Commit 08bcaf16 authored by Jos Schellevis's avatar Jos Schellevis

Proxy work in progress, tweak for unrestricted ips

parent 957709f3
......@@ -173,15 +173,15 @@ http_access deny blockuseragents
{% if helpers.exists('OPNsense.proxy.forward.acl.mimeType') %}
# ACL list (Deny) blockmimetypes
http_reply_access deny blockmimetypes
http_access deny blockmimetypes_requests
http_reply_access deny blockmimetypes {% if helpers.exists('OPNsense.proxy.forward.acl.unrestricted') %}!unrestricted{% endif %}
http_access deny blockmimetypes_requests {% if helpers.exists('OPNsense.proxy.forward.acl.unrestricted') %}!unrestricted{% endif %}
{% endif %}
# Deny requests to certain unsafe ports
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny !Safe_ports {% if helpers.exists('OPNsense.proxy.forward.acl.unrestricted') %}!unrestricted{% endif %}
# Deny CONNECT to other than secure SSL ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports {% if helpers.exists('OPNsense.proxy.forward.acl.unrestricted') %}!unrestricted{% endif %}
{% if helpers.exists('OPNsense.proxy.forward.acl.bannedHosts') %}
http_access deny bannedHosts
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