Commit 00dfec8a authored by Ad Schellevis's avatar Ad Schellevis

(filter) filter_generate_port, why all this trickery?? it's either a valid...

(filter) filter_generate_port, why all this trickery?? it's either a valid port range or it's not. not need to overreact.

It's better to replace this now, the new style code won't include this "magic".
parent 7f76c06c
......@@ -1984,26 +1984,9 @@ function filter_generate_port(& $rule, $target = "source", $isnat = false) {
if (isset($rule['protocol']) && in_array($rule['protocol'], array("tcp","udp","tcp/udp"))) {
if (!empty($rule[$target]['port'])) {
$srcport = explode("-", $rule[$target]['port']);
$srcporta = alias_expand($srcport[0]);
if (!$srcporta) {
log_error(sprintf('filter_generate_port: %s is not a valid %s port.', $srcport[0], $target));
} elseif (empty($srcport[1]) || $srcport[0] == $srcport[1]) {
$src .= " port {$srcporta} ";
} elseif (($srcport[0] == 1) && ($srcport[1] == 65535)) {
/* no need for a port statement here */
} elseif ($isnat) {
$src .= " port {$srcport[0]}:{$srcport[1]}";
} else {
if (is_port($srcporta) && $srcport[1] == 65535) {
$src .= " port >= {$srcporta} ";
} elseif ($srcport[0] == 1) {
$src .= " port <= {$srcport[1]} ";
} else {
$src .= " port {$srcport[0]} >< {$srcport[1]} ";
$port = alias_expand(str_replace('-', ':', $rule[$target]['port']));
if (!empty($port)) {
$src = " port " . $port;
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