<?=gettext("No Certificates have been defined. You must");?>
<ahref="system_certmanager.php"><?=gettext("Create or Import");?></a>
<?=gettext("a Certificate before SSL can be enabled.");?>
<?=sprintf(gettext("No Certificates have been defined. You must %sCreate or Import%s a Certificate before SSL can be enabled."),'<a href="system_certmanager.php">','</a>')?>
<?=gettext("When this is checked, login credentials for the webConfigurator ".
"may be saved by the browser. While convenient, some security standards require this to be disabled. ".
"Check this box to enable autocomplete on the login form so that browsers will prompt to save credentials (NOTE: Some browsers do not respect this option).");?>
"Check this box to enable autocomplete on the login form so that browsers will prompt to save credentials (NOTE: Some browsers do not respect this option).");?>
<a id="del_cert_<?=$thiscrl['refid'];?>" data-id="<?=$thiscrl['refid'];?>" data-certref="<?=$cert['refid'];?>" title="<?=gettext("Delete this certificate from the CRL");?>" data-toggle="tooltip" class="act_delete_cert btn btn-default btn-xs">
<a id="del_cert_<?=$thiscrl['refid'];?>" data-id="<?=$thiscrl['refid'];?>" data-certref="<?=$cert['refid'];?>" title="<?=gettext("Delete this certificate from the CRL");?>" data-toggle="tooltip" class="act_delete_cert btn btn-default btn-xs">
<?=gettext("Remember to use these Gateway Groups in firewall rules in order to enable load balancing, failover, or policy-based routing. Without rules directing traffic into the Gateway Groups, they will not be used.");?>
<?=gettext("Remember to use these Gateway Groups in firewall rules in order to enable load balancing, failover, or policy-based routing. Without rules directing traffic into the Gateway Groups, they will not be used.")?>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ if (isset($_REQUEST['getupdatestatus'])) {
echo"<span class='text-info'>".gettext("Your system is up to date.")."</span><br/><span class='btn-link' onclick='checkupdate()'>".gettext('Click to check for updates')."</span>";
echo"<span class='text-info'>".gettext("There are ").$pkg_status["updates"].gettext(" update(s) available.")."</span><br/><a href='/ui/core/firmware/#checkupdate'>".gettext("Click to upgrade")."</a> | <span class='btn-link' onclick='checkupdate()'>".gettext('Re-check now')."</span>";
echo"<span class='text-info'>".sprintf(gettext("There are %s update(s) available."),$pkg_status["updates"])."</span><br/><a href='/ui/core/firmware/#checkupdate'>".gettext("Click to upgrade")."</a> | <span class='btn-link' onclick='checkupdate()'>".gettext('Re-check now')."</span>";