Commit d9d68b45 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(captiveportal, new) cleanup and add features to background process

parent caf43295
......@@ -39,83 +39,172 @@ from lib.arp import ARP
from lib.ipfw import IPFW
from lib.daemonize import Daemonize
class CPBackgroundProcess(object):
""" background process helper class
def __init__(self):
# open syslog and notice startup
syslog.openlog('captiveportal', logoption=syslog.LOG_DAEMON)
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, 'starting captiveportal background process')
# handles to ipfw, arp the config and the internal administration
self.ipfw = IPFW()
self.arp = ARP()
self.cnf = Config()
self.db = DB()
self._conf_zone_info = self.cnf.get_zones()
def list_zone_ids(self):
""" return zone numbers
return self._conf_zone_info.keys()
def initialize_fixed(self):
""" initialize fixed ip / hosts per zone
cpzones = self._conf_zone_info
for zoneid in cpzones:
for conf_section in ['allowedaddresses', 'allowedmacaddresses']:
for address in cpzones[zoneid][conf_section]:
if conf_section.find('mac') == -1:
sessions = self.db.sessions_per_address(zoneid, ip_address=address)
ip_address = address
mac_address = None
sessions = self.db.sessions_per_address(zoneid, mac_address=address)
ip_address = None
mac_address = address
sessions_deleted = 0
for session in sessions:
if session['authenticated_via'] not in ('---ip---', '---mac---'):
sessions_deleted += 1
self.db.del_client(zoneid, session['sessionId'])
if sessions_deleted == len(sessions) or len(sessions) == 0:
# when there's no session active, add a new one
# (only administrative, the sync process will add it if neccesary)
if ip_address is not None:
self.db.add_client(zoneid, "---ip---", "", ip_address, "")
self.db.add_client(zoneid, "---mac---", "", "", mac_address)
# cleanup removed static sessions
for dbclient in self.db.list_clients(zoneid):
if dbclient['authenticated_via'] == '---ip---' \
and dbclient['ipAddress'] not in cpzones[zoneid]['allowedaddresses']:
self.ipfw.delete(zoneid, dbclient['ipAddress'])
self.db.del_client(zoneid, dbclient['sessionId'])
elif dbclient['authenticated_via'] == '---mac---' \
and dbclient['macAddress'] not in cpzones[zoneid]['allowedmacaddresses']:
if dbclient['ipAddress'] != '':
self.ipfw.delete(zoneid, dbclient['ipAddress'])
self.db.del_client(zoneid, dbclient['sessionId'])
def sync_zone(self, zoneid):
""" Synchronize captiveportal zone.
Handles timeouts and administrative changes to this zones sessions
if zoneid in self._conf_zone_info:
# fetch data for this zone
cpzone_info = self._conf_zone_info[zoneid]
registered_addresses = self.ipfw.list_table(zoneid)
registered_addr_accounting = self.ipfw.list_accounting_info()
expected_clients = self.db.list_clients(zoneid)
concurrent_users = self.db.find_concurrent_user_sessions(zoneid)
# handle connected clients, timeouts, address changes, etc.
for db_client in expected_clients:
# fetch ip address (or network) from database
cpnet = db_client['ipAddress'].strip()
# there are different reasons why a session should be removed, check for all reasons and
# use the same method for the actual removal
drop_session_reason = None
# session cleanups, only for users not for static hosts/ranges.
if db_client['authenticated_via'] not in ('---ip---', '---mac---'):
# check if hardtimeout is set and overrun for this session
if 'hardtimeout' in cpzone_info and str(cpzone_info['hardtimeout']).isdigit():
# hardtimeout should be set and we should have collected some session data from the client
if int(cpzone_info['hardtimeout']) > 0 and float(db_client['startTime']) > 0:
if (time.time() - float(db_client['startTime'])) / 60 > int(cpzone_info['hardtimeout']):
drop_session_reason = "session %s hit hardtimeout" % db_client['sessionId']
# check if idletimeout is set and overrun for this session
if 'idletimeout' in cpzone_info and str(cpzone_info['idletimeout']).isdigit():
# idletimeout should be set and we should have collected some session data from the client
if int(cpzone_info['idletimeout']) > 0 and float(db_client['last_accessed']) > 0:
if (time.time() - float(db_client['last_accessed'])) / 60 > int(cpzone_info['idletimeout']):
drop_session_reason = "session %s hit idletimeout" % db_client['sessionId']
# cleanup concurrent users
if 'concurrentlogins' in cpzone_info and int(cpzone_info['concurrentlogins']) == 0:
if db_client['sessionId'] in concurrent_users:
drop_session_reason = "remove concurrent session %s" % db_client['sessionId']
# if mac address changes, drop session. it's not the same client
current_arp = self.arp.get_by_ipaddress(cpnet)
if current_arp is not None and current_arp['mac'] != db_client['macAddress']:
drop_session_reason = "mac address changed for session %s" % db_client['sessionId']
elif db_client['authenticated_via'] == '---mac---':
# detect mac changes
current_ip = self.arp.get_address_by_mac(db_client['macAddress'])
if current_ip != None:
if db_client['ipAddress'] != '':
# remove old ip
self.ipfw.delete(zoneid, db_client['ipAddress'])
self.db.update_client_ip(zoneid, db_client['sessionId'], current_ip)
self.ipfw.add_to_table(zoneid, current_ip)
# check session, if it should be active, validate its properties
if drop_session_reason is None:
# registered client, but not active according to ipfw (after reboot)
if cpnet not in registered_addresses:
self.ipfw.add_to_table(zoneid, cpnet)
# is accounting rule still available? need to reapply after reload / reboot
if cpnet not in registered_addr_accounting:
# remove session
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, drop_session_reason)
self.ipfw.delete(zoneid, cpnet)
self.db.del_client(zoneid, db_client['sessionId'])
