// A voucher server is needed before we can add vouchers, alert user
BootstrapDialog.alert('{{ lang._('Please setup a voucher server first ') }} (<a href="/system_authservers.php">{{ lang._('goto auth servers') }}</a> )');
BootstrapDialog.alert('{{ lang._('Please setup a voucher server first (%sgoto auth servers%s)') | format('<a href="/system_authservers.php">','</a>') }}');
<?phpprintf(gettext("If this option is set, %s DNS Forwarder (dnsmasq) will ".
"not forward reverse DNS lookups (PTR) for private addresses (RFC 1918) to upstream name servers. ".
"Any entries in the Domain Overrides section forwarding private \"n.n.n.in-addr.arpa\" names to a specific server are still forwarded. ".
"If the IP to name is not known from /etc/hosts, DHCP or a specific domain override then a \"not found\" answer is immediately returned. ".
'Any entries in the Domain Overrides section forwarding private "n.n.n.in-addr.arpa" names to a specific server are still forwarded. '.
'If the IP to name is not known from /etc/hosts, DHCP or a specific domain override then a "not found" answer is immediately returned.'),$g['product_name']);?>
<?=gettext("Entries in this area override an entire domain, and subdomains, by specifying an"." authoritative DNS server to be queried for that domain.");?>
<?=gettext("Entries in this area override an entire domain, and subdomains, by specifying an authoritative DNS server to be queried for that domain.");?>