log_error("DynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}) There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - {$dnsIf}({$this->_if}). Probably interface is not a WAN interface.");
log_error("Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}) There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - {$dnsIf}({$this->_if}). Probably interface is not a WAN interface.");
$status="Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid Password.";
$status="phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) To many updates sent.";
$status="Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) To many updates sent.";
$status="phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Account disabled due to violation of No-IP terms of service.";
$status="Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Account disabled due to violation of No-IP terms of service.";
$status="phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid IP. IP Address submitted is improperly formatted or is a private IP address or is on a blacklist.";
$status="Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): (Error) Invalid IP. IP Address submitted is improperly formatted or is a private IP address or is on a blacklist.";
$status="DynDNS: The username specified is not authorized to update this hostname and domain.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: The username specified is not authorized to update this hostname and domain.";
$status="DynDNS: No valid FQDN (fully qualified domain name) was specified";
$status="Dynamic DNS: No valid FQDN (fully qualified domain name) was specified";
$status="DynDNS: An invalid hostname was specified. This may be due to the fact the hostname has not been created in the system. Creating new host names via clients is not supported.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: An invalid hostname was specified. This may be due to the fact the hostname has not been created in the system. Creating new host names via clients is not supported.";
$status="DynDNS: The IP address given is not valid.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: The IP address given is not valid.";
$status="DynDNS: Duplicate values exist for a record. Only single values for records are supported currently.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: Duplicate values exist for a record. Only single values for records are supported currently.";
$status="DynDNS: No changes made to the hostname (".strtok($resp,' ')."). Continual updates with no changes lead to blocked clients.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: No changes made to the hostname (".strtok($resp,' ')."). Continual updates with no changes lead to blocked clients.";
$successful_update=true;//success if it is the same so that it saves
$status="DynDNS: (Success) (".strtok($resp,' ').") IP Address for Changed Successfully!";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Success) (".strtok($resp,' ').") IP Address for Changed Successfully!";
$status="DynDNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("DynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$resp}");
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$resp}");
@@ -1144,46 +1144,46 @@
$status="phpDynDNS: (Error) Not A FQDN!";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Error) Not A FQDN!";
$status="phpDynDNS: (Success) No Change In IP Address";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Success) No Change In IP Address";
$status="phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (".$this->_dnsIP.")";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (".$this->_dnsIP.")";
$status="phpDynDNS: (Error) User Authorization Failed";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Error) User Authorization Failed";
$status="phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
if(preg_match('/Forkerte værdier/i',$data)){
$status="phpDynDNS: (Error) Wrong values - Update could not be completed.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Error) Wrong values - Update could not be completed.";
}elseif(preg_match('/Bruger login: Bruger eksistere ikke/i',$data)){
$status="phpDynDNS: (Error) Unknown username - User does not exist.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Error) Unknown username - User does not exist.";
}elseif(preg_match('/Bruger login: 1Fejl i kodeord/i',$data)){
$status="phpDynDNS: (Error) Wrong password - Remember password is case sensitive.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Error) Wrong password - Remember password is case sensitive.";
}elseif(preg_match('/Domæne kan IKKE administreres af bruger/i',$data)){
$status="phpDynDNS: (Error) User unable to administer the selected domain.";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Error) User unable to administer the selected domain.";
$status="phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$status="phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
$status="phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully!";
$status="phpDynDNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("phpDynDNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
$status="Dynamic DNS: (Unknown Response)";
log_error("Dynamic DNS: PAYLOAD: {$data}");
@@ -1194,15 +1194,15 @@
notify_all_remote(sprintf(gettext("DynDNS updated IP Address on %s (%s) to %s"),convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($this->_if),$this->_if,$wan_ip));
notify_all_remote(sprintf(gettext("Dynamic DNS updated IP Address on %s (%s) to %s"),convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($this->_if),$this->_if,$wan_ip));
notify_all_remote(sprintf(gettext("DynDNS updated IPv6 Address on %s (%s) to %s"),convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($this->_if),$this->_if,$wan_ip));
notify_all_remote(sprintf(gettext("Dynamic DNS updated IPv6 Address on %s (%s) to %s"),convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($this->_if),$this->_if,$wan_ip));
$error='phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Dynamic DNS Service provider was selected.';
$error='Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Dynamic DNS Service provider was selected.';
$error='phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Username Provided.';
$error='Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Username Provided.';
$error='phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Password Provided.';
$error='Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Password Provided.';
$error='phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Hostname Provided.';
$error='Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Hostname Provided.';
$error='phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) The Dynamic DNS Service provided is not yet supported.';
$error='Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) The Dynamic DNS Service provided is not yet supported.';
$error='phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) No Update URL Provided.';
$error='Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) No Update URL Provided.';
$status="Route 53: (Error) Invalid ZoneID";
@@ -1244,10 +1244,10 @@
$status="Route 53: (Error) Invalid TTL";
$error="phpDynDNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): No change in my IP address and/or ".$this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays." days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry.";
$error="Dynamic DNS ({$this->_dnsHost}): No change in my IP address and/or ".$this->_dnsMaxCacheAgeDays." days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry.";
$error="phpDynDNS: (ERROR!) Unknown Response.";
$error="Dynamic DNS: (ERROR!) Unknown Response.";
/* FIXME: $data isn't in scope here */
/* $this->_debug($data); */
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
* Private Function (added 16 July 05) [beta]
* - Writes debug information to a file.
* - This function is only called when a unknown response
* - status is returned from a DynDNS service provider.
* - status is returned from a dynamic DNS service provider.
$upinst.="update add {$dnsupdate['host']}. {$dnsupdate['ttl']} A {$wanip}\n";
$notify_text.=sprintf(gettext('DynDNS updated IP Address (A) for %s on %s (%s) to %s'),$dnsupdate['host'],convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($if),$if,$wanip)."\n";
$notify_text.=sprintf(gettext('Dynamic DNS updated IP Address (A) for %s on %s (%s) to %s'),$dnsupdate['host'],convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($if),$if,$wanip)."\n";
$notify_text.=sprintf(gettext('DynDNS updated IPv6 Address (AAAA) for %s on %s (%s) to %s'),$dnsupdate['host'],convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($if),$if,$wanipv6)."\n";
$notify_text.=sprintf(gettext('Dynamic DNS updated IPv6 Address (AAAA) for %s on %s (%s) to %s'),$dnsupdate['host'],convert_real_interface_to_friendly_descr($if),$if,$wanipv6)."\n";
<?phpechogettext("If you are using a GIF tunnel to connect to a Hurricane Electric (he.net) Tunnel Broker on a WAN with a dynamic IP, you may want to add a");?><ahref="services_dyndns.php"><?phpechogettext("HE.net Tunnelbroker type DynDNS Entry");?></a><?phpechogettext("to keep your tunnel functional when your IP changes.");?></p>
'If you are using a GIF tunnel to connect to a Hurricane Electric (he.net) Tunnel Broker '.
'on a WAN with a dynamic IP, you may want to add a %sHE.net Tunnelbroker dynamic DNS entry%s '.
'to keep your tunnel functional when your IP changes.',
<br/><?=gettext("This field is only used by Custom Dynamic DNS Entries.");?>
<?=gettext("This field should be identical to what your DDNS Provider will return if the update succeeds, leave it blank to disable checking of returned results.");?>
<?=gettext("This field should be identical to what your dynamic DNS Provider will return if the update succeeds, leave it blank to disable checking of returned results.");?>
<?=gettext("If you need the new IP to be included in the request, put %IP% in its place.");?>