Commit 768fdcc0 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(dashboar, widgets) cleanup openvpn.widget.php, use status_openvpn.php for ajax action

parent c40b1824
Copyright (C) 2014 Deciso B.V.
Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Deciso B.V.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
......@@ -26,259 +26,128 @@
$nocsrf = true;
/* Handle AJAX */
if ($_GET['action']) {
if ($_GET['action'] == "kill") {
$port = $_GET['port'];
$remipp = $_GET['remipp'];
if (!empty($port) and !empty($remipp)) {
$retval = kill_client($port, $remipp);
echo htmlentities("|{$port}|{$remipp}|{$retval}|");
} else {
echo gettext("invalid input");
function kill_client($port, $remipp)
//$tcpsrv = "tcp://{$port}";
$tcpsrv = "unix:///var/etc/openvpn/{$port}.sock";
/* open a tcp connection to the management port of each server */
$fp = @stream_socket_client($tcpsrv, $errval, $errstr, 1);
$killed = -1;
if ($fp) {
stream_set_timeout($fp, 1);
fputs($fp, "kill {$remipp}\n");
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = fgets($fp, 1024);
$info = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
if ($info['timed_out']) {
/* parse header list line */
if (strpos($line, "INFO:") !== false) {
if (strpos($line, "SUCCESS") !== false) {
$killed = 0;
return $killed;
$servers = openvpn_get_active_servers();
$sk_servers = openvpn_get_active_servers("p2p");
$clients = openvpn_get_active_clients();
<br />
<script type="text/javascript">
function killClient(mport, remipp) {
var busy = function(index,icon) {
jQuery(icon).attr('src',jQuery(icon).attr('src').replace("\.gif", "_d.gif"));
jQuery('span[name="i:' + mport + ":" + remipp + '"]').each(busy);
"<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];?>" +
"?action=kill&port=" + mport + "&remipp=" + remipp,
{ type: "get", complete: killComplete }
function killComplete(req) {
var values = req.responseText.split("|");
if(values[3] != "0") {
alert('<?=gettext("An error occurred.");?>' + ' (' + values[3] + ')');
jQuery('tr[name="r:' + values[1] + ":" + values[2] + '"]').each(
function(index,row) { jQuery(row).fadeOut(1000); }
$( document ).ready(function() {
// link kill buttons
var port = $(this).data("client-port");
var ip = $(this).data("client-ip");
$.post('/status_openvpn.php', {action: 'kill', port:port, remipp:ip}, function(data) {
<?php foreach ($servers as $server) :
<table class="table table-striped" style="padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
foreach ($servers as $server) :?>
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
<td colspan="6" class="listtopic">
<?=$server['name'];?> Client connections
<th colspan="3">
<?=$server['name'];?> <?=gettext("Client connections");?>
<table style="padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px" class="tabcont sortable" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" sortableMultirow="2">
<td class="listhdrr">Name/Time</td>
<td class="listhdrr">Real/Virtual IP</td>
<?php $rowIndex = 0;
foreach ($server['conns'] as $conn) :
$evenRowClass = $rowIndex % 2 ? " listMReven" : " listMRodd";
<tr name='<?php echo "r:{$server['mgmt']}:{$conn['remote_host']}"; ?>' class="<?=$evenRowClass?>">
<td class="listMRlr">
<td class="listMRr">
<td class='listMR' rowspan="2">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"
onclick="killClient('<?php echo $server['mgmt']; ?>', '<?php echo $conn['remote_host']; ?>');" style='cursor:pointer;'
name='<?php echo "i:{$server['mgmt']}:{$conn['remote_host']}"; ?>'
title='Kill client connection from <?php echo $conn['remote_host']; ?>' alt='' ></span>
<tr name='<?php echo "r:{$server['mgmt']}:{$conn['remote_host']}"; ?>' class="<?=$evenRowClass?>">
<td class="listMRlr">
<td class="listMRr">
<th><?=gettext("Real/Virtual IP");?></th>
$server['conns'] = array();
$server['conns'][] = array('remote_host' => 'xxx1', 'common_name' => 'cn1');
$server['conns'][] = array('remote_host' => 'xxx2', 'common_name' => 'cn2');
$server['conns'][] = array('remote_host' => 'xxx3', 'common_name' => 'cn3');
endforeach; ?>
foreach ($server['conns'] as $conn) :?>
<td colspan="6" class="list" height="12"></td>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove act_kill_client" data-client-port="<?=$server['mgmt'];?>"
title='Kill client connection from <?=$conn['remote_host']; ?>'>
endforeach; ?>
<?php if (!empty($sk_servers)) {
<table class="table table-striped" style="padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
endforeach; ?>
endforeach; ?>
if (!empty($sk_servers)):?>
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
<td colspan="6" class="listtopic">
<?= gettext('Peer to Peer Server Instance Statistics') ?>
<th colspan="3"><?= gettext('Peer to Peer Server Instance Statistics') ?></th>
<table style="padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px" class="tabcont sortable" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="listhdrr"><?= gettext('Name/Time') ?></td>
<td class="listhdrr"><?= gettext('Remote/Virtual IP') ?></td>
<th><?= gettext('Name/Time') ?></th>
<th><?= gettext('Remote/Virtual IP') ?></th>
<?php foreach ($sk_servers as $sk_server) :
<tr name='<?php echo "r:{$sk_server['port']}:{$sk_server['remote_host']}"; ?>'>
<td class="listlr">
<td class="listr">
<td rowspan="2" align="center">
if ($sk_server['status'] == "up") {
/* tunnel is up */
$iconfn = "text-success";
} else {
/* tunnel is down */
$iconfn = "text-danger";
echo "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-transfer ".$iconfn."'></span>";
<tr name='<?php echo "r:{$sk_server['port']}:{$sk_server['remote_host']}"; ?>'>
<td class="listlr">
<td class="listr">
foreach ($sk_servers as $sk_server) :?>
<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-transfer <?=$sk_server['status'] == "up" ? "text-success" : "text-danger";?>'></span>
endforeach; ?>
endforeach; ?>
} ?>
<?php if (!empty($clients)) {
<table class="table table-striped" style="padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
endif; ?>
if (!empty($clients)) {?>
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
<td colspan="6" class="listtopic">
<?= gettext('Client Instance Statistics') ?>
<th colspan="3"><?= gettext('Client Instance Statistics') ?></th>
<table class="table table-striped" style="padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px" class="tabcont sortable" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="listhdrr"><?= gettext('Name/Time') ?></td>
<td class="listhdrr"><?= gettext('Remote/Virtual IP') ?></td>
<th><?= gettext('Name/Time') ?></th>
<th><?= gettext('Remote/Virtual IP') ?></th>
<?php foreach ($clients as $client) :
<tr name='<?php echo "r:{$client['port']}:{$client['remote_host']}"; ?>'>
<td class="listlr">
<td class="listr">
<td rowspan="2" align="center">
if ($client['status'] == "up") {
/* tunnel is up */
$iconfn = "text-success";
} else {
/* tunnel is down */
$iconfn = "text-danger";
echo "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-transfer ".$iconfn."'></span>";
<tr name='<?php echo "r:{$client['port']}:{$client['remote_host']}"; ?>'>
<td class="listlr">
<td class="listr">
foreach ($clients as $client) :?>
<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-transfer <?=$client['status'] == "up" ? "text-success" : "text-danger" ;?>'></span>
endforeach; ?>
endforeach; ?>
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