<?=gettext("When this is checked, login credentials for the webConfigurator ".
"may be saved by the browser. While convenient, some security standards require this to be disabled. ".
"Check this box to enable autocomplete on the login form so that browsers will prompt to save credentials (NOTE: Some browsers do not respect this option). ");
"Check this box to enable autocomplete on the login form so that browsers will prompt to save credentials (NOTE: Some browsers do not respect this option). ");?>
<?=gettext("When this is unchecked, access to the webConfigurator ".
"is protected against HTTP_REFERER redirection attempts. ".
"Check this box to disable this protection if you find that it interferes with ".
"webConfigurator access in certain corner cases such as using external scripts to interact with this system. More information on HTTP_REFERER is available from <a target='_blank' href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referrer'>Wikipedia</a>.");?>
<strong><?=gettext("Enable debugger / profiler (developer mode, do not enable in production environment)");?></strong>
<?phpechogettext("When this is checked, php XDebug will be enabled and profiling output can be analysed using webgrind which will be available at [this-url]/webgrind/");?>
<?phpechogettext("For more information about XDebug profiling and how to enable it for your requests, please visit http://www.xdebug.org/docs/all_settings#profiler_enable_trigger");?>
<strong><?=gettext("Enables the first serial port with 115200/8/N/1 by default, or another speed selectable below.");?></strong>
<spanclass="vexpl"><?=gettext("Note: This will redirect the console output and messages to the serial port. You can still access the console menu from the internal video card/keyboard. A <b>null modem</b> serial cable or adapter is required to use the serial console.");?></span>
<?=gettext("Note: This will redirect the console output and messages to the serial port. You can still access the console menu from the internal video card/keyboard. A <b>null modem</b> serial cable or adapter is required to use the serial console.");?>
<br/><?=gettext("Select the preferred console if multiple consoles are present. The preferred console will show OPNsense boot script output. All consoles display OS boot messages, console messages, and the console menu.");?>
<?=gettext("Select the preferred console if multiple consoles are present. The preferred console will show OPNsense boot script output. All consoles display OS boot messages, console messages, and the console menu.");?>