<?phpprint_info_box_apply(gettext("The IGMP entry list has been changed").".<br />".gettext("You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."));?>
<ahref="services_igmpproxy.php?act=del&id=<?=$i;?>"onclick="return confirm('<?=gettext("Do you really want to delete this igmp entry? All elements that still use it will become invalid (e.g. filter rules)!");?>')"title="<?=gettext("delete igmpentry");?>"class="btn btn-default btn-xs"><spanclass="fa fa-trash text-muted"></span></a>
<p><spanclass="vexpl"><spanclass="red"><strong><?=gettext("Note:");?><br/></strong></span><?=gettext("Please add the interface for upstream, the allowed subnets, and the downstream interfaces you would like the proxy to allow. Only one 'upstream' interface can be configured.");?></span></p>
<?phpprint_info_box_apply(gettext("The IGMP entry list has been changed").".<br />".gettext("You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."));?>
<?=gettext("Please add the interface for upstream, the allowed subnets, and the downstream interfaces you would like the proxy to allow. Only one 'upstream' interface can be configured.");?>