Commit 96510573 authored by Franco Fichtner's avatar Franco Fichtner

interfaces: port status-only probe

(cherry picked from commit 9b94d2f2)
(cherry picked from commit 3272c7bb)
parent c4b22a4c
......@@ -2688,10 +2688,10 @@ EOD;
/* find which clones are up and bring them down */
$ifup = legacy_interface_listget('up');
$clones_up = array();
foreach ($clone_list as $clone_if) {
$clone_status = pfSense_get_interface_addresses($clone_if);
if ($clone_status['status'] == 'up') {
if (in_array($clone_if, $ifup)) {
$clones_up[] = $clone_if;
mwexec("{$ifconfig} " . escapeshellarg($clone_if) . " down");
......@@ -5086,19 +5086,20 @@ function get_interface_info($ifdescr)
$chkif = $ifinfo['if'];
$ifinfotmp = pfSense_get_interface_addresses($chkif);
$ifinfo['status'] = $ifinfotmp['status'];
if (empty($ifinfo['status'])) {
$ifinfo['status'] = 'down';
$ifinfo['macaddr'] = $ifinfotmp['macaddr'];
$ifinfo['ipaddr'] = $ifinfotmp['ipaddr'];
$ifinfo['subnet'] = $ifinfotmp['subnet'];
$ifinfo['linklocal'] = get_interface_linklocal($ifdescr);
$ifinfo['ipaddrv6'] = get_interface_ipv6($ifdescr);
$ifinfo['subnetv6'] = get_interface_subnetv6($ifdescr);
if (isset($ifinfotmp['link0'])) {
$link0 = 'down';
$ifup = legacy_interface_listget('up');
$ifinfo['status'] = in_array($chkif, $ifup) ? 'up' : 'down';
$ifinfo['linklocal'] = get_interface_linklocal($ifdescr);
$ifinfo['ipaddrv6'] = get_interface_ipv6($ifdescr);
$ifinfo['subnetv6'] = get_interface_subnetv6($ifdescr);
$ifinfotmp = legacy_interface_stats($chkif);
$ifinfo['inerrs'] = $ifinfotmp['input errors'];
$ifinfo['outerrs'] = $ifinfotmp['output errors'];
......@@ -902,12 +902,10 @@ function get_interface_list($only_active = false)
foreach ($ifnames as $ifname) {
$ifinfo = legacy_interface_stats($ifname);
if (isset($ifinfo['link state'])) {
if ($ifinfo['link state'] == '2') {
$_ifnames[] = $ifname;
$ifnames = $_ifnames;
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