Commit c94b5c6d authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

rc: change PHP error reporting a bit more

* We can now see the errors we suppress.  E_WARNING is the one that
  should be zapped as soon as possible.

* According to the manual, display_startup_errors should not be enabled.

* Add ignore_repeated_errors to avoid multiple reports in e.g. loops.
parent 1ff9cef7
......@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ html_errors = Off
zlib.output_compression = Off
zlib.output_compression_level = 1
include_path = ".:/usr/local/etc/inc:/usr/local/www:/usr/local/captiveportal:/usr/local/pkg:/usr/local/opnsense/mvc:/usr/local/share/pear"
error_reporting = E_ERROR | E_PARSE
ignore_repeated_errors = on
error_reporting = E_ALL ^ (E_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_DEPRECATED | E_STRICT)
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