block in {$log['block']} inet all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Default deny rule IPv4"
block out {$log['block']} inet all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Default deny rule IPv4"
block in {$log['block']} inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Default deny rule IPv6"
block out {$log['block']} inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Default deny rule IPv6"
block in {$log['block']} inet all label "Default deny rule IPv4"
block out {$log['block']} inet all label "Default deny rule IPv4"
block in {$log['block']} inet6 all label "Default deny rule IPv6"
block out {$log['block']} inet6 all label "Default deny rule IPv6"
# IPv6 ICMP is not auxilary, it is required for operation
# See man icmp6(4)
@@ -2681,51 +2667,45 @@ block out {$log['block']} inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label
# 134 routeradv Router advertisement
# 135 neighbrsol Neighbor solicitation
# 136 neighbradv Neighbor advertisement
pass {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from any to any icmp6-type {1,2,135,136} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state
pass {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from any to any icmp6-type {1,2,135,136} keep state
# Allow only bare essential icmpv6 packets (NS, NA, and RA, echoreq, echorep)
pass out {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {129,133,134,135,136} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state
pass out {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 icmp6-type {129,133,134,135,136} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state
pass in {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state
pass in {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from ff02::/16 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state
pass in {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state
pass out {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {129,133,134,135,136} keep state
pass out {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 icmp6-type {129,133,134,135,136} keep state
pass in {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} keep state
pass in {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from ff02::/16 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} keep state
pass in {$log['pass']} quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} keep state
# We use the mighty pf, we cannot be fooled.
block {$log['block']} quick inet proto { tcp, udp } from any port = 0 to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}
block {$log['block']} quick inet proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port = 0 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}
block {$log['block']} quick inet6 proto { tcp, udp } from any port = 0 to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}
block {$log['block']} quick inet6 proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port = 0 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}
block {$log['block']} quick inet proto { tcp, udp } from any port = 0 to any
block {$log['block']} quick inet proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port = 0
block {$log['block']} quick inet6 proto { tcp, udp } from any port = 0 to any
block {$log['block']} quick inet6 proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port = 0
# Snort package
block {$log['block']} quick from <snort2c> to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Block snort2c hosts"
block {$log['block']} quick from any to <snort2c> tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Block snort2c hosts"
block {$log['block']} quick from <snort2c> to any label "Block snort2c hosts"
block {$log['block']} quick from any to <snort2c> label "Block snort2c hosts"
$ipfrules.="block in {$log['block']} quick proto tcp from <sshlockout> to (self) port {$sshport}tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}label \"sshlockout\"\n";
$ipfrules.="block in {$log['block']} quick proto tcp from <sshlockout> to (self) port {$sshport} label \"sshlockout\"\n";
$ipfrules.="block in {$log['block']} quick proto tcp from <webConfiguratorlockout> to (self) port {$webConfiguratorlockoutport}tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label \"webConfiguratorlockout\"\n";
$ipfrules.="block in {$log['block']} quick proto tcp from <webConfiguratorlockout> to (self) port {$webConfiguratorlockoutport} label \"webConfiguratorlockout\"\n";
* Support for allow limiting of TCP connections by establishment rate
* Useful for protecting against sudden outburts, etc.
$ipfrules.="block in {$log['block']} quick from <virusprot> to any tracker 1000000400 label \"virusprot overload table\"\n";
$ipfrules.="block in {$log['block']} quick from <virusprot> to any label \"virusprot overload table\"\n";
/* if captive portal is enabled, ensure that access to this port
$ipfrules.="pass in {$log['pass']} quick on { {$cpinterface} } proto tcp from any to { {$cpaddresses} } port { {$portalias} } tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy)\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} quick on { {$cpinterface} } proto tcp from any to any flags any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy)\n";
$ipfrules.="pass in {$log['pass']} quick on { {$cpinterface} } proto tcp from any to { {$cpaddresses} } port { {$portalias} } keep state(sloppy)\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} quick on { {$cpinterface} } proto tcp from any to any flags any keep state(sloppy)\n";
/* XXX: Not static but give a step of 1000 for each interface to at least be able to match rules. */
block in $bogonlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from <bogons> to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("block bogon IPv4 networks from {$oc['descr']}")}"
block in $bogonlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from <bogons> to any label "{$fix_rule_label("block bogon IPv4 networks from {$oc['descr']}")}"
block in $bogonlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from <bogonsv6> to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("block bogon IPv6 networks from {$oc['descr']}")}"
block in $bogonlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from <bogonsv6> to any label "{$fix_rule_label("block bogon IPv6 networks from {$oc['descr']}")}"
# allow our DHCPv6 client out to the {$oc['descr']}
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from fe80::/10 port = 546 to fe80::/10 port = 546 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcpv6 client in {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 547 to any port = 546 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcpv6 client in {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 546 to any port = 547 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcpv6 client out {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from fe80::/10 port = 546 to fe80::/10 port = 546 label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcpv6 client in {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 547 to any port = 546 label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcpv6 client in {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 546 to any port = 547 label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcpv6 client out {$oc['descr']}")}"
# block anything from private networks on interfaces with the option set
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 10/8")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 127/8")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 100.64/10")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 172.16/12")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 192.168/16")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from fc00::/7 to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Block ULA networks from {$oc['descr']} block fc00::/7")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 10/8")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 127/8")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 100.64/10")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 172.16/12")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block private networks from {$oc['descr']} block 192.168/16")}"
