Commit da2c3c1b authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

add revisiondata to getBackups for config class

parent 6a2f32dc
......@@ -319,15 +319,30 @@ class Config extends Singleton
* return list of config backups
* @param bool $fetchRevisionInfo fetch revision information and return detailed information. (key/value)
* @return array list of backups
public function getBackups()
public function getBackups($fetchRevisionInfo = false)
$target_dir = dirname($this->config_file)."/backup/";
if (file_exists($target_dir)) {
$backups = glob($target_dir."config*.xml");
// sort by date (descending)
if (!$fetchRevisionInfo) {
return $backups;
} else {
$result = array ();
foreach ($backups as $filename) {
// try to read backup info from xml
$xmlNode = simplexml_load_file($filename, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_ERR_NONE);
if (isset($xmlNode->revision)) {
$result[$filename] = $this->toArray($xmlNode->revision);
return $result;
return array();
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