<?phpprint_info_box_np(gettext("The alias list has been changed.")."<br />".gettext("You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."));?>
<?phpprint_info_box_np(gettext("The alias list has been changed.")."<br />".gettext("You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect."));?>
<?=gettext("Aliases act as placeholders for real hosts, networks or ports. They can be used to minimize the number of changes that have to be made if a host, network or port changes. You can enter the name of an alias instead of the host, network or port in all fields that have a red background. The alias will be resolved according to the list above. If an alias cannot be resolved (e.g. because you deleted it), the corresponding element (e.g. filter/NAT/shaper rule) will be considered invalid and skipped.");?>
<?=gettext("Aliases act as placeholders for real hosts, networks or ports. They can be used to minimize the number of changes that have to be made if a host, network or port changes. You can enter the name of an alias instead of the host, network or port in all fields that have a red background. The alias will be resolved according to the list above. If an alias cannot be resolved (e.g. because you deleted it), the corresponding element (e.g. filter/NAT/shaper rule) will be considered invalid and skipped.");?>