block in $privnetlog quick on \${$oc['descr']} from fc00::/7 to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Block ULA networks from {$oc['descr']} block fc00::/7")}"
# allow PPTP client
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto tcp from any to any port = 1723 flags S/SA modulate state tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("allow PPTP client on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto gre from any to any keep state tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("allow PPTP client on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto tcp from any to any port = 1723 flags S/SA modulate state label "{$fix_rule_label("allow PPTP client on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto gre from any to any keep state label "{$fix_rule_label("allow PPTP client on {$oc['descr']}")}"
# allow our DHCP client out to the {$oc['descr']}
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 67 to any port = 68 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcp client out {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 68 to any port = 67 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcp client out {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 67 to any port = 68 label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcp client out {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 68 to any port = 67 label "{$fix_rule_label("allow dhcp client out {$oc['descr']}")}"
# Not installing DHCP server firewall rules for {$oc['descr']} which is configured for DHCP.
@@ -2913,13 +2873,13 @@ EOD;
# allow access to DHCP server on {$oc['descr']}
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 68 to {$oc['ip']} port = 67 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass out {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from {$oc['ip']} port = 67 to any port = 68 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from any port = 68 to {$oc['ip']} port = 67 label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass out {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto udp from {$oc['ip']} port = 67 to any port = 68 label "allow access to DHCP server"
# allow access to DHCP failover on {$oc['descr']} from {$config['dhcpd'][$on]['failover_peerip']}
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto { tcp udp } from {$config['dhcpd'][$on]['failover_peerip']} to {$oc['ip']} port = 519 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCP failover"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto { tcp udp } from {$config['dhcpd'][$on]['failover_peerip']} to {$oc['ip']} port = 520 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCP failover"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto { tcp udp } from {$config['dhcpd'][$on]['failover_peerip']} to {$oc['ip']} port = 519 label "allow access to DHCP failover"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto { tcp udp } from {$config['dhcpd'][$on]['failover_peerip']} to {$oc['ip']} port = 520 label "allow access to DHCP failover"
@@ -2937,21 +2897,19 @@ EOD;
# allow our proto 41 traffic from the 6RD border relay in
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto 41 from {$config['interfaces'][$on]['gateway-6rd']} to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic in for 6rd on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto 41 from any to {$config['interfaces'][$on]['gateway-6rd']} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic out for 6rd on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto 41 from {$config['interfaces'][$on]['gateway-6rd']} to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic in for 6rd on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto 41 from any to {$config['interfaces'][$on]['gateway-6rd']} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic out for 6rd on {$oc['descr']}")}"
/* XXX: Really need to allow 6rd traffic coming in for v6 this is against default behaviour! */
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from any to {$oc['ipv6']}/{$oc['snv6']} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6rd traffic in for 6rd on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from {$oc['ipv6']}/{$oc['snv6']} to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6rd traffic out for 6rd on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from any to {$oc['ipv6']}/{$oc['snv6']} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6rd traffic in for 6rd on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from {$oc['ipv6']}/{$oc['snv6']} to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6rd traffic out for 6rd on {$oc['descr']}")}"
@@ -2960,16 +2918,16 @@ EOD;
# allow our proto 41 traffic from the 6to4 border relay in
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto 41 from any to {$oc['ip']} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic in for 6to4 on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto 41 from {$oc['ip']} to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic out for 6to4 on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto 41 from any to {$oc['ip']} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic in for 6to4 on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto 41 from {$oc['ip']} to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic out for 6to4 on {$oc['descr']}")}"
/* XXX: Really need to allow 6to4 traffic coming in for v6 this is against default behaviour! */
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from any to {$oc['ipv6']}/{$oc['snv6']} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic in for 6to4 on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from {$oc['ipv6']}/{$oc['snv6']} to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic out for 6to4 on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from any to {$oc['ipv6']}/{$oc['snv6']} label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic in for 6to4 on {$oc['descr']}")}"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from {$oc['ipv6']}/{$oc['snv6']} to any label "{$fix_rule_label("Allow 6in4 traffic out for 6to4 on {$oc['descr']}")}"
@@ -2980,16 +2938,16 @@ EOD;
# allow access to DHCPv6 server on {$oc['descr']}
# We need inet6 icmp for stateless autoconfig and dhcpv6
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 to fe80::/10 port = 546 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 port = 546 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 port = 547 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from ff02::/16 to fe80::/10 port = 547 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 to fe80::/10 port = 546 label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 port = 546 label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 port = 547 label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from ff02::/16 to fe80::/10 port = 547 label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 to {$oc['ipv6']} port = 546 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass out {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from {$oc['ipv6']} port = 547 to fe80::/10 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 to {$oc['ipv6']} port = 546 label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
pass out {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto udp from {$oc['ipv6']} port = 547 to fe80::/10 label "allow access to DHCPv6 server"
@@ -2998,9 +2956,6 @@ EOD;
* NB: The loopback rules are needed here since the antispoof would take precedence then.