# if there are addresses/networks in the underlying ipfw table which are not in our administration,
# remove them from ipfw.
for registered_address in registered_addresses:
address_active = False
for db_client in expected_clients:
if registered_address == db_client['ipAddress']:
address_active = True
if not address_active:
self.ipfw.delete(zoneid, registered_address)
def main():
syslog.openlog('captiveportal', logoption=syslog.LOG_DAEMON)
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, 'starting captiveportal background process')
# handle to ipfw, arp and the config
ipfw = IPFW()
arp = ARP()
cnf = Config()
""" Background process loop, runs as backend daemon for all zones. only one should be active at all times.
The main job of this procedure is to sync the administration with the actual situation in the ipfw firewall.
bgprocess = CPBackgroundProcess()
while True:
# construct objects
db = DB()
# open database
# update accounting info
# reload cached arp table contents
# update accounting info, for all zones
# process sessions per zone
cpzones = cnf.get_zones()
for zoneid in cpzones:
registered_addresses = ipfw.list_table(zoneid)
registered_add_accounting = ipfw.list_accounting_info()
expected_clients = db.list_clients(zoneid)
concurrent_users = db.find_concurrent_user_sessions(zoneid)
# handle connected clients, timeouts, address changes, etc.
for db_client in expected_clients:
# fetch ip address (or network) from database
cpnet = db_client['ipAddress'].strip()
# there are different reasons why a session should be removed, check for all reasons and
# use the same method for the actual removal
drop_session_reason = None
# session cleanups, only for users not for static hosts/ranges.
if db_client['userName'] != '':
# check if hardtimeout is set and overrun for this session
if 'hardtimeout' in cpzones[zoneid] and str(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']).isdigit():
# hardtimeout should be set and we should have collected some session data from the client
if int(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']) > 0 and float(db_client['startTime']) > 0:
if (time.time() - float(db_client['startTime'])) / 60 > int(cpzones[zoneid]['hardtimeout']):
drop_session_reason = "session %s hit hardtimeout" % db_client['sessionId']
# check if idletimeout is set and overrun for this session
if 'idletimeout' in cpzones[zoneid] and str(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']).isdigit():
# idletimeout should be set and we should have collected some session data from the client
if int(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']) > 0 and float(db_client['last_accessed']) > 0:
if (time.time() - float(db_client['last_accessed'])) / 60 > int(cpzones[zoneid]['idletimeout']):
drop_session_reason = "session %s hit idletimeout" % db_client['sessionId']
# cleanup concurrent users
if 'concurrentlogins' in cpzones[zoneid] and int(cpzones[zoneid]['concurrentlogins']) == 0:
if db_client['sessionId'] in concurrent_users:
drop_session_reason = "remove concurrent session %s" % db_client['sessionId']
# if mac address changes, drop session. it's not the same client
current_arp = arp.get_by_ipaddress(db_client['ipAddress'])
if current_arp is not None and current_arp['mac'] != db_client['macAddress']:
drop_session_reason = "mac address changed for session %s" % db_client['sessionId']
# check session, if it should be active, validate its properties
if drop_session_reason is None:
# registered client, but not active according to ipfw (after reboot)
if cpnet not in registered_addresses:
ipfw.add_to_table(zoneid, cpnet)
# is accounting rule still available? need to reapply after reload / reboot
if cpnet not in registered_add_accounting and db_client['ipAddress'] not in registered_add_accounting:
# remove session
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, drop_session_reason)
db.del_client(zoneid, db_client['sessionId'])
ipfw.delete_from_table(zoneid, cpnet)
# cleanup, destruct
del db
for zoneid in bgprocess.list_zone_ids():
# close the database handle while waiting for the next poll
# sleep
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