Commit 6da933ad authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis


parent 63a2615e
......@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
<select class="selectpicker" id="total_time_select">
<option value="2h">{{ lang._('Last 2 hours, 30 second average') }}</option>
<option value="8h">{{ lang._('Last 8 hours, 5 minute average') }}</option>
<option value="1w"> {{ lang._('Last week, 1 hour average') }}</option>
<option value="1y"> {{ lang._('Last year, 24 hour average') }}</option>
<option value="1w">{{ lang._('Last week, 1 hour average') }}</option>
<option value="1y">{{ lang._('Last year, 24 hour average') }}</option>
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