* If you ever add the 'quick' keyword to the antispoof rules above move the looback
@@ -3009,31 +2964,29 @@ EOD;
# loopback
pass in {$log['pass']} on \$loopback inet all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "pass IPv4 loopback"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \$loopback inet all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "pass IPv4 loopback"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \$loopback inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "pass IPv6 loopback"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \$loopback inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "pass IPv6 loopback"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \$loopback inet all label "pass IPv4 loopback"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \$loopback inet all label "pass IPv4 loopback"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \$loopback inet6 all label "pass IPv6 loopback"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \$loopback inet6 all label "pass IPv6 loopback"
# let out anything from the firewall host itself and decrypted IPsec traffic
pass out {$log['pass']} inet all keep state allow-opts tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "let out anything IPv4 from firewall host itself"
pass out {$log['pass']} inet6 all keep state allow-opts tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "let out anything IPv6 from firewall host itself"
pass out {$log['pass']} inet all keep state allow-opts label "let out anything IPv4 from firewall host itself"
pass out {$log['pass']} inet6 all keep state allow-opts label "let out anything IPv6 from firewall host itself"
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$ifcfg['if']}{$gw} ) from {$ifcfg['ip']} to !{$ifcfg['sa']}/{$ifcfg['sn']}tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$ifcfg['if']}{$gw} ) from {$ifcfg['ip']} to !{$ifcfg['sa']}/{$ifcfg['sn']} keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$ifcfg['if']}{$gw} ) from {$vip['ip']} to !{$ifcfg['sa']}/{$ifcfg['sn']}tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$ifcfg['if']}{$gw} ) from {$vip['ip']} to !{$ifcfg['sa']}/{$ifcfg['sn']} keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$ifcfg['if']}{$gw} ) from {$vip['ip']} to !".gen_subnet($vip['ip'],$vip['sn'])."/{$vip['sn']}tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$ifcfg['if']}{$gw} ) from {$vip['ip']} to !".gen_subnet($vip['ip'],$vip['sn'])."/{$vip['sn']} keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$stf}{$gwv6} ) inet6 from {$ifcfg['ipv6']} to !{$ifcfg['ipv6']}/{$pdlen}tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$stf}{$gwv6} ) inet6 from {$ifcfg['ipv6']} to !{$ifcfg['ipv6']}/{$pdlen} keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$stf}{$gwv6} ) inet6 from {$vip['ip']} to !{$vip['ip']}/{$pdlen}tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} route-to ( {$stf}{$gwv6} ) inet6 from {$vip['ip']} to !{$vip['ip']}/{$pdlen} keep state allow-opts label \"let out anything from firewall host itself\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} on \$IPsec all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}keep state label \"IPsec internal host to host\"\n";
$ipfrules.="pass out {$log['pass']} on \$IPsec all keep state label \"IPsec internal host to host\"\n";
# make sure the user cannot lock himself out of the webConfigurator or SSH
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on {$lanif} proto tcp from any to ({$lanif}) port { {$alports} } tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "anti-lockout rule"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on {$lanif} proto tcp from any to ({$lanif}) port { {$alports} } keep state label "anti-lockout rule"
@@ -3076,15 +3025,13 @@ EOD;
# make sure the user cannot lock himself out of the webConfigurator or SSH
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on {$wanif} proto tcp from any to ({$wanif}) port { {$alports} } tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "anti-lockout rule"
pass in {$log['pass']} quick on {$wanif} proto tcp from any to ({$wanif}) port { {$alports} } keep state label "anti-lockout rule"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist['wan']['descr']} proto tcp from any to $pptpdtarget port = 1723 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} modulate state label "{$fix_rule_label("allow pptpd {$pptpdtarget}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist['wan']['descr']} proto gre from any to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "allow gre pptpd"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist['wan']['descr']} proto tcp from any to $pptpdtarget port = 1723 modulate state label "{$fix_rule_label("allow pptpd {$pptpdtarget}")}"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist['wan']['descr']} proto gre from any to any keep state label "allow gre pptpd"
pass in {$log['pass']} inet tagged PFREFLECT tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "NAT REFLECT: Allow traffic to localhost"
pass in {$log['pass']} inet tagged PFREFLECT keep state label "NAT REFLECT: Allow traffic to localhost"
@@ -3194,8 +3139,6 @@ EOD;
/* pass traffic between statically routed subnets and the subnet on the
* interface in question to avoid problems with complicated routing
@@ -3215,10 +3158,10 @@ EOD;
