<?=gettext("A serial GPS may also be used, but the serial GPS driver would usually be the better option.");?>
<?=gettext("A serial GPS may also be used, but the serial GPS driver would usually be the better option.");?>
<?=gettext("A PPS signal only provides a reference to the change of a second, so at least one other source to number the seconds is required.");?>
<?=gettext("A PPS signal only provides a reference to the change of a second, so at least one other source to number the seconds is required.");?>
<br/><strong><?=gettext("Note");?>:</strong><?=gettext("At least 3 additional time sources should be configured under");?><ahref="services_ntpd.php"><?=gettext("Services > NTP");?></a><?=gettext("to reliably supply the time of each PPS pulse.");?>
<br/><strong><?=gettext("Note");?>:</strong><?=sprintf(gettext("At least 3 additional time sources should be configured under %sServices: NTP%s to reliably supply the time of each PPS pulse."),'<a href="services_ntpd.php">','</a>')?>