<tdcolspan="2"valign="top"class="listtopic"><?=gettext("NTP Serial GPS Configuration");?></td>
<tdwidth="78%"class="vtable"><?=gettext('A GPS connected via a serial port may be used as a reference clock for NTP. If the GPS also supports PPS and is properly configured, and connected, that GPS may also be used as a Pulse Per Second clock reference. NOTE: a USB GPS may work, but is not recommended due to USB bus timing issues.')?>
<br/><?phpechogettext("For the best results, NTP should have at least three sources of time. So it is best to configure at least 2 servers under");?><ahref="services_ntpd.php"><?phpechogettext("Services > NTP");?></a><?phpechogettext("to minimize clock drift if the GPS data is not valid over time. Otherwise ntpd may only use values from the unsynchronized local clock when providing time to clients.");?>
<optionvalue="Garmin"title="$PGRM... Most Garmin"<?phpif($pconfig['type']=='Garmin')echo" selected=\"selected\"";?>><?=gettext('Garmin')?></option>
<optionvalue="MediaTek"title="$PMTK... Adafruit, Fastrax, some Garmin and others"<?phpif($pconfig['type']=='MediaTek')echo" selected=\"selected\"";?>>MediaTek</option>
<optionvalue="SiRF"title="$PSRF... Used by many devices"<?phpif($pconfig['type']=='sirf')echo" selected=\"selected\"";?>><?=gettext('SiRF')?></option>
<optionvalue="U-Blox"title="$PUBX... U-Blox 5, 6 and probably 7"<?phpif($pconfig['type']=='U-Blox')echo" selected=\"selected\"";?>><?=gettext('U-Blox')?></option>
</select> <?phpechogettext("Serial port baud rate.");?>
<?phpechogettext("Note: A higher baud rate is generally only helpful if the GPS is sending too many sentences. It is recommended to configure the GPS to send only one sentence at a baud rate of 4800 or 9600.");?>
<!-- 1 = RMC, 2 = GGA, 4 = GLL, 8 = ZDA or ZDG -->
<?phpechogettext("This may be used to change the GPS Clock stratum");?> (<?phpechogettext("default");?>: 0). <?phpechogettext("This may be useful if, for some reason, you want ntpd to prefer a different clock");?></td>
<spanclass="vexpl"><?phpechogettext("Log the sub-second fraction of the received time stamp (default: Not logged).<br />Note: enabling this will rapidly fill the log, but is useful for tuning Fudge time 2.");?></span>
<?phpechogettext("Note: Commands entered here will be sent to the GPS during initialization. Please read and understand your GPS documentation before making any changes here.");?><br/><br/>
<?phpechogettext("Enter the text between "$" and "*" of a NMEA command string:");?><br/> $<inputname="nmeastring"type="text"class="formfld unknown"id="nmeastring"size="30"value=""/>*<spanid="nmeachecksum"><?phpechogettext("checksum");?></span>
<optionvalue="Garmin"title="$PGRM... Most Garmin"<?=$pconfig['type']=='Garmin'?" selected=\"selected\"":"";?>><?=gettext('Garmin')?></option>
<optionvalue="MediaTek"title="$PMTK... Adafruit, Fastrax, some Garmin and others"<?=$pconfig['type']=='MediaTek'?" selected=\"selected\"":"";?>>MediaTek</option>
<optionvalue="SiRF"title="$PSRF... Used by many devices"<?=$pconfig['type']=='sirf'?" selected=\"selected\"":"";?>><?=gettext('SiRF')?></option>
<optionvalue="U-Blox"title="$PUBX... U-Blox 5, 6 and probably 7"<?=$pconfig['type']=='U-Blox'?" selected=\"selected\"":"";?>><?=gettext('U-Blox')?></option>
<?=gettext("Note: A higher baud rate is generally only helpful if the GPS is sending too many sentences. It is recommended to configure the GPS to send only one sentence at a baud rate of 4800 or 9600.");?>
<!-- 1 = RMC, 2 = GGA, 4 = GLL, 8 = ZDA or ZDG -->
<?=gettext("This may be used to change the GPS Clock stratum");?> (<?=gettext("default");?>: 0). <?=gettext("This may be useful if, for some reason, you want ntpd to prefer a different clock");?>
<?=gettext("Log the sub-second fraction of the received time stamp (default: Not logged).<br />Note: enabling this will rapidly fill the log, but is useful for tuning Fudge time 2.");?>
<?=gettext("Note: Commands entered here will be sent to the GPS during initialization. Please read and understand your GPS documentation before making any changes here.");?><br/><br/>
<?=gettext("Enter the text between "$" and "*" of a NMEA command string:");?><br/> $<inputname="nmeastring"type="text"id="nmeastring"size="30"value=""/>*<spanid="nmeachecksum"><?=gettext("checksum");?></span>
<?=gettext('A GPS connected via a serial port may be used as a reference clock for NTP. If the GPS also supports PPS and is properly configured, and connected, that GPS may also be used as a Pulse Per Second clock reference. NOTE: a USB GPS may work, but is not recommended due to USB bus timing issues.')?>
<br/><?=gettext("For the best results, NTP should have at least three sources of time. So it is best to configure at least 2 servers under");?><ahref="services_ntpd.php"><?=gettext("Services > NTP");?></a><?=gettext("to minimize clock drift if the GPS data is not valid over time. Otherwise ntpd may only use values from the unsynchronized local clock when providing time to clients.");?>