> matches on <b>javascripts</b><br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Regular expressions are allowed.',
['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.safePorts',
'label':'Allowed destination TCP port',
'help':'Allowed destination TCP ports, you may use ranges (ex. 222-226) and add comments with collon (ex. 22:ssh).<br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Type port number or range.',
['id': 'proxy.forward.acl.sslPorts',
'label':'Allowed SSL ports',
'help':'Allowed destination SSL ports, you may use ranges (ex. 222-226) and add comments with collon (ex. 22:ssh).<br/>
<div class="text-info"><b>TIP: </b>You can also paste a comma separated list into this field.</div>',
'hint':'Type port number or range.',
[ 'proxy-general-authentication', 'Athentication Settings',
'label':'Authentication method',
'help':'Select Authentication method'
['id': 'proxy.forward.authentication.realm',
'label':'Authentication Prompt',
'help':'The prompt will be displayed in the autherntication request window.'
['id': 'proxy.forward.authentication.credentialsttl',
'label':'Authentication TTL (hours)',
'help':'This specifies for how long (in hours) the proxy server assumes an externally validated username and password combination is valid (Time To Live).<br/>
When the TTL expires, the user will be prompted for credentials again. '
['id': 'proxy.forward.authentication.children',
'label':'Authentication processes',
'help':'The total number of authenticator processes to spawn.'
{{ partial("layout_partials/base_tabs",mainForm) }}
......@@ -102,9 +102,7 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
{% for field in subtab[2]|default({})%}
{% if field['disable']|default(false) == false %}
{{ partial("layout_partials/form_input_tr",field) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<td colspan="3"><button class="btn btn-primary" id="save_{{subtab[0]}}" type="button"><b>Apply </b><i id="frm_{{subtab[0]}}_progress" class=""></i></button></td>
......@@ -151,9 +149,7 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
{% for field in tab[2]|default({})%}
{% if field['disable']|default(false) == false %}
{{ partial("layout_partials/form_input_tr",field)}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<td colspan="3"><button class="btn btn-primary" id="save_{{tab[0]}}" type="button"><b>Apply </b><i id="frm_{{tab[0]}}_progress" class=""></i></button></td>
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