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto tcp from {$sa}/{$sn} to {$route['network']} flags any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} from {$sa}/{$sn} to {$route['network']} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto tcp from {$route['network']} to {$sa}/{$sn} flags any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} from {$route['network']} to {$sa}/{$sn} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto tcp from {$sa}/{$sn} to {$route['network']} flags any keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} from {$sa}/{$sn} to {$route['network']} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} proto tcp from {$route['network']} to {$sa}/{$sn} flags any keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} from {$route['network']} to {$sa}/{$sn} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
@@ -3229,10 +3172,10 @@ EOD;
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto tcp from {$sa}/{$sn} to {$route['network']} flags any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from {$sa}/{$sn} to {$route['network']} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto tcp from {$route['network']} to {$sa}/{$sn} flags any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from {$route['network']} to {$sa}/{$sn} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto tcp from {$sa}/{$sn} to {$route['network']} flags any keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from {$sa}/{$sn} to {$route['network']} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 proto tcp from {$route['network']} to {$sa}/{$sn} flags any keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass {$log['pass']} quick on \${$oc['descr']} inet6 from {$route['network']} to {$sa}/{$sn} keep state(sloppy) label "pass traffic between statically routed subnets"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto tcp from {$sa}/{$sn} to port 1900 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "pass multicast traffic to miniupnpd"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$oc['descr']} proto tcp from {$sa}/{$sn} to port 1900 keep state label "pass multicast traffic to miniupnpd"
$lines.="block in {$log['block']} quick proto carp from (self) to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}\n";
$lines.="pass {$log['pass']} quick proto carp tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)}\n";
$lines.="block in {$log['block']} quick proto carp from (self) to any \n";
$lines.="pass {$log['pass']} quick proto carp \n";
@@ -3514,13 +3451,12 @@ function filter_process_carp_rules($log)
/* Generate IPsec Filter Items */
return"\n# VPN Rules not added disabled in System->Advanced.\n";
$ipfrules="\n# VPN Rules\n";
/* Is IP Compression enabled? */
@@ -3533,7 +3469,6 @@ function filter_generate_ipsec_rules($log = array())
/* step through all phase1 entries */
@@ -3607,30 +3542,30 @@ function filter_generate_ipsec_rules($log = array())
/* Add rules to allow IKE to pass */
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $route_to proto udp from any to {$rgip} port = 500 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - outbound isakmp"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $reply_to proto udp from {$rgip} to any port = 500 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - inbound isakmp"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $route_to proto udp from any to {$rgip} port = 500 keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - outbound isakmp"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $reply_to proto udp from {$rgip} to any port = 500 keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - inbound isakmp"
/* If NAT-T is enabled, add additional rules */
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $route_to proto udp from any to {$rgip} port = 4500 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - outbound nat-t"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $reply_to proto udp from {$rgip} to any port = 4500 tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - inbound nat-t"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $route_to proto udp from any to {$rgip} port = 4500 keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - outbound nat-t"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $reply_to proto udp from {$rgip} to any port = 4500 keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - inbound nat-t"
/* Add rules to allow the protocols in use */
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $route_to proto esp from any to {$rgip} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - outbound esp proto"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $reply_to proto esp from {$rgip} to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - inbound esp proto"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $route_to proto esp from any to {$rgip} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - outbound esp proto"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $reply_to proto esp from {$rgip} to any keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - inbound esp proto"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $route_to proto ah from any to {$rgip} tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - outbound ah proto"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $reply_to proto ah from {$rgip} to any tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - inbound ah proto"
pass out {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $route_to proto ah from any to {$rgip} keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - outbound ah proto"
pass in {$log['pass']} on \${$FilterIflist[$parentinterface]['descr']} $reply_to proto ah from {$rgip} to any keep state label "IPsec: {$shorttunneldescr} - inbound ah proto"