Commit 6df157a1 authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(Captiveportal, new) add accounting cleanup to background process

parent e96e68f7
......@@ -144,6 +144,11 @@ class CPBackgroundProcess(object):
current_arp = self.arp.get_by_ipaddress(cpnet)
if current_arp is not None and current_arp['mac'] != db_client['macAddress']:
drop_session_reason = "mac address changed for session %s" % db_client['sessionId']
# session accounting
if db_client['acc_session_timeout'] is not None \
and time.time() - float(db_client['startTime']) > db_client['acc_session_timeout'] :
drop_session_reason = "accounting limit reached for session %s" % db_client['sessionId']
elif db_client['authenticated_via'] == '---mac---':
# detect mac changes
current_ip = self.arp.get_address_by_mac(db_client['macAddress'])
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