$input_errors[]=sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid start source port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."),$pconfig['srcbeginport']);
$input_errors[]=sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid start destination port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."),$pconfig['dstbeginport']);
$input_errors[]=sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid end destination port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."),$pconfig['dstendport']);
$input_errors[]=sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid start source port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."),$_POST['srcbeginport']);
$input_errors[]=sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid start destination port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."),$_POST['dstbeginport']);
$input_errors[]=sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid end destination port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."),$_POST['dstendport']);
$input_errors[]=sprintf(gettext("A valid redirect target port must be specified. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."),$_POST['localbeginport']);
$input_errors[]=sprintf(gettext("A valid redirect target port must be specified. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."),$pconfig['local-port']);
/* if user enters an alias and selects "network" then disallow. */
<inputtype="button"onclick="show_source()"class="btn btn-default"value="<?=gettext("Advanced");?>"/> - <?=gettext("Show source address and port range");?>
<optiondata-other=truevalue="<?=$pconfig['src'];?>"<?=!is_specialnet($pconfig['src'])?"selected=\"selected\"":"";?>><?=gettext("Single host or Network");?></option>
<inputtype="text"value="<?=$pconfig['srcbeginport'];?>"for="srcbeginport"><!-- updates to "other" option in srcbeginport -->
<inputtype="text"value="<?=$pconfig['srcendport'];?>"for="srcendport"><!-- updates to "other" option in srcendport -->
<spanclass="vexpl"><?=gettext("Specify the source port or port range for this rule");?>. <b><?=gettext("This is usually");?><em><?=gettext("random");?></em><?=gettext("and almost never equal to the destination port range (and should usually be 'any')");?>.</b><br/><?=gettext("Hint: you can leave the");?><em>'<?=gettext("to");?>'</em><?=gettext("field empty if you only want to filter a single port.");?></span><br/>
<?=gettext("Specify the source port or port range for this rule");?>.
<b><?=gettext("This is usually");?>
<?=gettext("and almost never equal to the destination port range (and should usually be 'any')");?>.
<optiondata-other=truevalue="<?=$pconfig['dst'];?>"<?=!is_specialnet($pconfig['dst'])?"selected=\"selected\"":"";?>><?=gettext("Single host or Network");?></option>
<?=gettext("Hint: This prevents the rule on Master from automatically syncing to other CARP members. This does NOT prevent the rule from being overwritten on Slave.");?>
<optionvalue="default"<?phpif($pconfig['natreflection']!="enable"&&$pconfig['natreflection']!="purenat"&&$pconfig['natreflection']!="disable")echo"selected=\"selected\"";?>><?=gettext("Use system default");?></option>
<optionvalue="default"<?=$pconfig['natreflection']!="enable"&&$pconfig['natreflection']!="purenat"&&$pconfig['natreflection']!="disable"?"selected=\"selected\"":"";?>><?=gettext("Use system default");?></option>
<br/><br/><?=gettext("NOTE: The \"pass\" selection does not work properly with Multi-WAN. It will only work on an interface containing the default gateway.")?>
<?=gettext("NOTE: The \"pass\" selection does not work properly with Multi-WAN. It will only work on an interface containing the default gateway.")?>