Commit 2c44b83a authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(configd/templates) add "template cleanup" command, closes...

(configd/templates) add "template cleanup" command, closes
parent 3df93860
......@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ message:generate template %s
message:cleanup template %s
......@@ -65,15 +65,26 @@ def execute(action, parameters):
# traverse all installed templates and return list
# the number of registered targets is returned between []
tmpl = template.Template(action.root_dir)
all_templates = tmpl.list_modules()
retval = []
for tag in sorted(all_templates.keys()):
template_name = '%s [%d]' % (tag, len(all_templates[tag]['+TARGETS']))
for module_name in sorted(tmpl.list_modules()):
template_count = len(tmpl.list_module(module_name)['+TARGETS'])
template_name = '%s [%d]' % (module_name, template_count)
del tmpl
return '\n'.join(retval)
elif action.command == 'template.cleanup':
tmpl = template.Template(action.root_dir)
filenames = tmpl.cleanup(parameters)
del tmpl
# send generated filenames to syslog
if filenames is not None:
for filename in filenames:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, ' %s removed %s' % (parameters, filename))
return 'OK'
return 'ERR'
elif action.command == 'configd.actions':
# list all available configd actions
from processhandler import ActionHandler
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
import os
import os.path
import glob
import stat
import syslog
import collections
......@@ -58,33 +59,22 @@ class Template(object):
self._j2_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self._template_dir), trim_blocks=True,
extensions=["", "jinja2.ext.loopcontrols"])
def _read_targets(filename):
""" read raw target filename masks
:param filename: targets filename (path/+TARGETS)
:return: dictionary containing +TARGETS filename sets
result = {}
for line in open(filename, 'r').read().split('\n'):
parts = line.split(':')
if len(parts) > 1 and parts[0].strip()[0] != '#':
result[parts[0]] = ':'.join(parts[1:]).strip()
return result
def list_module(self, module_name):
""" list single module content
:param module_name: module name in dot notation ( company.module )
:return: dictionary with module data
result = {}
result = {'+TARGETS': dict(), '+CLEANUP_TARGETS': dict()}
file_path = '%s/%s' % (self._template_dir, module_name.replace('.', '/'))
if os.path.exists('%s/+TARGETS' % file_path):
result['+TARGETS'] = self._read_targets('%s/+TARGETS' % file_path)
result['+TARGETS'] = {}
for line in open('%s/+TARGETS' % file_path, 'r').read().split('\n'):
parts = line.split(':')
if len(parts) > 1 and parts[0].strip()[0] != '#':
result['+TARGETS'][parts[0]] = parts[1].strip()
if len(parts) == 2:
result['+CLEANUP_TARGETS'][parts[0]] = parts[1].strip()
elif parts[2].strip() != "":
result['+CLEANUP_TARGETS'][parts[0]] = parts[2].strip()
return result
def list_modules(self):
......@@ -93,12 +83,11 @@ class Template(object):
:return: list (dict) of registered modules
result = {}
result =list()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._template_dir):
if root.count('/') > self._template_dir.count('/'):
module_name = root.replace(self._template_dir, '')
if module_name not in result:
result[module_name] = self.list_module(module_name)
return result
......@@ -274,14 +263,12 @@ class Template(object):
return result
def generate(self, module_name, create_directory=True):
def iter_modules(self, module_name):
:param module_name: module name in dot notation ( company.module ), may use wildcards
:param create_directory: automatically create directories to place template output in ( if not existing )
:return: list of generated output files or None if template not found
:return: templates matching paterns
result = None
for template_name in sorted(self.list_modules().keys()):
for template_name in sorted(self.list_modules()):
wildcard_pos = module_name.find('*')
do_generate = False
if wildcard_pos > -1 and module_name[:wildcard_pos] == template_name[:wildcard_pos]:
......@@ -296,6 +283,16 @@ class Template(object):
do_generate = True
if do_generate:
yield template_name
def generate(self, module_name, create_directory=True):
:param module_name: module name in dot notation ( company.module ), may use wildcards
:param create_directory: automatically create directories to place template output in ( if not existing )
:return: list of generated output files or None if template not found
result = None
for template_name in self.iter_modules(module_name):
if result is None:
result = list()
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, "generate template container %s" % template_name)
......@@ -312,3 +309,19 @@ class Template(object):
return result
def cleanup(self, module_name):
:param module_name: module name in dot notation ( company.module ), may use wildcards
:return: list of removed files or None if template not found
result = list()
for template_name in self.iter_modules(module_name):
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, "cleanup template container %s" % template_name)
module_data = self.list_module(module_name)
for src_template in module_data['+CLEANUP_TARGETS'].keys():
target = module_data['+CLEANUP_TARGETS'][src_template]
for filename in glob.glob(target):
return result
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